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乐清湾生态系统脆弱性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着海洋经济的开发与发展,海洋生态环境被破坏的问题日益突出,生态系统变得越来越脆弱.从浙江典型海湾乐清湾入手,分析了乐清湾生态系统脆弱性形成的机制,即自然和人为多种复杂动力因素形成的相互耦合作用下导致生态系统出现了脆弱性,其脆弱性可分为固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性两类.固有脆弱性主要由陆海动力作用形成的,包括径流、气温、降水、波浪、潮流等环境因素.特殊脆弱性由人类开发活动作用形成的,主要包括海岸工程、滩涂围垦、水产养殖、污染等非环境因素.综合以上原因,指出了乐清湾生态系统处于亚健康状态,并已接近不健康边缘,生态系统极其脆弱,虽然生态系统的主要服务功能尚能发挥,但已不能满足海洋功能区划的要求,严重影响到海洋经济的可持续发展.乐清湾生态系统脆弱性具体表现在以下几个方面:(1) 水体受无机氮和活性磷酸盐污染严重,富营养化程度显著,氮磷比失衡,春季全湾水质为劣四类,夏季76%的海域水质为四类或劣四类;(2) 海湾自然水域实际面积缩小近四分之一,纳潮量相应减少了近5.79%;(3) 生物多样性降低,总生物量和物种数逐年下降,海洋食物链已经遭到严重破坏,生物群落结构发生明显改变;(4) 养殖区沉积物质量下降,在水动力作用下易造成"二次污染";(5) 周边的渔业经济下滑,捕捞鱼类个体偏小,且低值鱼类较多.最后对乐清湾生态系统脆弱性修复提出了对策和建议,主要应落实海洋环境目标管理责任制、加强入海污染物控制、运用生态学原理和技术防治海水养殖污染、利用大型海藻修复水域富营养化以及建立海洋生态环境监测预报和执法管理体系,使海洋生态系统重新进入良性循环,为海洋资源可持续利用提供发展空间.  相似文献   
全球变暖背景下核电站温排水对海洋生态系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温排水会引起水体多种理化性质的变化,对底栖生物、浮游生物、鱼类等都有不同程度的影响。而气候变暖将导致改变海水温度相应升高。2种温度升高将对核电站所在海域的生态环境造成很大的影响。本文以某核电站为研究对象,采用GCM(大气环流模型)模拟出2020s、2050s、2080s不同时期某核电站所在网格的气温数据,分析气候变暖的趋势。分析温排水对生态环境的影响,同时指出在某核电站海域需要着重重视的两个问题,即赤潮和中华白海豚。  相似文献   
胶州湾北部高新区生态系统服务价值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶州湾北部高新区建设是青岛市“环湾保护、拥湾发展”战略的决定性环节。将高新区生态系统划分为建设用地、森林、草地、农田、河流、人工湿地和湿地7个类型,使用价值量评价法评价了新规划可能造成的生态系统服务价值的变化。计算结果表明,新规划实施后生态服务总价值由2007年的4.72亿元降至4.31亿元,损失幅度达8.829/6,主要是填海造陆造成的;单位面积平均生态服务价值由18391元/hm^2降至16768元/hm^2,但仍然大于全球和中国的平均值。8项主要生态服务功能在规划后有增有减,食物生产、水文处理、废物处理和维持生物多样性功能有所损失,气体调节、气候调节、保持土壤和原材料生产功能有所增加,总体来看减少量大于增加量。总之,高新区规划符合建设高效生态城市的长远目标,建议对后续填海造陆和备用土地利用要引起高度重视。  相似文献   
王群  银马华  杨兴柱  姚兆钊 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1663-1679
旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性主要由社会、经济、生态子系统要素和旅游发展所带来的相关变化要素构成,是社会脆弱性、经济脆弱性和生态环境脆弱性的综合体现。以大别山区9县(市)为例,基于SEE-PSR模型构建理论研究框架和综合评价体系,探讨贫困山区旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性时空演变及影响机理。结果表明:① 2009-2016年,区域系统脆弱性综合指数由0.52波动降至0.41,其中经济子系统脆弱性指数呈持续下降趋势,社会子系统与生态子系统呈稳定态势且对区域系统脆弱性综合指数贡献率达到76%,目前区域整体属于较低脆弱并朝着利好方向发展。② 空间差异上,2009-2016年脆弱性综合指数低值县域随时间变化呈波动下降且变异系数较小,脆弱性综合指数高值县域于2013年开始下降逐步演变为较低脆弱等级且变异系数较大;县域间脆弱性空间差异呈现连续波动上升趋势,县域间差异有所增大。③ 阻碍旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性降低的主要因素由旅游收入增长率、工业增加值占GDP比重、城乡收入差距、旅游总收入占GDP比重及耕地面积比率转变为旅游经济密度、游客密度及城镇化率,区域整体由状态主导型脆弱演化为压力主导型脆弱。  相似文献   
This paper aims to establish an index system for evaluation of agricultural resources use efficiency (ARUE) in grain production and discuss the causes of low efficiency and high consumption of agricultural resources in Changshu of Jiangsu Province, Taihe of Jiangxi Province and Ausai of Shaanxi Province in China by analyzing the data about meteorology, soil, water consumption and grain production. Agro-ecological Zone (AEZ) method was adopted to calculate the potential productivity, and synthetically multivariate equation was used to evaluate the ARUE of study areas. This paper can be concluded as: 1) the agricultural resources in grain production can be classified into five categories, i.e., climatic resources, water resources, land resources, biological resources and assistant resources, and 15 indexes were selected to evaluate their use efficiency in grain production; 2) the values of ARUE in grain production are 0.5868, 0.6368 and 0.5390 respectively in Changshu, Taihe and Ansai; and 3) Changshu ranks the highest among the three study areas in terms of the use efficiency of climatic resources and biological resources (evaluation values are 0.0277 and 0.1530), but Taihe tops the three in terms of the use efficiency of water resources, land resources and assistant resources (evaluation values are 0.0502, 0.2945 and 0.1379 respectively). However, the ARUE remains always low in Ansai for all the resources. The inefficiencies are caused by poor grain revenue in Changshu, deficient agriculture investments in Taihe and unfavorable natural conditions in Ansai.  相似文献   
思源 《海洋世界》2010,(3):12-17
我们通过立法来保护自己岛屿的生态系统,显然是我们中国的内政。 “155票赞成、9票弃权,通过!”2009年12月26日下午,十一届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》(以下简称《海岛保护法》)。  相似文献   
International Hydrological Programme Ⅶ (IHP-Ⅶ) directs the research objectives of hydrologists all over the world from 2008 to 2013. As a key programme contributed to the IHP Ⅶ, UNESCO's Ecohydrology Programme (EHP) has evolved into a trans-disciplinary scientific programme to analyze dynamic relationships between hydrological, social and ecological systems. Twenty international experts from 12 countries were invited by UNESCO to attend the side event on "Ecohydrology--An Interdisciplinary Challenge" in Bangkok, Thailand. It aimed to synthesize knowledge gaps for addressing issues related to critical water systems. This event focused on how better knowledge of the interrelationships between the hydrological cycle, livelihoods and ecosystems could be contributed to more cost-effective and environmental-friendly management. The five themes of the event with 20 keynote lectures were given as fellows.  相似文献   
在电影《阿凡达》中,潘多拉星球的纳威人可以与星球上的其他生物建立起连接。现在,这种相互连接的生态系统似乎也在地球上出现了。  相似文献   
The coastal ecosystem health assessment is a field of increasing importance. In this paper, a preliminary assessment of ecosystem health in Zhejiang coastal water zone was made, mainly based on remote sensing data and GIS technique. Its spatial and quantitative evaluation was facilitated by the progress of remote sensing and GIS technique development. Firstly, human activities, hydrology and ecosystem problems in the study area were discussed and analyzed. Secondly, from 4 aspects of human stress, physical, chemical and biological responses to anthropogenic activities and natural stress, several indicators such as water transparency (Secchi Disk Depth, SDD), suspended substance concentration, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, active phosphate, chlorophyll, harmful algae bloom, as well as distribution of sewage, sea lanes and port were employed. Thirdly, the Analytic Hierarchical Process was used for indicator weight calculation, and the ecosystem health criteria were established according to the integrative analysis of national water quality criteria, similar coastal ecosystem health research in other places or data inherent properties. The results indicated that from 2005 to 2007 the coastal water ecosystem health value in Zhejiang Province was unhealthy and needs ecological restoration by human intervention.  相似文献   
为掌握不同蓄水阶段温室气体通量强度,揭示水生生态系统在水库蓄水后的重建过程,选择2004年(蓄水后第1年)、2008年(蓄水后第5年)为典型年,结合同期主要环境参量,比较研究了三峡典型支流澎溪河回水区水柱表层CO2分压p(CO2)及其扩散通量FCO2特征。研究发现,2004年澎溪河双江大桥处水柱表层p(CO2)、FCO2年均值分别为(101.9±7.5)Pa、(13.99±1.58)mmol/(m2·d),2008年相应为(129.1±16.4)Pa、(19.92±3.55)mmol/(m2·d)。水位上升淹没土地带来更多有机质降解,可能引起了p(CO2)和FCO2的总体升高;蓄水过程水域生态系统逐渐完善,浮游植物生长对p(CO2)和FCO2的影响逐渐显现。  相似文献   
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