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The management of the sea has increased exponentially in the last half-century, and different academic disciplines have been vital in shaping this management. Human geography, despite its explicit focus on the human–environment nexus, has so far had little impact on human relations with the sea. Based on empirical research conducted in England and Scotland, we argue that human geography is uniquely placed to offer effective solutions to marine resource management problems, and that geographers have the potential to offer key insights into how human populations can best interact with the living seas. Three of the most important current scholarly ‘imaginations’ of the sea, and the policies they inform (economics and market-based management, conservation biology and area based protection, and anthropology and community management), are outlined. A potential ‘geographical imagination’ of the sea, drawing on key themes in contemporary scholarship is then presented, and grounded in empirical research. It is argued that human–ocean relations should be a key feature of geographical research agendas.  相似文献   
车辆路径问题:从时间地理学的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
车辆路径问题具有典型的时空分布特征,受到众多时空约束条件的制约。在车辆路径规划中,综合考虑时间和空间因素是非常必要的。本文从时间地理学这一全新的视角来研究车辆路径问题,提出一套完整的时间地理学分析框架,阐述了时间地理学的基本概念,提出了车辆路径问题中的时空约束、时空路径、时空棱柱、时空可达性、时空距离等概念,并给出了图示或定量化的度量方法。论文提出的时空距离度量方法综合考虑了顾客在空间位置和时间窗口2个方面的特征,可更科学地判定顾客之间的"邻近性"。论文通过设计一种求解大规模软时间窗车辆路径问题的算法,证明了时空距离的价值,并展望了时间地理学在求解动态车辆路径规划问题、移动设施路径规划问题等方面的应用。本文的贡献在于,通过时间地理学所提供的一系列概念和方法,实现了在统一的框架下同时考虑车辆路径问题(VRP)的时间和空间特征的构想,挖掘了传统时间地理学理论在车辆路径领域中的应用潜力,这将有利于更快或者更好地求解VRP问题。  相似文献   
林向军 《现代测绘》2011,34(6):48-50
本文基于数字吴忠地理空间信息系统项目,从数字城市对促进城市发展,实现城市信息化、现代化的重要性,提出了建设数字吴忠地理空间信息系统对吴忠市发展的需求,并从系统建设的内容、技术路线等方面对系统设计做了阐述。  相似文献   
针对《"数字苏州"总体建设方案》提出的目标,对苏州市基础地理信息平台进行了总体框架设计。平台由标准化方案、基础地理信息管理、应用系统、系统维护四部分组成,各部分又包含若干子系统。系统实现了多源数据的标准化、基础数据建库与管理,在数据交换和共享基础上,实现了专业应用、政务管理、公共信息相关应用等服务功能。  相似文献   
Black African refugee communities are a relatively recent addition to the Australia landscape. Between 2001 and 2007, over 5000 refugees from various African nations resettled in Queensland. There are very few data about African refugee settlement geography in Australia and no previous study delineating African refugee settlement within the State of Queensland. This research addresses the knowledge gap by examining the geographic distribution and secondary migration patterns of eight African refugee communities in Southeast Queensland. The research adopted a multi-method approach, mapping quantitative data from an existing secondary database and comparing these to qualitative primary data to determine geographical distribution. Additional qualitative data were used to establish secondary migration patterns of the case study communities. Results show noticeable discrepancies between existing secondary datasets and primary data collected from the communities. These inconsistencies are significant because settlement service providers who use the secondary data to budget, plan and deliver essential settlement services might be underestimating the size of the African communities and missing some settlement locations altogether. The results also reveal a tension between the main socio-cultural forces of concentration and housing forces of dispersion that are driving secondary migration in the communities. A policy recommendation to mitigate the potentially negative effects of residential dispersion on settlement outcomes includes the strategic location of service hubs in key suburbs, such as Moorooka, to which the communities are already drawn.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the state of higher education human geography in contemporary Malaysia in relation to four main challenges: defending the unity of identity of higher education geography as a coherent and distinct discipline; ensuring the institutional survival of geography in higher education; enhancing the visibility of geographers as public intellectuals; and fostering the internationalization of human geography in Malaysia. It also suggests possible measures in responding to these. Moreover, while sharing the problems of developing higher education human geography experienced in other countries, Malaysia suffers most from national education policies that place lesser importance on the teaching of geography in schools, that stipulate a non‐English (Malay) medium of instruction, and that have been late in espousing an outward looking research university concept. In summing up the prevailing conditions as depicting a mixed bag of benign contentment, hard‐nosed pragmatism and continuing frustrations, it is uncertain whether recent policy changes to advance research environments in public universities can appreciably alleviate the fourfold challenges mentioned above.  相似文献   
董锁成  杨旺舟  石广义 《地理研究》2011,30(11):2115-2122
陈才教授是我国著名的地理学家,是我国区域经济地理学学科的创建者,他开创性的学术研究及实践,为我国区域经济地理学学科建设和国家发展做出了杰出贡献。陈才教授的学术思想和主要贡献可简要归纳为五个方面:(1)较早提出经济地理三个研究侧面的学术思想;(2)系统开展区域经济地理学研究和实践,创立和完善区域经济地理学学科体系;(3)...  相似文献   
中科院地理科学与资源研究所建所70年来,世界地理研究由于坚持了紧密为国家政治斗争和社会经济建设服务的正确方针,在地缘政治与地缘经济、国家与区域地理的综合研究、部门地理与专题研究、中外对比研究、世界地理知识普及等方面取得了一系列重要研究成果.研究工作中存在的问题为:超前性不够、系统性不强、研究手段落后、资料来源单一、成果...  相似文献   
本文回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所70年城市地理与城市发展研究的变迁历程,并将其划分为缓慢探索阶段(1949-1980年)、积极参与阶段(1981-1990年)、快速拓展阶段(1991-2000年)和逐步深化阶段(2000年以来)4大阶段,系统总结了城市地理科研工作者在中国设市预测与规划调整、中国城镇体系规划...  相似文献   
20世纪人口地理学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
20世纪之前的人口地理学只是从属于传统地理学的人口地理研究.进入20世纪,人口地理研究尚未从人文地理学中独立出来,内容上延续了拉采尔的人类地理学思想;二战以后,人口地理研究逐步向人口地理学纵深发展,50年代人口地理学逐步成形.20世纪后半叶,人口地理学得到了持续快速发展:出生率与老龄化、迁移与流动、人口与脆弱性等世界性...  相似文献   
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