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The hydraulic conductance of a large fault zone has been estimated by calibrating a regional groundwater flow model. Drops in groundwater elevations of over 80 m have been observed along a 15-km length of the Mission Creek fault, California, USA. The large drops in elevation are attributed to the reduced hydraulic conductivity of the fault materials. A conceptual and numerical model of the two hydrologic subbasins in Desert Hot Springs, separated by the Mission Creek fault, was developed. The model was used to estimate the hydraulic conductance along the fault. The parameter estimation involved calibrating the model with observed groundwater elevations from over 40 locations over a 60-year period. The fault hydraulic conductances were estimated assuming a linear trend in the fault length, yielding variations in the fault hydraulic conductance of about an order of magnitude along the fault length (2?×?10?11–4?×?10?10 1/s). When an average fault thickness of 35 m is assumed, the fault hydraulic conductivity values are estimated to be from three to five orders of magnitude lower than the surrounding materials. A sensitivity analysis indicated that assumptions made in the conceptual model do not significantly affect estimated fault hydraulic conductances.  相似文献   

Vertical electrical soundings technique was used to evaluate the aquifer characteristics and distribution in the northern part of Paiko in Nigeria. A total of thirty vertical electrical soundings were carried out using ABEM SAS4000 Terrameter, and the data was analyzed both manually and with software (Resist software). The result revealed the aquifer resistivity and thickness to vary from 10.9 to 80,368 Ωm, and 1.06 to 72 m, respectively. Also, hydraulic conductivity ranges from 0.010267 to 41.61928 m/day while transmissivity values range from 0.035215 to 70.09302 m2. The hydrogeological maps (hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity image maps) showed the variations of these parameters in the study area and that the southwestern part of the area has prolific aquifer.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to evaluate hydrogeologically the Nubian sandstone aquifer in El-Bahariya Oasis. It represents the main water-bearing horizon in the study area and consists of continental elastic sediments, mainly sandstone alternating with shale and clays. The general flow lines are directed from SW to NE direction, as detected from the constructed potentiometric head contour map. The piezometric surface reaches 149 m in El-Heiz area at the southern part, while it reaches 90 m at the northern, reflecting higher pressure head of the aquifer in the southern part. The map also illustrates that the southern part is considered as the most promising location for development. The structural elements play an important role in the deposition and distribution of the sedimentary succession of the Nubian sandstone sediments. Consequently, this sedimentary pattern affects the occurrences and movements of the groundwater within the aquifer system. Along the structurally high areas, in the study area, the piezometric head increases, while the reverse is recorded along the structurally low areas. The step-drawdown tests data were carried out by calculating the aquifer loss coefficient (B) and the well loss constant (C). The B values are smaller compared with C values, indicating that the aquifer under pressure has a behavior of leaky aquifer; therefore, it shows hydraulic connection with surrounding formation. The values of well efficiency range from 78.50% to 87.76%. Analysis of 12 pumping test data (constant discharge tests) was carried out in order to calculate the Nubian aquifer hydraulic parameters (transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and storage coefficient). The transmissivity values decrease from 3,045 m2/day in the southern part (El-Heiz area) to 236 m2/day in the northeastern part (El-Harra area). Accordingly, the aquifer classified as a high to moderate potentiality. Transmissivity contour map observes gradual increase of transmissivity values from the southern to northeastern direction. This may be due to the increase of shale or clay content in the concerned aquifer in that direction. The storage coefficient values range between 1.04 × 10?4 and 5.22 × 10?3, as obtained from the results of pumping test analysis, which ensure that the Nubian sandstone aquifer is classified as semi-confined to confined aquifer type. The S values show a decrease from southwest to northeast direction as detected from S-map. The hydraulic conductivity values vary from to 0.46 m/day in the northern part to 10.88 m/day in the southern part with an average of 5.67 m/day. According to the classification based on K values, the aquifer is mainly composed of coarse sand.  相似文献   

The hydrogeologic and hydraulic characteristics of a lateritic terrain in West Bengal, India, were investigated. Test drilling was conducted at ten sites and grain-size distribution curves (GSDCs) were prepared for 275 geologic samples. Performance evaluation of eight grain-size-analysis (GSA) methods was carried out to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (K) of subsurface formations. Finally, the GSA results were validated against pumping-test data. The GSDCs indicated that shallow aquifer layers are coarser than the deeper aquifer layers (uniformity coefficient 0.19–11.4). Stratigraphy analysis revealed that both shallow and deep aquifers of varying thickness exist at depths 9–40 and 40–79 m, respectively. The mean K estimates by the GSA methods are 3.62–292.86 m/day for shallow aquifer layers and 0.97–209.93 m/day for the deeper aquifer layers, suggesting significant aquifer heterogeneity. Pumping-test data indicated that the deeper aquifers are leaky confined with transmissivity 122.69–693.79 m2/day, storage coefficient 1.01?×?10?7–2.13?×?10?4 and leakance 2.01?×?10?7–34.56?×?10?2 day?1. Although the K values yielded by the GSA methods are generally larger than those obtained from the pumping tests, the Slichter, Harleman and US Bureau Reclamation (USBR) GSA methods yielded reasonable values at most of the sites (1–3 times higher than K estimates by the pumping-test method). In conclusion, more reliable aquifers exist at deeper depths that can be tapped for dependable water supply. GSA methods such as Slichter, Harleman and USBR can be used for the preliminary assessment of K in lateritic terrains in the absence of reliable field methods.  相似文献   

Compacted soil–bentonite liners, consisting of a sandy soil mixed with bentonite as backfill, are used extensively as engineered barriers for contaminant containment. This paper studies the valorization of local materials containing calcareous sand, tuff obtained from Laghouat region (in the South Algeria), to associate with bentonite in order to improve their hydraulic characteristics for use as landfill liner material. Firstly, a geotechnical characterization of mixtures chooses from a fixed percentage to 10% bentonite and different percentages of calcareous sand and tuff so that they are complementary to 90% by not 10%. Thereafter, the determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity at falling-head permeability (Kv) and oedometer (Kid, indirect Measure) tests of all compacted mixtures at Optimum Normal Proctor have been carried out using both permeates by tap water and a landfill leachate in order to simulate long-term conditions. The results showed that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of tap water is relatively lower than the one saturated by leachate in the falling-head test, unlike the oedometer test. The B10CS20T70 mixture has satisfied the hydraulic conductivity criterion of bottom barriers (i.e. water permeated: kv20° = 1.97 × 10?9 and kid from 7 × 10?9 to 1.83 × 10?10 < 10?9m/s; leachate permeated: kv20° = 2.91 × 10?9 and kid from 7 × 10?9 at 1.44 × 10?10 < 10?9 m/s). Finally, a comparison between direct measurements of the saturated hydraulic conductivity by triaxial (Kd) test and oedometer test (Kid) in the range of effective stress applied 100–800 kPa led to propose equations of correlations between these two methods. In conclusion, adopted formulation B10CS20T70 perfectly meets the regulatory requirements in force and constitutes an economic product based on available local materials for engineers barriers.  相似文献   

The River Gash Basin is filled by the Quaternary alluvial deposits, unconformably overlying the basement rocks. The alluvial deposits are composed mainly of unconsolidated layers of gravel, sand, silt, and clays. The aquifer is unconfined and is laterally bounded by the impermeable Neogene clays. The methods used in this study include the carry out of pumping tests and the analysis of well inventory data in addition to the river discharge rates and other meteorological data. The average annual discharge of the River Gash is estimated to be 1,056?×?106 m3 at El Gera gage station (upstream) and 587?×?106 m3 at Salam-Alikum gage station (downstream). The annual loss mounts up to 40% of the total discharge. The water loss is attributed to infiltration and evapotranspiration. The present study proofs that the hydraulic conductivity ranges from 36 to 105 m/day, whereas the transmissivity ranges from 328 to 1,677 m2/day. The monitoring of groundwater level measurements indicates that the water table rises during the rainy season by 9 m in the upstream and 6 m in the midstream areas. The storage capacity of the upper and middle parts of the River Gash Basin is calculated as 502?×?106 m3. The groundwater input reach 386.11?×?106 m3/year, while the groundwater output is calculated as 365.98?×?106 m3/year. The estimated difference between the input and output water quantities in the upper and middle parts of the River Gash Basin demonstrates a positive groundwater budget by about 20?×?106 m3/year  相似文献   

The groundwater abstracted at a well field near the Yamuna River in Central Delhi, India, has elevated ammonium (NH4 +) concentrations up to 35 mg/L and arsenic (As) concentrations up to 0.146 mg/L, constituting a problem with the provision of safe drinking and irrigation water. Infiltrating sewage-contaminated river water is the primary source of the NH4 + contamination in the aquifer, leading to reducing conditions which probably trigger the release of geogenic As. These conclusions are based on the evaluation of six 8–27-m deep drillings, and 13 surface-water and 69 groundwater samples collected during seven field campaigns (2012–2013). Results indicate that losing stream conditions prevail and the river water infiltrates into the shallow floodplain aquifer (up to 16 m thickness), which consists of a 1–2-m thick layer of calcareous nodules (locally known as kankar) overlain by medium sand. Because of its higher hydraulic conductivity (3.7 × 10?3 m/s, as opposed to 3.5 × 10?4 m/s in the sand), the kankar layer serves as the main pathway for the infiltrating water. However, the NH4 + plume front advances more rapidly in the sand layer because of its significantly lower cation exchange capacity. Elevated As concentrations were only observed within the NH4 + plume indicating a causal connection with the infiltrating reducing river water.  相似文献   

A hydrostructural domain approach was tested and validated in fractured bedrock aquifers of the Gulf Islands, British Columbia (BC), Canada. Relative potential hydraulic properties for three hydrostructural domains in folded and faulted sedimentary rocks were derived using stochastically generated fracture data and hybrid discrete fracture network-equivalent porous media (DFN-EPM) modelling. Model-derived relative potential transmissivity values show good spatial agreement with transmissivity values obtained from pumping tests at selected sites. A spatial pattern of increasing transmissivity towards the southeast along the island chain is consistent between both datasets. Cluster analysis on relative potential permeability values obtained from a larger dataset for the region identified four clusters with geometric means of 9?×?10?13, 4?×?10?13, 2?×?10–13, and 3?×?10–14 m2. The general trend is an increase in relative potential permeability toward the southeast, emulating the trends identified in the site-specific analyses. Relative potential permeability values increase with proximity to the hinge line of a regional northwest-trending asymmetric fault propagation fold structure, and with proximity to superimposed high-angle north- and northeast-trending brittle faults. The results are consistent with documented patterns of structurally controlled fluid flow and show promise for use in regional characterization of fractured bedrock aquifers.  相似文献   

A numerical groundwater model of the weathered crystalline aquifer of Ursuya (a major water source for the north-western Pyrenees region, south-western France) has been computed based on monitoring of hydrological, hydrodynamic and meteorological parameters over 3 years. The equivalent porous media model was used to simulate groundwater flow in the different layers of the weathered profile: from surface to depth, the weathered layer (5?·?10?8?≤?K?≤?5?·? 10?7 m s?1), the transition layer (7?·?10?8?≤?K?≤?1?·? 10?5 m s?1, the highest values being along major discontinuities), two fissured layers (3.5?·?10?8?≤?K?≤?5?·?? 10?4 m s?1, depending on weathering profile conditions and on the existence of active fractures), and the hard-rock basement simulated with a negligible hydraulic conductivity (K = 1 10 ?9 ). Hydrodynamic properties of these five calculation layers demonstrate both the impact of the weathering degree and of the discontinuities on the groundwater flow. The great agreement between simulated and observed hydraulic conditions allowed for validation of the methodology and its proposed use for application on analogous aquifers. With the aim of long-term management of this strategic aquifer, the model was then used to evaluate the impact of climate change on the groundwater resource. The simulations performed according to the most pessimistic climatic scenario until 2050 show a low sensitivity of the aquifer. The decreasing trend of the natural discharge is estimated at about ?360 m3 y?1 for recharge decreasing at about ?5.6 mm y?1 (0.8 % of annual recharge).  相似文献   

The Khor Arbaat basin is the main source of potable water supply for the more than 750,000 inhabitants of Port Sudan, eastern Sudan. The variation in hydraulic conductivity and storage capacity is due to the heterogeneity of the sediments, which range from clay and silt to gravely sand and boulders. The water table rises during the summer and winter rainy seasons; it reaches its lowest level in the dry season. The storage capacity of the Khor Arbaat aquifer is estimated to be 21.75?×?106 m3. The annual recharge through the infiltration of flood water is about 1.93?×?106 m3. The groundwater recharge, calculated as underground inflow at the ‘upper gate’, is 1.33?×?105 m3/year. The total annual groundwater recharge is 2.06?×?106 m3. The annual discharge through underground outflow at the ‘lower gate’ (through which groundwater flows onto the coastal plain) is 3.29?×?105 m3/year. Groundwater discharge due to pumping from Khor Arbaat basin is 4.38?×?106 m3/year on average. The total annual groundwater discharge is about 4.7?×?106 m3. A deficit of 2.6?×?106 m3/year is calculated. Although the total annual discharge is twice the estimated annual recharge, additional groundwater flow from the fractured basement probably balances the annual groundwater budget since no decline is observed in the piezometric levels.  相似文献   

Yang  Heejun  Tawara  Yasuhiro  Shimada  Jun  Kagabu  Makoto  Okumura  Azusa 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(6):2091-2105

The hydraulic conductivity of an unconfined carbonate aquifer at the uplifted atoll of Minami-Daito, Japan, was evaluated by a combination of cross-spectral analysis, analytical solution, and density-dependent groundwater modeling based on observed groundwater levels in 15 wells and at sea level. The island area was divided into 10 subregions based on island morphology and on inland propagation of ocean tides. The hydraulic conductivity was obtained for each subregion using analytical solutions based on phase lags of M2 constituents of ocean tides at each well by assuming two aquifer thicknesses (300 and 1,800 m) and two effective porosities (0.1 and 0.3). The density-dependent groundwater model evaluated the hydraulic conductivity of the subregions by reproducing observed groundwater levels. The hydraulic conductivity in the subregions was estimated as 3.46?×?10?3 to 6.35?×?10?2 m/s for aquifer thickness of 300 m and effective porosity of 0.1, and as 1.73?×?10?3 to 3.17?×?10?2 m/s for aquifer thickness of 1,800 m and the effective porosity of 0.3. It was higher in southern and northern areas, and higher in interior lowland than in the western and eastern areas. Fissures and dolomite distributions on the island control differences of the omnidirectional ocean tidal propagation and cause these differences in hydraulic conductivity. The method used for this study may also be applicable to other small islands that have few or no data for hydraulic conductivity.


Flowing fluid electrical conductivity (FFEC) logging is a hydrogeologic testing method that is usually conducted in an existing borehole. However, for the 2,500-m deep COSC-1 borehole, drilled at Åre, central Sweden, it was done within the drilling period during a scheduled 1-day break, thus having a negligible impact on the drilling schedule, yet providing important information on depths of hydraulically conductive zones and their transmissivities and salinities. This paper presents a reanalysis of this set of data together with a new FFEC logging data set obtained soon after drilling was completed, also over a period of 1 day, but with a different pumping rate and water-level drawdown. Their joint analysis not only results in better estimates of transmissivity and salinity in the conducting fractures intercepted by the borehole, but also yields the hydraulic head values of these fractures, an important piece of information for the understanding of hydraulic structure of the subsurface. Two additional FFEC logging tests were done about 1 year later, and are used to confirm and refine this analysis. Results show that from 250 to 2,000 m depths, there are seven distinct hydraulically conductive zones with different hydraulic heads and low transmissivity values. For the final test, conducted with a much smaller water-level drawdown, inflow ceased from some of the conductive zones, confirming that their hydraulic heads are below the hydraulic head measured in the wellbore under non-pumped conditions. The challenges accompanying 1-day FFEC logging are summarized, along with lessons learned in addressing them.  相似文献   

Low-flow indices have been determined from long-term daily streamflow data for 13 catchments in Dongjiang Basin in southern China. The Brutsaert-Nieber method was applied to estimate catchment-scale effective groundwater parameters; representative values were 4.5?×?10?4 ms?1 for the hydraulic diffusivity; 3.19?×?10?5 m2 s?1/2 for the hydraulic desorptivity; 2.27?×?10?4 m s?1 for the hydraulic conductivity; and 0.2617 for the drainable porosity. The response constants correlate well with the total stream length and catchment area. Solutions of the linearised Boussinesq equation were used to guide the development of regional multivariate regression models for estimating low-flow indices from the catchment-scale effective parameters. Results showed that these catchments exhibit similar low-flow characteristics. The 7-day lowest average streamflows with return periods of 10 and 2 years (7Q10 and 7Q2) are highly correlated with the catchment-scale response constants. The low-flow ratio Q95/Q50 (ratio of daily streamflow exceeded 95 and 50% of the time, respectively) varied between 0.3 and 0.5, indicating a high proportion of groundwater in the streamflow. The advantage of the regional regression model is its conceptual basis and use of the catchment-scale effective parameters. The method has the potential to be applied to ungauged catchments for estimating low-flow statistics from stream length and catchment area.  相似文献   

Drilling of a deep borehole does not normally allow for hydrologic testing during the drilling period. It is only done when drilling experiences a large loss (or high return) of drilling fluid due to penetration of a large-transmissivity zone. The paper proposes the possibility of conducting flowing fluid electrical conductivity (FFEC) logging during the drilling period, with negligible impact on the drilling schedule, yet providing important information on depth locations of both high- and low-transmissivity zones and their hydraulic properties. The information can be used to guide downhole fluid sampling and post-drilling detailed testing of the borehole. The method has been applied to the drilling of a 2,500-m borehole at Åre, central Sweden, firstly when the drilling reached 1,600 m, and then when the drilling reached the target depth of 2,500 m. Results unveil eight hydraulically active zones from 300 m down to borehole bottom, with depths determined to within the order of a meter. Further, the first set of data allows the estimation of hydraulic transmissivity values of the six hydraulically conductive zones found from 300 to 1,600 m, which are very low and range over one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The Tongue Creek watershed lies on the south flank of Grand Mesa in western Colorado, USA and is a site with 1.5 km of topographic relief, heat flow of 100 mW/m2, thermal conductivity of 3.3 W m–1 °C–1, hydraulic conductivity of 10-8 m/s, a water table that closely follows surface topography, and groundwater temperatures 3–15°C above mean surface temperatures. These data suggest that convective heat transport by groundwater flow has modified the thermal regime of the site. Steady state three-dimensional numerical simulations of heat flow, groundwater flow, and convective transport were used to model these thermal and hydrological data. The simulations provided estimates for the scale of hydraulic conductivity and bedrock base flow discharge within the watershed. The numerical models show that (1) complex three-dimensional flow systems develop with a range of scales from tens of meters to tens of kilometers; (2) mapped springs are frequently found at locations where contours of hydraulic head indicate strong vertical flow at the water table, and; (3) the distribution of groundwater temperatures in water wells as a function of surface elevation is predicted by the model.  相似文献   

A region of high heads within the Borrowdale Volcanic Group (BVG; a fractured crystalline rock) beneath the coastal plain of West Cumbria, England (UK), is identified as a possible relic left over by the Late Devensian ice sheet. It was found during investigations in the 1990s. Contemporary modelling work failed to produce a satisfactory explanation of the high heads compatible with the ‘cold recharge’ isotopic signature of the groundwater. This study has reassessed the original hydraulic testing results. By plotting density-adjusted heads versus their depth below the water table in the immediate vicinity of the borehole in which they were measured, a depth profile resembling a ‘wave’ was revealed with a peak value located at 1,100 m depth. The possibility that this wave represents relic heads from the last major ice sheet has been assessed using one-dimensional mathematical analysis based on a poroelastic approach. It is found that a wet-based ice sheet above the West Cumbrian coast was probably thick enough and sufficiently long-lasting to leave such relic heads providing that the hydraulic diffusivity of the BVG is in the order of 10?6 m s?1. Initial assessment 20 years ago of the long-interval slug tests suggested that such low values are not likely. More recent interpretation argues for such low values of hydraulic diffusivity. It is concluded that ice sheet recharge is the most likely cause of the raised heads, that the BVG contains significant patches of very low conductivity rock, and that long-interval single-hole tests should be avoided in fractured crystalline rock.  相似文献   

The leachate levels in the landfills in southern China are generally high. Field monitoring was carried out in the Suzhou landfill to investigate the leachate mound. The saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) of municipal solid waste were measured using samples taken from different depths of the landfill. Field monitoring reveals that a perched leachate mound and a substantial main leachate mound existed in the landfill. The saturated hydraulic conductivities of wastes in shallow, middle and deep depth were measured to be 4.81 × 10?2, 3.50 × 10?3 and 3.56 × 10?4 cm/s, respectively. The results of SWCC tests show that the SWCC curve was steep when matric suction was low, and the shallower the waste the steeper would be the curve. In addition to the field and laboratory tests, an unsaturated–saturated seepage analysis was conducted to simulate the development of the high leachate mound and to calculate the annual leachate production. The simulated volumetric water content in the unsaturated zone was about 40 %, which agreed well with the test result. The calculated leachate mound was consistent with the field measurement. The calculated annual and daily leachate productions were all more reasonable than the results of the HELP model.  相似文献   

This paper presents the establishment of an empirical HC model for estimating rock mass hydraulic conductivity of highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in Taiwan using high-resolution borehole acoustic televiewer and double packer hydraulic tests. Four geological parameters including rock quality designation (RQD), depth index (DI), gouge content designation (GCD), and lithology permeability index (LPI) were adopted for establishing the empirical HC model. To verify rationality of the proposed HC model, 22 in-situ hydraulic tests were carried out to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in three boreholes at two different locations in Taiwan. Besides, the model verification using another borehole data with four additional in-situ hydraulic tests from similar clastic sedimentary rocks was also conducted to further verify the feasibility of the proposed empirical HC model. The field results indicated that the rock mass in the study area has a conductivity between the order of 10− 10 m/s and 10− 6 m/s at the depth between 34 m and 275 m below ground surface. Results demonstrate that the empirical HC model may provide a useful tool to predict hydraulic conductivity of the highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in Taiwan based on measured HC-values.  相似文献   

Water samples from the river network and from some shallow and brackish springs located in a tectonic window of the northern Apennines of Italy were studied in the frame of a comprehensive hydrogeological investigation in order to better understand the origin and the mixing processes between the two water types noticed also in previous studies (Ca–HCO3 and Na–Cl). A sampling campaign covering the drought period during year 2010 was planned to gather electric conductivity, temperature and redox potential data along the river network and on groundwater occurrences located inside the tectonic structure. Additionally, eight water samples were collected for hydrochemical (major anions and cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2? and trace ion Btot) and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 3H) analyses and compared with other eighteen samples from shallow and brackish springs collected near the study site during the period 2005–2012. Moreover, river discharge and water balance estimations were carried out. Results confirmed the presence of old Na–Cl water with salinity progressively increasing up to 5.5 g l?1 at the northern termination of the tectonic window. These values are in agreement with the ions contents of the most mineralized spring (Macognano spring: salinity of 7.6 g l?1), which has been considered as having the deepest and longest flow-path. Stable isotopes and trace ions contents are consistent with rainfall and snowmelt water mixed with brines associated with a hydrocarbon reservoir hosted at depth. Considering as end-member the more mineralized Na–Cl water, a cumulate inflow in the range of 12.9 ± 5.9 l s?1 has been estimated. This aliquot is released into the river network with different mixing proportions by the groundwater occurrences discharging from the autochthonous flysch unit.  相似文献   

The influence of alkaline aqueous solutions on the properties of bentonite was investigated to evaluate the performance of bentonitic engineered barriers when contacted with alkaline groundwater. Batch and hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted on Na-bentonite using six different alkaline aqueous solutions. For the batch tests, almost no change in the montmorillonite fraction of the bentonite was observed after reacting with alkaline solutions (pH = 8.4–13.1), regardless of the solution type. On the other hand, aluminosilicate minerals (e.g., albite) were dissolved and secondary minerals (e.g., anorthite) were formed in alkaline NaOH solutions (pH > 13). The cation (Ca or Na) concentration primarily affected the swelling properties of bentonite rather than the pH of the solution, which was comparable to the results of the hydraulic conductivity tests. For the Ca solutions, the hydraulic conductivity of the bentonite specimen to the 0.02 mol/L Ca(OH)2 solution (6.5 × 10?9 cm/s) was approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of the bentonite specimen to the 0.02 mol/L Ca(OH)2 + 1 mol/L CaCl2 solution (5.0 × 10?8 cm/s), whereas the hydraulic conductivity to the 0.02 mol/L Ca(OH)2 + 1 mol/L CaCl2 solution (pH = 11.3) (5.0 × 10?8 cm/s) was slightly higher than that to the 1 mol/L CaCl2 solution (pHi = 8.4) (4.4 × 10?8 cm/s). For the NaOH solutions with pH > 13, the hydraulic conductivity of the bentonite specimen decreased with increasing Na concentration, suggesting that the effect of Na concentration was more dominant than that of permeant pH.  相似文献   

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