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太湖梅梁湾地区人类活动对湖泊沉积环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖泊沉积物是记录流域人类活动以及湖泊环境响应的自然档案。通过对太湖北部梅梁湾沉积物中粒度、沉积速率、重金属( Cd、 Pb、 Mn )、营养盐等多个指标的分析,探讨了该湖区100多年来的环境演变状况,旨在揭示太湖梅梁湾地区的生态环境演化趋势及其与人类活动的关系。结果表明,人类活动正逐渐成为影响湖区沉积环境的主要因素。1949年以前,太湖流域民族工业的发展,人类活动方式及强度发生改变,加强了对湖区的扰动,湖区沉积速率逐渐变大,粒度变粗,重金属( Mn元素)以及营养盐含量减少;1949年至20世纪80年代,沉积速率变动幅度大,但湖区重金属及其营养盐含量稳定,以自然沉积为主,表明这一时期输入太湖的重金属和营养盐数量比较少,导致湖水污染的仅仅是农业面源污染和生活垃圾;20世纪80年代以后,大量的工业废水和生活污水排放入湖,致使沉积物中总有机碳( TOC)、总氮( TN)、总磷( TP)以及重金属含量迅速增长, TN/TP表明人为磷元素的大量输入是导致太湖水体富营养化的主要原因。自1998年以来各种污染治理措施的实施,使得表层沉积物沉积速率及Cd和Pb含量下降,湖区生态环境改善,但整体而言,仍无法遏制人类活动对太湖梅梁湾地区生态环境破坏的现象。  相似文献   

史小丽  秦伯强 《地理科学》2010,30(5):766-771
在放射性核素137Cs和210Pb精确计年的基础上,建立了长江中游网湖近代沉积物年代序列。通过对沉积物中TOC、TN、TP、孢粉、重金属元素、粒度等指标的测定,结合相关文献资料,分析了百年来网湖沉积物中营养元素的分布特征,物源变化以及主控因子。结果表明:百年来网湖沉积物中TN和TOC含量显著相关,呈不断上升趋势,存在2个明显的演化阶段,主控因子为流域人类活动强度,气候波动对其有影响,但影响不大。TP的变化与TN和TOC明显不同,波动较大,规律不明显,主要受人类活动强度以及径流侵蚀输移入湖物质变化两大因子控制。  相似文献   

连环湖马圈泡沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态风险   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对连环湖马圈泡柱状沉积物重金属(Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn、Cd)等地球化学指标的分析, 对马圈泡沉积物污染历史进行了讨论。根据元素的变化趋势,结合颗粒组成指标,采用相关分析,富集状况及潜在生态风险评价,并辅以210Pb、137Cs测年数据,研究了自1937年以来该湖区沉积物重金属元素污染特征、来源、污染历史及污染程度。结果表明,1987年以前各元素含量变化趋势平稳,1987年至今,7种重金属元素含量均明显增加。重金属元素的来源包括自然来源和人为输入。从单向污染系数来看Cu、Ni、Cr、Pb、Zn属于中等污染强度,Mn、Cd达到了强污染程度;从综合污染系数来看,表层重金属元素主要为中等程度的污染。沉积物重金属污染历史与该区经济发展阶段相吻合可为其湖区生态环境的整治与改善提供基础性的数据资料。  相似文献   

向海湿地元素地球化学特征与高分辨沉积记录   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
王国平  刘景双 《地理科学》2003,23(2):208-212
以内流河下游漫流区-向海沼泽湿地为研究对象,对其典型剖面沉积物的柱状样以厘米级间距采样,在多元统计分析的基础上,结合137Cs、210Pb测年数据对其进行高分辨率元素地球化学特征解析,以获取现代沉积记录及其与流域环境变化的关系。结果表明,主成分分析提取的第一主成分有较高的代表性;聚类分析将元素按造岩、迁移累积型、强烈迁移型元素归为三类;大多数金属元素之间存在着显著相关性,并且均与TOC、<63?μm粒径的颗粒呈正相关。典型剖面金属元素的高分辨沉积记录解析表明:向海的沼泽发育可以追溯至1885年之前;1885年左右区域环境发生过突变;近250年以来,暖湿气候与风沙、干旱交替出现;研究区沼泽湿地沉积物表层沉积序列内已明显富集了重金属元素,近年霍林河流域上游人类活动对下游湿地的扰动增强。  相似文献   

对沅江入湖沉积物进行钻探取样,利用等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)对沉积物重金属进行分析。结果表明:重金属Ba、Sc、V、Th、U、Cu、Co、Ni、Cr等在沉积物中含量变化相对稳定,分布相对均匀;而Mn、Zn、Pb、Mo、Cd、Tl、Bi等重金属的含量变化大,分布不均匀。重金属含量柱状剖面变化特征及富集系数(EF值)的计算结果显示:沉积物中Cd达显著富集,而Sc、V、Mn、Pb、Bi等为中等富集程度。沉积物中存在3个重金属富集层,即中下部Pb、Tl、Bi富集层;中上部Pb、Cr、Ni、Cu富集层;浅表部V、Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Tl、Bi等多种重金属富集层。地累积指数(Igeo)和综合富集指数(EI)评价结果显示:沅江入湖沉积物重金属污染程度自河床深部向浅部,污染程度趋于增强,污染元素组合趋于由Pb-Bi的单一元素组合向由V-Cr-Mn-Ni-Cu-Zn-Pb-Cd-Bi组成的复合元素组合变化。且自上游向下游,沉积物重金属污染程度趋于降低。这种重金属污染空间变化特征与区域人为活动有关,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

对沅江入湖沉积物进行钻探取样,利用等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)对沉积物重金属进行分析。结果表明:重金属Ba、Sc、V、Th、U、Cu、Co、Ni、Cr等在沉积物中含量变化相对稳定,分布相对均匀;而Mn、Zn、Pb、Mo、Cd、Tl、Bi等重金属的含量变化大,分布不均匀。重金属含量柱状剖面变化特征及富集系数(EF值)的计算结果显示:沉积物中Cd达显著富集,而Sc、V、Mn、Pb、Bi等为中等富集程度。沉积物中存在3个重金属富集层,即中下部Pb、Tl、Bi富集层;中上部Pb、Cr、Ni、Cu富集层;浅表部V、Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Tl、Bi等多种重金属富集层。地累积指数(Igeo)和综合富集指数(EI)评价结果显示:沅江入湖沉积物重金属污染程度自河床深部向浅部,污染程度趋于增强,污染元素组合趋于由Pb-Bi的单一元素组合向由V-Cr-Mn-Ni-Cu-ZnPb-Cd-Bi组成的复合元素组合变化。且自上游向下游,沉积物重金属污染程度趋于降低。这种重金属污染空间变化特征与区域人为活动有关,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

彭佳  黄春玲  陈旭 《地理研究》2018,37(1):220-230
根据云中湖27 cm长沉积岩芯进行元素、粒度和硅藻多指标分析以及210Pb测年,结合流域气候和人类活动等历史资料,反演1958年以来云中湖在气候变化和人类活动影响下的环境变化。冗余分析结果显示云中湖沉积硅藻组合变化与Al、Fe、Pb和温度四个变量显著相关。硅藻属种聚类分析的结果表明云中湖环境变化经历了两个阶段:1958-1993年间喜碱性水体的Achnanthes minutissimaFragilaria nanana属种大量出现与较高CIA指数响应于气候调控下的流域侵蚀过程;1993年以来气候变暖与旅游发展引起入湖营养盐增加是Cyclotella pseudostelligeraAulacoseira alpigena等中—富营养硅藻种增殖的主要诱因。重建亚高山湖泊在气候变化以及人类活动影响下湖泊生态系统的演化,为保护亚高山湖泊生态环境和改善流域水质提供参考。  相似文献   

云南洱海流域人类活动的湖泊沉积记录分析   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
根据湖泊沉积记录的环境指标变化,对云南洱海地区人类活动的湖泊沉积响应进行了系统的讨论。洱海湖泊沉积物记录显示,湖泊沉积物磁化洱海流域土地利用方式变化特别是耕作农业的出现有显著响应;沉积物元素Fe、Al含量的变化也与流域人类活动影响下的地表水土流失有密切联系。沉积物色素的变化则指标湖泊富人为营养化的历史。湖泊沉积物磁化率、元素、色素指标的变化是不湖泊流域人类活动的有效指标并具有重要的科学考古学意义。  相似文献   

向海湿地沉积芯重金属对流域环境污染示踪   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
王国平  刘景双  高峰 《地理科学》2001,6(6):549-553
选取霍林河下游向海沼泽湿地为研究对象,采用得力沉积芯采样钻钻孔采样与剖面切割采样相结合的方法,采集了10个沉积柱芯及剖面,以沉积物重金属元素Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni、Co、Pb、Fe、Mn及pH、TOC在剖面中的分布进行高分辨率研究。结晶显示,剖面上部沉积物表层沉积序列内明显富集了Fe、Mn、Zn等重金属,并与TOC含量呈显著相关,与此相反,大多数沉积柱芯下层的重金属含量相对较低。研究表明,高分辨率取样易找出元素间相关性,那些水源来自同一相对稳定外源输入的沉积柱芯中的重金属与TOC表现出更显著的相关性,越靠近河流、淹没频率直蒿,沼泽湿地表层沉积物中重金属元素含量趋向增高。  相似文献   

黄涛  孙立广 《极地研究》2012,24(4):384-390
2008年在东南极阿曼达湾帝企鹅聚集区附近岛屿开展了野外工作,于岛屿湖泊集水区采集到两个短沉积剖面,分别命名为EPI和PI。根据野外实地考察情况和室内分割样品发现EPI剖面主要为泥炭沉积,含有大量水生藻类;PI剖面为黑色泥质沉积,散发出浓烈的粪臭味,沉积物中含有大量的幼年帝企鹅绒毛和少量的残骨。对EPI和PI剖面沉积物、当地风化母岩及水生湖藻进行了部分生源元素和重金属元素浓度分析与对比,结果显示EPI剖面元素含量主要来源于背景母岩和湖藻沉积。PI剖面为帝企鹅粪土沉积序列,沉积物中的TC、TN、TP、Cu、Zn、Hg和Se的含量远远高于风化母岩中的浓度,其主要来源于帝企鹅粪的输入,而Pb元素主要来源于当地风化母岩的贡献。本研究首次显示帝企鹅活动同样可以为南极贫瘠的陆地湖泊系统带来大量的营养物质,但同时也输入了大量的重金属污染元素。  相似文献   

We present a paleolimnological record from shallow Lake Wuliangsu in the Yellow River Basin, north China, using a short (56 cm) sediment core. Our objective was to investigate environmental changes in this semi-arid region over the past ~150 years. The sediment core was dated using 137Cs and 210Pb. We examined stratigraphic trends in core lithology, nutrients, stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and trace element concentrations in the Lake Wuliangsu core to discern between natural sediments and those affected by human agency. A lithologic transition from yellow, coarse-grained sediment to grey, fined-grained sediment marked the lake’s formation about 1860. Until ~1950, sediments displayed relatively low and constant heavy metal concentrations, indicating little human influence. In the 1950s, enrichment factors (EFs) increased, reflecting greater impact of human activities. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in organic matter (OM), along with heavy metal concentrations, were used to infer past shifts in trophic state and identify pollutants that came from agriculture, industry and urbanization. In the late 1950s, the first evidence for environmental change is recorded by increases in total organic carbon (TOC), total organic nitrogen (TN), TOC/TN, EFs, δ13C and a decrease in δ15N. After about year 2000, a more rapid increase in trophic status occurred, as indicated by greater total phosphorus (TP), EFs, δ15N and lower δ13C values. Changes in isotope and TOC/TN values in the lake sediments may reflect a shift in lake ecology during this period. The first increase in trophic status during the late 1950s was mainly a result of agricultural development in the catchment. In contrast, the change after ca. AD 2000 was driven largely by urban and industrial development. Agreement between paleolimnologic data from Lake Wuliangsu, and both instrumental and written records, indicates that the lake sediments provide a reliable archive for investigating the formation and environmental history of the lake.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C, δ15N), total phosphorus (TP) and organic phosphorus (OP) were measured in surface sediments and two short cores (DU-3 and WS-4) from Lake Nansihu, China to infer historical changes in anthropogenic nutrient inputs and corresponding shifts in lake primary productivity. Results indicate that organic matter preserved in the sediments is mainly autochthonous and that analyzed sediment variables were affected little by post-burial diagenesis. Increasing TOC, TN, OP and TP concentrations since the 1940s reflect increased P loading and elevated lake productivity. The δ13C values varied from ?21.5 to ?26.6‰ in the two sediment cores. Values were relatively more negative before the 1940s, but thereafter increased until the mid-1980s, reflecting elevated lake productivity. Since the mid-1980s, δ13C values remained relatively constant in core WS-4 and decreased in core DU-3, perhaps reflecting a change in the phytoplankton community. The δ15N values ranged from ?0.5 to 1.3‰ in core DU-3 and from 1.2 to 2.5‰ in core WS-4 before the mid-1980s, and increased to between 2.1 and 8.0‰ and 5.2 and 7.8‰, respectively, thereafter. Topmost sediments in the two cores display δ15N values similar to those recorded in the surface sediments (5.5–7.5‰). Higher δ15N values in recent deposits correspond to greater nitrogen concentration in water, and likely indicate anthropogenic nitrogen input, mainly from human and animal wastes.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were determined in combination with stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen (δ13COrg, δ15N) in a 63 cm sediment core from Longgan Lake, located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. These geochemical and isotopic records provide a continuous history of lake productivity and trophic state of Longgan Lake since 1890. Variations of δ13COrg, TOC, TN and TP indicate that primary productivity of Longgan Lake increased continuously during the last century and that the trophic state of the lake shifted from oligotrophic to mestrotrophic conditions accordingly. Anthropogenic sources of organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were distinguished from their natural background in the sediments using mass accumulation rates. Element mass accumulation rates suggested increased human activities in the lake’s catchment since 1950s, were especially the utilization of artificial fertilizers amplified the anthropogenic input of N and P into the lake. In the course of the improved availability of dissolved nutrients also primary productivity of Longgan Lake increased, resulting in an increase of the Suess-effect corrected organic carbon isotope ratios. δ15N of bulk sediments show a marked shift towards lower values around 1950 that has been attributed to the input of nitrogen from chemical fertilizers characterized by relatively depleted isotopic signatures into the lake.  相似文献   

青藏高原对全球气候变暖响应敏感,研究青藏高原近千年来环境演化过程、规律与驱动机制对预测其未来气候可能发生的变化有重要参照意义.通过位于青藏高原东部的苦海沉积物总有机质相关指标[总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总有机碳与总氮比值(TOC/TN)和总有机碳同位素(δ13Corg)]的研究重建了该区域过去840年来的环境演...  相似文献   

Environmental change in Lake Taihu and its catchment since the early to middle part of the twentieth century has left a clear geochemical record in the lake sediments. The human activities in the lake and its catchment responsible for the change include agriculture, fishery, urbanisation, sewage and industrial waster disposal. Sediment cores were collected from Meilian Bay of northern Lake Taihu to investigate the record of anthropogenic impacts on the lake’s ecosystem and to assess its natural, pre-eutrophication baseline state. Two marked stratigraphic sediment units were identified on the basis of total phosphorus concentration (TP), pigments, total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN), δ13C and δ15N corresponding to stages in the lake history dominated by phytoplankton, and by aquatic macrophytes. Results show that as TP loading increased from the early 1950s the lake produced sediments with increasing amounts of organic matter derived from phytoplankton. In the early 1950s, the first evidence for eutrophication at the Meilian Bay site is recorded by an increase in C/N values and in sediment accumulation rate, but there is little change in phosphorus concentrations, pigments, δ13C and δ15N at this time. After 1990 a more rapid increase in trophic status took place indicated by increased levels of phosphorus, pigments, δ15N and by decreased δ13C and TOC/TN values in the lake sediments. The first increase in trophic status of the early 1950s results mainly from agricultural development in the catchment. In contrast, the acceleration from ca. 1990 originates from the recent development of fisheries and the urbanisation and industrialisation of the catchment.  相似文献   

Organic geochemical record of environmental changes in Lake Dianchi,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the natural ecosystem of Lake Dianchi and to assess its anthropogenic impacts, a stratigraphic study of bulk and molecular compositions of organic matter was conducted using a 63-cm long sediment core. The results show that two apparent environmental changes occurred during the evolution of Lake Dianchi: (1) the first change occurred in the 43–63 cm sediment depth, and was revealed by the amount and the composition of organic matter in the stage. Natural changes were possibly major factors responsible for triggering the environmental change, but the influence of human activities could not be excluded. Subsequently, the lake entered into a relatively stable and oligotrophic stage, which maintained until 20-cm sediment depth. (2) Eutrophication started in the upper 20 cm depth. Human activities became a major factor influencing environmental changes in this stage. Vertical profiles of various organic geochemical variables in the upper 20-cm sediments show evidence that primary productivity of the lake increased progressively and that the lake started eutrophic. Especially in the uppermost 10 cm, notable excursions to less negative δ13Corg and δ15Ntotal and high TOC concentrations have recorded an abrupt change in the lacustrine environment, suggesting that the lake entered a hypereutrophic stage. In addition, enhancement of αβ-hopanes reflects the contribution of fossil fuels to the lake sediments.  相似文献   

西太湖沉积物污染的地球化学记录及对比研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
刘恩峰  沈吉  朱育新 《地理科学》2005,25(1):102-107
通过对西太湖MS、DLS沉积短岩芯中金属元素、营养指标的对比分析,讨论了西太湖近80年来的元素地球化学演化特征。结果表明,20世纪40年代以前,西太湖沉积物中元素为自然来源;40~70年代末期,除北部Hg、TP受到人为污染之外,其余元素仍主要为自然来源;70年代末期以来,重金属元素人为污染逐渐加重,湖泊营养程度升高。西太湖北部沉积物中Pb、Zn、Mn、Ni、As污染开始于20世纪70年代末期,Hg污染开始于40年代初期;与北部相比,南部沉积物重金属污染历史较短,Pb、Zn污染开始于70年代末期,As、Mn、Ni、Hg污染开始于80年代中期~末期。西太湖北部、南部沉积物中TN、TOC含量70年代末期以来开始增加,C/N比值增大,有机质外源输入比例增加。西太湖北部沉积物中TP含量自40年代初期以来逐渐增加,受到人为污染;南部TP含量在40~70年代略高,但无明显的人为污染特征。  相似文献   

呼伦湖沉积物粒度特征及其环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙华杰  臧淑英  孙德尧  张科  孙丽 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1570-1578
通过对呼伦湖湖心沉积岩芯粒度机械组成和频率分布曲线的分析,辅以210Pb年代测定,重建了1865~2016年粒度演变特征并揭示其环境指示意义。研究表明:湖心沉积物主要为粉砂和黏土,中值粒径同粗粉砂和砂组分显著正相关,在垂直剖面上表现为减小、波动变化和增大的变化趋势。应用对数正态分布函数对粒度频率曲线进行拟合,提取出大气粉尘源、湖心相标志组分和风沙尘暴组分3个环境敏感组分。粒度机械组成与环境敏感组分的垂向特征变化同历史时期的湖泊水位变化、降水量强度变化,及沙尘暴事件较为一致,能够较好的重建150 a来湖区气候干湿变化和风沙活动特征,可用于恢复区域环境变化历史。  相似文献   

Climatic and environmental changes since the last glacial period are important to our understanding of global environmental change. There are few records from Southern Tibet, one of the most climatically sensitive areas on earth. Here we present a study of the lake sediments (TC1 core) from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet. Two sediment cores were drilled using a hydraulic borer in Terrace 1 of Lake Chen Co. AMS 14C dating of the sediments showed that the sequence spanned >30,000 years. Analyses of present lake hydrology indicated that glacier melt water is very important to maintaining the lake level. Sediment variables such as grain size, TOC, TN, C/N, Fe/Mn, CaCO3, and pollen were analyzed. Warm and moderately humid conditions dominated during the interval 30,000–26,500 cal year BP. From 26,500 to 20,000 cal year BP, chemical variables and pollen assemblages indicate a cold/dry environment, and pollen amounts and assemblages suggest a decline in vegetation. From 20,000 to 18,000 cal year BP, the environment shifted from cold/dry to warm/humid and vegetation rebounded. The environment transitioned to cold/humid during 16,500–10,500 cal year BP, with a cold/dry event around 14,500 cal year BP. After 10,500 cal year BP, the environment in this region tended to be warm/dry, but exhibited three stages. From 10,500 to 9,000 cal year BP, there was a short warm/humid period, but a shift to cold/dry conditions occurred around 9,000 cal year BP. Thereafter, from 9,000 to 6,000 cal year BP, there was a change from cold/dry to warm/humid conditions, with the warmest period around 6,000 cal year BP. After 6,000 cal year BP, the environment cooled rapidly, but then displayed a warming trend. Chemical variables indicate that a relatively warm/dry event occurred around 5,500–5,000 cal year BP, which is supported by time-lagged pollen assemblages around 4,800 cal year BP. Our lake sediment sequence exhibits environmental changes since 30,000 cal year BP, and most features agree with records from the Greenland GISP2 ice core and with other sequences from the Tibetan Plateau. This indicates that environmental changes inferred from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet were globally significant.  相似文献   

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