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甲玛超大型铜多金属矿床位于冈底斯成矿带东段,矿体主要包括矽卡岩型、斑岩型、角岩型和独立金矿体4种类型。矿床中酸性侵入体中广泛发育岩浆黑云母,部分岩体较发育角闪石。本文在全面开展矿区地质调查和详细的钻孔岩芯编录的基础上,对含矿二长花岗斑岩和含矿花岗闪长斑岩中的岩浆黑云母以及含矿花岗闪长斑岩中的角闪石开展了矿物学及矿物化学研究,以揭示其成岩成矿意义。研究结果表明,二长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩中的岩浆黑云母为镁质黑云母,具有富镁高钛、高铝低硅、富钾贫钠的特点。与花岗闪长斑岩相比,二长花岗斑岩中的岩浆黑云母具有较低的TiO2、FeOT、MgO、MnO、Na2O、BaO含量,较高的Al2O3和SiO2含量。花岗闪长斑岩中的角闪石属于阳起石,具有高硅低铝钛、富镁钙贫钠钾等特征。黑云母和角闪石温度计计算结果显示,含矿二长花岗斑岩中黑云母结晶温度为740.1~783.8℃,平均为762.4℃;含矿花岗闪长斑岩中黑云母结晶温度为750.3~766.9℃,平均为757.2℃;含矿花岗闪长斑岩中角闪石结晶温度为654.1~698.9℃,平均为680.3℃。黑云母和角闪石矿物化学特征指示,二长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩为造山带钙碱性岩系、Ⅰ型花岗岩,具有壳幔混源的特征。二长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩具有较高的氧逸度(NNO以上)及水含量,有利于铜、钼等成矿物质进入成矿流体中。  相似文献   

本文应用角闪石地质温压计和流体包裹体对胶东西北部与成矿关系密切的郭家岭花岗闪长岩结晶的温压条件、侵位深度进行了讨论。郭家岭花岗闪长岩的矿物组合为斜长石、角闪石、黑云母、石英、碱性长石、铁-钛氧化物、榍石和次生绿泥石,符合角闪石温压计的使用前提。应用角闪石-斜长石温度计和角闪石全铝压力计所获得的温压条件分别为,郭家岭岩体为694~733℃,1.3~2.4kbar,丛家岩体为702~719℃,2.4~3.9kbar,北截岩体为723~727℃,3.8~4.2kbar。未变形岩石的石英中含有5种类型包裹体,其中CO2-H2O-NaCl包裹体广泛分布,最具有代表性。由CO2-H2O-NaCl包裹体等容线相图计算的温压范围与岩石所获得的温压范围一致,表明角闪石温压计获得的结果是比较可信的。岩体的侵位深度变化较大,其中郭家岭岩体平均为6km,丛家岩体平均为10km,北截岩体平均为13km,显示从东到西侵位越来越深结晶温度越来越高的趋势。不同侵位深度的岩体同时出露到地表暗示了早白垩世以来胶东地区的剥蚀抬升速率可能是不均匀的,西部相对东部抬升更快剥蚀更多。  相似文献   

段登飞  蒋少涌 《岩石学报》2017,33(11):3507-3517
为了解长江中下游地区与金铜矿化有关的岩体在浅部的演化过程及其对成矿的作用,本文对鄂东南矿集区鸡冠嘴矽卡岩型金铜矿成矿岩体石英二长闪长斑岩进行了详细的岩相学观察,并利用电子探针(EMPA)分析了其中辉石和角闪石的主量成分。岩相学特征显示辉石形成时间早于角闪石。辉石成分变化较小,而角闪石成分变化较大。角闪石可根据Al的含量分为高低两组,即高铝含量的自形角闪石以及低铝含量的半自形及他形角闪石。高铝角闪石又不同程度的被低铝角闪石交代。通过矿物温压计估算辉石形成的温度和压力为1055~1071℃(平均1060℃)和224~312MPa(平均255MPa)。高铝角闪石形成的温度和压力为809~864℃(平均833℃),108~193MPa(平均137MPa),低铝角闪石形成的温度和压力为721~766℃(平均741℃),48~67MPa(平均56MPa)。岩浆具有较高的氧逸度,并且从高铝角闪石到低铝角闪石,熔体的氧逸度从△NNO+0.6升高到△NNO+1.9。岩浆经历了连续的侵位历史,从9.6km到5.2km的岩浆房再到2.1km的浅地壳处就位。岩浆在9.6km处经历了辉石的分离结晶,在5.2km处经历了角闪石及少部分斜长石的分离结晶,在2.1km处经历由于降压引起的流体出溶。由于深部的分离结晶作用,熔体中的水含量增加,氧逸度升高。较高的水含量使岩浆更容易演化出成矿热液,较高的氧逸度使岩浆演化早期没有硫化物的分离结晶,从而阻止了成矿元素在岩浆演化早期亏损。鸡冠嘴岩体较浅的就位深度也更有利于成矿流体的析出。这些因素共同作用形成了鸡冠嘴金铜矿床。  相似文献   

新疆东天山觉罗塔格构造带位于吐哈盆地和中天山地块之间,区内矿产资源丰富,是我国重要的金属矿产分布区,其成矿作用与岩浆活动密切相关.本文在详细岩相学观察的基础上,对角闪石进行了电子探针(EMPA)测试分析,限定了区内8个岩体结晶的温压条件、岩浆氧逸度和含水量等要素,为解析觉罗塔格构造带内钙碱性侵入岩的构造环境、演化过程和成矿作用提供矿物学方面的制约.测试分析表明,岩体中的角闪石富镁(MgO:5.82%~18.04%)、富钙(CaO:9.91%~12.56%)、富钠(Na2O/K2O>1.0)、贫钾(K2O:0.06%~1.16%),属于钙角闪石族.角闪石化学成分特征揭示其大部分为中酸性侵入岩中的角闪石,寄主岩浆为钙碱性,岩浆物质来源具有壳幔混源的特征,是板块俯冲背景下由地幔楔与大陆地壳物质混熔形成.由角闪石温压计得出矿物的结晶温度为751.88~887.46℃,压力为62~248 MPa,相应侵位深度为2.35~9.4 km.通过角闪石成分计算出岩浆的氧逸度为ΔNNO+0.30至ΔNNO+2.48,并且在角闪石结晶时岩浆具有较高的含水量(H2Omelt>5%).通过分析可知觉罗塔格构造带中的钙碱性侵入岩具有高温、低压、高氧逸度、富水和侵位浅的特点,有利于Cu等元素在成矿流体中富集,符合区域斑岩型铜矿的成矿条件.因此推测觉罗塔格构造带内仍具有一定斑岩铜矿的找矿潜力.  相似文献   

黑云母是花岗质岩石中常见的造岩矿物,其成分可以有效指示花岗岩形成的物理化学条件和岩石成因。巴斯铁列克矿床是近年来在新疆阿尔泰造山带南缘发现的首例二叠纪矽卡岩型钨多金属矿床。矿区出露多种类型二叠纪含钨花岗岩。为理清花岗质岩体之间、岩体与钨多金属矿化之间的关系,文章采用电子探针测定了黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩、二云母花岗岩和钾长花岗岩中的黑云母成分。结果表明,所有黑云母具有富铁、高铝、贫镁特征,含铁指数(Fe2+/(Mg+Fe2+))为0.66~0.80,二云母花岗岩属铁质黑云母而黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩和钾长花岗岩属铁叶黑云母。所有岩石是具有A型特征的I型花岗岩。不同类型岩石中黑云母的成分差异与岩浆来源、分异演化程度有关。二云母花岗岩中黑云母的w(MgO)与结晶温度最高,与黑云母平衡流体的log(fHF/fHCl)值(-1.13~-1.25)最低,log(fH2O/fHF)值(4.64~4.96)最高,母岩浆相对富Cl;黑云母花岗岩中log(fHF/fHCl)值最高,log(fH2O/fHF)最低,与二长花岗岩是同一岩浆房不同演化阶段的产物,与二云母花岗岩和钾长花岗岩属不同的岩浆体系,母岩浆相对富F元素。黑云母花岗岩与W矿化关系更密切。  相似文献   

二十一站岩体位于黑龙江省东北部大兴安岭地区塔河县境内,该岩体产出的岩石类型包括早白垩世二长岩和石英二长斑岩及早侏罗世花岗岩和二长岩等,在该岩体中已发现斑岩型铜金矿床,但是该岩体形成的物理化学条件和岩石成因尚不清楚,不同岩性岩浆岩的成矿潜力也不明确。鉴于此,本文以二十一站岩体中不同时代的花岗岩、二长岩、石英二长斑岩的黑云母和角闪石为研究对象,结合偏光显微镜、电子探针背散射图像和电子探针化学成分,对该岩体的岩石学、矿物学特征进行了研究,并对岩浆结晶的物理化学条件、岩石成因和成矿意义进行了探讨。结果显示:早白垩世二长岩中角闪石化学成分显示:角闪石富钙(CaO 11.21%~11.78%)、富镁(MgO 13.61%~14.85%)、贫钠(Na2O 0.80%~1.11%)和贫钾(K2O 0.40%~0.54%),属于镁角闪石,结晶温度为704.92~805.58℃,平均温度为761.82℃,压力为73.83~115.93MPa,对应岩浆侵位深度为2.8~4.4km,结晶时岩浆氧逸度为△NNO+1.63,含水量为H2O=4.92%,反映出岩浆结晶时高温、高氧逸度、富含水分、浅侵位的特征。黑云母的Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)比值比较均一,反映黑云母未遭受后期流体改造,均为原生岩浆成因的黑云母。其中早侏罗世花岗岩和二长岩所代表的A类黑云母化学成分上富铁(TFeO 19.92%~22.42%)贫镁(MgO 7.99%~10.46%),属于铁质黑云母,早白垩世二长岩和石英二长斑岩所代表的B类黑云母相比于A类黑云母更富镁(MgO 12.38%~14.45%)和钛(TiO21.90%~2.75%),贫铁(TFeO 16.64%~17.97%)和铝(Al2O315.00%~16%.79),属于镁质黑云母。A类和B类黑云母对应岩浆结晶温度分别为720~740℃和750~780℃;压力为202.20~443.49MPa和158~231MPa,对应岩浆侵位深度为6.67~14.64km和5.24~7.24km;结晶时岩浆氧逸度分别为10-15~10-16和10-12~10-13;岩浆来源为壳源,且B类黑云母对应岩浆有地幔物质参与。因此,可以认为二十一站岩体中早白垩世二长岩和石英二长斑岩具有中高温,高氧逸度应含水量,岩浆主要来源于地壳物质的部分熔融,并有部分地幔物质参与,侵位深度较浅的特点,具有形成大型斑岩矿床的潜力。早侏罗世花岗岩和二长岩氧逸度相对较低,侵位较深,物质来源为地壳,因此不具备成矿潜力。  相似文献   

华山和合峪花岗岩体分别位于华北陆块南缘的西北部和东南部,华山岩体顶部混染相二长花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为133.8±1.1Ma,合峪复式杂岩体第三次侵入的似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为134.5±1.5Ma,二者年龄相近。华山岩体与合峪岩体的地球化学特征相似,其SiO2>69.0%,Al2O3>13.0%,K2O+Na2O>7.0%,Na2O>3.2%,ACNK<1.1,具有高钾钙碱性花岗岩类的特征。两岩体的轻重稀土元素分馏显著,Sr含量较高(Sr多数>400×10-6, Y、Yb含量低(Y<18×10-6,Yb<2×10-6),Eu负异常较弱(δEu>0.67),LILE富集,HFSE亏损,表明岩浆房存在斜长石+角闪石+石榴石+金红石的分离结晶,或者这些矿物在源区部分熔融时作为残留相。华山岩体岩浆锆石εHf (t)u集中在-18~-20之间,Hf二阶段模式年龄tDM2集中于2.1~1.8Ga;合峪岩体岩浆锆石εHf (t)u集中在-16~-17之间,Hf二阶段模式年龄tDM2集中于2.0~1.7Ga。以上表明,两岩体均为增厚下地壳(2.1~1.7Ga左右)部分熔融形成的陆壳改造型花岗岩类。综合区域地质演化,我们认为,侏罗纪及其以前的碰撞挤压或逆冲推覆使地壳增厚,侏罗纪-白垩纪之交的挤压向伸展转换过程的减压增温条件导致加厚下地壳(2.1~1.7Ga左右)部分熔融,岩浆上升侵位造成了华山岩体及合峪岩体等碰撞改造型花岗岩类的发育。  相似文献   

为阐释岩浆两阶段演化过程及其与铁成矿的关系,对邯邢铁矿区斑状石英二长岩中角闪石斑晶环带结构进行了成因矿物学研究.通过角闪石温度计、压力计、氧逸度计和湿度计的计算,发现岩浆在14km深处岩浆房内经过多次岩浆混合过程,其后演化的岩浆侵位到1.9 km的深度.岩浆房的温度为935~964℃,氧逸度为△NNO+0.27~△NNO+0.85,含水量为4.64%~6.29%,岩浆定位后角闪石结晶的平均温度为719℃,氧逸度为ANNO+2.16,含水量为3.94%.通过黑云母温度计和氧逸度计等验证,该计算结果可靠.岩浆较高的含水量和定位后显著增加的氧逸度有利于富铁的流体/熔浆与硅酸盐熔浆的分离,并最终形成邯邢式铁矿.  相似文献   

綦村岩体是冀南邯邢地区典型的中生代高镁闪长岩杂岩体,主要由斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩、角闪闪长岩、闪长岩、二长岩和少量辉长岩组成。对綦村斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩进行了较为详细的成因矿物学研究,探讨了其成因及其地质意义。研究发现,綦村斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩中的角闪石多为镁铝钙闪石和镁角闪石;黑云母主要为富镁黑云母;斜长石发育环带结构,核部以中长石和拉长石为主,边部多为更长石。角闪石矿物温压计估算结果显示,角闪石斑晶的形成温度为930~970 ℃,压力介于300~340 MPa之间,深度10~15 km,氧逸度为ΔNNO+0.1~+2.3,平衡熔融体中的水含量4.8%~5.5%;与黑云母平衡的角闪石形成温度为684~760 ℃,压力降低至42~61 MPa,熔体中水含量降至3.1%~4.3%,氧逸度为ΔNNO+0.7~+2.4。黑云母温度计和氧逸度计获得的结果与角闪石温压计估算结果一致。该结果表明,研究区高氧逸度的铁镁质岩浆在中地壳曾经驻留,并发生了以角闪石为主的结晶分异,富含挥发分的分异岩浆在后期快速侵位形成高镁闪长岩和矽卡岩型铁矿。  相似文献   

甘肃省夏河-合作矿集区是西秦岭造山带中重要的金矿富集区之一,早子沟金矿为其中最为著名的特大型矿床,矿区中酸性脉岩极为发育,与成矿具有密切联系。本次在早子沟金矿床野外调研的基础上,针对矿区主要脉岩中的黑云母进行了电子探针分析。结果表明,早子沟金矿中酸性脉岩中主要为岩浆黑云母,黑云母中FeOt含量为19.71%~29.84%,MgO含量为9.54%~13.51%,兼有镁质、铁质黑云母的特点;黑云母的结晶温度为776.61~799.65℃,结晶压力为131~283 MPa,氧逸度lg fO2为-14.85~-13.11,表现为高温、低压、较高氧逸度的特征。通过黑云母化学成分特征分析表明早子沟金矿脉岩属钙碱性花岗岩,为壳幔混源成因。早子沟金矿脉岩黑云母的这些矿物化学特征及其所指示的地质背景,揭示了早子沟脉岩代表的该套岩浆为形成大型热液矿床创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

The following reactions involving gedrite were experimentally investigated at 500, 1,000 and 2,000 bars H2O pressure:
  1. (1)
    Mg, Fe, Al-chlorite + quartz ? gedrite + cordierite + H2O and  相似文献   

Polarized IR spectra of single-crystals of amphiboles show that the molar absorptivity of the fundamental vibrational OH band is strongly wavenumber dependent. The intensity increases by a factor of 1.6 from 3674 cm-1 (tremolite endmember; MgMgMg) to 3618 cm-1 (grunerite endmember; FeFeFe). Spectra obtained from Ca and Fe-Mg amphiboles consist of sharp, well-resolved bands on a well-defined background. The high intensity of the OH bands in Ca and Fe-Mg amphiboles makes it sometimes necessary to thin the samples to under 2 μm thickness, whereas alkali amphiboles can be measured at 25–50 μm thickness.  相似文献   

Dacites dominate the large-volume, explosive eruptions in magmatic arcs, and compositionally similar granodiorites and tonalites constitute the bulk of convergent margin batholiths. Shallow, pre-eruptive storage conditions are well known for many dacitic arc magmas through melt inclusions, Fe–Ti oxides, and experiments, but their potential origins deeper in the crust are not well determined. Accordingly, we report experimental results identifying the P–T–H2O conditions under which hydrous dacitic liquid may segregate from hornblende (hbl)-gabbroic sources either during crystallization–differentiation or partial melting. Two compositions were investigated: (1) MSH–Yn?1 dacite (SiO2: 65 wt%) from Mount St. Helens’ voluminous Yn tephra and (2) MSH–Yn?1?+?10% cpx to force saturation with cpx and map a portion of the cpx?+?melt?=?hbl peritectic reaction boundary. H2O-undersaturated (3, 6, and 9 wt% H2O) piston cylinder experiments were conducted at pressures, temperatures, and fO2 appropriate for the middle to lower arc crust (400, 700, and 900 MPa, 825–1100?°C, and the Re–ReO2 buffer?≈?Ni–NiO?+?2). Results for MSH–Yn?1 indicate near-liquidus equilibrium with a cpx-free hbl-gabbro residue (hbl, plg, magnetite, ± opx, and ilmeno-hematite) with 6–7 wt% dissolved H2O, 925?°C, and 700–900 MPa. Opx disappears down-temperature consistent with the reaction opx?+?melt?=?hbl. Cpx-added phase relations are similar in that once ~10% cpx crystallizes, multiple saturation is attained with cpx, hbl, and plg, +/? opx, at 6–7 wt% dissolved H2O, 940?°C, and 700–900 MPa. Plg–hbl–cpx saturated liquids diverge from plg–hbl–opx saturated liquids, consistent with the MSH–Yn?1 dacite marking a liquid composition along a peritectic distributary reaction boundary where hbl appears down-temperature as opx?+?cpx are consumed. The abundance of saturating phases along this distributary peritectic (liquid?+?hbl?+?opx?+?cpx?+?plg?+?oxides) reduces the variance, so liquids are restricted to dacite–granodiorite–tonalite compositions. Higher-K dacites than the Yn would also saturate with biotite, further limiting their compositional diversity. Theoretical evaluation of the energetics of peritectic melting of pargasitic amphiboles indicates that melting and crystallization of amphibole occur abruptly, proximal to amphibole’s high-temperature stability limit, which causes the system to dwell thermally under the conditions that produce dacitic compositions. This process may account for the compositional homogeneity of dacites, granodiorites, and tonalites in arc settings, but their relative mobility compared to rhyolitic/granitic liquids likely accounts for their greater abundance.  相似文献   

The composition of igneous amphiboles is extremely sensitive to magma composition and the nature of the co-existing phases. The extent of solid solution in amphiboles may be depicted in the basalt tetrahedron. They are more silica-undersaturated than the liquid from which they have crystallized for liquids containing about 11% normative nepheline. For liquids containing more than 11% normative nepheline the reverse is true. The existence of this compositional divide may be demonstrated for both intrusive and extrusive suites. Amphiboles are generally nepheline-normative, except when crystallizing from granodioritic to granitic magmas.Fractionation factors between amphibole and magma composition for MgO and FeO appear to increase with decreasing temperature; those for TiO2 and Na2O decrease with increasing pressure. The CaO content of amphiboles appears to be insensitive to the CaO content of the magma.  相似文献   

Petrographic and microprobe investigations of calc-alkaline (CA) rocks from the High Cascade Range (i.e., Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Jefferson, Crater Lake and Mt. Shasta) of western North America show that crystal clots represent primary igneous phase assemblages and are not products of amphibole reactions with melt. For each eruptive complex, crystal clots display diverse modal proportions even within a single eruptive unit. Nevertheless, in all cases the crystal-clot minerals are also represented in the rock as phenocrysts or microphenocrysts. Basalts contain clots of ol+plag+mgt, ol+mgt, cpx+ plag+mgt, cpx+mgt and plag+mgt; andesites, clots of cpx+mgt, opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+mgt, cpx+plag+mgt, opx+plag+mgt and plag±mgt; and dacites, clots of opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+ mgt, opx+plag+mgt, amph+plag+mgt±ilm, amph+mgt±ilm and plag±mgt. The bulk compositions of most of these clot assemblages could not have been derived from amphibole percursors. Although some amphiboles in dacitic rocks display a breakdown reaction of amph=plag+cpx+opx +mag, these mineral clusters, unlike those of clots, typically have a relict amphibole crystal outline and a fine-grained metamorphic texture. Plagioclase grains in the mineral clusters lack oscillatory zoning which is typical of crystal clot plagioclase grains. The euhedral to subhedral shapes of most clot minerals and the oscillatory zoning present in most clot plagioclase grains are not likely to have formed from the breakdown of amphibole. Crystal clots are also observed in Hawaiian and ocean floor basalts, although amphibole fractionation has not been proposed for those lavas. Magnetite fractionation may be the controlling process limiting iron enrichment in CA magmas rather than amphibole fractionation. Textural evidence indicates that magnetite is an early-forming phase in CA magmas. V, which is concentrated in magnetite, shows a strong decrease with increasing silica in many CA rocks, supporting a magnetite fractionation model.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contrib. No. 969  相似文献   

Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
There is currently a dearth of reliable thermobarometers for many hornblende and plagioclase-bearing rocks such as granitoids and amphibolites. A semi-empirical thermodynamic evaluation of the available experimental data on amphibole+plagioclase assemblages leads to a new thermometer based on the Aliv content of amphibole coexisting with plagioclase in silica saturated rocks. The principal exchange vector in amphiboles as a function of temperature in both the natural and experimental studies is \(\left( {Na\square _{ - 1} } \right)^A \left( {AlSi_{ - 1} } \right)^{T1}\) . We have analysed the data using 3 different amphibole activity models to calibrate the thermometer reactions 1. $$1. Edenite + 4 Quartz = Tremolite + Albite$$ 2. $$2. Pargasite + 4 Quartz = Hornblende + Albite.$$ The equilibrium relation for both (1) and (2) leads to the proposed new thermometer $$T = \frac{{0.677P - 48.98 + Y}}{{ - 0.0429 - 0.008314 ln K}} and K = \left( {\frac{{Si - 4}}{{8 - Si}}} \right)X_{Ab}^{Plag} ,$$ where Si is the number of atoms per formula unit in amphiboles, with P in kbar and T in K; the term Y represents plagioclase non-ideality, RTlnγab, from Darken's Quadratic formalism (DQF) with Y=0 for X ab>0.5 and Y=-8.06+25.5(1-X ab)2 for X ab<0.5. The best fits to the data were obtained by assuming complete coupling between Al on the T1 site and Na in the A site of amphibole, and the standard deviation of residuals in the fit is ±38°C. The thermometer is robust to ferric iron recalculation procedures from electron probe data and should yield temperatures of equilibration for hornblende-plagioclase assemblages with uncertainties of around ±75° C for rocks equilibrated at temperatures in the range 500°–1100° C. The thermometer should only be used in this temperature range and for assemblages with plagioclase less calcic than An92 and with amphiboles containing less than 7.8 Si atoms pfu. Good results have been attained on natural examples from greenschist to granulite facies metamorphic rocks as well as from a variety of mafic to acid intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. Our analysis shows that the pressure dependence is poorly constrained and the equilibria are not suitable for barometry.  相似文献   

Ion-thinned samples of augite from four plutonic igneous rocks have been examined in the electron microscope at 100 kV. Lamellae less than 0.08 m thick were observed parallel to (010) in all four samples. Electron diffraction shows that the lamellae consist of clino-amphibole, space group I2/m, with crystallographic axes parallel to those of the augite. Analytical electron microscopy of the lamellae in one specimen shows that they are a hornblende. The amphibole lamellae have nucleated at the interface between the augite host and exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene parallel to (100) of the augite. The interface between the amphibole lamellae and the augite is coherent.It is thought that the amphibole lamellae have formed by exsolution from the augite, implying the existence of finite solid solution between members of the pyroxene and amphibole groups of minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract End-member, continuous and degenerate reactions are derived for the multisystem with the six components Na2O, CaO, (Mg/Fe)O, Al2O3, SiO2, H2O among the phases plagioclasess, garnetss, amphiboless, cpx, opx, olivine, spinel, quartz and an aqueous fluid. The chemography of this system is degenerate due to the co-linearity 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. This co-linearity has its implications both on reaction space and phase equilibria. From a total of 28 reaction systems, reaction space is derived for nine subsystems (phases in parentheses are absent): Case A1: (Cpx,Ol) (Cpx,Opx) and (Cpx,Qtz), Case A2: (Spl,Ol) (Spl,Opx) and (Spl,Qtz), Case B: (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz). In the absence of either cpx or spl (case A), three reactions form an invariant point, either [Cpx] or [Spl], where the co-linear phases olivine, opx and quartz coexist on the transformation line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. Changing mineral compositions force invariant points to move along the line with the different reaction curves changing their relative position according to Schreinemakers’rules. Zero contours, i.e. the location where (a) phase(s) disappear(s) in reaction space correspond to singular points in phase diagrams. Two types are distinguished; singular points of indispensable and of substitutable phases. In the first case the phase disappears from the entire bundle while in the second it disappears from a single reaction. In the specific case where the substitutable phases are also the co-linear ones, two of the three co-linear phases disappear simultaneously. Two of the three reaction curves coincide. In the system including Cpx and Spl (Case B) three reactions, (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz), oppose three invariant points, [Ol], [Opx] and [Qtz]. Invariant points no longer move along the line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. The coincidence of the zero contours of all three co-linear phases in reaction space-the result of the chemographic degeneracy-causes the respective singular points to coincide in the phase diagrams. This is the location where curves must be rearranged in a bundle to conform Schreinemakers’rules. The reaction Grs1Prp2= 2 Ol + An is fourth order degenerate and part of all nine subsystems (cases A and B). It can be used to relate the different phase diagrams to one another.  相似文献   

The exchange equilibrium between plagioclase and amphibole, 2 albite+tschermakite=2 anorthite+glaucophane, has been calibrated empirically using data from natural amphibolites. The partition coefficient, K D, for the exchange reaction is (X an/X ab)plag ·(Na, M4/Ca, M4)amph.. Partitioning is systematic between plagioclase and amphibole in suites collected from single exposures, but the solid solutions are highly non-ideal: values of In K D range from –3.0 at X an=0.30 to –1.0 at X an=0.90 in samples from a single roadcut. Changes in both K D and the topology of the ternary reciprocal exchange diagram occur with increasing metamorphic grade. Temperature dependence of In K D is moderate with ¯H35 to 47 kcal at X an=0.25; pressure dependence is small with ¯V –0.24 cal/bar. Usefulness of this exchange equilibrium as a geothermometer is restricted by uncertainties in the calculation of the amphibole formula from a microprobe analysis, especially with regard to Na, M4 in amphibole, to approximately ±50 ° C.  相似文献   

Experimental data on amphibole crystallization in water-saturated high-Mg andesite from Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, at 2, 3, and 5 kbar were used to calibrate a new geobarometer. The main parameters chosen to indicate the crystallization pressure of equilibrium amphibole is the ratio of tetrahedrally coordinated Al to the sum (Ti4+ + Fe3+), which is calculated by the 13eCNK technique with regard for crystal chemical considerations. The newly derived geobarometer is designed to evaluate pressure in the range of 2–12 kbar using amphibole from high-Mg andesite and basalt. The accuracy and reliability of the pressure estimates by the new geobarometer were tested by applying this geobarometer in studying amphibolized ultramafic xenoliths from the Dish Hill dike, California; magmatic amphibole hosted in cortlandite from the Shanuch intrusion, Kamchatka; and magmatic amphibole in the Pekul’ney Bay area, Chukotka. All estimates made with the newly developed geobarometer were reasonably close to values obtained by independent techniques.  相似文献   

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