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刘聪  李彩 《遥感学报》2023,(2):285-298
体散射函数描述了光被水体散射后的角度分布特性,是海水固有光学特性之一,在水色遥感、生物光学特性及海气交互过程研究等光学海洋学研究及应用领域具有十分重要的意义。基于其强方向性、大动态范围、后向散射微弱等特点,体散射函数测量技术定标方法及应用研究至今仍在不断探索进步中。伴随体散射函数测量技术的发展,相继出现了基于散射体及散射通量的定标方法、基于漫射体与传感器响应权重函数的定标方法以及基于标准物质与传感器响应权重函数的定标方法等3大类体散射函数定标方法。相较于基于散射体及散射通量的定标方法,基于漫射体与传感器响应权重函数的定标方法可有效解决散射体估算难度大等问题,但更适用于宽视场角的后向散射仪;基于标准物质与传感器响应权重函数的定标方法极大简化了定标过程,且不受散射角度范围的限制。可以预见,上述3大类体散射函数定标方法的变通和组合方案是未来很长一段时间的主要定标方法,而基于标准物质与传感器响应权重函数的定标方法将是未来体散射函数最有优势的定标方法。本文以水体体散射函数定标方法为主线,归纳总结了国内外水体体散射函数定标、测量以及应用研究进展,并对未来体散射函数定标方法的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

水体光谱测量与分析Ⅰ:水面以上测量法   总被引:152,自引:9,他引:152  
水色遥感的基础之一是水体光谱特征测量与分析。水体光谱特性包括两个方面 :表观光学特性(AOPs)和固有光学特征 (IOPs)。该文主要讨论与水色遥感基本参数直接相关的表观光学量的测量与分析。现场表观光谱的测量从方法上可分为两类 :剖面测量法和水表面以上测量法。两种方法相对独立 ,适用范围上具有互补性。该文主要针对水面以上测量法进行讨论。水色遥感一般要求表观光谱特性的测量必须能够导出离水辐射率LW、归一化离水辐射率LWN、遥感反射率Rrs、和刚好处于水面以下 0 -深度的辐照度比R等。国际上有关水色的测量规范中 ,仅有针对大洋一类水体的。中国的近岸水体和湖水绝大部分是二类水体 ,因此该文也将对二类水体光谱测量的有关参数化问题进行讨论。同时 ,对数据分析处理中的一些关键参数的确定 ,提出新方法  相似文献   

陆超平  吕恒  李云梅 《遥感学报》2012,16(2):417-434
由于时空变化而产生的水体后向散射系数参数化差异一直是影响水质参数遥感定量反演精度的一个重要因素。在对太湖遥感反射率光谱进行分类的基础上,针对影响太湖水体水色的不同主导因子,把太湖水体分为3种类型,分别利用半分析方法和光学闭合原理对后向散射系数进行模拟,在此基础上研究其光学特性及其与水体组分浓度的关系,最后针对3种不同主导类型的水体分别建立了后向散射系数参数化模型。将后向散射特性在不同时间和空间上的差异转化为水体不同主导因子在生物-光学上的差异,从而得到适用于太湖不同湖区及不同季节的后向散射系数参数化模型,为利用分析方法对太湖水质参数进行更为精确的遥感反演提供了基础。  相似文献   

长时序大范围内陆水体光学遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球表面的江河、湖泊和水库等内陆水体是水资源的主要组成部分,由气候变化和人类活动所引起的内陆水体分布和水质时空变化等问题已成为各国科学家和政府关注的热点。相比常规实地采样监测手段,卫星遥感在长时序、大范围内陆水体监测方面具有重要优势。受到海洋水色遥感理论和方法的推动,同时也得益于内陆水体光学特性数据的不断积累,近年来内陆水体光学遥感研究取得了很大的进展,已经从典型研究区的典型算法实验性研究,拓展到长时序、大范围水体产品生产;从水色遥感算法的科学研究,发展到内陆水体参量时空变化分析和水环境监管决策支持方面。尤其是在水体分布提取、水体遥感数据大气校正、叶绿素a浓度反演、水体颜色监测、浑浊程度监测、营养状态评价、黑臭水体监测、湖冰监测等方面都已经取得了重要进展,形成了一些面向长时序、大范围内陆水体的光学遥感产品。未来,为了进一步提高内陆水体光学遥感的应用效果,需要进一步加强不同类型内陆水体光学特性数据获取和分析工作,完善面向长时序、大范围内陆水体的水色遥感算法。此外,有必要发射面向内陆水体监测的卫星星座,或者在通用陆地卫星星座遥感器设计中兼顾内陆水体的应用需求,从数据源上解决内陆水体光学遥感面临的问题。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的二类水体水色遥感反演   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
提出一种基于遗传算法的二类水体水色遥感反演算法。该算法以三成分 (叶绿素、悬浮泥沙与黄色物质 )海水光学模型作为前向模型 ,以实数编码遗传算法作为优化方法 ,并采用一对波段比来构造目标函数。模拟反演的结果表明 ,该算法可以有效克服已有二类水体水色遥感优化反演方法在搜索策略方面存在的困难 ,是一种有较高计算效率、可靠与稳健的反演算法  相似文献   

水体吸收系数是评价水体环境质量和衡量海洋对全球气候影响的重要因子.水色遥感作为目前对大范围海洋进行长时间连续监测的唯一手段,可以借助于合适的反演模型从影像上获取水体吸收系数.然而现有模型多为经验模型,反演精度和水体适应性都较差.基于自建的全球水体光学原位测量数据集SeaBASS2020,通过选用412、443、490、510、560、620、665 nm波段的遥感反射率以及620、665 nm与其余5个波段的遥感反射率比值作为模型输入特征,并以Matérn函数作为模型的核函数,提出一种基于高斯过程回归的水体吸收系数反演模型GPR-a.实验结果表明,在反演精度上GPR-a较传统的波段比值经验模型有大幅提升,其中决定系数R2提升了24.79%,均方根误差σRMSE和平均相对误差εMRE分别降低了50%和35.17%.此外,实验还验证了GPR-a具有较强的鲁棒性和极佳的反演值不确定度估计能力.  相似文献   

介绍了目前水色遥感中,水面反射光的偏振特性及其应用与水体散射光的偏振特性及其应用的研究进展.着重分析了基于偏振原理的水面反射光的剥离、海面溢油偏振遥感探测与基于水体物质偏振信息的水质参数反演等几个问题的研究现状;总结了在水色遥感信息流中,大气偏振校正、气-水界面偏振描述、基于偏振水质遥感反演、传感器偏振响应标定等各个环节入射光与出射光的偏振改变与响应机制等几个关键问题.  相似文献   

太湖草型湖区底质对遥感反射比的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体的光谱特性主要表现为体散射而非表面反射,光学浅水中,光穿透水体而到达水底,离水辐射包含水体自身的贡献以及底质反射并透过水体到达水面的贡献.2004年10月试验获取了太湖67个样点的遥感反射比、后向散射以及吸收等表观光学量和固有光学量,同时测量了叶绿素、悬浮物和DOC含量,以及其他相关参数,如透明度、水深;以草泥均匀分布的水平朗伯性湖底、均质水体为假设条件,使用LEE模型,计算了太湖草型湖区底质对恰在水面下遥感反射比的贡献,同时计算了漫垂直衰减系数;分析了漫垂直衰减系数与透明度、悬浮颗粒以及与无机悬浮颗粒的关系,同时分析了漫垂直衰减系数与底质贡献的关系,从而为太湖水质参数遥感反演精度的提高打下了良好的基础并有了定量判断底质贡献的科学依据.  相似文献   

张宇  张永刚  王华  张旭 《遥感学报》2008,12(1):15-22
通过海上试验测量船舶含气泡尾迹海水表观光学特性及物理特征,定量分析在二类水体中尾迹气泡对海水表观光学特性(例如归一化离水辐亮度、遥感反射率)的影响.通过比较含气泡尾迹海水遥感反射率与ASTER可见光、近红外波段辐射计辐射分辨率,证明了卫星光学遥感船舶含气泡尾迹的适用性.这些工作可为利用星载光学传感器遥感的途径获取船舶尾迹信息提供理论依据.试验证明,在可见光和近红外波段,船舶含气泡尾迹不仅在幅度上也在谱形上改变海水表观光学特征,尾迹气泡使得海水变得更绿.同时,随着观测点在尾迹中位置距目标船越近,气泡密度不断增大,反射率也随之增强.但是,由于二类水体中其他悬浮颗粒浓度较高,增强了后向散射,因此气泡所引起的海水表观光学特性的变化没有想像中明显.相比较而言,海水愈混浊,船舶尾迹在海水中引起的水色变化愈不明显.  相似文献   

姜勃  赵巧华 《遥感学报》2017,21(5):715-727
漫衰减系数常用于计算水体浑浊度和划分水体等级,是水中生物进行光合作用等生态过程中的重要参数。本文假设水体固有光学特性(IOPs)不随垂直剖面变化,水体表面为镜面。通过Monte Carlo方法模拟追踪光子在水中的运动过程,统计大量光子在不同深度上的能量分布,计算出下行漫衰减系数Kd值。结果表明:在450 nm,550 nm和650 nm波长处模拟的Kd值基本上小于实测Kd值,对应后向散射概率为3%的散射相函数模拟的相对误差最小,适合用于构建太湖水体的Kd值反演模型。进一步分析入射天顶角、b/a值对Kd值变化的影响,结果发现:在b/a较大的情况下,散射相函数成为影响Kd值变化的主要因素。当b/a值大于9时,入射天顶角从10°变化到80°时,Kd值的变化率小于10%,可忽略入射天顶角的变化对Kd值的影响。利用单一散射相函数模拟不同波长处的Kd值,发现悬浮颗粒物浓度较高且以无机颗粒物为主体时,450—550 nm内模拟值大于实测值,550—650 nm内则相反,说明随着波长的增加,水体中颗粒物的散射呈现出前向散射减弱、后向散射增强的变化趋势。在反演不同波长处的Kd值时需考虑到散射相函数的光谱变化所造成的误差。  相似文献   

Changes in the oceanic current system and in the oceanic mass distribution alter, together with other processes, the state of the Earth’s rotation. This state is characterized by the length of day (LOD) and the tilt of the pole-to-pole axis. The aim of our study was to derive the respective governing physical mechanisms in the ocean. Therefore, Earth rotation observations were assimilated into a global circulation model of the ocean. Although assimilation is a well-established tool in climate science, the assimilation of Earth rotation observations into a global ocean model was done here for the first time. Prior to the assimilation, the Earth rotation observations were projected onto the angular momentum of the ocean. Non-oceanic contributions were removed. The result of the subsequent assimilation procedure is a time varying ocean model state that reproduces the projected Earth rotation observations well. This solution was studied to understand the oceanic generation of Earth rotation deviations and to identify governing physical mechanisms. This paper focuses on LOD anomalies although polar motion was assimilated simultaneously. Our results indicate that changes in the oceanic LOD excitation are mostly attributed to changes in total ocean mass. Changes in the spatial distribution of ocean mass turned out to have a minor contribution to the LOD deviations. The same applies to changes in the current system.  相似文献   

Higher water temperatures and nutrient loads, along with forecasted climate changes are expected to result in an increase in the frequency and intensity of eutrophication-linked algal blooms (Bernard, 2010, unpublished). The destructive impact such phenomena have on marine and freshwater systems threaten aquaculture, agriculture and tourism industries on a global scale (Bernard, 2010, unpublished). An innovative research project, Safe Waters Earth Observation Systems (SWEOS) proposes the use of space-based remote sensing techniques, coupled with in-situ radiometric technology to offer a powerful and potentially cost effective method of addressing algal bloom related hazards. The work presented in this paper focuses on the decision making processes involved in the development of autonomous bio-optical sensors whose purpose includes, but is not limited to; water constituent monitoring, satellite calibration validation and ocean colour satellite product matchups. Several criteria including cost, optical throughput, linearity and spectral sensitivity were examined in an attempt to choose the detector best suited for its intended application. The CMOS based module tested in the laboratory experiments that was found to have produced the best performance-cost ratio was chosen for integration into the in-water radiometric device built and tested at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (Ramkilowan et al. 2012, unpublished). Mass production of this prototype technology will commence, pending data quality comparable to that of an already calibrated, in-water radiometer; to be tested at field trials in Elands Bay (32°17′45.82″S; 18°14′44.45″E), Loskop Dam (25°27′15.25″S; 29°17′28.21″E) and Saldanha Bay (33° 3′11.38″S; 17°59′54.29″E).  相似文献   

GPS测量技术能够实时地提供测站点厘米级的3维坐标,速度快、精度高,但应用范围受天气、地域条件、卫星运行等环境因素限制[1]。全站仪是自动化程度很高的野外测量仪器,精度高、应用广,但受通视条件、测量距离等因素制约。本文根据在唐山煤矿塌陷区测量中的测量区域成带状分布、面积广、密集的防护林让卫星信号变弱的实际情况讨论了两者的有机结合,探索出GPS RTK与全站仪相配合进行塌陷区测量的作业方法,使用这两种仪器在实际测量中,提高了测图的工作效率、减少了外界的干扰、降低了作业人员的劳动强度,点位精度得到有效的保证,并对遇到的碎部点精度问题提出了RTK与全站仪相互检测的方法。在此基础上,研究将卫星接收机与全站仪集成,研制物理结构和数据处理一体化的低成本智能化仪器,解决在特种环境下定位效率低、精度低、可靠性差、干扰因子多的瓶颈技术问题,实现特种环境中高精度、低成本、实时定位与精准监测的功能。  相似文献   

海洋激光雷达多次散射回波信号建模与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海洋激光雷达是实现上层海水3维探测的重要工具,激光在海水中的传输伴随着复杂的多次散射效应,建立准确的海洋激光雷达多次散射回波信号模型有助于实现海水光学特性的高精度反演。本文介绍了仿真海洋激光雷达多次散射信号的解析模型、半解析MC(Monte Carlo)仿真方法和传统MC仿真方法,定量对比分析了不同工作条件下3种模型的仿真结果,讨论了工作高度、接收视场角、水质和水体分层等因素对仿真结果的影响。研究表明:3种模型具有高度一致的仿真结果,但在计算效率方面,解析模型优于半解析MC法,半解析MC法优于传统MC法。解析模型优异的计算效率和可靠的计算精度使其在海洋激光雷达辐射传递机理及应用的研究中具有显著优势。  相似文献   

With the availability of high spatial resolution space-borne sensors, the wave parameters like wave propagation direction, wavelength of the dominant wave etc., are estimated from the Fourier spectra of ocean scene imageries. The hybrid optical processor is the most suitable for the analysis of imageries, since it utilises the parallel processing capability of the optical processor for generating the Fourier spectra. An attempt has been made to use a hybrid processor with wedge-ring sampling detector array for the estimation of wave parameters and the results are encouraging.  相似文献   

 The results from a global positioning system (GPS) experiment carried out in Brittany, France, in October 1999, aimed at measuring crustal displacements caused by ocean loading and quantifying their effects on GPS-derived tropospheric delay estimates, are presented. The loading effect in the vertical and horizontal position time series is identified, however with significant disagreement in amplitude compared to ocean loading model predictions. It is shown that these amplitude misfits result from spatial tropospheric heterogeneities not accounted for in the data processing. The effect of ocean loading on GPS-derived zenith total delay (ZTD) estimates is investigated and a scaling factor of 4.4 between ZTD and station height for a 10° elevation cut-off angle is found (i.e. a 4.4-cm station height error would map into a 1-cm ZTD error). Consequently, unmodeled ocean loading effects map into significant errors in ZTD estimates and ocean loading modeling must be properly implemented when estimating ZTD parameters from GPS data for meteorological applications. Ocean loading effects must be known with an accuracy of better than 3 cm in order to meet the accuracy requirements of meteorological and climatological applications of GPS-derived precipitable water vapor. Received: 16 July 2001 / Accepted: 25 April 2002 Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to H.G. Scherneck for fruitful discussions and for his help with the ocean loading calculations. They thank H. Vedel for making the HIRLAM data available; D. Jerett for helpful discussions; and the city of Rostrenen, the Laboratoire d'Océanographie of Concarneau, and the Institut de Protection et de S?reté Nucléaire (BERSSIN) for their support during the GPS measurement campaign. Reviews by C.K. Shum and two anonymous referees significantly improved this paper. This work was carried out in the framework of the MAGIC project (http://www.acri.fr/magic), funded by the European Commission, Environment and Climate Program (EC Contract ENV4-CT98–0745). Correspondence to: E. Calais, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1397, USA. e-mail: ecalais@purdue.edu Tel. : +1-765-496-2915; Fax:+1-765-496-1210  相似文献   

多角度偏振成像仪(DPC)是一种多角度、多光谱具备偏振测量功能的大视场偏振遥感器。偏振定标光源的发散角与DPC像元对应的视场角匹配一致,是提升DPC实验室偏振定标精度的关键因素之一。通过比较实验室偏振定标与在轨定标的状态差异,参考DPC在轨运行光学系统的成像原理,通过微分运算方式,建立一种偏振定标光源的发散角与单像元视场角匹配的模型,分析结果给出了光源的发散角应大于0.14°才能满足DPC全视场的偏振定标要求。以490 nm偏振通道为例,设计了采用可调光谱积分球替代0.125°发散角扩束镜平行光源方案,验证所建立模型和分析结果的合理性。结果表明,DPC的线偏振度测量值和理论预测值间的平均差异由1.26×10–2减小至4.4×10–3,说明所建立模型和采用可调光谱积分球作为偏振定标光源方案可用于DPC的实验室偏振定标。  相似文献   

海洋激光雷达反演水体光学参数   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研制了一套船载海洋激光雷达,用于探测海水光学参数垂直廓线。2017年8月,该系统在黄海海域进行了实验测量。在准单次散射模型中引入原位测量的光学参数,实现了理想激光雷达回波信号的模拟,并将该理想信号与系统响应函数卷积后精确复现了实验的激光雷达信号。采用Fernald后向迭代积分法(简称Fernald法),比较了不同水体悬浮物激光雷达比下反演的激光雷达衰减系数α与原位漫射衰减系数Kd的差别。基于停航时标定的水体悬浮物激光雷达比,采用Fernald法获得了走航时的激光雷达衰减系数。进一步地,提出一种基于米散射激光雷达数据和原位测量的后向散射数据的融合算法,模拟了高光谱分辨率激光雷达(HSRL)反演α的过程,并将其与Fernald法进行了比较。实验结果表明,自研的海洋激光雷达能够有效探测海水光学参数,基于合适的水体悬浮物激光雷达比的Fernald法可以有效应用于米散射激光雷达的反演,未来无需假设的HSRL在海水光学参数探测领域具有更大的优势。  相似文献   

Mapping of oceanic productive zones through an optical sensor on board a satellite requires a detailed knowledge about the interaction of solar flux with the atmosphere and water column. Hence the radiative transfer on February 14, 2002 over estuaries of Goa has been examined through a couple radiative transfer model (CRTM). This has been carried out in the context of an optical sensor when it looks down at nadir. The forcing of extraterrestrial solar irradiance with atmosphere results in its absorption and scattering due to aerosol particles and gaseous constituents and rayleigh particles. The optical spectrum has been subjected to atmospheric forcing and radiation has been calculated for every 1 nm. Special reference is given to two wavelengths (443 and 510 nm), which are important for ocean optics. The atmospheric components pertaining to these wavelengths are 0.04193 w/m2/nm/sr and 0.0225 w/m2/nm/sr (rayleigh) and 0.0121 w/m2/nm/sr and 0.015 w/m2/nm/sr (aerosol). Within the optical frame work (400 –700 nm), the effect of aerosol overrides that of rayleigh from 545 nm onwards. The specular reflectance at the sea surface contributes 1.725 x l0-12 w/m2/nm/sr and 1.947x 10-12 w/m2/nm/sr while the respective signature from water column is 0.418x 10-3w/m2/nm/sr and 0.536x 10-3 w/m2/nm/sr. The simulated water signature has been compared with radiances measured by a radiometer (Satlantic radiometer). The correlation (R2) is found to be around 0.97. The sensitivity analysis further reveals the respective wavelengths of the optical spectrum affected by atmospheric and oceanic constituents. Moreover, the effect of change in solar zenith angle on water signature has also been carried out. This could be applied to invert satellite data so as to retrieve coastal water constituents and productivity.  相似文献   

基于光的反射原理,借助普通平面镜和塔尺,提出一种测量全站仪仪器高度的新方法,并对该方法误差影响因素进行分析。该方法是一种非接触测量方法,受地形环境影响小,测量精度高,操作简便。该方法适用于经纬仪等竖直方向测角的同类测量仪器,对实际工程测量具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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