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云南思茅地区铜锌硫化矿工艺矿物学分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
云南思茅地区有大量难选铜锌多金属硫化矿资源,由于其矿石结构、成分及构造复杂,采用传统的镜下鉴定工艺矿物学分析对铜、锌等有价金属的赋存状态等难以自动准确定量。本文采用化学分析、偏光显微分析及矿物解离度分析(MLA)等多种现代分析测试方法,研究该地区矿石的主要元素组成、矿物种类、嵌布和包裹特性等。分析表明,铜锌硫化矿的主要元素及含量为Cu 3.03%、Zn 3.90%、S 27.44%、Pb 0.13%。金属矿物主要是黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿,含少量方铅矿;目的矿物黄铜矿、闪锌矿主要与黄铁矿连生和被其包裹;其次黄铜矿和闪锌矿相互连生和被其包裹,且96%以上的黄铜矿、闪锌矿和黄铁矿均分布在粒度大于9.6μm的易选粒级范围。方铅矿多呈细粒嵌布状,与铜、锌、硫矿物之间的磨矿解离有一定困难。根据工艺矿物学研究结果,本文提出,思茅地区的铜锌硫化矿矿石需磨至约31μm方能实现铜-锌-硫矿物的解离,需磨至约14μm方能实现铅与其他矿物的解离,同时预测了铜锌硫化矿中铜和锌的理论选矿回收率分别为91.22%和84.92%。本文研究成果对该地区难选多金属硫化矿的选矿技术制定和指标选择具有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

徐国栋  王冠  程江  董随亮 《岩矿测试》2014,33(6):808-812
西藏扎西康铅锌多金属矿床是我国首次发现的喷流沉积-热泉水改造型锰铁锑铅锌银矿床,已有研究表明矿床中除了铅锌矿还伴生有银、锑、铜、硫、锰、砷等多种元素。本文在化学多元素分析和光学显微镜镜下鉴定的基础上,结合能谱扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析等手段对扎西康铅锌矿中伴生组分Mn的含量、矿物种类、嵌布和包裹等特性进行了研究。分析结果表明,原生矿石的主要成矿元素Pb和Zn的含量分别为6.00%和4.00%,伴生元素Mn的含量平均达到4.36%;原生矿石中的主要矿物为方铅矿、闪锌矿,其次为黄铁矿、毒砂和菱锰矿等。原生矿石中伴生元素Mn主要以独立的菱锰矿和铁菱锰矿形式存在,与闪锌矿和方铅矿密切共生,是成矿早期重要的载矿矿物,嵌布在石英、黄铁矿、闪锌矿和毒砂的粒间、边部及空隙间,其次以类质同象形式赋存于菱铁矿和菱锌矿中。进一步对扎西康铅锌矿选冶产物中的伴生元素Mn的含量和赋存状态进行研究,研究表明Mn具有较高的综合利用价值,在原生矿石、铅精矿、锌精矿和尾矿中的质量分数分别为4.36%、0.51%、0.95%和5.36%,显示Mn很少一部分进入铅精矿和锌精矿,而绝大部分进入尾矿;Mn在尾矿中仍主要以菱锰矿形式存在,存在形式与原生矿石相比未发生改变,可通过强磁选工艺从铅锌尾矿中综合回收利用Mn。  相似文献   

四川九龙中咀铜矿床为近年来新发现的一个产于江浪变质核杂岩中的富铜矿床。矿体呈似层状,受韧性剪切带控制,矿体在走向和倾向上延伸稳定。主要矿石类型为浸染状、网脉状、角砾状、块状铜锌矿石。矿石建造为FeCu-Zn建造。金属矿物由黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿等组成。主要蚀变类型为石榴子石化、绢云母化、绿泥石化、黑云母化。矿体铜品位较高,平均品位为1.65%。目前该矿床仍在进行详查地质工作,矿区向东和向北西方向仍具有较好的找矿前景。该矿床的发现与评价,对于重新认识里伍铜矿床外围找矿潜力和进一步指导该区找矿工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张五荣  张渊  李俊峰 《吉林地质》2010,29(2):106-108
小西沟锌铅矿床属于低温热液型矿床,矿石组成复杂,伴生铜和银,研究表明,该矿床矿石中的铅、锌、铜和银主要矿化元素以独立矿物产出,但部分黄铜矿与闪锌矿呈固溶体交生。根据矿石性质确定,该矿床矿石可采用混合浮选铜铅(铜、铅分离)—再浮选锌的工艺流程,通过试验获得符合标准的铜精矿、铅精矿和锌精矿,所用药剂没有环境污染,符合当前技术条件,可以开发利用。  相似文献   

利用显微镜与电子探针对西藏拉萨跃进沟铜多金属矿床矿石进行了观察与分析,查明了矿石中Cu,Pb,Zn,Au,Ag,Mo等成矿元素的赋存特征.研究结果表明,铜主要以黄铜矿的形式存在;锌主要以闪锌矿的形式存在;铅主要以方铅矿的形式存在;金主要以类质同象的形式赋存于黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿与闪锌矿中;银主要以类质同象的形式赋存于方铅矿中;钼主要以类质同象的形式赋存于黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿与闪锌矿中.最后通过野外与室内矿物学研究结果,初步认为该矿床属典型的中-高温熟液型矿床.  相似文献   

青海虎头崖铅锌矿床是祁漫塔格成矿带矽卡岩型多金属矿的典型代表之一,该矿区岩浆活动强烈,具有Fe、Cu、Mo、Pb、Zn等多金属成矿元素组合。本文通过电子探针对该矿床中闪锌矿化学成分标型特征进行了详细研究,探讨其中Fe、Cd等元素的分布状态和富集规律。研究表明,矿床中闪锌矿可分为3个世代,从早到晚闪锌矿颜色由黑色逐渐变为浅黄色,矿物组合由闪锌矿-(方铅矿-黄铜矿)-黄铁矿-磁黄铁矿→闪锌矿-方铅矿-黄铜矿-黄铁矿-(磁黄铁矿) →闪锌矿-方铅矿-方解石或石英。早阶段形成的闪锌矿以富Fe贫Zn和Cd为特征,而晚阶段形成的闪锌矿相对贫Fe,富Zn和Cd。通过闪锌矿中的FeS含量估算获得成矿温度范围为148~262℃。随着成矿阶段的演化,3个世代闪锌矿中FeS含量逐渐降低,表明对应成矿温度的不断降低,分别为262~258、260~200、248~148℃。结合Zn/Cd含量比值变化范围,认为虎头崖铅锌矿床应属于中温热液矿床。在空间分布上,沿着热液流动方向,闪锌矿中Zn含量逐渐增加,Fe含量逐渐减少,Zn/Cd变化范围增大,指示矿床中热液流动方向为由北西西到南东东,由深部到浅部,与矿体走向一致。通过与国内其他不同类型铅锌矿床的对比,发现虎头崖铅锌矿床闪锌矿中Zn、Fe、Mn、Cd等化学成分具有典型中温矽卡岩型矿床中闪锌矿化学成分的特征,明显不同于层控型矿床、喷流沉积型矿床等其他类型矿床闪锌矿。结合该矿床地质特征和成矿作用过程,我们认为虎头崖铅锌矿床为矽卡岩型矿床。  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯成矿带南木林县浦桑果铜多金属矿床是新发现的大型铜多金属矿床,该矿床以品位高,成矿元素复杂为其特征。本文应用野外地质编录、显微镜鉴定、电子探针等手段对浦桑果矿床矿石矿物特征以及Co、Ni元素赋存状态进行了研究。矿石矿物主要由黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、铜蓝等组成。矿石中的有用元素除了铜、铅锌、银外,钴、镍元素是伴生有益组分,矿石中主要Co-Ni元素独立矿物为镍辉砷钴矿。通过电子探针分析,Co元素含量平均为17.87%,Ni元素含量平均12.66%,Co-Ni元素同时以类质同象置换铁的形式赋存于金属硫化物中,黄铜矿平均含Co0.04%、Ni0.08%,黄铁矿平均含Co0.40%、Ni0.20%,闪锌矿平均含Co0.14%、Ni0.06%,磁黄铁矿平均含Co0.79%、Ni0.18%等。Co-Ni元素作为重要的伴生矿产,对提高矿床综合利用价值,丰富青藏高原矿床类型,指导找矿工作部署具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

潘萍  常河 《矿物学报》2020,40(4):404-411
位于贵州赫章县境内的板板桥铅锌矿床是近年来新发现的一处中型矿床,累计探明铅锌矿石量超过1.5×109kg,Pb平均品位0.26%~10.32%,Zn平均品位0.81%~28.8%。目前,对该矿床的研究还很薄弱,特别是硫化物中稀散元素的富集特征尚不清晰,制约了对该矿床成因的深入认识以及稀散元素的综合利用。本文利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS),分析了该矿床主成矿阶段硫化物(闪锌矿、黄铁矿和方铅矿)中稀散元素的富集特征,并试图揭示其蕴含的地质意义。结果表明,稀散元素主要以类质同象形式富集在闪锌矿中,但稀散元素(尤其是Ge)很可能不是直接替代Zn进入闪锌矿晶格中,而是与Fe一起共同置换Zn进入闪锌矿晶格中,这代表了一种新的闪锌矿中稀散元素替代方式。另外,硫化物中稀散元素含量及相关参数表明,板板桥铅锌矿床的形成温度较低,属于后生低温热液矿床。综合已有的矿床地质、地球化学等资料,本文认为板板桥铅锌矿床是流体-构造耦合作用的产物,其成因属于以碳酸盐岩为容矿围岩的后生热液矿床,与川滇黔接壤铅锌矿集区内其它铅锌矿床成因一致。  相似文献   

筲箕湾铅锌矿床位于黔西北铅锌成矿区中部,为该区铅锌矿床中的又一典型代表,其金属资源量(Pb+Zn)超过20万t。本文利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析了不同类型矿石中原生矿石硫化物(黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿)中分散元素含量,结果显示除Cd含量较高外,Ga、In、Se、Tl和Re的富集程度均较低。不同分散元素在硫化物中表现出不同的富集规律,表现为Ga含量在闪锌矿中最高,黄铁矿次之,方铅矿最低;方铅矿中Tl含量高于闪锌矿,黄铁矿最低;Cd在闪锌矿中含量最高,方铅矿次之,黄铁矿最低;从黄铁矿→方铅矿→闪锌矿In含量依次升高;Re含量表现出在闪锌矿中最高,黄铁矿次之,方铅矿最低;Se富集程度从黄铁矿→方铅矿→闪锌矿依次升高。Ga、In和Re在不同颜色闪锌矿中富集程度相似,而Se、Cd和Tl则相对富集在棕色闪锌矿中。统计发现闪锌矿中Zn含量与Cd、Ga含量不呈类质同象的负相关特征,而其中的Fe含量与Cd、Ga含量间表现出曲线相关或负相关特征,暗示Cd、Ga可能是通过替代先进入闪锌矿中的Fe而占据其晶格,这可能是一种新的机制。闪锌矿Ga、Cd、In含量及Ga/In、Zn/Cd比值等参数,指示筲箕湾铅锌矿床形成于中-高温条件,其矿床成因类型与沉积-改造型相似。  相似文献   

江西省广昌县竹坑铜银矿床位于华南板块南华造山带武夷隆起区中段,江西省广昌县和福建省建宁县交界处。本次研究从矿床地质特征入手,对矿床不同类型矿石的黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿所含元素含量用电子探针进行测定,分析不同类型矿石的黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿的地球化学特征,从而推断竹坑矿床成因。研究表明矿体赋矿围岩主要有震旦系下统上施组混合花岗岩;矿体赋存于北东向F4断裂构造内,均受北北东向、北西向断裂构造共同制约;铜银矿体形态较简单,呈脉状、似层状、船状产出;竹坑铜银矿化与碳酸盐化、硅化、黄铁矿化蚀变紧密相关。矿石中黄铁矿Fe/S平均值0.82~0.83,小于0.875,Co/Ni比值1.26~53;显示出热液成因特点。矿石中黄铜矿平均成分的矿物化学式为Cu 0.933 Fe 0.971 S 2,显示竹坑矿床中黄铜矿普遍富硫的特点;矿石中闪锌矿呈红褐色,闪锌矿中Fe含量为8.466%~10.748%,平均值为9.334%,含量明显偏高;从而表明了矿床黄铜矿形成于中低温环境。综上现象推断广昌县竹坑铜银矿床属中低温热液型矿床。  相似文献   

四川九龙里伍铜矿主要矿石矿物扫描电镜能谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用扫描电镜能谱分析(SEM+EDS)方法对里伍铜矿主要矿石矿物的研究表明:闪锌矿中含有质量分数大于8%的Fe元素,黄铜矿和磁黄铁矿中含有少量的r元素。在矿石样品中首次发现硒铋矿的类质同像矿物、自然铋及核燃料氧化物。  相似文献   

The southwestern Sabzevar basin is the north of Central Iranian Microcontinent hosts abundant mineral deposits, including exhalative Mn mineralization and Cu-Zn volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. Amongst them, the Nudeh Besshi-type Cu–Zn volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is hosted within the lower part of a Late Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequence composed of alkali olivine basalt flows and tuffaceous silty sandstone. Based on investigations into the ore geometry, mineralogy, and texture, we recognized three different ore facies: (1) a stockwork of sulfide-bearing quartz veins cutting across the footwall volcano-sedimentary rocks and representing the stringer zone; (2) a massive ore type, displaying replacement texture with pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, friedrichite, and minor magnetite; and (3) a bedded ore type, with laminated to disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite. EPMA studies indicate a distinctive minor element distribution between the different ore types of the Nudeh deposit. The Fe content in the sphalerite ranges from 0.65–1.80?wt.%, indicating the Fe-poor nature of the sphalerite. However, the Cd content in sphalerite ranged between 0.164–0.278?wt.%. According to the mineral compositions, Zn, Se, and Ag are found in bornite as minor elements. In the bedded ore facies, the pyrite contains higher levels of Se (up to 0.35?wt.%). The Zn content in the friedrichite in all of the ore samples is low. The Co/Ni ratios in pyrite from the Nudeh ore are lower than those of most magmatic deposits, but are similar to those from volcanogenic deposits, and hence support the proposed hydrothermal origin of the deposit. Two generations of quartz, Q1 and Q2 in the stockwork veins, contain primary fluid inclusions and these contain two phases (liquid and vapor). The lack of vapor-rich inclusions or variable liquid/vapor ratios indicate that the fluids did not boil at the site of trapping. Salinity for both Q1 and Q2 fluid inclusions ranges between 2.2–6.8?wt.% eq. NaCl. Homogenization temperatures for inclusions in the Q1 and Q2 veins average at about 296?°C and are similar to the temperatures of hydrothermal fluids discharged through vents in many modern seafloor VMS deposit. The Nudeh Besshi-type VMS deposit appears to have formed on the seafloor and based on the salinity and temperature constraints from the underlying stockwork, a buoyancy plume model is proposed as a mechanism for precipitation.  相似文献   

The Tres Marias carbonate-hosted Zn–Ge deposit in Chihuahua, Mexico contains sphalerite with the highest average Ge (960 ppm) and willemite with the highest reported Ge contents of Mississippi-Valley-type (MVT) deposits worldwide. This has prompted current exploration efforts to focus on the deposit as a high-grade source of germanium. The sulfide-rich ore type (>125,000 t at 20% Zn and 250 g/t Ge) contains Fe-rich botryoidal sphalerite (type I) associated with solid hydrocarbons. This type exhibits distinctive intimately intergrown lamellar texture of high-Fe sphalerite (average 9.9 wt.% Fe and 800 ppm Ge) and a somewhat less Fe-rich sphalerite phase (average 5.5 wt.% Fe and 470 ppm Ge). Reddish-brown banded sphalerite (type II, average 5.7 wt.% Fe and 1,320 ppm Ge) is subordinately followed by galena and pyrite. The sulfide-poor “oxidized” zinc ore (up to 50 wt.% Zn; 250 to 300 ppm Ge) is a fine-grained, often friable, alteration product of the sulfide ore and associated limestone and breccia host. While some areas are dominated by carbonates and sulfates, others are enriched in silicates such as hemimorphite and willemite. The gangue assemblage includes goethite, hematite, and amorphous silica or quartz. Minor wulfenite, greenockite, cinnabar, and descloizite also occur. Willemite occurs as interstitial replacement of sphalerite and fracture fillings in the oxidized ore and can be unusually rich in Pb (up to 2.0 wt.%) and Ge (up to 4,000 ppm). Oscillatory zonation reflects trace element incorporation into willemite from the oxidation of primary Ge-bearing sphalerite and galena by siliceous aqueous fluids. The Tres Marias deposit has hybrid characteristics consisting of a primary low-temperature MVT Ge-rich Zn–Pb sulfide ore body, overprinted by Ge-rich hemimorphite, willemite, and Fe oxide mineralization.  相似文献   

河南水洞岭铜锌矿床特征、成因及找矿潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水洞岭铜锌矿床矿体赋存在石英角斑凝灰岩中,呈似层状、透镜状产出,与地层产状一致,矿石具块状、浸染和条带状构造,中细粒结构,主要矿石矿物为黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿等。地质和地球化学证据表明,水洞岭铜锌矿床为海相火山沉积块状硫化物矿床。通过找矿潜力分析在矿区及外围困出了四个找矿靶区:黄土岭、老胡家、张圪塔和砂固堆。  相似文献   

东升庙多金属硫铁矿床闪锌矿特征及形成条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闪锌矿是东升庙多金属硫铁矿床中主要矿石矿物之一,本文从闪锌矿的产状、矿物共生组合、物理性质、化学成分、微量元素含量征、晶胞参数与FeS含量关系等方面探讨了闪锌矿标型特征及其与矿床成因的关系。本区有两类闪锌矿,其中晚期改造作用形成的闪锌矿比原沉积成因的富铁,形成了闪锌矿向铁闪锌矿转化的矿物系列。进一步确定了矿床成因类型为海底喷气热水沉积-弱改造型矿床。进而讨论了不同成矿期闪锌矿的形成条件。  相似文献   

四川宁南跑马铅锌矿床的成矿时代及其地质意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
四川省宁南县跑马铅锌矿床是产于下寒武统麦地坪段白云岩中的层控矿床,主要受层间破碎带控制,有两个含矿层。该矿床是沉积改造型铅锌矿床,Pb+Zn的品位6%~9%,富矿可达30%以上。笔者利用TIMS测试技术获得闪锌矿的Rb-Sr同位素年龄值,结果表明跑马铅锌矿化等时线年龄为(200.1±4.0)Ma,属印支晚期—燕山早期。由于该矿床与云南会泽铅锌矿年龄相近,推断为同一构造-岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

作为华南大面积低温成矿域的重要组成部分,川滇黔铅锌矿集区是我国重要的铅锌银等资源基地之一,同时该矿集区也是Ge、Cd、Ga和In等稀散元素的超常富集区域。毛坪矿床是该矿集区内第二大铅锌矿床,累计探明铅锌金属储量超过3Mt(Pb+Zn平均品位≥18%),锗(Ge)保有储量182t。本文以新发现的Ⅵ矿带(铅锌金属已探明储量≥60万t,Pb+Zn平均品位≥20%)为研究对象,利用LA-ICPMS对主要矿石矿物闪锌矿和黄铁矿进行了微区原位微量元素组成和Mapping分析。研究结果显示Ⅵ矿带闪锌矿普遍富集Ge(最高580×10^(-6),均值81.1×10^(-6))、Cd(最高3486×10^(-6),均值1613×10^(-6))和Ga(最高190×10^(-6),均值44.4×10^(-6));黄铁矿普遍富集Mn、As、Pb、Cu、Ag和Sb。与Ⅰ和Ⅱ号矿带闪锌矿相比,Ⅵ号矿带闪锌矿更富集Ge和Ga。闪锌矿中Fe和Pb以类质同象为主,偶见黄铁矿和方铅矿显微包体;Cu、Ge、Ag和As赋存形式主要为类质同象,替代方式为Ge^(4+)+2(Cu+,Ag+,As+)↔3Zn^(2+);Cd以类质同象方式赋存为主,替代机制为Cd^(2+)↔Zn^(2+);Ga和In可能主要以类质同象方式存在。黄铁矿中Pb和Mn主要以方铅矿和碳酸盐矿物显微包体为主;Cu、As和Sb以类质同象形式存在于黄铁矿中;Ag和Zn可能以独立矿物形式赋存;Co和Ni以类质同象方式替代Fe进入黄铁矿晶格中,替代方式为Ni^(2+)+Co^(2+)↔2Fe^(2+)。毛坪矿床新发现Ⅵ矿带硫化物相比典型MVT矿床硫化物具有不同的In和Ge含量以及Cd/Fe比值,结合矿床地质特征和其他证据,表明毛坪矿床成因类型特殊,有别于经典MVT铅锌矿床,属于川滇黔型铅锌矿床。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Ashele Cu-Zn deposit is a recently discovered volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in Xinjiang, Northwestern China. It is the largest Cu-Zn deposit in this type of deposits in China, which were formed in the early period of later Palaeozoic Era. This deposit is hosted within a suit of bimodal submarine volcanic rocks of the Ashele Formation of Lower-Middle Devonian System formed in an environment of paleocontinental margin rift setting. Lensoid orebodies occur between spilitic rocks developed at footwall and quartz-keratophyric tuff at hanging wall. Zonation of metal elements in the Ashele mine is one of typical volcanic-related exhalative Cu-Zn sulfide deposits in the world. Black ores enriched in Pb, Zn and Ag occurs on the top of the No. 1 orebody in the Ashele deposit, yellow ores enriched in Cu in the middle part, and the chalcopyritization stringer below the massive sulfide ores. Zonation of ore-structure in the No. 1 orebody is also apparent and corresponds to the zoning of elements, i. e. lamellar and/or banded sulfide-sulfate ores on the top, massive sulfide ores in the middle, and stockwork veinlets associated with altered breccia pipe on the bottom. Four epochs of mineralization in the Ashele deposit has been recognized. The first period of syngenetic-exhalative deposition of sulfides is the main epoch of mineralization, and the ores deposited subsequently subjected to thermo-metamorphism at the second epoch, superimposed by hydrothermal mineralization at the third epoch, and weathered or oxidized at the fourth epoch.
More than 100 categories of minerals have been recognized in the Ashele mine, but only pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, barite, quartz, chlorite, sericite, and calcite are dominant, making up various types of ores, and alteration pipes or horizons. Studies of ore petrology suggest that the massive ores were volcanogenic and deposited by exhalative process.  相似文献   

Zhang  Hongjie  Fan  Haifeng  Xiao  Chaoyi  Wen  Hanjie  Ye  Lin  Huang  Zhilong  Zhou  Jiaxi  Guo  Qingjun 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(5):642-653

The Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou (SYG) metallogenic province of southwest China is one of the most important Zn–Pb ore zones in China, with ~ 200 Mt Zn–Pb ores at mean grades of 10 wt.% Zn and 5 wt.% Pb. The source and mechanism of the regional Zn–Pb mineralization remain controversial despite many investigations that have been conducted. The Wusihe Zn–Pb deposit is a representative large-scale Zn–Pb deposit in the northern SYG, which mainly occurs in the Dengying Formation and yields Zn–Pb resources of ~ 3.7 Mt. In this paper, Zn and S isotopes, and Fe and Cd contents of sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit were investigated in an attempt to constrain the controls on Zn and S isotopic variations, the potential sources of ore-forming components, and the possible mineralization mechanisms. Both the δ66Zn and δ34S values in sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit increase systematically from the bottom to the top of the strata-bound orebodies. Such spatial evolution in δ66Zn and δ34S values of sphalerite can be attributed to isotopic Rayleigh fractionation during sphalerite precipitation with temperature variations. The strong correlations between the Zn–S isotopic compositions and Fe–Cd concentrations in sphalerite suggest that their variations were dominated by a similar mechanism. However, the Rayleigh fractionation mechanism cannot explain the spatial variations of Fe and Cd concentrations of sphalerite in this deposit. It is noted that the bottom and top sphalerites from the strata-bound orebodies document contrasting Zn and S isotopic compositions which correspond to the Zn and S isotopic characteristics of basement rocks and host rocks, respectively. Therefore, the mixing of two-source fluids with distinct Zn–S isotopic signatures was responsible for the spatial variations of Zn–S isotopic compositions of sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit. The fluids from basement rocks are characterized by relatively lighter Zn (~ 0.2 ‰) and S (~ 5 ‰) isotopic compositions while the fluids from host rocks are marked by relatively heavier Zn (~ 0.6 ‰) and S (~ 15 ‰) isotopic compositions.


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