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南海北部渔场表层沉积物中的硫化物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了给南海北部渔场的资源和环境保护提供基础数据,用碘量法测定了南海北部陆架区表层沉积物中硫化物含量。结果表明,全部28份样品中硫化物含量为3.3-4.2mg/kg(干重,下同),平均为12.1mg/kg,符合外海含量低的一般规律,明显低于沿岸海湾的含量,远低于日本渔业环境质量标准(200mg/kg)和安全下限值(400mg/kg)。硫化物含量在测站间和不同区域间存在一定差异,南北方和呈近岸(13.1mg/kg)略高于离岸(12.1mg/kg)、离岸略高于远岸(11.1mg/kg)的梯度分布,但梯度差异不显著(P>0.10);东西方向的分布特点是粤西海域(23.7mg/kg)>海南岛以东(125.3mg/kg)>台湾浅滩(9.4mg/kg)≈粤东海域(8.7mg/kg)≈珠江口外外海域(8.6mg/kg)。空间分布不太均匀主要是受沉积物类型的影响,与陆源硫化物输入的关系不大。  相似文献   

【目的】研究南海北部近海区域柱状沉积物多环芳烃组成及分布特征,讨论全新世早期火历史及气候变化。【方法】利用AMS 14C定年技术结合有机地球化学分析手段对全新世早期南海北部近海沉积物柱状样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征进行研究。【结果】南海北部近海沉积物中16种PAHs总浓度范围为8.58~17.48 ng/g,在约10000 a B.P.的全新世早期呈现先增大后减小波动变化,与TOC变化基本同步。【结论】沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源于南海北部近海陆源区域自然火灾产生的焦炭残渣。PAHs的沉积浓度变化间接指示了全新世早期东亚季风的强度变化。  相似文献   

考洲洋底质中硫化物的含量与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 999年 2月和 8月对考洲洋底质硫化物状况进行了调查。结果表明 :考洲洋底质中的硫化物含量在 1 3 7~ 2 2 8 7mg·kg- 1(干重 ,下同 )之间 ,平均值为 1 2 8 2mg·kg- 1。其含量呈养殖区 >河口入海区>近湾口区非均匀分布。丰水期间底质硫化物含量略高于枯水期的。底质硫化物含量与底质有机质含量和化学耗氧量的呈正相关关系。以全国海岸带污染调查关于底质硫化物含量标准 (3 0 0mg·kg- 1)比较 ,硫化物含量未出现超标现象 ;与其它海湾比较 ,其含量高于海南的安游湾而低于或远低于深圳湾、红海湾、衙前湾、南澳湾和雷州湾以及厦门西海域和大连湾  相似文献   

利用2002年7月至2014年12月的卫星遥感数据,研究ENSO期间我国南海北部的海表温度(SST)、风场等环境场变化特征,并探讨其对南海北部初级生产力的影响。结果表明,El Ni?o/La Ni?a期间南海北部初级生产力较正常年份变化显著,很大程度上受到ENSO的调控,其变化与风场、SST等的分布变化密切相关。具体趋势:厄尔尼诺年的冬季风期间,南海北部海域风场强度减小,沿岸海域SST升高,初级生产力降低,南海东北部海域SST降低,初级生产力升高,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈负相关关系;拉尼娜年的冬季风期间,相应海域的风场、SST和初级生产力的变化则与厄尔尼诺期间的相反,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

根据南海区半封闭型海湾规模化养殖技术研究的需要,对红海湾底质硫化物进行了研究。用碘量法分析的结果表明:红海湾底质中硫化物含量的区域分布极不均匀,呈北部河口区>虾池>鱼湾>中部>南部自然水域>礁滩区的特点。虾池、鱼的硫化物含量清淤前分别为清淤后的8.4、3.6倍;湾南部硫化物含量春季明显高于夏季,其余区域的两季差异不明显。46份样品中约13%、28%分别超过国内外评价标准,超标测站位于河口和清淤前的虾池、鱼。礁滩护养增殖区、南部自然水域、湾中部牡蛎养殖区和清淤后的虾池、鱼尚未见硫化物的污染。  相似文献   

南海北部鱼类石油烃含量地理差异原因浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了南海北部海洋鱼类石油烃含量的地理差异,结果表明:被研究的5个海区中,广州湾海洋鱼类的石油烃含量明显高于北部湾(p<0.05)和红海湾(P<0.05),该3个海区和珠江口明显高于台湾浅滩(p<0.01),其余的两两之间没有统计学差异(p>0.05)。利用海洋环境质量调查和监测资料进行分析,说明这种地理分布特征与南海北部近岸海域的石油烃污染有直接关系。  相似文献   

1989-1997年间,为实施“南海贻贝观察”计划,对广东沿海12个地点近江特蛎体内的Ni含量水平进行了连续监测,结果全部特蛎样品均检出Ni含量范围为0.17-2.37mg/kg(湿重),总平均值为0.58mg/kg。污染评价结果显示,广东沿海Ni含量总体上处于微污染-轻污染水平。特蛎体Ni平均含量呈珠江口海区>粤西海区>粤东海区的分布格局,其最高值出现在深圳湾、唐家变和湛江港。70年代后期至1991年,特蛎体的Ni含量呈明显下降趋势,此后Ni含量年际间虽有波动,但无显著差异。  相似文献   

烟台近岸海域表层沉积物重金属污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采取烟台近岸海域150个海底表层沉积物样品进行Hg,Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr,As,Ni元素分析。结果显示,烟台市近岸海域重金属主要富集在芝罘湾(Cd,Cu)、龙口(As,Cr,Cu)及海阳东部(Ni,Pb)一带,而莱州、招远及牟平近岸海域重金属含量较低。单因子、内梅罗和潜在生态危害指数评价结果显示,研究区88%海域的沉积物达到一类标准,轻污染区主要分布在芝罘岛北部及龙口市西部,龙口、招远及烟台市近岸沉积物潜在风险中等。  相似文献   

采用五态连续提取法(SEP)对雷州半岛高桥红树林群落内外不同深度的沉积物砷含量进行测定.结果表明,高桥红树林湿地0~60cm深处沉积物中除Al-结合态砷和Ca-结合态砷含量低,难以检出外,交换态砷、残渣态砷、Fe-结合态砷皆可检出,沉积物砷积累以残渣态砷和 Fe-结合态砷为主,总砷测定含量为7.34±0.39~10.32±0.48 mg/kg,其中以20~40cm深处沉积物总砷测含量最多;不同深度沉积物砷含量中林内与林区外裸滩呈现不同的分布规律,林外裸滩-林缘-林内的表土总砷含量的分布呈波浪式分布,以林缘为最高,总砷达9.97±1.29 mg/kg,林内显著大于林外裸滩(p值<0.05),林内沉积物对砷的吸附强度较林外裸滩高  相似文献   

综合分析中国近海不同海域浮游植物的时空分布和季节变化特征研究,概述该海域浮游植物叶绿素和初级生产力研究。受复杂的物理环境场、生物地球化学作用等综合影响,不同海域Chl-a和初级生产力具有显著的时空变化特征:空间上,叶绿素浓度表现为近岸高离岸低、离岸海域随纬度增加呈升高趋势;时间上,大体呈现明显的季节变化特征,北部季节特征尤为明显,其中叶绿素浓度及生产力的季节最大值在南海出现在冬季,而在中国北部海域逐渐变化为春季。影响浮游植物生长的主要因素有营养盐、温度、光照、陆源输入、季风、环流、涡旋等,不同海域、不同季节浮游植物生长的限制因子有差异。另外,由于遥感数据的精度以及现场观测航次的频率较低和站位布置较为稀疏影响了上述机制的探讨,因而浮游植物生长的主要调控机制仍待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Phosphorus fractions and adsorption-release characteristics of sediments in the Zhujiang(Pearl) River estuary wetland were investigated.Results showed that the total phosphorus(TP) content in surface sediments ranged from 648.9 mg/kg to 1064.0 mg/kg;inorganic phosphorus(IP) was the major fraction of TP and ranged from 422.5 mg/kg to 643.9 mg/kg.Among the inorganic phosphorus,the main fractions were phosphorus bound to Al and Fe(Fe/Al-P),and calcium-bound phosphorus(Ca-P),accounting for 23%–42% and 21%–67% of IP,respectively.The vertical distribution of TP contents were significantly positive correlated with organic phosphorus(Org-P) and Fe/Al-P contents.The bio-available phosphorus contents in vertical sediments varied from 128.6 mg/kg to 442.9 mg/kg,mainly existed in Fe-Al/P fraction,and increased from the bottom to top sediments.The transport of phosphorus in sediment-water interface was controlled by the soil characteristics.The active Fe and Al content was considered as the main factor that determines adsorption capacity in vegetated marsh wetland.The P buffering capacity of the sediments in vegetated marsh wetland was greater than that in mudflat wetland.The potential risk of eutrophication in the study area is high.Reducing terrestrial phosphorus discharge and preventing the sediment Fe/Al-P release to the interstitial water are the possible solutions to reduce the risk of eutrophication in estuary wetlands,and planting vegetation in estuary wetland can also reduce the release of phosphorus in surface sediment.  相似文献   

为探讨投喂增色剂对鱼类增色效果的定量评价方法,分别用添加0、30、100、300、500、700、900 mg/kg虾青素的饲料饲喂血鹦鹉60 d,测定血鹦鹉皮肤中的总类胡萝卜素含量和鱼体体色的三刺激值。结果显示,血鹦鹉皮肤总类胡萝卜素含量随着虾青素添加量的增加而升高,而三刺激值X、Y、Z则逐渐减小。总类胡萝卜素含量300~900 mg/kg各组显著高于对照组(P<0.05),500、700和900 mg/kg组显著高于0、30、100 mg/kg组(P<0.05),而500、700和900 mg/kg各组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。总类胡萝卜素含量与三刺激值间的相关系数分别为-0.966、-0.932、-0.981,均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。可见,在饲料中添加虾青素可明显提高血鹦鹉皮肤类胡萝卜素含量,改善血鹦鹉体色,血鹦鹉体色的三刺激值与皮肤总类胡萝卜素含量有极高的相关性,可用测色色差计测定血鹦鹉的三刺激值,并以此来推算鱼体皮肤总类胡萝卜素含量,定量评价血鹦鹉的体色。  相似文献   

沉积物中氮的赋存形态直接影响其参与生物地球化学循环的进程、途径和贡献大小,探究沉积物中不同氮形态的环境地球化学行为对研究氮的地球化学循环具有重要意义。以海南东寨港红树林湿地沉积物为研究对象,分别采集表层沉积物和柱状沉积物,采用分级浸提法提取不同形态的可转化态氮进行空间分布特征及影响因素分析。结果表明:研究区沉积物中总氮(TN)质量分数在1 149.0~1 690.6 mg/kg之间,总可转化态氮(TTN)的质量分数在464.6~647.5 mg/kg之间,二者均呈现出从上游至入海口逐渐降低的空间分布特征;4种可转化态氮中强氧化剂浸取态氮(SOEF-N)与TTN呈显著正相关,也是最主要的氮形态存在形式。通过沉积物C/N比值分析可知,研究区有机质主要来自污染物的大量排入,东寨港红树林柱状沉积物中TN与含水率、TOC呈极显著的正相关关系,表明氮与有机质具有相似的来源。   相似文献   

This study on the distribution features of petroleum hydrocarbon in water and sedi-ment off the Fujian shore using data obtained from the baseline research on oceanic contamination in Fujian showed that:during the research preiod,petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in water varied from 5.77μg/L to 37.28μg/L,averaged 14.48 μg/L;was lower in the wet seasson than in the dry season;and was highest in the Minjiang Estuary and Jiulong Estuary in both seasons ,The petorleum hydrocarbon concentrations in shore sediment varied from 14.48 mg/kg to 784.36 mg/kg,averaged 133.3 mg/kg ,and was closely related to sediment types (granularity).  相似文献   

The Nanfei River(Anhui Province,China) is a severely polluted urban river that flows into Chaohu Lake.In the present study,sediments were collected from the river and analyzed for their heavy metal contents.Multivariate statistics and the fuzzy comprehensive assessment method were used to determine the sources of pollution,the current pollution status,and spatial and temporal variations in heavy metal pollution in sediments.The concentrations of arsenic(As),cadmium(Cd),chromium(Cr),copper(Cu),mercury(Hg),nickel(Ni),lead(Pb),and zinc(Zn) in sediments ranged from 5.67–113,0.08–40.2,41.6–524,15.5–460,0.03–4.84,13.5–180,18.8–250,and 47.9–1 996 mg/kg,and the average concentrations of each metal were 1.7,38.7,1.8,5.5,18.8,1.3,2.5,and 11.1 times greater than the background values,respectively.Multivariate statistical analysis demonstrated that Hg,Cu,Cr,Cd,and Ni may have originated from industrial activities,whereas As and Pb came from agricultural activities.The fuzzy comprehensive assessment method,based on the fuzzy mathematics theory,was used to obtain a detailed assessment of the sediment quality in the Nanfei River watershed.The results indicated that the pollution was moderate in the downstream tributaries of the Nianbu and Dianbu Rivers,but was severe in the main channel of the Nanfei River and in the upstream tributaries of the Sili and Banqiao Rivers.Therefore,sediments in the Nanfei River watershed are heavily polluted and urgent measures should be taken to remedy the status.  相似文献   

为了解鉴江放射性含量,分别在鉴江流域布设了5个水质和底泥监测点,取样进行总α和总β分析,并与省内本底调查资料比较,结果表明:鉴江水质中放射性含量上下游都比较低,而底泥的放射性含量则下游略高于上游;鉴江底泥放射性含量也低于省内各地土壤放射性含量的平均值;鉴江水质放射性总α和总β符合生活饮用水卫生标准。  相似文献   

Investigation of phosphorus (P) sorption-desorption characteristics of drainage ditch sediments is important for better understanding on sediment P transport behaviors in ditches. Surface ditch sediment samples were collected from headwater sub-catchment of forestland, sloping cropland, paddy field, and residential area in a representative catchment in the central Sichuan Basin. These sediment samples were used for determination of P sorption-desorption characteristics by a batch equilibrium technique. Results showed that the maximum P sorption capacities (Qm) in the sediments ranged from 159.7 to 263.7 mg/kg, while higher Qm were observed in the ditch sediments from the paddy fields. The Qm was significantly and positively correlated with oxalate-extractable Fe and Al oxides (r=0.97 and 0.98, p < 0.01), clay fraction (r = 0.78, p < 0.05) and organic matter (r = 0.95, p < 0.01). Sediment pH, clay and organic matter influenced the P sorption through amorphous Fe and Al oxides. CaCO3 content was negatively correlated with the Qm (r = -0.83, p < 0.05), implying that saturated CaCO3 (> 50 g/kg) would not increase P sorption capacity in the ditch sediments. The ditch sediments featured a linear desorption curve, suggesting that P release risk would be enhanced with the increase of the P adsorption. The P desorption rate was positively correlated with Olsen P (r = 0.94, p < 0.01), but negatively related to the fine particle-size fractions (r = -0.92, p < 0.01), the sum of the amorphous Fe and Al oxides (r = -0.67, p < 0.05) and the P sorption capacity (r = -0.59, p < 0.05). The ditch sediments from residential area had a higher P release risk than that from the other ditches of forestland, sloping cropland and paddy field. The P sorption index (PSI) derived from single-point measurement was significantly correlated with the P sorption capacity (r = 0.99, p < 0.01), and could be used for estimating Qm as 1.64 times PSI plus 24.0 (Qm = 1.64 PSI + 24.0) for similar sediments with highly calcareous soils and sediments. Ditch cleaning and sediment removal for the ditch in residential area were recommended in this area to reduce the P release risk.  相似文献   

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