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粤中三水盆地长坑赋金硅质岩主要呈层状分布于下石炭统梓门桥组生物碎屑灰岩与上三叠统碳质泥岩(或下石炭统梓门桥组粉砂岩)之间,厚度1—50m,主要由层状、块状及角砾状硅质岩组成。金矿主要呈细脉浸染状产于角砾状硅质岩中。长坑赋金硅质岩层具纹层状构造特征,在其中发现放射虫、微体古生物化石,角砾长轴与硅质纹层平行分布,含有草莓状黄铁矿,这些特征以及长坑金矿床与富湾银矿床成矿时代等资料都表明长坑金矿赋金硅质岩不是简单热水沉积或热液蚀变作用形成的,而是多次硅化作用的产物,至少经历了热水沉积硅化、成岩硅化、金矿成矿热液蚀变硅化及银矿成矿热液蚀变硅化作用的叠加。热水沉积硅质岩形成富金矿源层,为成矿提供了物质基础。  相似文献   

蓟县地区雾迷山组风暴硅质岩沉积序列   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从岩石学和沉积学方面对蓟县雾迷山组硅质岩沉积序列的研究表明,蓟县雾迷山组硅质岩沉积为典型的风暴沉积.蓟县雾迷山组广泛发育风暴沉积,在硅质条带状白云岩中发育的硅质砾屑具奇特的菊花状构造,这种构造形成于成岩作用后期,在岩石尚未完全固结成坚硬的岩石时期,遭遇风暴破坏,将原有的水平层理打碎,继而被风暴流搅起,风暴流的涡动使得岩石碎片或直立,或呈发散状,后经成岩作用保留了这种构造形态,与上下岩层形成典型的风暴沉积序列.通过野外与镜下观察并结合有机地球化学分析得出,蓟县地区雾迷山组硅质岩来源于海底热水活动.风暴硅质岩有两种沉积环境,对于异地搬运再沉积的风暴硅质岩,其沉积环境为潮上坪低能环境,即开阔台地中的泛溢沉积;而对于原地型的风暴硅质岩,其沉积环境应该是潮间带,因此推测其沉积环境为碳酸盐岩台地前缘斜坡.  相似文献   

超基性岩产于赣东北深大断裂带的东南侧,展布方向与深大断裂方向一致,与辉长岩、辉绿岩以及硅质岩、泥质岩、碳酸盐岩共同组成“三位一体”。笔者认为本区超基性岩体属于构造侵位的冷侵入体。  相似文献   

首次在班公湖-怒江缝合带西段去申拉组中发现了泥质硅质岩,呈2个层位产出。为探讨泥质硅质岩的沉积环境、成因及与班-怒特提斯洋西段构造演化的关系,进行岩石学和地球化学分析,结果显示,第一层位泥质硅质岩Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)、Ce/Ce~?、(La/Ce)_N、V/(Ni+V)、Ce/La、Ce_(anom)、Eu_(anom)平均值分别为0.60、0.80、1.24、0.72、1.84、-0.08、0.01,第二层位泥质硅质岩相应比值平均值分别为0.65、0.83、1.16、0.77、1.97、-0.07、0.02。结合泥质硅质岩的Fe_2O_3/TiO2-Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)、(La/Ce)N-Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)、Hf/3-Th-Ta关系图解,表明第一、二层位泥质硅质岩形成于活动大陆边缘,沉积时水-岩界面为水体分层不强烈的厌氧环境。U-Th、Zn-Ni-Co、La-Ce、La/Yb-REE关系图解和稀土元素特征指示了第一、二层位泥质硅质岩为热水成因,热水活动与玄武岩岩浆活动有关,第二层位泥质硅质岩沉积时热水活动更强烈。去申拉组泥质硅质岩的岩石学、地球化学特征表明,狮泉河地区班-怒特提斯洋至少在早白垩世仍具有一定规模的洋盆,其闭合时间应晚于约109Ma,进一步限定了洋盆的闭合时间。  相似文献   

鄂西二叠系孤峰组层状硅质岩及硅质结核成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂西二叠系孤峰组主要由一套薄层硅质岩、炭质硅质岩、硅质泥岩夹硅质结核的岩层所构成。笔者通过对其层状硅质岩和硅质结核的岩石学和地球化学特征进行研究,认为两种硅质岩的硅质主要是生物来源,而非热水成因。但硅质岩的形成并不受单一因素影响,可能既受到了生物、又有热水等多个因素的共同作用。硅质结核为成岩结核,其受到的热水作用影响比层状硅质岩更为明显。  相似文献   

320矿床微晶石英硅质岩具独特的岩石学特征和特定的微量元素组合;产于栖霞组灰岩与当冲组硅质页岩界面的层间破碎带的上盘。按硅化强弱可分为石英质岩、微晶石英岩和硅化硅质岩3类,与铀矿化关系最密切的是黑色石英质岩和黑色微晶石英岩。根据P·尼格里的岩石化学计算法类比,笔者认为该岩石的原岩为粘土-石灰岩混合物类型。微晶石英硅质岩的形成是受区域构造应力影响的,是在一定温度、压力和裂隙溶液的共同作用下溶液中SiO_2围绕石英、方解石和生物碎屑颗粒重新结晶沉淀形成的。岩石重结晶时没有外界成分的参与。  相似文献   

降扎铀矿床的赋矿主岩为碳硅泥岩富铀建造,笔者对其硅质岩的化学成分、微量元素、稀土元素及Si同位素进行研究,结果表明硅质岩为热水沉积成因。这种硅质岩可能形成于陆缘裂谷或裂谷向小洋盆过渡的环境;沉积成岩热水可能为与下伏中酸性火山岩进行水-岩反应的深循环海水。硅质岩成岩后可能还受到来自上地幔的热液叠加改造。  相似文献   

下扬子区早三叠世孤峰组层状硅质岩成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
下扬子区早三叠世孤峰组中产出的层状硅质岩厚度为近20—80m,含有数量不等的放射虫和海绵骨针。孤峰组剖面有硅质岩型、碳酸盐岩型和硅质岩-碳酸盐岩混合型3种类型。层状硅质岩主要产在第一、第三2种类型剖面中。硅质沉积中心是一些菱形或椭圆形小型(面积在数千平方公里以内)凹地,其形成受断裂控制。硅质岩中产出泥化火山岩,层薄,且层数很多。硅质岩富Fe贫Al,富集As,Sb,Bi,Ga,Au,Ag,Cr等微量元素。稀土元素总量低,Ce负异常,重稀土有不同程度的富集,具有热水硅质岩的特征。硅质岩中混有少量非热水成因的物质。硅质沉积时海水温度约为几十度至160余度。  相似文献   

新疆玛依勒早古生代硅质岩一般产于蛇绿混杂岩带中,为探讨其成因类型和沉积环境,对其进行了岩相学和地球化学研究。硅质岩主要为紫红色,主要由微晶自生石英和隐晶质组成。地球化学分析结果显示样品均受到了酸性火山凝灰质的影响,一般具有高SiO2、Al2O3,低Fe2O3,中等高TiO2等特征,可能是火山和生物化学共同作用的产物。综合其地质产状、岩相学特征以及上述地球化学特征,认为该区硅质岩产于俯冲带之上的构造环境而非大洋环境。  相似文献   

下扬子区早二叠世孤峰组层状硅质岩成因   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
夏邦栋  钟立荣 《地质学报》1995,69(2):125-137,T001
下扬子区早二叠世孤峰组中产出的层状硅质岩厚度为近20-80m,含有数量不等的放射虫和海绵骨针。孤峰组剖面有硅质岩型,碳酸盐岩型和硅质岩-碳酸盐岩混合型3种类型。层状硅质主要产在第一,第三2种类型剖面中。硅质沉积中心是一些菱形或椭圆形小型凹地,其形成受断裂控制。硅质中产出泥化火山岩,层薄,且层数很多。  相似文献   

硅质岩形成于特定的地球化学条件,具有重要的构造—气候—成岩指示意义.我国硅质岩的研究主要集中于海相地层,陆相硅质岩虽分布广泛但研究却很薄弱,成因解释由于借鉴海相燧石经验,以地球化学分析为首要手段,结论存在片面性和单一性,可能会引起古老大陆重要气候—构造—环境信息的遗漏缺失.国内外陆相硅质岩全面调研表明,陆相燧石主要存在...  相似文献   

Nodular cherts can provide a window on the original sediment composition, diagenetic history and biota of their host rock because of their low susceptibility to further diagenetic alteration. The majority of Phanerozoic cherts formed by the intraformational redistribution of biogenic silica, particularly siliceous sponge spicules, radiolarian tests and diatom frustules. In the absence of a biogenic silica source, Precambrian cherts necessarily had to have had a different origin than Phanerozoic cherts. The Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup in Glacier National Park contains a variety of chert types, including silicified oolites and stromatolites, which have similar microtextures and paragenesis to Phanerozoic cherts, despite their different origins. Much of the silicification in the Belt Supergroup occurred after the onset of intergranular compaction, but before the main episode of dolomitization. The Belt Supergroup cherts probably had an opal-CT precursor, in the same manner as many Phanerozoic cherts. Although it is likely that Precambrian seas had higher silica concentrations than at present because of the absence of silica-secreting organisms, no evidence was observed that would suggest that high dissolved silica concentrations in the Belt sea had a significant widespread effect on silicification. The rarity of microfossils in Belt Supergroup cherts indicates that early silicification, if it occurred, was exceptional and restricted to localized environments. The similarity of microtextures in cherts of different ages is evidence that the silicification process is largely controlled by host carbonate composition and dissolved silica concentration during diagenesis, regardless of the source of silica.  相似文献   

Samples of chert nodules, diagenetic carbonates and evaporites (gypsum/anhydrite) collected from the gypsiferous limestones of the Kef Eddour Member (Ypressian‐Priabonian) near Metlaoui and Sehib (Tunisia) show selective silicification with great variety in the silicified by‐products. Based on δ13C values, which support an organic origin for the carbon, carbonates replaced evaporites microbially through bacterial sulphate reduction. Observations and results suggest two scenarios for chert formation that are related to the rate and timing of diagenetic carbonate replacement of the evaporites (anhydrite/gypsum). In the absence of early diagenetic carbonate phases, silica with δ18O values from +25 to +28·6‰ [standard mean ocean water (SMOW)] replaced the outer parts of anhydrite nodules at pH < 9. In contrast, pore‐fluid pH values > 9 in the innermost parts of the anhydrite nodules prevented silica precipitation. The record of this chemical barrier is preserved in the microquartz rims and geode features that formed in the inner parts of the nodules after dissolution of the anhydrite nucleus. The microbial diagenetic replacement of evaporites (bacterial sulphate reduction) by carbonates (calcite, aragonite and dolomite) favoured silica replacement of carbonates rather than evaporites. Silica, with δ18O signature of +21 to +26‰ (SMOW), replaced carbonates on a volume‐for‐volume basis, yielding a more siliceous groundmass, and accounting for 90–95% of the nodules. The relatively higher δ18O values of quartz replacing anhydrite can be explained by a diagenetic fluid in equilibrium with mixed (meteoric/marine) to marine water. The lower δ18O values of the quartz that replaced the diagenetic carbonates are ascribed to flushing by meteoric water in a later diagenetic stage. The silica supply for chert formation could be derived from the reworked bio‐siliceous deposits (diatomites) to the west of the basin [vestiges of an opal‐CT precursor undetectable by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) were revealed by δ29Si magic‐angle‐spinning nuclear magnetic resonance investigations], diagenesis of the extraformational and overlying clay‐rich beds (the host limestones are clay‐poor as shown by XRD measurements), and minor volcanogenic and hydrothermal contributions during early diagenetic stages.  相似文献   

Spectacularly developed lower Eocene chert in the Corones platform carbonates of the Spanish Pyrenees is concentrated within a restricted, brackish-water, laminated ostracod-rich facies, which also contains abundant sponge spicules. The chert occurs as nodular, bedded and mottled varieties, and four petrographic types of quartz are developed: microquartz; length-fast (LF) chalcedony; megaquartz; and microspheres. δ18O values of chert range from 29·6‰ to 30·9‰ (SMOW), which correspond to a broad isotope rank common for biogenic and diagenetic replacement cherts. Calcian dolomite crystals with high Fe and Na are disseminated within the microquartz and LF-chalcedony, but are absent from the megaquartz and host carbonate. The chert is closely associated with desiccation cracks and with interstratal dewatering structures. Load casts are silicified, and laminae rich in sponge spicules are convoluted. Early cracks related to dewatering are filled by microquartz and quartz cements. Ostracod shells within chert are locally fractured; those in the host carbonate are commonly flattened. Late fractures are filled by LF-chalcedony and megaquartz. There is much evidence for the dissolution of sponge spicules and their calcitization in the carbonate host rock. Silica for the Corones cherts was derived from sponges during early diagenesis and shallow burial. Early mechanical compaction and sediment dewatering played a major role in sponge spicule dissolution, migration of silica-rich fluids and the consequent precipitation of chert. Quartz cements continued to be precipitated into the burial environment.  相似文献   

Through microscopic and SEM observations and X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum analyses, the oldest sponge spicules and radiolarians have been found in bedded cherts and it is proposed that microbial activity of algae and bacteria played an important role in silica precipitation. The microbial activity resulted in the formation of a series of single crystals and crystal aggregates with peculiar shapes. Biogenic single crystals usually occur in spherical, rod, platy, colloidal and granular forms. The most common aggregates are framboidal aggregates composed of dense spherical quartz crystals, which are considered to be of typical bacterial origin. Other aggregates, such as favositic, double-spherical, chain-spherica'l and coccoid ones, are considered to be probably the result of silicification of algal cells and mainly of primary sedimentary origin. This paper also discusses the ultrastructural features and diagnostic indications of jasper rocks formed in a submarine hydrothermal environment and cher  相似文献   

本文的工作区域是按中国地矿部和德国下萨克森州科学和艺术部之间科学台作协议而提供的。在唐家湾地区的中上泥盆统碳酸盐岩中可以见到以下8种微相类型:泥岩、具纹层球粒-颗粒岩/泥粒岩、无纹层球粒-颗粒岩/泥粒岩、介形虫-颗粒岩/泥粒岩、枝状层孔虫-粒泥岩、枝状层孔虫-棘皮类-粒泥岩、生物碎屑-粒泥岩和骨架岩。这些微相类型可指示不同的能量指数及水深。同欧文(Irwin,1965)浅水碳酸盐沉积模式对比,唐家湾泥盆纪(吉维特期和弗拉斯期)属于Y带和Z带沉积,并可分出发育生物丘-生物层的正常海环境、局限浅水沉积环境和潮坪沉积环境。最大水深估计为10m—20m。唐家湾剖面碳酸盐岩经历了三种早成岩环境:海水成岩环境、大气水成岩环境和混合水成岩环境。其后又经历了晚成岩阶段的压溶、重结晶和交代作用。白云石化部分为混合水成因,部分为晚成岩期交代成因。  相似文献   

Sequences of laminated limestones found within thin Carboniferous carbonate strata of northeastern Kentucky were studied to determine their origin and palaeo-environmental significance. These laminated zones are strikingly similar to Holocene and Pleistocene surficial calcareous crusts (caliche) profiles that occur in various parts of the world. Carboniferous laminated carbonates are associated with shallow marine carbonate units, palaeokarst, and overlying palaeosol zones. A typical laminated profile ranges in thickness from 1 to 2 m and contains brecciated, light olive-grey to brown micrite that lacks distinctive bedding. Structures and textures common in most profiles include: (1) calcareous and silicious laminae (laminae form diffuse, alternating light and dark bands that generally parallel bedding but often fill fractures and vugs within the rocks); (2) particles (allochems, and micrite and microspar fragments) coated by brown microcrystalline calcite; (3) brecciated texture; (4) circular to elliptical fossil moulds (occur in sinuous patterns and fill fractures within the rocks); (5) large and small scale fracture patterns. Subaerial weathering and vadose diagenesis of carbonate mud banks or islands is suggested as a mechanism for the formation of these Carboniferous calcareous crust profiles. These ‘crusts’ formed by a combination of solution (karsting), brecciation, and soil development that transformed an exposed marine biomicrite (‘host’ rock) into a porous subsoil rubble. Laminated ‘crusts’ and coated particles developed as the result of dissolution and reprecipitation of CaCO3 and SiO3 from the soil and carbonate bedrock. Carboniferous laminated carbonates in northeastern Kentucky are often referred to as ‘algal limestones’ because of their superficial similarity to some modern and ancient algal structures. This study, however, reveals numerous characteristics that can only be explained by diagenesis in a subaerial environment.  相似文献   

Paleoweathering in the Sergi Formation has been classified and analyzed to ascertain its origin and relationship with stratigraphic evolution. The Sergi Formation belongs to the pre-rift sequence of the Recôncavo Basin (northeastern Brazil) and comprises a complex association of eolian and fluvial sandstones and lacustrine mudstones. This formation can be subdivided into three depositional sequences bounded by regional unconformities. Four paleoweathering types, each one related to a distinct origin, have been described in the Sergi Formation: (1) textural mottling, which is distinguished by alternating rock colors as a result of the iron oxide mobilization within mineral phases that evolved under alternating oxidation (yellowish, brownish and reddish shades) and reduction (grayish or greenish hues) conditions; (2) non-textural mottling, which displays a discoloration pattern that is independent of the original rock texture; (3) carbonate concentrations, usually related to carbonate nodule formation, which display a massive internal structure that reveals their origin through continuous growth or crystallization; and (4) banded carbonates (silicified), associated with the beginning of regular surface formation due to the chemical precipitation of carbonates within lacustrine environments. Both mottling color motifs and carbonate accumulation usually represent groundwater oscillation rather than pedogenesis. Only carbonate intraclasts and banded carbonate (silicified) have their origin ascribed to pedogenesis sensu stricto, although the carbonate intraclasts do not represent soil deposits in situ, but calcretes eroded from areas close to channels, and the banded carbonates (silicified) have strong diagenetic modifications. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that fluvial and meteoric water have controlled paleoweathering evolution as well as deposition, yet both aspects are ruled by the same mechanisms (relief, sedimentation rate and, above all, climate).  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Fahliyan Formation (middle part of the Khami Group), is one of the important reservoir rocks in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. The Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt is located on the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates and formed from collision between Eurasia and advancing Arabia during the Cenozoic. In this study area, the Fahliyan Formation with a thickness of 325 m, consists of carbonate rocks (limestone and dolomite). This formation overlies the Late Jurassic Surmeh Formation unconformably and underlies the Early Cretaceous Gadvan Formation conformably at Gadvan Anticline. The formation was investigated by a detailed petrographic analysis to clarify the depositional facies, sedimentary environments and diagenetic features in the Gadvan Anticline. Petrographic studies led to recognition of the 12 microfacies that were deposited in four facies belts: tidal flat, lagoon, and shoal in inner ramp and shallow open marine in mid-ramp environments. The absence of turbidite deposits, reefal facies, and gradual facies changes show that the Fahliyan Formation was deposited on a carbonate ramp. Calcareous algae and benthic foraminifera are abundant in the shallow marine carbonates of the Fahliyan Formation. The diagenetic settings favored productioning a variety of features which include cements from early to late marine cements, micritization, dolomitization, compaction features, dissolution fabric, and pores. The diagenetic sequence can be roughly divided into three stages: (1) eugenic stage: marine diagenetic environment, (2) mesogenic stage: burial environment, and (3) telogenic stage: meteoric diagenetic environment.  相似文献   

Abstract Through microscopic and SEM observations and X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum analyses, the oldest sponge spicules and radiolarians have been found in bedded cherts and it is proposed that microbial activity of algae and bacteria played an important role in silica precipitation. The microbial activity resulted in the formation of a series of single crystals and crystal aggregates with peculiar shapes. Biogenic single crystals usually occur in spherical, rod, platy, colloidal and granular forms. The most common aggregates are framboidal aggregates composed of dense spherical quartz crystals, which are considered to be of typical bacterial origin. Other aggregates, such as favositic, double-spherical, chain -spherical and coccoid ones, are considered to be probably the result of silicification of algal cells and mainly of primary sedimentary origin. This paper also discusses the ultrastructural features and diagnostic indications of jasper rocks formed in a submarine hydrothermal environment and cherts formed by replacement and diagenetic recrystallisation.  相似文献   

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