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利用典型钻孔P5孔沉积物的岩性、测年、孢粉和有孔虫的分析结果,探讨了末次冰消期以来长江三角洲东南部古河谷区记录的气候波动和海平面阶段性上升过程及其控制下的古河谷沉积模式。研究发现本区古河谷末次冰消期(15~10 ka BP)以淡水湖沼相沉积为主,4 m厚的泥炭可能是新仙女木事件的反映。10~9 ka BP 发育滨海相粉细砂、粉砂沉积,反映此时海平面较为稳定。9~8 ka BP发育溺谷相泥质粉砂、粉砂质泥沉积,厚达11 m,反映海平面快速上升作用下的高速率充填。至全新世大暖期,古河谷区沉积顶界已和长江三角洲平原的第一硬土层埋深大致相同,反映古河谷已基本被填平。  相似文献   

冰后期钱塘江口沉积层序和环境演变   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据百余个钻孔资料的分析,辨别出代表古河谷、古河谷边缘和古河间地等三种不同的冰后期沉积层序。由沉积层序的特征、厚度、分布确定了末次冰期钱塘江古河谷的范围、深度和主河道的位置,分析了冰后期海侵过程中古河谷的充填、古海湾的形成,以及河口湾的发育和演变。钱塘江河口湾基本的发育趋势是逐渐束狭变浅。  相似文献   

二连盆地为中国北方重要的聚煤沉积盆地,同时也发育赛汉组古河谷,古河谷在盆地内呈北东向带状展布,河谷内发育巴彦乌拉、赛汉高毕及哈达图等多个铀矿床。铀矿床具有"同河谷多矿床、同河谷多类型"的特点。作者通过对含铀古河谷构造-建造的研究,将赛汉组古河谷与铀成矿有关的构造演化划分为6个阶段。沉积前断陷期构造形成了古河谷建造沉积的带状谷地;断坳转换期湖相沉积的灰色泥岩,为铀成矿间接提供了还原物质;坳陷期沼泽化沉积,为铀成矿提供了直接还原介质;赛汉组上段热-重力沉降期河流、辫状河三角洲沉积,形成主要的铀储层。挤压隆升剥蚀期,受构造掀斜抬升,影响了成矿作用的类型及规模;成矿后期的热沉降期,导致新一轮的沉积充填,起到保矿的作用。通过对赛汉组沉积体系、砂分散体系等特征的研究,发现下白垩统赛汉组下段沿短轴方向主要发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖沼沉积体系,长轴方向发育辫状河三角洲-湖沼沉积体系。赛汉组上段主要发育河流沉积体系,砂体较发育,沿古河谷呈朵状、带状分布,矿床主要产于赛汉组上段古河谷砂体内。建立了赛汉组古河谷内典型矿床的矿床成矿模式,将赛汉组古河谷的矿床成矿模式划分为巴彦乌拉潜水-层间氧化式、赛汉高毕潜水氧化式及哈达图层间氧化式。  相似文献   

俄罗斯古河谷型铀矿成矿地质条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴杰敏 《铀矿地质》1996,12(6):336-340
本文概述了俄罗斯古河谷型铀矿成矿地质条件,包括大地构造、盆地基底和沉积盖层、古河谷特征、古气候、后生地球化学分带和铀矿化特征等方面,并说明其成矿机理。  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来长江河口段河道演变研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹光杰  王建  屈贵贤 《地球科学进展》2006,21(10):1039-1045
末次盛冰期以来,由于海面发生大幅度的变化,长江河口段经历了深切古河谷形成—古河谷充填—三角洲发育的河床演变过程。海陆相互作用是河口段河道演变的主要影响因素。综合分析了对河口段河道研究的成果,着重对长江河口段古河谷的形成与充填、最大海侵以来的河床演变、古河谷的沉积层序与沉积相及研究的方法进行了综述。过去对古河谷宏观的趋势研究及单个钻孔的研究较多,宏观与微观结合的不够,专门研究古河谷河形的成果很少。今后应注重宏观与微观研究的结合;根据系列钻孔剖面,分析、恢复古河谷河型;根据河型、沉积物特征等,估算古长江流速、流量;加强高分辨率研究、定性与定量研究相结合,探讨环境变化与河道演变的关系和规律。  相似文献   

通过对南通段古河谷典型钻孔及剖面沉积物颗粒、微体生物化石、14C测年等的分析,对末次盛冰期以来的沉积地层进行了划分。该段古河谷末次冰期以来的地层,基本上反映了河床相—河漫滩相—浅海相—三角洲相的冰后期海侵沉积旋回。现代河床的底部,浅海相淤泥质亚黏土层已被侵蚀掉,沉积的是现代河床相砂层。  相似文献   

马利诺夫铀矿床为古河谷型砂岩铀矿床。赋矿主岩为切入古生代基底的侏罗纪河道相含有机质碎屑的沉积,其上覆盖白垩纪红色粘土层。矿体呈似层状,常菜,沿古河谷分布。  相似文献   

刘波 《地质与勘探》2016,52(6):1037-1047
二连盆地为中国北方重要的油、煤、铀能源盆地,盆地内沉积型铀矿床主要分布于中东部赛汉组古河谷内,典型的矿床有巴彦乌拉大型铀矿床、巴润小型铀矿床、赛汉高毕中型铀矿床和哈达图矿床。古河谷内矿床表现为"同河谷多矿床、同河谷多类型"的特点。古河谷砂岩型铀矿床(体)受古河谷内河流沉积体系和氧化还原界面的控制。本文在赛汉组古河谷铀源、沉积体系、控矿结构面和典型矿床研究的基础上,总结了控矿成因相特征,建立了古河谷内矿床的控矿成因相模式。将赛汉组古河谷内典型矿床的控矿成因相模式划分为辫状河-潜水/辫状河潜水-层间氧化型和曲流河-潜水氧化型。  相似文献   

为了预测评价古河谷的含铀性,必须不断完善找矿准则,在这方面有希望的途径之一是在分析预先古河谷展布的地史成因的基础上,查明和总结矿古河谷形成的主要因素,由于中代或最新的构造活化,由酸性岩浆岩组成的巨型隆起和缩隆构造的抬升是含矿古河谷形成的主要前提,古河谷成矿的另一个重要因素是发生在穹形断块活化之前的构造宁静,地形准平原经和形成化壳的时期,古河谷成矿与主岩沉积在时间上十分接近,控矿的后生氧化作用是层间-潜水性质的,成矿结束后要有必要的保矿条件。  相似文献   

采用河流阶地、河谷形态和残余厚度等方法,结合地震和钻井资料,恢复了鄂尔多斯盆地前侏罗纪古地貌形成演化阶段及其特征。结果表明,三叠纪末期盆地主要经历了两次特征不同的构造抬升侵蚀过程,第一次为整体性均衡抬升,抬升侵蚀作用较强;第二次为宽缓V字型不均衡抬升,抬升侵蚀作用相对较弱。前侏罗纪古地貌的形成是晚印支构造运动的侵蚀响应,根据抬升期次晚印支运动可以分为两个亚幕。随着抬升侵蚀的结束,古地貌中河谷首先开始了沉积充填,先后沉积了限制性河谷环境的富县组和半限制河谷环境的延安组延10段河流相地层。  相似文献   

物探及遥感资料在腾格尔坳陷古河谷(道)研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
籍增贤 《铀矿地质》2007,23(2):96-100
根据航磁、航放、遥感和电磁测深资料,结合地质构造条件,对腾格尔坳陷古河谷(道)的形成进行了综合分析,确定了古河谷(道)砂岩型铀矿为找矿主要类型,并初步指出了找矿有利地段。  相似文献   

The Jerrabattgulla Creek basalts are in the upper catchment of the Shoalhaven River of southeastern New South Wales. The basalts erupted into a narrow, north-draining valley and modified the local drainage system, re-routing the paleo-Jerrabattgulla Creek, preserving a series of sub-basaltic quartzose gravels with silcretes in the paleovalley. The paleovalley indicates that a north-flowing drainage existed in this place in the Miocene. The high-relief, narrow valley has preserved a volcanic stratigraphy allowing the magmatic evolution of this small lava field to be determined. The lavas have a large compositional range from olivine nephelinite through to quartz tholeiite, which is unusual in such a small lava field. They represent three distinct magma batches, most likely from an amphibole–apatite metasomatised sub-continental lithospheric mantle, and underwent fractional crystallisation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and assimilated upper crust. The lava field underwent temporal change from dominantly alkaline, to mixed alkaline and subalkaline, to dominantly alkaline magmatism over the course of its evolution.  相似文献   

Ancient paleovalley fills are typically interpreted in the rock record using over-generalized models without carefully considering modern analogs, especially in light of recent discoveries. It is now known that many Quaternary paleovalleys are compound in origin, exhibit considerable stratigraphic complexity, contain multiple incisions, and can be orders of magnitude larger than their putative ancient counterparts. Compound paleovalley fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian New River Formation (NRF) are directly comparable to these Quaternary analogs, stimulating a paradigm shift in the interpretation of ancient paleovalleys. In the NRF, multiple laterally- and vertically-juxtaposed fill successions, separated by incision surfaces, record high-frequency fluvial responses to external controls within lower-order sequences. Lowstand incision and sediment bypass, as predicted in sequence stratigraphy, is largely discounted by the available evidence and the definition of regional sequence boundaries is not straightforward. The identification of genetic sequences may be the most effective approach to understanding the NRF and, by inference, many other ancient paleovalleys. Results from this study of the NRF promote a revised model for ancient paleovalleys that incorporates: 1) the pre-eminence of compound architecture, 2) periodic episodes of incision and subaerial exposure occurring in response to high-frequency changes in climate or relative sea level, 3) fluvial downcutting as the primary cause of paleovalley incision, although some sediments are still preserved in a net-erosional regime, and 4) composite, time-transgressive sequence boundaries that may be difficult or impossible to correlate regionally.  相似文献   

A paleovalley in the vicinity of the village of Aleksandrovka (Kaluga oblast) has been investigated within the framework of a geophysical survey by Moscow State University for 5 years. A local magnetic anomaly in the region of the paleovalley (a grid of 300 × 1000 m and a scale of 1: 2500) has been confirmed according to the results of electrical-resistivity tomography (ERT) and the spectral induced polarization (IP) method for a series of four profiles. IP measurements at several frequencies have permitted some additional conclusions about the nature of the anomaly. Based on the ERT 2D inversion and IP results, a clear correlation has been revealed between the magnetic anomalies and the high-frequency IP anomalies.  相似文献   

古河道砂岩型铀矿成矿若干问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
黄世杰 《铀矿地质》1997,13(4):195-201
本文在综合分析国内、外古河道砂岩型铀矿床资料的基础上,着重探讨了矿化类型的划分、形成的区域地质背景、气候与地貌条件、基底与沉积盖层、古河谷与古河道、矿化产出特征、后生成矿作用等有关铀矿形成条件和成矿作用的问题,并指出了今后的找矿方面。  相似文献   

The uranium deposits of Bulgaria related to the Late Alpine tectonomagmatic reactivation are subdivided into two groups: exogenic–epigenetic paleovalley deposits related to the basins filled with upper Eocene–lower Oligocene volcanic–sedimentary rocks and the hydrothermal deposits hosted in the coeval depressions. The geological and lithofacies conditions of their localization, the epigenetic alteration of rocks, mineralogy and geochemistry of uranium ore are exemplified in thoroughly studied paleovalley deposits of the Maritsa ore district. Argumentation of the genetic concepts providing insights into both sedimentation–diagenetic and exogenic–epigenetic mineralization with development of stratal oxidation zones is discussed. A new exfiltration model has been proposed to explain the origin of the aforementioned deposits on the basis of additional analysis with consideration of archival factual data and possible causes of specific ningyoite uranium ore composition.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the geological–structural conditions of ore localization, mineralogy and chemistry of ore, and geochemical features of the ore-bearing medium at exogenic–epigenetic paleovalley deposits of the Hiagda ore field. The general localization regularities and ore control factors of uranium mineralization can be used for mining, exploration, and refining the prospecting criteria and indications of this type of deposits.  相似文献   

侯明才 《铀矿地质》2000,16(4):199-203,232
本文通过对河道和河谷两个不同地貌单元特征的界定 ,澄清铀矿地质领域中对古河道型砂岩铀矿床与古河谷型砂岩铀矿床概念上的混淆。同时就河道与河谷对基准面变化的响应及充填序列特征作了探讨 ,为确定古河道在平面上的展布提供依据。  相似文献   

The unique combination of several exogenic processes augmenting uranium mineralization followed one another in time at deposits of the Khiagda ore field and gave rise to the formation of uranium resources exceptional for the paleovalley geologic and economic type. The specific geological evolution, volcanic activity, and regional climatic conditions taken together became the main cause of local occurrence of these deposits.  相似文献   

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