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<正>《海洋测绘》是由海军海洋测绘研究所主办的技术类科技期刊,双月刊,国内外公开发行。为中国科技核心期刊、全国优秀测绘期刊、海军优秀期刊。报道范围以海洋测绘专业为主,也包括测绘学科的其他研究领域主要是:测绘学的基本理论和技术,遥感、地理信息系统和卫星定位技术,图形图像处理和数据库技术,海洋大地测量、海洋工程测量、海洋重力测量、海洋磁力测量、海底地形测量,海图制图,江河湖泊测  相似文献   
We tested the utility of chemical marking techniques in the juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Juveniles(30–40 mm total length) were immersed in a range of tetracycline hydrochloride(TC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 300 to 500 mg/L, and alizarin complexone(ALC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 200 to 400 mg/L in filtered sea water(salinity of 30) for 24 h, respectively. Otoliths(sagittae, asteriscus), scales, fin rays(dorsal, pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fin rays), and fin spines(dorsal, ventral, and anal fin spines) were sampled and used to detect fl uorescent marks after a 60-day growth experiment. With the exception of 300 mg/L TC, acceptable marks were produced in the otoliths and fin spines by all concentrations of TC and ALC. In particular, we observed clearly visible marks in the sagittae, asteriscus, and fin spines under normal light at concentrations of 200–400 mg/L, 250–400 mg/L, and 250–400 mg/L ALC, respectively. Scales and fin rays had acceptable marks at much higher concentrations(≥350 mg/L TC, ≥250 mg/L ALC for scales and ≥350 mg/L TC, ≥300 mg/L ALC for fin rays). The best mark quality(i.e., acceptable marks were observed in all sampled structures after immersion marking) were obtained following immersion in TC at between 350–500 mg/L, and ALC between 300–400 mg/L. In addition, there was no significant difference in survival and growth of TC and ALC marked fish compared to their controls up to 60 days post-marking( P 0.05).  相似文献   
正土地作为基本生产生活资料,是农民群众的"命根子",具有社会保障的功能。在城镇化加快发展的过程中,大量农村集体土地被征收,被征地农民不仅没有从城镇化成果中分得一杯羹,还在失去土地的同时,失去了就业岗位、住房等生活保障,逐渐成为社会的边缘群体。根据"十一五"期间全省被征地农民基本情况调查数据统计,"十一五"期间全省城市规划区内失地人数达55785人。为了解青海省被征地农民社会保障现状,以及被征地农民对现行征地补  相似文献   
正欢迎订阅欢迎赐稿欢迎刊登广告中国地理信息产业协会会刊《地理信息世界》是我国唯一以推动地理信息科技创新、产业创新为宗旨的最具权威的国内外公开发行的中国科技核心期刊。是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊、《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录期刊、中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊、《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊。  相似文献   
正为有效打击无证开采和超层越界违法开采行为,促进矿产资源开发秩序和矿山安全生产形势进一步好转,巩义市从6月1日起至10月20日,在全市范围内开展打击非法开采和超层越界违法开采专项行动。据悉,此次专项行动检查的范围是全市持证矿山企业和各类无证开采矿点,重点是有超层越界查处记录和嫌疑的矿山企业。排查治理分自查自纠(2014年6月1日至7月1日)、集中排查(7月2日至8月1日)、集中整治(8月2日至10月1日)、总结完善四个阶段进行。  相似文献   
探索征地制度存在的问题及其改革的方向是当前我国的重中之重。十八届三中全会《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中提出了“缩小征地范围,规范征地程序,完善对被征地农民合理、规范、多元保障机制”的有关决定。因此,研究征地制度改革对贯彻国家决策和改善农民生产生活具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
正案情简介2008年9月,光明公司在S市第9期采矿权挂牌出让活动中,竞得位于S市某镇某村石英砂矿的开采权,并当场与S市国土资源局签订了《采矿权挂牌公开出让成交确认书》及《采矿权出让合同》。合同签订后,光明公司按合同约定缴纳了采矿权出让金。因光明公司与位于开采范围内的土地使用权人无法达成租地协议,无法开采矿产,光明公司便向S市国土资源局提出解除合同的请求,要求退还已缴纳的采矿权出让金。  相似文献   
A new present weather identifier(PWI) based on occlusion and scattering techniques is presented in the study. The present weather parameters are detectable by the meteorological optical range(MOR) approximately up to 50 km and by droplets with diameters ranging from 0.125 mm to 22 mm with velocities up to 16 m s-1. The MOR error is less than 8% for the MOR within 10 km and less than 15% for farther distances. Moreover, the size errors derived from various positions of the light sheet by the particles were checked within ± 0.1 mm ± 5%. The comparison shows that the MOR, in a sudden shower event, is surprisingly consistent with those of the sentry visibility sensors(SVS) with a correlation coefficient up to 98%. For the rain amounts derived from the size and velocity of the droplets, the daily sums by the PWI agree within 10% of those by the Total Rain Weighing Sensor(TRwS205) and the rain gauge. Combined with other sensors such as temperature, humidity, and wind, the PWI can serve as a present weather sensor to distinguish several weather types such as fog, haze, mist, rain, hail, and drizzle.  相似文献   
<正>Acta Oceanologica Sinica(AOS)is a comprehensive academic journal edited by the Editorial Committee of Acta Oceanologica Sinica and is designed to provide a forum for important research papers of the marine scientific community which reflect the information on a worldwide basis.The journal publishes scholarly papers on marine science and technology,including physics,chemistry,biology,  相似文献   
<正>Acta Oceanologica Sinica(AOS)is a comprehensive academic journal edited by the Editorial Committee of Acta Oceanologica Sinica and is designed to provide a forum for important research papers of the marine scientific community which reflect the information on a worldwide basis.The journal publishes scholarly papers on marine science and technology,including physics,chemistry,biology,  相似文献   
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