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油气勘探开发涉及各类数据体,同一数据体可得多种平均值,目前尚无明确而有效的方法以判断何种平均值能客观反映数据体的典型水平。运用数据统计平均分析方法,对勘探开发实践中的孔隙度、渗透率、产量、成本等数据体进行系统分析,确立了加权中位数计算公式和平衡中位数法则。加权中位数计算公式适于分析不同领域正常有序数据体的基本特征,加权中位数为正常有序数据体的平衡点;平衡中位数法则适于确定有足够大数据容量、能满足统计分析基本要求、能选择合理权衡指标的正常有序数据体的典型水平;有明确物理意义的加权平均值也可确定数据体的典型水平。  相似文献   
12月16日,世界气象组织发布的数据显示,2008年是自1850年有记录以来排名第十的温暖年份;融冰季节北极海冰的面积降至1979年有记录以来的第二低点。与1961年至1990年期间年均14摄氏度的水平相比,2008年全球海平面和地表气温混合平均值上升了0.31摄氏度。不过,由于受到2007年下半年开始出现的拉尼娜现象的影响,2008年的气温比本世纪前几年的气温略有降低。  相似文献   
不规则边界场地中方格法土方工程量的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合方格法计算土方工程量的全过程,介绍了一种不同于传统教材的确定高程权的方法。采用该方法,比较好地解决了不规则边界场地采用方格法计算土方量的难题,对该方法的实际应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   
一月一月为苦寒之月,但在本年中国各地大抵较往昔温暖,绥西气候反常,黄河解冻,冰凌下流,其未解冻之处,冰面淹水二三尺深,阻断交通,华中与华南亦显有温度之增进,惟东北一带气候转寒。月之二十四日及三十日吉林附近清晨之气温皆达摄氏冰点下三十度,寒冷之甚可以想见。欧洲方面月初亦觉奇寒斯堪的纳维亚半岛为北冰洋寒流所袭,波罗的海海上有大风雨,法境大雪,维琪气温降至冰点下二十度,称这一八八○年来未有之奇寒。天气之演变大有东西相映之局。  相似文献   
利用黑龙江省气候评价业务使用的71个气象台站的气温、降水和日照时数资料,对1981-2010年气候平均值和1971-2000年气候平均值进行比较。结果表明:黑龙江省大部地区年平均气温升高,冬季偏暖突出;年降水量大部地区增多,春季、夏季、冬季降水量增多,秋季减少,7月降水量增幅最大;年日照时数大部地区减少。  相似文献   
文章对内蒙古锡林浩特探空站的L波段雷达—电子探空仪在换型前后相对湿度的进行了统计分析。结果表明:该站在换型后比换型前相对湿度偏小,同时存在相对湿度值小于2.5%偏多的现象,该结果是对文献研究结论进行检验。  相似文献   
基于政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)4种最新辐射强迫情景,利用ECHAM5/MPI-OM(European Centre Hamburg Model 5/Max Planck Institute Ocean Model)气候模式输出的1850—2300年逐月混合层深度、海表面温度、海表面盐度数据,分析大西洋热盐环流下沉区混合层深度的变化情况。结果表明:随辐射强迫增加,热盐环流下沉区混合层深度下降,混合层深度振荡周期在格陵兰-冰岛-挪威海(Greenland Sea–Iceland Sea–Norwegian Sea,GIN)海域减小,在拉布拉多海(Labrador Sea,LAB)海域变化不大;与GIN海域相比,LAB海域混合层深度对辐射强迫变化更敏感;两海区温度对混合层深度的影响时间较长,混合层深度对盐度的变化反应迅速;混合层深度变化的主导因素在LAB海域中为盐度,而在GIN海域,低辐射强迫下温度主导混合层深度变化,中高辐射强迫下温度与盐度共同起主导作用。  相似文献   
A study was carried out to investigate the grazing pressure of heterotrophic nanoflagellates(HNF) on bacteria assemblages in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) area in October, 2006. The results show that the HNF abundance ranges from 303 to 1 388 mL-1, with a mean of 884 mL-1. The HNF biomass is equivalent to 10.6%–115.6% of that of the bacteria. The maximum abundance of the HNF generally occurred in the upper 30 m water layer, with a vertical distribution pattern of surface layer abundance greater than middle layer abundance, then bottom layer abundance. The hydrological data show that the YSCWM is located in the northeastern part of the study area, typically 40 m beneath the surface. A weak correlation is found between the abundances of HNF and bacteria in both the YSCWM and its above water layer. One-way ANOVA analysis reveals that the abundance of HNF and bacteria differs between inside the YSCWM and in the above water mass. The ingestion rates of the HNF on bacteria was 8.02±3.43 h-1 in average. The grazing rate only represented 22.75%±6.91% of bacterial biomass or 6.55%+4.24% of bacterial production, implying that the HNF grazing was not the major factor contributing to the bacterial loss in the YSCWM areas.  相似文献   
The snow-cover days over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLRYR) in the winter of 1670 were extracted from Chinese historical documents. By these records, the winter temperature anomalies (compared to the mean of 1961-1990) recorded at seven meteorological stations and the regional mean winter temperature were estimated. The results show that: (1) There was an average of about 30 snow-cover days over the MLRYR region in 1670, ranging from 11-20 days in Shanghai and eastern Zhejiang to 5140 days in eastern Hunan Province. The snow-cover days averaged about 40 days in Anqing and Nan- cheng, and ranged from 30 to 40 days in Quzhou, Jingdezhen, and Nanchang; and (2) the regional mean winter temperature in 1670 was estimated to be approximately 4.0 ℃ lower than that of 1961-1990. The maximum negative anomaly of 5.6℃ occurred in Nanchang and the minimum anomaly of-2.8 ℃ was detected in Quzhou. Both of these were lower than that of the coldest winter during the instrumental observation period of 1951-2010. This research could not only provide a method to es- timate historical climate extremes, but also provide a background to understand the recent instrumentally climate extremes.  相似文献   
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