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利用云南11个地磁台站的秒采样观测数据,计算和分析了地磁垂直强度极化值Yzh在2019年8月13日、14日通海MS5.0地震前及2019年9月8日墨江MS5.9地震前的时空变化特征。研究表明,地磁台站Yzh值的幅度在震前会出现同步增强现象。而与以往的极化震例研究相比,Yzh值的高值异常在震前出现时间要更早些,可能会在震前2~5个月出现,距发震时间越近,产生的异常幅值可能越大,异常持续时间也越长。同时,研究还发现2次地震主要发生在异常空间等值线的高值区内,尤其在零值阈值线附近,这可能对今后发震地点的预测有一定的指示意义。对比异常产生时段内的Dst指数,认为该高值异常并非由空间电流体系所引起。  相似文献   
本文基于MODIS-NDVI遥感数据反演计算了我国陆地2001—2015年地表植被覆盖度的空间分布,讨论了植被覆盖度的时空变化规律,分析了影响植被覆盖度近十几年来动态变化的主要驱动因素。研究结果表明:我国陆地植被覆盖度从2001—2015年,植被覆盖度总体上呈增加趋势,其中淮河流域、华北平原地区、以及黄土高原地区增加趋势显著。根据植被覆盖度在时间序列上的变化特征,可将其变化类型分为持续增长型、先减小后增长等六种类型,其中农业种植区基本为一直增长型,而主要森林覆盖区,特别是西南地区的植被覆盖度在研究时段内表现出波动性的变化特征。降水是驱动华北平原北部,内蒙古,以及西北大部分区域植被覆盖度动态变化的重要因素,东北、青藏高原等地区植被覆盖度受温度的影响较大,而在中国东南沿海地区,光照条件是影响该区域植被覆盖度的主要因素。  相似文献   
基于印度河流域及周围54个地面气象站气温、降水资料,结合CRU气温和GPCC降水全球格点化陆面再分析资料,通过插值构建了一套0.5°×0.5°分辨率1980—2016年逐月格点数据集。采用Thornthwaite方法计算了潜在蒸散发,基于标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),探讨了印度河流域气候变化及干旱演变特征。结果表明:(1)1980—2016年,印度河流域年平均气温以0.30℃·(10 a)-1的速率呈显著上升趋势,21世纪初增温幅度最大;干季(11月~次年4月)升温速率较快,达0.36℃·(10 a)-1,湿季(5~10月)增速0.25℃·(10 a)-1。年降水量呈现少雨—多雨—少雨—多雨年代际振荡。伴随着持续升温,年和各季的潜在蒸发量增加显著。干季干旱频率较多,但湿季干旱强度高,各季干旱频率与降水呈现较一致的年代际波动;干旱的影响面积在干季呈现微弱地增加趋势,湿季却略有减少趋势。(2)空间上,除西北局部,流域其他区域的年和季平均气温、潜在蒸发量增加趋势显著,均达到95%置信水平。其中南部平原和东北山区升温幅度较高,南部平原区潜在蒸发量增加也较大。新德里到喀布尔的东南至西北带状区域的年和湿季降水量,以及喀布尔周围地区的干季降水量呈显著增加趋势。东南平原区和东北局部山区的干季,以及东北和西南局部山区的湿季呈现显著的干旱化态势,需要加强防灾减灾的意识并采取相应措施,以规避干旱增多带来的不利影响。  相似文献   
四川作为农业大省,旱灾是导致农业减产最主要的因素。通过遥感和GIS手段进行四川省土壤干旱程度的时空分析,提高干旱的空间可视化程度,加强干旱监测的时效性尤为重要。本研究基于四川省2007—2016年逐季度的MODIS数据和1961—2011年40个气象站的月降水资料,采用温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)计算得到四川省干旱等级分布情况,辅以标准化降雨指数(SPI)进行相关性分析,并通过线性回归、反距离权重空间插值、GIS空间分析模型重建等方法,分析近十年来四川省地区以季度为时间尺度的土壤干旱时空变化特征,制作各时相土壤干旱分布图展示其微变化。结果表明:(1)在月时间尺度上,SPI-1与TVDI呈中等至强负相关关系,即TVDI值越小,SPI值越大,干旱程度越轻;验证结果表明TVDI都能够较好地对四川省的干旱空间分布状况进行反映。(2)四川省各区域、各季节干旱分布不均:空间上,干旱频发的区域集中在四川盆地及攀西南部区域。时间上,在春季,四川盆地区域的土壤干旱程度大致呈现加剧—持续—减缓的趋势;夏季,四川盆地的干旱变化趋势是加剧—减缓—加剧;秋季,四川盆地的干旱变化趋势是加剧—减缓—持续减缓;冬季,全川干旱程度变化不明显。本文的研究结果对四川省开展农业防灾减灾,引导农业灌溉具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Temperature plays an essential role in the ecology and biology of aquatic ecosystems. The use of dams to store and subsequently re-regulate river flows can have a negative impact on the natural thermal regime of rivers, causing thermal pollution of downstream river ecosystems. Autonomous thermal loggers were used to measure temperature changes downstream of a large dam on the Macquarie River, in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin to quantify the effect of release mechanisms and dam storage volume on the downstream thermal regime. The magnitude of thermal pollution in the downstream river was affected by different release mechanisms, including bottom-level outlet releases, a thermal curtain (which draws water from above the hypolimnion), and spill-way release. Dam storage volume was linked to the magnitude of thermal pollution downstream; high storage volumes were related to severe thermal suppressions, with an approximate 10 °C difference occurring when water originated from high and low storage volumes. Downstream temperatures were 8 ̶ 10 °C higher when surface releases were used via a thermal curtain and the spillway to mitigate cold water pollution that frequently occurs in the river. Demonstrating the effectiveness of engineering and operational strategies used to mitigate cold water pollution highlight their potential contribution to fish conservation, threatened species recovery and environmental remediation of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Competition and predation are the two major biotic interactions in zooplankton community. Various rotifer species exhibit polymorphism in lorica and spine morphology in the presence of predators and competitors, which effectively increases their defence competition capacity. This study compared life-history parameters between long-spined morph (LSM) and short-spined morph (SSM) of Keratella tropica at three temperatures. The results showed that both morphs showed significantly higher intrinsic rate of population increase at 25 °C than those at 20 °C and 30 °C. The intrinsic rate of population increase was significantly lower in LSM than SSM at 25 °C and 30 °C, and the net reproductive rate was significantly lower in LSM than SSM at 30 °C. These results suggested that K. tropica had cost on development of long spines, which, however, was dependent on temperature. Moreover, the competition outcome of LSM and SSM with Moina macrocopa were investigated at three densities of Scenedesmus obliquus (0.5 × 106, 1.0 × 106 and 2.0 × 106 cells/mL) and three initial densities of M. macrocopa (0.1, 0.3 and 0.9 ind./mL), revealing that both LSM and SSM populations decreased significantly at all tested algal densities and Moina levels. LSM showed higher population growth rate than SSM at lower algal density (0.5 × 106 cells/mL) and higher Moina densities (0.3 and 0.9 ind./mL), which suggested that LSM could be more effective to defend M. macrocopa. Three-way analysis of variance showed no significant effects of algal density on population growth rate of K. tropica, but interaction between algal density and M. macrocopa density significantly affected its population growth rate.  相似文献   
为了解象山近岸海域水质污染状况,文章根据2012—2016年象山县近岸海域的水质监测结果,分析象山近岸海域水质现状及年际变化。应用灰色预测的模型来对象山近岸海域水质主要污染物的相关数据进行处理,得出主要污染物的预测结果。分析结果表明:象山近岸海域主要污染物为无机氮。用预测结果和实际数值通过残差验证,最后模拟出今后几年的监测值,为象山县近岸海域生态环境相关管理部门提供数据支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   
利用2008年中山站、Amundesen-Scott(SouthPole)站和Neumayer站为期一年的温度和臭氧探空数据,对AIRS第六版温度和臭氧垂直廓线产品在南极的精度进行了验证.结果表明,AIRS温度与探空温度总体上具有显著的一致性,其中对流层偏差最小(RMSe2℃),近地面温度由于受到下垫面影响偏差略大(RMSe~2℃),平流层偏差较大(2℃RMSe3℃),AIRS温度平均低于探空观测且受季节变化影响显著,秋冬季偏差整体上高于春夏季.AIRS臭氧反演精度在平流层(RMSe~25%)要优于对流层(RMSe~30%),RMSe最大值出现在UT-LS区域(可达40%)且在"臭氧洞"期间明显增大.AIRS产品精度在南极沿岸和内陆存在差异,由于南极地区探空资料较少且主要位于沿海,故在南极内陆地区进行探空观测对于提高卫星资料精度,改善该区域天气预报能力具有重大意义.  相似文献   
The urban heat island is considered as one of the most important climate change phenomena in urban areas, which can result in remarkable negative effects on flora, concentration of pollutants, air quality, energy and water consumption, human health, ecological and economic impacts, and even on global warming. The variation analysis of the surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) is important for understanding the effect of urbanization and urban planning. The objective of this study was to present a new strategy based on the Shannon’s entropy and Pearson chi-square statistic to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of the SUHII. In this study, Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and TIRS images, MODIS products, meteorological data, topographic and population maps of the Babol city, Iran, from 1985 to 2017, and air temperature data recorded by ground recorder devices in 2017 were used. First, Single-Channel algorithm was used to estimate land surface temperature (LST), and the maximum likelihood classifier was employed to classify Landsat images. Then, based on LST maps, surface urban heat island ratio index was employed to calculate the SUHII. Further, several statistical methods, such as the degree-of-freedom, degree-of-sprawl and degree-of-goodness, were used to analyse the SUHII variation along different geographic directions and in various time periods. Finally, correlation between various parameters such as air temperature, SUHII, population variation and degree-of-goodness index values were investigated. The results indicated that the SUHII value increased by 24% in Babol over different time periods. The correlation coefficient yielded 0.82 between the values of the difference between the mean air temperature of the urban and suburbs and the SUHII values for the geographic directions. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between the population variation and the degree-of-goodness index values reached 0.8. The results suggested that the SUHII variation of Babol city had a high degree-of-freedom, high degree-of-sprawl and negative degree-of-goodness.  相似文献   
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