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陶伟  蔡浩辉  廖健豪 《地理科学》2020,40(4):637-645
选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的人为筛选、种养品种的多样化以及土地流转的推广均为政府、村民和外来企业为实现各自利益而共同协商达成的策略,不同行动者共同利用与改造着农业生产的各种要素;农产品消费领域中,政府和企业逐步承担了农产品商品化的后续工序,国有资本完成农产品的收购、加工与包装,外来商业资本负责建构商品品牌,满足目标消费者的市场需求是他们的共同目标。  相似文献   
社区教育空间布局不均衡不仅是中国面临的问题,也是全球性的问题。早在20世纪末,国外就对社区教育空间布局展开了研究,本文通过对国际上相关文献进行梳理,对比分析,发现学者主要围绕社会学及教育地理学两大学科进行讨论。具体主题包括:从空间视角探讨社会空间与教育空间的关系,社区教育资源禀赋的空间分异,社区教育空间不均衡与减贫、民族、性别之间的关系以及对社会公平正义的影响,个体情感归属与社区教育空间布局的关系、社区教育空间的外向性、地理空间技术和方法在社区教育领域的应用。结合当前我国社区教育自身发展的特点及国际研究的趋势,未来我国社区教育研究可以从社区教育对社区居民身份认同的空间塑造,对地方经济增长、社区民主、民族融合的影响;以及从时空演变的经纬度探寻社区教育资源空间布局不均衡的原因,并科学地提供均衡配置两个方面进行。  相似文献   
This article introduces plastic recycling networks in Kolkata, India, as a case to illustrate the contradictory entanglement of economic and environmental change in urban informal contexts of the Global South. In light of the prevailing environmental critique of informal plastic recycling in India, this article discusses plastic recyclers’ environmental impact and contribution as well as the potential to enhance the environmental and economic performance of their business. Network and chain approaches in the emerging field of Environmental Economic Geography are combined with the notion of social metabolism to conceptualize the entanglement of environmental and economic processes as well as socio-environmental inequalities entailed in recycling networks. The analysis reveals the impact that the heterogeneity and fluctuation of plastic waste supply has on the economic organization of recycling networks, giving rise to distinct forms of governance in its intermediate and down-stream segments. Such an integrated perspective also serves to explain why environmental upgrading is hard to achieve under prevailing circumstances by plastic recyclers in Kolkata. Based on an assessment of the social and political conditions of informality under which plastic recyclers operate, the adoption of common assumptions about ecological modernization imbuing parts of Environmental Economic Geography is called into question.  相似文献   
王涵  赵文武  刘月  刘焱序 《地理研究》2019,74(4):831-843
森林病虫害由于在森林资源中造成的重大破坏而被人们称为“不冒烟的火灾”,其对生态系统的研究具有重要意义。现有基于遥感数据的病虫害研究多集中在森林病虫害的监测、爆发原因以及发病区域内生产力的变化情况,而对于森林病虫害发生后森林中植被指数与叶面积指数之间的相关性的变化情况还相对较少,处于需要持续性深入探讨的阶段。以加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚地区2002—2012年森林病虫害数据为基础,分析不同严重程度的病虫害对叶面积指数(LAI)与归一化植被指数(NDVI)和增强型植被指数(EVI)的影响。结果表明:① 受病虫害感染的像元在轻度(Light)、中度(Moderate)和重度(Severe)三个严重级别中,NDVI与LAI之间的相关性由弱变强,又由强变弱;② EVI与LAI之间的相关性,在轻度(Light)、中度(Moderate)和重度(Severe)三个严重级别的像元中则依次变强。这一研究将为今后利用遥感数据识别病虫害、评价生态系统影响提供基础。  相似文献   
城市居民日常身体活动时空分异特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
姜玉培  甄峰  赵梦妮  曹晨 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1496-1506
依托南京主城区居民日常身体活动调查数据,基于身体活动时空维度,挖掘城市居民日常身体活动时空分异特征,并采用混合效应模型探究身体活动分异的影响因素。研究表明:居民日常身体活动时空异质特征明显。工作日/非工作日不同类型身体活动时间安排及个体间差异均显著;工作性、交通性、家务性身体活动空间制约明显,而休闲性身体活动空间分布更具弹性;与工作日相比,非工作日不同类型身体活动空间范围变化收敛与扩散特征并存。活动空间范围、个人社会经济属性、自身健康状况对居民日常身体活动分异均具有显著影响。具体而言,居民日常活动空间范围决定身体活动的空间适应与选择;社会分工差异导致不同性别、年龄人群身体活动具有指向性;身体活动时间出现与个人社会经济实力倒置现象;而良好健康状态会激励居民日常身体活动的保持。  相似文献   
自20世纪60年代初以来,地理信息系统引领了地理信息的分析与服务。然而,由于地理学家对于地理过程开展多维模拟的需求,同时许多大型工程需要对于不同方案的后果事先开展模拟评估,为此中国学者们在世纪相交之际开始了对于虚拟地理环境的探索。本文从地理信息系统到虚拟地理环境的认识上的转变着手,分析了虚拟地理环境的演进过程、当前的阶段定位与挑战,着重探讨了虚拟地理环境研究的新态势:基于虚拟地理环境的地理空间认知研究、虚拟地理环境与实验地理学新方向、大数据背景下的虚拟地理认知实验方法和虚拟地理环境与地理知识工程,并给出最新研究思路。  相似文献   
地表覆盖分类成果质量特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
商建伟 《测绘通报》2020,(9):159-161
自我国全面建成地理国情普查成果库之后,工作重心由全面普查变为重点监测。不论普查还是监测,准确地对地表覆盖进行分类一直是工作的重点和难点。在常态化监测阶段,把握地表覆盖分类成果的主要质量指标,归纳其诸如变化率、变化区域分布、变化类型,分析影响其成果质量的主要因素,对监测生产组织及质量控制具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
1978年改革开放以来中国工业地理格局演变   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
贺灿飞  胡绪千 《地理学报》2019,74(10):1962-1979
回顾改革开放40年,在深刻的制度变革环境下,中国工业实现快速发展,中国工业地理格局也在经济转型中得到重塑。中国工业总体上经历了从内陆扩散到沿海地区集聚,再向内陆转移的过程。但不同类型产业地理格局及变化受制于不同力量,显现出一定的行业差异性。与改革开放之初相比,中国工业在不同地理尺度上呈现出明显的集聚趋势,但集聚程度较欧盟和美国低。产业的聚集与分散驱动不同尺度下的产业迁移,导致区域产业频繁进入和退出,促使地方产业呈现多样化态势,推动中国工业地理格局演变。从经济转型的视角出发,改革开放可概括为市场化、全球化和分权化三个过程,这些过程创造市场力量,激活地方力量,引入全球力量,共同重塑了中国工业地理格局。  相似文献   

Several hundred million people in sub-Saharan Africa are at risk of being without access to electricity by 2030 despite the ongoing work aimed at achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7—sustainable energy for all. Based on qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, observation, and participation in Kenya and Senegal between 2010 and 2018, the author aims to explain why the rate of progress is slower than intended. The findings highlight three strong hindrances: lack of affordability due to extreme poverty, mismatch between the village-level outreach of grid-based electricity systems and the geography of settlements, and lack of consideration given to gender inequality. The findings also provide new insights into the ways that decentralized small-scale solar power increasingly meets some of the shortcomings of centralized grids in addressing these three issues, even in rural areas where grids are already present. The author concludes that the ways in which village communities have combined the use of solar-powered energy with grid-supplied energy indicates the importance of the former and the need to intensify efforts to improve solar power delivery models and integrate them fully in energy sector strategies.  相似文献   
During the 1990s, the township of Pōkeno was held up as an example of a declining rural Aotearoa/New Zealand. By‐passed from the national state highway, it lost its status as a service hub and drastic measures were introduced to revitalise the town, including renaming the town “ Jenniferann.com .” Pōkeno has since undergone an unlikely transformation, with foreign investment and its location within an extended Auckland commuter zone meaning that the township has grown exponentially. This article describes the transformation of Pōkeno and uncovers what has been missing from discussions about Pōkeno's reinvention, namely, the place of mana whenua.  相似文献   
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