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Acartia bifilosa (Copepoda: Calanoida) is a common species in offing of global waters and it often becomes dominant species in some estuaries. This species develops different strategy according to variation of environment. Despite its ecological role, Acartia bifilosa also has been concerned as live feeds in aquaculture, but study on egg production rate of this species in saturated diet in different temperature and different diet is so far not available. In order to interpret the importance of temperature and diet on natural population variation and also on aquaculture as foods of larval fish, the functional response of reproductive success of Acartia bifilosa was quantified in the laboratory using different temperatures and diets. Acartia bifilosa was captured in Jiaozhou Bay and acclimated to corresponding temperature for 3~4 days. In order to reduce the effect of large extent temperature range on organism, we captured Acartia bifilosa from March to June and acclimated them to temperature which is adjacent to natural temperature. Daily egg production rate (EPR, eggs female-1day-1) was detected for 11~15 days at 5 different temperatures ranged from 8.0 to 23 °C and all the females was feed on saturated diet all through the experiments. EPR on first day was not calculated in the mean EPR to eliminate the effect of different diets. This result showed that Acartia bifilosa spawned continuously during the experiment days and no obvious regulation was found. EPR was positively correlated with temperature from 8.0 to 23 °C. The highest mean EPR was observed at 23 °C (7.3 eggs female-1day-1), and the lowest value was found at 8 °C (3.8 eggs female-1day-1). The effect of diets on EPR was evaluated at two different temperatures (8.0 °C and 12.5 °C). Same trends were found at the two temperatures: mean EPR fed on Chaetoceros sp. was higher than that fed on Skeletonema costatum, and during the 14-day experiments, EPR was higher for females fed on Skeletonema costatum than chaetoceros sp. in the first few days (3~5 days), but it changed reversely in the subsequent days until the end of the experiments. Hatched eggs were observed in the two experiments at temperature 8°C and 12.5 °C and no diapause eggs were found. The hatching success rate was low at 8°C but reached 93.2% at 12.5 °C. According to the results in this paper, we detected the comfortable temperature range for EPR, and evaluated the effect of Skeletonema costatum which often brings out red tide in natural waters. These results are beneficial to ecological research for explaining population variation and population recruitment of this species, These data also can be used in Acartia bifilosa aquaculture.  相似文献   
全天相机作为一个对天文观测台站全天云量信息进行监视的工具,对天文观测的正常进行发挥着重要的作用,目前世界上主要天文台均配备有全天相机,为了满足对全天云量信息进行实时监视的需求,丽江天文观测站正式安装架设了一套全天相机系统。从硬件安装架设、软件调试到实际测试等方面,详细介绍了全天相机系统的设计方案以及遇到的问题,讨论了对问题的解决措施,重点介绍了根据天光亮度数值调整相机曝光时间的方法,这也是主要创新与特色之处。  相似文献   
德州市深层地下水人工回灌试验浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德州市德城区由于长期开采深层地下水,引起了水位区域性大幅度下降,形成了大面积地下水降落漏斗,并产生了地面沉降等不良地质环境问题。为保护德州市地质环境和深层地下水资源,于2002年开展了深层地下水人工回灌试验。根据回灌试验成果和深层地下水目前开采强度推算,利用德城区现有部分(65%)深机井在丰水季节进行人工回灌,单井回灌量保持1200m3/d,每年保持90d的回灌时间,回灌量可达到1080×104m3/a,可增可采资源量675×104m3/a。因此开展人工回灌可以有效地补给地下水源,解决深层地下水资源枯竭问题。  相似文献   
一张张笑脸洋溢着春天的气息。春耕前夕,垦区宝泉岭汤原农场各生产队按新的耕地面积发包土地了,农场职工个个笑逐言开。因为据新一轮耕地面积普查成果,农场的耕地面积比往年增加了10%左右,他们承包种地的干劲更足了。  相似文献   
通过湖北省秭归县屈原镇前山坡北侧滑坡防治工程实例,阐述了滑坡防治工程中抗滑桩施工工艺流程、主要施工方法及防治的效果,对我省类似的地质灾害防治工程具有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
元谋的土林是一种典型的林柱状地质景观,其形态丰富,似人似物,具有较高的观赏价值;其地质内涵丰富,具备了科考、科普旅游的基本条件。文章认为在开发过程中,应注意提升元谋土林周边古文化的旅游吸引力,做好元谋土林地质公园的论证与申报,并采取措施保护柱体的稳定性。  相似文献   
我国水文测流仪器进展概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张正惕  杨世伦 《水文》1998,(6):62-64
以事实为依据,资料背景,介绍了新中国成立以来水文测流仪器的几个发展过程,对我国的水文测流仪器既看到了成绩,又找出了差距,并提出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
结合蓬莱阁田横栈道工程的实例,对已经被滨海环境腐蚀的构件,采取了不同的处理措施。钢构件的外部增加了防锈蚀措施:悬索的外部增加PE管以阻隔架构和外部的接触,管内灌入防腐润滑脂;对普通混凝土结构采用西卡901、903系列阻锈剂隔离氯离子和混凝土结构的接触,减缓了碳化过程。通过以上措施的实施,提高了工程的抗腐蚀能力,增加了工程的使用年限,对类似环境下的工程有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
国家西部测图工程产品质检系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨正银  黄青伦  霍健 《四川测绘》2008,31(5):212-215
质量检验手段一直是实施数字测绘产品质量控制的瓶颈问题。本文论述了国家西部测图工程产品质检系统的设计与实现,为数字线划图(DLG)、数字高程模型(DEM)、数字正射影像图(DOM)等数字测绘产品质量检验提供了有效的工具和手段,为西部测图工程项目高效优质的实施提供保障。  相似文献   
上海地面沉降与城市防汛安全   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章根据上海黄浦江最高潮位与地面沉降的历年变化发展情况,结合城市防汛工程的沉降现状,分析了地面沉降对上海城市防汛安全的影响。指出地面沉降的长期危害是影响上海城市防汛安全的重要因素,地面沉降的监测与防治是城市安全设防的重要内容。  相似文献   
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