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This paper examines historical and spatial trends in hazardous materials transportation spills from 1971 to 1991. While the number of spills Inc.reased steadily during the 1970s, peaking in 1978–1979, there has been a decline in frequency sInc.e then largely due to modifications in reporting. Monetary damages have the opposite temporal pattern, with major Inc.reases recorded from 1982 onward. Death and injury statistics are more variable. Spatially, accidents are more prevalent in the Rust Belt extending from the Northeast corridor westward to the Great Lakes states, as well as in the Southeast. The greatest potential risk to the public is found in smaller, more densely populated industrial states such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. The spatial distribution, however, has not changed. Potential risk sources (e.g., chemical industry, number of hazardous waste facilities, number of railroad miles) are the best predictors of hazmat Inc.ident frequency. Mitigation efforts (statewide regulatory and/or management policies) also help explain the variability in hazmat Inc.idents.  相似文献   
文章通过对1971—2011年期间发生在我国沿海海域内溢油量在50t以上的海洋溢油事故数据的收集调查,分析了海洋溢油事故的年际变化、事故原因、油品种类、事故发生地区、事故等级等的统计特征。结果表明:1971—2011年我国50t以上海洋溢油事故共发生81起,溢油总量为49 667t;碰撞是造成海洋溢油事故的最主要原因,占总溢油次数的48.2%;污染物类型主要为燃油、原油和柴油;广东省和山东省是发生溢油事故的大省;特别重大溢油事故发生频率为0.32次/a。  相似文献   
I.IntroductionIthaslongbeenrecognizedthatroadacidentsaretheresultofthecombinedefectsofbehavioral,technologicalandenvironmenta...  相似文献   
渔船海损事故给广大渔民的生命财产造成重大损失。本文从加强渔船安全管理的角度出发,分析产生海损事故的四个主要原因,并提出四项防范措施。事故原因;1.对安全工作重视不够;2.职务船员素质不高;3.片面强调经济效益而忽视安全生产;4.法制观念淡薄,有章不循或者违章作业以及主管部门对造成事故的直接责任者惩处不严。防范措施:1.加强对广大干部和渔民的安全教育,严格实行“渔业安全管理目标责任制”;2.加强对职务船员的选拔以及现职船员的培训;3.加强对普通船员的技术普及;4.加强法制教育。  相似文献   
地磁扰动与工伤事故之间的相关分析给出,工伤事故的平均发生率与磁情指数Ap成正相关,当磁情指数大于30时,相关系数达0.93,磁情指数从30变到200时,事故平均发生率从0.7增大到1.85。高磁扰日的平均事故发生率最高可达磁静日的2.67倍。作为重要的环境因素的地磁场,当其变化超过人体的可调节范围时,人的机体和行为就要会到明显地干扰,从而导致各类工伤事故的大量增加。  相似文献   
新疆西南天山萨尔干矿区地层极其破碎复杂,近年来施工的钻孔多全孔破碎、漏失,钻进过程中时有掉块、卡钻、钻孔坍塌等现象发生,严重时发生孔内事故,施工难度较大。本文结合该区一例钻孔施工案例,介绍了破碎复杂地层取心钢丝绳断裂导致岩心内管脱落,进而引发严重跑钻事故的处理过程以及注意事项。结合现场事故情况,通过导向扩孔钻进等方法有效地处理了该起复杂事故,使钻孔得以顺利终孔,取得了所需地质资料,挽回了经济损失。  相似文献   
利用1954~2006年80个站雾的观测资料和2006年的交通事故资料.分析黑龙江省公路雾的气候特征。从空间分布看,雾具有局地性,山区较平原地区多;从时间分布看,雾具有明显的年际、月际和日变化。  相似文献   
冬季黄渤海大风天气与渔船风损统计分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
尹尽勇  刘涛  张增海  赵伟 《气象》2009,35(6):90-95
选用1987-2006年NECP 500hPa高度场及海平面气压场日平均再分析资料及沿海岸基、石油平台、海岛及船舶实时观测资料,统计分析了冬季造成黄渤海海域8级和10级以上大风天气过程;选用中国渔船安全分析报告1999-2005年风灾船损事故资料,分析了大风和船损灾害的关系.结果显示:(1)冬季影响黄渤海的冷空气过程主要是来自西北路径,占全部冷空气过程的50.4%.(2)造成海上8级以上大风的冷空气过程的天气类型主要是小槽发展型112次,占全部冷空气过程的50.0%;其次是横槽转竖型61次,占全部冷空气过程的27.2%.(3)近20年冬季冷空气大风过程次数呈下降趋势;(4)风灾事故占渔船全损事故的51.85%,冬半年突发性的冷空气大风是导致木质渔船出现风灾事故的主要原因.  相似文献   
总结了国内外旅游安全保障体系的研究现状,并对山地景区旅游安全事故的成因进行了分析。以四川山地旅游为例,主要研究山地旅游安全的预警和救援体系,并指出由信息管理、安全预警和应急救援三大要素构成的城市边缘地带山地旅游安全预警和应急救援体系。信息管理主要是对气候气象、地质信息、旅游容量、交通、环境污染和治安信息的预报,并根据这些预报提出相应的预警。应急救援主要由应急救援预案与救援网络和专家决策方案组组成。山地景区应急工作体系围绕旅游安全应急指挥中心分出应急指挥体系和应急救援机构。  相似文献   
A fully integrated and effective response to an oil or chemical spill at sea must include a well planned and executed post-incident assessment of environmental contamination and damage. While salvage, rescue and clean-up operations are generally well considered, including reviews and exercises, the expertise, resources, networks and logistical planning required to achieve prompt and effective post-spill impact assessment and monitoring are not generally well established.The arrangement and co-ordination of post-incident monitoring and impact assessment need to consider sampling design, biological effects, chemical analysis and collection/interpretation of expert local knowledge. This paper discusses the risks, impacts and mitigation options associated with accidental spills and considers the importance of pre-considered impact assessment and monitoring programmes in the wider response cycle. The PREMIAM (Pollution Response in Emergencies: Marine Impact Assessment and Monitoring; www.premiam.org) project is considered as an example of an improved approach to the planning, co-ordination and conduct of post-incident monitoring.  相似文献   
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