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以Visual Studio 2012为平台,利用ArcGIS Engine强大的空间分析功能,以C#为开发语言结合第三方插件设计开发海域定级决策子系统,实现了不同用海方式海域的自动化定级,对海域定级基础数据、过程数据和结果数据进行综合管理,构建了一个具有一定实用价值的海域定级信息管理系统原型;此外,利用WebGIS将海域定级决策子系统分析生成的结果数据发布成服务,实现海域定级信息共享子系统。本研究为海域定级提供智能化平台,提高对海域定级及评估效率,有利于海洋可持续发展。  相似文献   
Fukai Peng 《Marine Geodesy》2018,41(2):99-125
A new Brown-Peaky (BP) retracker has been developed for peaky waveforms that usually appear within ~10 km to the coastline. The main feature of the BP is that it fits peaky waveforms using the Brown model without introducing a peak function. The retracking strategy first detects the peak location and width of a waveform using an adaptive peak detection method, and then estimates retracking parameters using a weighted least squares (WLS) estimator. The WLS assigns a downsized weight to corrupted waveform gates, but an equal weight to other normal waveform gates. The BP retracker has been applied to 4-year Jason-1 waveform (2002–2006) in two Australian coastal zones. The results retracked by BP, MLE4 and ALES retrackers have been validated against tide-gauge observations located at Burnie, Lorne and Broome. The comparison results show that three retrackers have similar performance over open oceans with the correlation coefficient (~0.7) and RMSE (~13 cm) between altimetric and tide-gauge sea levels for distance >7 km offshore. The main improvement of BP retracker occurs for distance ≤7 km to the coastline, where validation results indicate that data retracked by BP are more accurate (15–21 cm) than those by ALES (16–24 cm) and MLE4 (19–37 cm).  相似文献   
领海基点对于维护国家海洋权益等意义重大。文章基于外磕脚领海基点的保护实践工作,从前期准备、现场调查方法、保护范围选划结果3个方面,开展砂质基点领海基点保护范围选划的案例研究,据此提出砂质基底领海基点保护范围的选划依据和方法。研究表明:砂质基底领海基点的保护范围选划应依据海岛的特殊属性,由保护对象的边界向外延伸至潮汐水道,并充分体现地貌整体性和连续性。针对砂质基底领海基点保护,文章建议应加强工程手段实现基底稳定,维护领海基点安全;加强领海基点外业调查,夯实领海基点地形水文资料基础;加大领海基点巡查力度,持续推进领海基点实时动态监视监测;加强部门沟通协调,完善领海基点信息管理系统;加大宣传教育,树立全民海洋海岛意识等保护管理建议,为领海基点的保护管理工作提供理论和实践探索。  相似文献   
Using two dimensional continuous wavelet transforms, a novel method for identification of mesoscale eddies is presented to facilitate extraction of characteristics for area, amplitude, type, and location from maps of sea level anomalies. In comparison with the previously established growing method for eddy identification, it is found that the wavelet method identifies more than twice the number of eddies and is particularly better at resolving small eddies down to the 0.25 degree resolution of the data. Such research into eddy identification and tracking is significant to the assessment of eddies with potential to impact on coastlines of small islands. The method is applied to the identification of eddies on tracks towards islands of the Eastern Caribbean over 23?years. Spatial and temporal variation in rate of occurrence and magnitude is established. For Barbados there is an average of 9 anticyclonic incidents a year with maximum amplitude of typically 0.22?m in the dry seasons and 0.16?m in the wet seasons. Seasonal variation is reversed for the other islands with twice the number of anticyclonic incidents having maximum amplitudes of about 0.20?m annually.  相似文献   
我国海洋动力灾害研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋动力灾害(包括灾害性海浪、风暴潮、海冰、海啸等)是对我国沿海地区造成破坏和损失最大的自然灾害之一。开展海洋动力灾害研究具有重要意义和迫切的国家需求。本文回顾我国建国以来在海洋动力灾害研究方向的主要进展,重点针对近年来我国在海洋动力灾害数值模拟预报以及灾害风险评估等方面的进展进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的发展展望,希望给海洋防灾减灾科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
表层海水二氧化碳分压是评估海洋碳源汇强度的关键参数,但其实测数据较少、时空分布极不均匀,导致二氧化碳交换通量的估算有很大的不确定性,海洋源汇特征就不能确切获取。为了解决这个难题,在收集的表层大洋二氧化碳地图(Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas,SOCAT)实测数据集基础上,运用广义回归神经网络建立二氧化碳分压与经纬度、时间、温度、盐度和叶绿素浓度间的非线性关系,构建了1998?2018年间全球1°×1°经纬度的表层海水二氧化碳分压格点数据,其标准误差为16.93 μatm,平均相对误差为2.97%,优于现有研究中的前反馈神经网络、自组织映射神经网络和机器学习算法等方法。根据构建的数据所绘制的全球表层海水二氧化碳分压的分布与现有研究有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
本文基于海洋站潮位观测数据、海平面变化影响调查信息以及长江口水文站径流量数据等,重点分析了2009?2018年长江口咸潮入侵的变化特征及其影响因素,分析结果表明:(1)长江口咸潮入侵季节变化特征明显。咸潮一般从每年的9?10月开始入侵,翌年4?5月结束。3月咸潮入侵次数最多,达12次。2009?2018年,长江口咸潮入侵次数和咸潮持续时间均呈下降趋势,2009年长江口咸潮入侵次数最多,达13次,时间均发生在10月至翌年的4月;咸潮持续时间年际变化较大,2011年咸潮入侵持续时间最长,累计为55 d。2015?2018年,咸潮入侵次数和入侵持续时间均明显减少,2018年没有监测到咸潮入侵过程。(2) 1?4月,长江口处于季节性低海平面期,且同期径流量少,但是受东亚季风影响,持续的增水过程使得增减水?径流量综合影响指数明显偏高,其中1月、2月、3月的影响指数分别为1.5、1.9和1.6,该时段长江口的咸潮入侵过程主要受增减水的影响。5?7月,长江口径流量明显增加,海平面?径流量综合影响指数均小于0,径流的作用强于海水上溯。8月,长江口径流量开始下降,虽然季节海平面较高,但是长江口呈现明显的减水过程,海平面?径流量和增减水?径流量的综合影响指数分别为0.1和?1.6,基本不会发生咸潮入侵。9月,长江口处于季节高海平面期,并且以增水为主,海平面?径流量和增减水?径流量的综合影响指数较大,分别为1.2和1.0,易发生咸潮入侵。10月、11月长江口海平面?径流量的综合影响指数分别为1.5和0.8,径流影响弱于海水上溯,易发生咸潮入侵。(3) 2009?2018年发生的48次咸潮入侵过程有2/3恰逢天文大潮。在某些年份长江口沿海基础海平面偏高,若持续增水恰逢天文大潮,则加剧咸潮入侵的影响程度。  相似文献   
利用欧洲中心气候再分析资料和美国国家冰雪数据中心北极海冰面积资料,分析了夏季北极海冰面积与前期大气经向热量输送年际变化的联系。结果表明:6月北半球中高纬大气的经向热量输送以瞬变热量形式为主,其中巴芬湾西部(B区)和格陵兰岛东部(G区)是瞬变热量向极区传输的两个通道,二者之间存在反位相的协同变化,且这种协同变化与夏季北极海冰面积变化密切相关。可能的机制为:6月,AD、AO和NAO三种北极大气环流型能够引起巴芬湾西部和格陵兰岛东部瞬变热量输送的协同变化,这种协同变化通过涡旋动力作用激发夏季极区大气表现为AD异常,同时影响途经区域的气温,从而通过热动力作用影响夏季北极海冰。将向极区输送的热量称为暖输送,从极区输出的热量为冷输送,则上述两个区域的瞬变热量协同输送可分为三种情况:B暖G冷、B冷G暖、B和G均冷,而B和G均暖的情况十分罕见。当B区向极区输入、G区输出热量时,有利于太平洋扇区和喀拉海的海冰偏少;当G区输入、B区输出热量时,利于喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏少;当B区和G区均输出热量时,利于波佛特海南部、喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏多,反之则相反。  相似文献   
为了更有效地将卫星数据应用于北极航行导航,被动微波(PM)产品的海冰密集度(SIC)与从中国北极科学考察中收集到的船基目视观测(OBS)资料进行了比较。在2010、2012、2014、2016和2018年的北极夏季总共收集了3667组目测数据。PM SIC取自基于SSMIS传感器的NASA-Team(NT)、Bootstrap(BT)以及Climate Data Record(CDR)算法和基于AMSR-E/AMSR-2传感器的BT、enhanced NT(NT2)以及ARTIST Sea Ice(ASI)算法。使用PM SIC的日算术平均值和OBS SIC的日加权平均值进行比较。比较了PM SIC和OBS SIC之间的相关系数,偏差和均方根偏差,包括总体趋势以及在轻度/普通/严重冰况下的情况。使用OBS数据,浮冰尺寸和冰厚对不同PM产品SIC反演的影响可以通过计算浮冰尺寸编码和冰厚的日加权平均值来评估。我们的结果显示相关系数的范围为0.89(AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2)到0.95(SSMIS NT),偏差的范围为-3.96%(SSMIS NT)到12.05%(AMSR-E/AMSR-2),均方根偏差的范围为10.81%(SSMIS NT)到20.15%(AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2)。浮冰尺寸对PM产品的SIC反演有显著的影响,大多数PM产品倾向于在小浮冰尺寸情况下低估SIC,而在大浮冰尺寸情况下高估SIC。超过30 cm的冰厚对于PM产品的SIC反演没有明显影响。总体来看,在北极夏季,SSMIS NT SIC与OBS SIC之间有着最好的一致性,而AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2 SIC与OBS SIC的一致性最差。  相似文献   
The extremely low temperature, high humidity and limited power supply pose considerable challenges when using spectrometers within the Arctic sea ice. The feasibility of using a miniature low-power near-infrared spectrometer module to measure solar radiation in Arctic sea ice environments was investigated in this study.Temperature and integration time dependences of the spectrometer module were examined over the entire target operating range of –50℃ to 30℃, well below the specified operating range of this spectrometer. Using these observations, a dark output prediction model was developed to represent dark output as a function of temperature and integration time. Temperature-induced biases in the saturation output and linear operating range of the spectrometer were also determined. Temperature and integration time dependences of the signal output were evaluated. Two signal output correction models were developed and compared, to convert the signal output at any temperature within the operating temperature range and integration time to that measured at the reference temperature and integration time. The overall performance of the spectrometer was evaluated by integrating it into a refined fiber optic spectrometry system and measuring solar irradiance distribution in the ice cover with thickness of 1.85 m in the Arctic during the 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The general shape of the measured solar irradiance above the snow surface agreed well with that measured by other commercial oceanographic spectroradiometers. The measured optical properties of the sea ice were generally comparable to those of similar ice measured using other instruments. This approach provides a general framework for assessing the feasibility of using spectrometers for applications in cold environments.  相似文献   
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