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With the advanced capabilities of mobile devices and the success of car navigation systems, interest in pedestrian navigation systems is on the rise. A critical component of any navigation system is a map database, which represents a network (e.g., road networks for car navigation) and supports key functionality such as map display, geocoding, and routing. Road networks, mainly due to the popularity of car navigation systems, are well defined and publicly available. However, in pedestrian navigation systems, as well as other applications including urban planning and physical activity studies, road networks do not adequately represent the paths that pedestrians usually travel. Currently, there is a void in literatures discussing the challenges, methods, and best practices for pedestrian network map generation. This coupled with the increased demand for pedestrian networks is the prime motivation for development of new approaches and algorithms to automatically generating pedestrian networks. Three approaches, network buffering, using existing road networks, collaborative mapping, using Global Positioning System (GPS) traces collected by volunteers, and image processing, using high-resolution satellite and laser imageries, were implemented and evaluated with a pedestrian network baseline as a ground truth. The results of the experiments indicate that these three approaches, while differing in complexity and outcome, are viable for automatic pedestrian network map generation. The recommendation of a suitable approach for generating pedestrian networks for a given set of sources and requirements is provided.  相似文献   

Pedestrian navigation at night should differ from daytime navigation due to the psychological safety needs of pedestrians. For example, pedestrians may prefer better-illuminated walking environments, shorter travel distances, and greater numbers of pedestrian companions. Route selection at night is therefore a multi-objective optimization problem. However, multi-objective optimization problems are commonly solved by combining multiple objectives into a single weighted-sum objective function. This study extends the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm by modifying several strategies, including the representation of the solutions, the limited neighborhood search, and the Pareto front approximation method. The extended algorithm can be used to generate an optimal route set for pedestrians at night that considers travel distance, the illumination of the walking environment, and the number of pedestrian companions. We compare the proposed algorithm with the well-known Dijkstra shortest-path algorithm and discuss the stability, diversity, and dynamics of the generated solutions. Experiments within a study area confirm the effectiveness of the improved algorithm. This algorithm can also be applied to solving other multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion, a common and complicated phenomenon in urban transportation systems, is attracting increasing attention from researchers in Geographical Information Science (GIS) and other fields. In this study, we illustrate a general mechanism that reveals the relationship between travel time and dynamic traffic conditions. We measure a vehicle’s travel time to its destination along any path, where the travel time is calculated based on the path length and on the real-time traffic volume and transport capacity of each road segment on the path. On the basis of this measurement, we present a simple dynamic routing strategy that allows each vehicle to dynamically choose the path to its destination while imposing the minimum travel time. The application of our routing algorithm to the Chengdu street network, Barabási–Albert scale-free network and Erdös–Rényi random network shows that the proposed strategy remarkably improves network throughput and balances traffic load distribution. Our findings suggest that mining the time mechanism of network transport is important to explore efficient time-optimization routing algorithms to enhance the transport capacity of urban street networks and other kinds of networks.  相似文献   

Most pedestrian movement volume models were constructed for urban areas that developed on the basis of pre-modern planning. In this paper, we confront neighborhoods that were built upon modern planning doctrines, combining the functional hierarchy of streets with the neighborhood unit concept, with neighborhoods that developed from pre-modem non-hierarchical street-based planning. We use space syntax analysis to investigate how their street network’s structural attributes interact with pedestrian movement distribution. The investigation was conducted in 14 neighborhoods from 4 cities in Israel by examining the correlation of observed pedestrian volume with models using different axial- and segment-based topological, angular, and metric syntactic attributes across different radii (scales). The results indicate that the street network and the distribution of pedestrian movement interact differently in the two neighborhood types. In pre-modern neighborhoods: (i) there is significantly more walking; (ii) the street network’s syntactic attributes tend to be much more consistent in their correlation with pedestrian volume across all scales; (iii) the correlation of pedestrian volume with these attributes and with commerce is relatively high; and (iv) pedestrian movement distribution is more predictable. We relate these differences to the absence of a self-organized circular causality between street network structure, commerce, and movement in modern planned neighborhoods.  相似文献   

During navigation, a pedestrian needs to recognize a landmark at a certain decision point. If a potential landmark located at a decision point is complicated to recognize, the complexity of the decision point is significantly increased. Thus, it is important to compute routes that avoid complicated decision points (CDPs) but still achieve optimal navigation performance. In this paper, we propose an approach for computing routes that avoid CDPs while optimizing the performance of landmark-based pedestrian navigation. The approach includes (1) a model for identifying CDPs based on the structures of pedestrian networks and landmark data in real scenes, and (2) a modified genetic algorithm for computing routes that avoid the identified CDPs and find the shortest route possible. To demonstrate the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed approach, we conducted an empirical study on the pedestrian network in a real-world scenario. The experimental results show that our approach can effectively avoid CDPs while still minimizing travel distance. Furthermore, our approach can provide the routes with the shortest travel distance if the distances of the routes without CDPs exceed a certain threshold.  相似文献   

步行是一种重要的交通方式,也是体力活动的重要组成部分。然而,现代城市居民步行频率持续下降,相应地带来体力活动水平的持续降低,伴随着肥胖等慢性非传染病广泛蔓延,值得警惕。西方很多研究证实了建成环境(常以“3D”或“5D”等模型刻画)对步行行为的影响。基于西方的结论对于中国香港、北京和上海等具有与西方城市大相迥异的建成环境的城市是否适用?不同的人群由于具有不同的社会经济属性和生活节奏、习惯,其步行行为受建成环境的影响在方向、强度上是否存在差异?为解决上述问题,论文以香港为案例地,以职员和学生2类人群的步行通勤通学行为为研究对象,利用香港人口普查数据、Open Street Map数据以及中原地图数据等,采用传统的线性回归和空间计量模型进行分析,发现:①通勤通学距离是影响职员和学生步行通勤通学行为的最重要变量;②以“5D”模型刻画的建成环境对香港居民步行通勤通学行为的影响,与西方情境下的结论存在一定的差异,如,在香港,距地铁站的距离与职员和学生步行通勤比例相关性均不显著;③建成环境对步行通勤通学行为的影响,在职员与学生两类人群之间在方向和强度上存在显著差异。例如人口密度与职员步行通勤比例负相关,但与学生步行通学比例正相关。研究凸显了在“建成环境-交通行为”关系研究中情境(context)和人群区分(segmentation)的重要性。  相似文献   

杨文越  甄新瑜 《地理科学》2022,42(5):938-950
基于2019年广州18个社区1 470份问卷数据,通过构建结构方程模型探究不同尺度步行环境(包括步行适宜性和其他与步行相关的建成环境要素)对居民肥胖的影响机理。研究发现:居民出行态度与偏好会影响通勤行为,但对居民肥胖没有显著的直接影响。在考虑了居民社会经济属性和出行态度偏好后,居住地步行环境对居民身体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)具有显著的负向总体效应。步行环境对居民BMI的影响具有尺度效应,社区尺度的步行适宜性影响最为显著。不同尺度的绿度、路网密度、地铁站密度和与城市中心的距离等其他与步行相关的建成环境均对居民BMI有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   


The ubiquity of personal sensing devices has enabled the collection of large, diverse, and fine-grained spatio-temporal datasets. These datasets facilitate numerous applications from traffic monitoring and management to location-based services. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in profiling individuals' movements for personalized services based on fine-grained trajectory data. Most approaches identify the most representative paths of a user by analyzing coarse location information, e.g., frequently visited places. However, even for trips that share the same origin and destination, individuals exhibit a variety of behaviors (e.g., a school drop detour, a brief stop at a supermarket). The ability to characterize and compare the variability of individuals' fine-grained movement behavior can greatly support location-based services and smart spatial sampling strategies. We propose a TRip DIversity Measure --TRIM – that quantifies the regularity of users' path choice between an origin and destination. TRIM effectively captures the extent of the diversity of the paths that are taken between a given origin and destination pair, and identifies users with distinct movement patterns, while facilitating the comparison of the movement behavior variations between users. Our experiments using synthetic and real datasets and across geographies show the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

Soil denudation studies in urban environments are infrequent in the geomorphic literature. Here we describe the amount of soil erosion associated with pedestrian and bicycle pathways on an American university campus. The amount of soil denudation from thirty pedestrian/bicycle paths on the campus of the University of North Carolina was determined by morphometric measurements. Volumes denuded ranged from nearly 20 m3 to <0.2 m3 per site. Highest amounts were located at sites adjacent to a football stadium. Three types of paths were recognized, based on their utilization: paths running adjacent to existing sidewalks; paths cutting across lawns and through shrubbery from one sidewalk to another; and those formed by bicycles in order to avoid going up or down steps.  相似文献   

We present a methodology and a planning and design support software tool for evaluating walkability and pedestrian accessibility of places which are relevant for people’s capabilities, and thus an important component of quality of life in cities. A multicriteria evaluation model, at the core of the decision support system, is used to assign walkability scores to points in urban space. Walkability scores are obtained through algorithms which process spatial data and run the evaluation model in order to derive potential pedestrian routes along the street network, taking into account the quality of urban space on several attributes relevant for walkability. One of its notable characteristics is a certain reversal of perspective in evaluating walkability: the walkability score of a place does not reflect how that place is per se walkable, but instead how and where to can one walk from there, that is to say, what is the walkability the place is endowed with. This evaluation incorporates three intertwined elements: the number of destinations/opportunities reachable by foot, their walking distances, and the quality of the paths to these destinations. In this article, we furthermore demonstrate possible uses of the support system by reporting and discussing the results of a case-study assessment of a project for the Lisbon’s Segunda Circular (Second Ring Road). The software tool is made freely available for download.  相似文献   

Through field rainfall simulation experiments in an upland mountainous watershed of northern Thailand, we have identified two phenomena that increase the potential for Horton overland flow (HOF) generation on agricultural lands. First, there appears to be a transition period of 12–18 months, extending from the time of abandonment until the formation of a dense vegetation layer capable of intercepting rainfall and ponding surface water, during which HOF generation is accelerated. Simulation data indicate these recently abandoned fields may have runoff coefficients (ROCs) as high as 40% during large seasonal storms with wet antecedent soil moisture conditions. In comparison, actively cultivated lands and advanced (>16–18 months) fallow fields, the land surfaces existing before and after the threshold period, have ROCs≤4%. Secondly, compacted path surfaces initiate HOF within agricultural fields, which have saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) values that are 100–200 mm h−1 higher. In the study area, path/furrow networks, comprising 8–24% of field surface areas, are designed to provide walking access within fields and channel excess surface flow from the fields. Compared with hoed surfaces, path/furrows reduce the time to HOF generation by about 85% and have ROCs that are six times higher. Access paths have the lowest Ks values of all watershed surfaces, but conveyance efficiency of HOF generated on these surfaces is low. Even recently created field paths are capable of reducing runoff generation time by 40–90% and producing sixfold increases in ROCs. Collectively, the data suggest that agricultural erosion rates are accelerated during the 12–18-month threshold period following abandonment and during storms where path-generated HOF interacts with adjacent planting surfaces. Despite having periods of increased HOF generation, the total HOF contribution from agricultural fields to the basin stream hydrograph is similar in magnitude to that of unpaved roads, which occupy 95% less land area.  相似文献   

One feature discovered in the study of complex networks is community structure, in which vertices are gathered into several groups where more edges exist within groups than between groups. Many approaches have been developed for identifying communities; these approaches essentially segment networks based on topological structure or the attribute similarity of vertices, while few approaches consider the spatial character of the networks. Many complex networks are spatially constrained such that the vertices and edges are embedded in space. In geographical space, nearer objects are more related than distant objects. Thus, the relations among vertices are defined not only by the links connecting them but also by the distance between them. In this article, we propose a geo-distance-based method of detecting communities in spatially constrained networks to identify communities that are both highly topologically connected and spatially clustered. The algorithm is based on the fast modularity maximisation (CNM) algorithm. First, we modify the modularity to geo-modularity Qgeo by introducing an edge weight that is the inverse of the geographic distance to the power of n. Then, we propose the concept of a spatial clustering coefficient as a measure of clustering of the network to determine the power value n of the distance. The algorithm is tested with China air transport network and BrightKite social network data-sets. The segmentation of the China air transport network is similar to the seven economic regions of China. The segmentation of the BrightKite social network shows the regionality of social groups and identifies the dynamic social groups that reflect users’ location changes. The algorithm is useful in exploring the interaction and clustering properties of geographical phenomena and providing timely location-based services for a group of people.  相似文献   

城市复杂道路网的Stroke生成方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统连接stroke的方法在处理表达较为详细的城市道路网数据时,会产生双行道分离和环岛处截断等错误.为能够在城市复杂道路网中正确生成stroke,针对道路网中的双行道和道路交叉口模式提出一种新的stroke生成方法.该方法采用道路街区几何形态分析、基于连通关系的层次聚类等算法自动识别出道路网中的双行道和道路交叉口模式,并使用穷举stroke配对组合算法连接截断的stroke,从而保证stroke的连续性.以武汉市NAVIN-FOTM导航电子地图数据为例验证该方法的实用性,生成的stroke符合stroke感知归组原则中平滑连贯的要求.  相似文献   

基于全球地方化视角的旅游地演化理论探讨与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆林  张清源  黄剑锋  任以胜 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1504-1520
伴随中国城市化快速推进和国民经济快速发展,旅游已经成为中国社会经济的新兴发展要素和新兴发展动能,不断推动全球化力量与地方化力量在旅游地空间产生联结。已有旅游地演化研究对结构主义等近现代人文地理学的重要研究范式关注不足,缺乏旅游地演化的系统性研究。旅游地是一类特殊的地域空间系统,全球化和地方化是推动旅游地演化的重要力量,具有对立统一的辩证关系。基于全球地方化的整体性研究视角,构建概念框架并进行研究展望,旨在为后续的旅游地演化研究提供理论依据和实践路径。研究认为:全球地方化理论在旅游地演化研究方面具有较好的适用性,其从外在结构和内在机理层面为旅游地演化提供了良好的理论基础;通过全球地方化理论,旅游地演化的过程与机制研究与中国社会经济发展的诸多问题建立了联系,拓宽了传统旅游地演化命题的研究思路;多尺度、多地域、多类型的空间模式研究是开展全球地方化视角下旅游地演化研究的具体路径,为中国旅游地演化的系统性研究提供了实践方案。全球地方化视角下的旅游地演化契合中国人地关系的时空演变,为中国旅游地理学研究范式转型和创新提供了思路。  相似文献   


Schematic maps are popular for the representation of transport networks. Many automated methods have been developed to generate such maps. In these methods, optimization techniques work with various sets of constraints. Most of these constraints govern geometric properties of individual features. A few constraints address relationships among features, but none explicitly deal with the main structure of an entire network. We believe that preservation of main structure is the most important and preservation of relative relations is helpful. This is because human perception follows a global-to-local process. These constraints have recently been formed into four general principles, with two for global structure and two for relativity of features. This study develops an automated method by integrating these principles into the mixed-integer programming (MIP) framework. Experimental evaluations have been conducted with two sets of real-world transit networks. In comparison to the existing method, the proposed method has smaller fractal dimensions, better computational performance and higher scores in terms of clarity, recognition of major lines, visual simplicity and satisfaction. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed method can generate schematic maps with improved clarity and aesthetics. The idea in this study is also helpful for the design of other visual representations.  相似文献   


Visual interpretation of high-resolution satellite data has been useful for mapping linear features, such as roads and updating land-use changes. However, it would be beneficial to map new road networks digitally from satellite data to update digital databases using semi-automated techniques. In this paper, an algorithm called Gradient Direction Profile Analysis (GDPA) is used to extract road networks digitally from SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV) panchromatic data. The roads generated are compared with a visual interpretation of the SPOT HRV multispectral and panchromatic data. The technique is most effective in areas where road development is relatively recent. This is due to the spectral consistency of new road networks. As new road networks are those of most interest to the land manager, this is a useful technique for updating digital road network files within a geographical information system of urban areas.  相似文献   

Conventional methods have difficulties in forming optimal paths when raster data are used and multi‐objectives are involved. This paper presents a new method of using ant colony optimization (ACO) for solving optimal path‐covering problems on unstructured raster surfaces. The novelty of this proposed ACO includes the incorporation of a couple of distinct features which are not present in classical ACO. A new component, the direction function, is used to represent the ‘visibility’ in the path exploration. This function is to guide an ant walking toward the final destination more efficiently. Moreover, a utility function is proposed to reflect the multi‐objectives in planning applications. Experiments have shown that classical ACO cannot be used to solve this type of path optimization problems. The proposed ACO model can generate near optimal solutions by using hypothetical data in which the optimal solutions are known. This model can also find the near optimal solutions for the real data set with a good convergence rate. It can yield much higher utility values compared with other common conventional models.  相似文献   

We propose a simple and effective heuristic that allows fast generation of a large set of shortest path alternatives in weighted directed graphs. The heuristic is based on existing deviation path algorithms for exact k shortest paths. It precalculates a backward shortest path tree and thus avoids doing many shortest path computations, but as a result it does not necessarily find the exact set of k shortest paths.

Computational results on real-world road networks are reported. Our tests show that the quality of the paths produced by the heuristic is most satisfactory: typically, the kth path found by the heuristic is less than 1% longer than the exact kth shortest path, for values of k up to 10,000. Moreover, the heuristic runs very fast.

We also show how the heuristic can be enhanced to an exact k shortest paths algorithm, which performs well in comparison with the existing exact k shortest path algorithms.  相似文献   


Movement patterns of intra-urban goods/things and the ways they differ from human mobility and traffic flow patterns have seldom been explored due to data access and methodological limitations, especially from systemic and long timescale perspectives. However, urban logistics big data are increasingly available, enabling unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions to this issue. This research proposes an analytical framework for exploring intra-urban goods movement patterns by integrating spatial analysis, network analysis and spatial interaction analysis. Using daily urban logistics big data (over 10 million orders) provided by the largest online logistics company in Hong Kong (GoGoVan) from 2014 to 2016, we analyzed two spatial characteristics (displacement and direction) of urban goods movement. Results showed that the distribution of goods displaceFower law or exponential distribution of human mobility trends. The origin–destination flows of goods were used to build a spatially embedded network, revealing that Hong Kong became increasingly connected through intra-urban freight movement. Finally, spatial interaction characteristics were revealed using a fitting gravity model. Distance lacked substantial influence on the spatial interaction of goods movement. These findings have policy implications to intra-urban logistics and urban transport planning.  相似文献   

Accessibility is an important consideration in sustainable mobility policies, particularly for transit users. Measures suggested in the literature are based on coarse aggregate spatial resolution of traffic analysis zones that is sufficient for managing car travels only. To reflect a human door-to-door travel, transit accessibility demands an explicit view of the location of origin, transit stops and destination, as well as of the temporal fit between transit lines timetable and traveler’s needs. We thus estimate transit accessibility based on mode-specific travel times and corresponding paths, including walking and waiting, at the resolution of individual buildings and stops. Car accessibility is estimated at a high resolution too. A novel representation of transit network as a graph is proposed. This representation includes all modal components of a transit travel – walking, waiting at a stop, transit ride, transfers between lines, thus enabling unified view of a travel, regardless of mode. The use of modern high-performance graph database allows construction of high-resolution accessibility maps for an entire metropolitan area with its 100–200 K buildings. The application is tested and applied in a case study involving the evaluation of the 2011 bus line reform in the city of Tel Aviv. Specifically, we demonstrate that while the reform increased the average accessibility for the entire city the increase was not uniform with different areas of the city experiencing different absolute accessibility by transit and relative accessibility in comparison to car travel. The bus reform did in fact benefit travelers that experienced low relative accessibility, but the benefits are mainly accruing to longer trips. Our approach and computational methods can be employed for directly investigating the impacts of transportation infrastructure investments.  相似文献   

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