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We presented a multiresolution hierarchical classification (MHC) algorithm for differentiating ground from non-ground LiDAR point cloud based on point residuals from the interpolated raster surface. MHC includes three levels of hierarchy, with the simultaneous increase of cell resolution and residual threshold from the low to the high level of the hierarchy. At each level, the surface is iteratively interpolated towards the ground using thin plate spline (TPS) until no ground points are classified, and the classified ground points are used to update the surface in the next iteration. 15 groups of benchmark dataset, provided by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) commission, were used to compare the performance of MHC with those of the 17 other publicized filtering methods. Results indicated that MHC with the average total error and average Cohen’s kappa coefficient of 4.11% and 86.27% performs better than all other filtering methods.  相似文献   
动态空间正图像透视投影正反解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卫星图像都是在动态情形下获取的。瞬间曝光获取的图像投影性质符合透视投影。本文针对卫星动态获取的正图像,建立其平面透视投影,利用矢量解法研究其正反解变换和星下点坐标计算方法,最后给出了算例。  相似文献   
真实感建筑物三维重建是摄影测量、计算机视觉界研究的热点和难点,一般来说包括三维几何模型重建与表面纹理恢复两个方面。本文立足于LiDAR与影像集成的三维重建技术,以三维重建过程为线索,从三维几何模型重建、表面纹理恢复两个方面,梳理归纳不同的LiDAR与影像集成方案,聚焦于数据处理的方法、算法、策略,对最新的研究成果进行总结与分析。  相似文献   
为了能更好地理解激光雷达技术工作原理与三维信息采集全过程,规避现有激光雷达技术,尤其是机载激光雷达,在实践教学中受场地限制的不利条件,本文依托于中国矿业大学(北京)沙河校区的航空模拟平台,自主研发了一套基于单线激光雷达与行程测距仪集成的三维激光扫描装备,阐述了该装备集成的数学原理,设计了三维数据采集实践教学方法,并进行了三维数据采集的实践体验与数据质量评价。结果表明,该装备采集三维点云的精度优于99%,可为激光雷达技术的实践教学、创新训练及本科毕业设计等环节提供有效的硬件支撑,并可在仓储方量核算等工程应用方面进行推广。  相似文献   
侯方国  刘欣  任秀波 《测绘通报》2022,(11):128-131
本文以成都市环城生态区生态修复项目为依托,利用飞马D200无人机实现了倾斜摄影和LiDAR技术的融合监测,通过三维模型制作、大比例尺地形图生产、点云处理、方格网计算、精度评定等步骤,验证了倾斜摄影和机载LiDAR协同监测方式可以满足1∶500地形图和方格网测量的精度,对后期无人机测绘实际生产具有指导意义。  相似文献   
激光雷达技术(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)是近十年来快速发展并得到广泛应用的测量手段。美国地质调查局(USGS)、美国国家宇航局(NASA)以及美国地质学会(AASG)已经开始讨论建设全美高分辨率激光雷达数据库。我国正处于东部城市化、土地利用巨变、西部无图而经济高速发展的时期,国家、地方、企业生产单位迫切需要现实性强、精确度高、比例尺大的地形数据产品。满足这些要求的主要途径是采用激光雷达这一先进的测绘技术。我们建议国家、地方与企业统筹规划,各司其职,努力建设我国的激光雷达基础数据库。本文通过Stoker等(2008)介绍的第二届全美激光雷达战略研讨会上论述的激光雷达技术特点、激光雷达数据的科学需求与应用以及商业化运作问题,结合我国目前的激光雷达发展趋势、测绘数据需求以及土地利用变化监测等科学问题,简析激光雷达技术在我国的应用前景。  相似文献   
机载激光雷达平均树高提取研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
为了研究机载激光雷达(LiDAR)树高提取技术,以山东省泰安市徂徕山林场为实验区,于2005年5月进行了机载LiDAR数据获取和外业测量.通过对LiDAR点云数据的分类处理,分别得到了试验区的地面点云子集、植被点云子集和高程归一化的植被点云子集.基于高程归一化的植被点云子集计算了上四分位数处的高度,与实地测量的数据进行了比较,并结合中国森林调查规程进行了实用性分析.结果表明:对于较低密度的点云数据,使用分位数法可以较好地进行林分平均高的估计;机载激光雷达技术对树高估计是可行的,精度都高于87%,总体平均精度为90.59%,其中阔叶树的精度高于针叶树.该试验精度可以满足中国二类森林调查规程中平均树高因子的一般商品林和生态公益林的精度要求,对国有商品林小班的调查精度要求(5%)存在一点差距,需要在国有商品林区进一步开展验证工作.对本试验区而言,已经可以满足其作为森林公园生态公益林的调查要求.  相似文献   
2006年3月,南京市测绘勘察研究院有限公司利用Optech公司的ALTM3100在南京市成功获取到10 km2的LiDAR数据。在此数据基础上,笔者对如何利用LiDAR技术与数据进行真3维电子地图制作进行了较为深入的研究,对其关键步骤在文中进行了阐述。最后,提出自己在城市3维建模技术方面的观点。  相似文献   
针对传统的数据读取方法不能满足LiDAR点云数据量大的特点,基于Windows的内存映射机制,研究LiDAR点云数据组织,利用四叉树对LiDAR点云数据进行索引管理,并在LiDAR点云的三维场景绘制中对点云数据进行剪裁,减轻CPU的负担,提高其运算的效率.  相似文献   
Detailed and precise information on urban building patterns is essential for urban design, landscape evaluation, social analyses and urban environmental studies. Although a broad range of studies on the extraction of urban building patterns has been conducted, few studies simultaneously considered the spatial proximity relations and morphological properties at a building-unit level. In this study, we present a simple and novel graph-theoretic approach, Extended Minimum Spanning Tree (EMST), to describe and characterize local building patterns at building-unit level for large urban areas. Building objects with abundant two-dimensional and three-dimensional building characteristics are first delineated and derived from building footprint data and high-resolution Light Detection and Ranging data. Then, we propose the EMST approach to represent and describe both the spatial proximity relations and building characteristics. Furthermore, the EMST groups the building objects into different locally connected subsets by applying the Gestalt theory-based graph partition method. Based on the graph partition results, our EMST method then assesses the characteristics of each building to discover local patterns by employing the spatial autocorrelation analysis and homogeneity index. We apply the proposed method to the Staten Island in New York City and successfully extracted and differentiated various local building patterns in the study area. The results demonstrate that the EMST is an effective data structure for understanding local building patterns from both geographic and perceptual perspectives. Our method holds great potential for identifying local urban patterns and provides comprehensive and essential information for urban planning and management.  相似文献   
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