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In snowmelt-driven mountain watersheds, the hydrologic connectivity between meteoric waters and stream flow generation varies strongly with the season, reflecting variable connection to soil and groundwater storage within the watershed. This variable connectivity regulates how streamflow generation mechanisms transform the seasonal and elevational variation in oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition (δ18O and δD) of meteoric precipitation. Thus, water isotopes in stream flow can signal immediate connectivity or more prolonged mixing, especially in high-relief mountainous catchments. We characterized δ18O and δD values in stream water along an elevational gradient in a mountain headwater catchment in southwestern Montana. Stream water isotopic compositions related most strongly to elevation between February and March, exhibiting higher δ18O and δD values with decreasing elevation. These elevational isotopic lapse rates likely reflect increased connection between stream flow and proximal snow-derived water sources heavily subject to elevational isotopic effects. These patterns disappeared during summer sampling, when consistently lower δ18O and δD values of stream water reflected contributions from snowmelt or colder rainfall, despite much higher δ18O and δD values expected in warmer seasonal rainfall. The consistently low isotopic values and absence of a trend with elevation during summer suggest lower connectivity between summer precipitation and stream flow generation as a consequence of drier soils and greater transpiration. As further evidence of intermittent seasonal connectivity between the stream and adjacent groundwaters, we observed a late-winter flush of nitrate into the stream at higher elevations, consistent with increased connection to accumulating mineralized nitrogen in riparian wetlands. This pattern was distinct from mid-summer patterns of nitrate loading at lower elevations that suggested heightened human recreational activity along the stream corridor. These observations provide insights linking stream flow generation and seasonal water storage in high elevation mountainous watersheds. Greater understanding of the connections between surface water, soil water and groundwater in these environments will help predict how the quality and quantity of mountain runoff will respond to changing climate and allow better informed water management decisions.  相似文献   
在对中国科学院南海海洋生物标本馆馆藏芋螺科 Conidae 标本, 以及近年来在南海补充采集的标本进行整理的过程中, 通过形态分类学方法鉴定发现隶属于芋螺属 Conus 的中国海新记录种1种: 锈色芋螺 Conus ferrugineus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792, 标本采自西沙群岛。文章描述了该种的外部形态, 查明了其生活习性和地理分布特点, 并与相似种犊纹芋螺 Conus vitulinus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 进行了比较, 通过壳口内面前沟部位的颜色可将两者区分开: 锈色芋螺呈白色, 而犊纹芋螺呈紫 (褐) 色; 同时对这两个相似种的其他区别特征进行了总结。  相似文献   
介绍了国内外基于风能、太阳能、波浪能和潮流能等海上可再生能源进行多能互补集成发电的研究发展情况,从不同技术研究侧重点、不同装置机理差异性和多能互补集成发电方式等方面进行了概括和综述,对已有设备和理论研究等进行了对比,评述了目前海洋多能互补集成发电技术研究中存在的主要问题以及未来的研究发展趋势,指出未来海洋能源集成发电需在离岸化、新材料、大型化和阵列布局等方面进行技术研究和攻关。  相似文献   
作为矿物学的重要基础研究方向之一,新矿物的发现及其晶体结构、晶体化学的研究始终备受各发达国家的一贯重视。新矿物的研究和发现及其成果具有国际性,在一定程度上反映了国家在该领域以及整体科技水平和对科学发现的贡献。笔者近年来参与了对若干存疑矿物进行的精细晶体结构与晶体化学研究和矿物学研究,从2005年至今参与发现的23种新矿物均获得国际矿物学协会新矿物及分类命名委员会(IMA-CNMNC)所批准。这些新矿物的获批得益于成功地获取了成分数据、衍射数据和晶体结构的阐明。本文就新矿物的认定规则、申报内容和数据、分类命名、研究内容及工作方法等进行综述,在此抛砖引玉,希望通过交流促进我国新矿物研究领域的发展。  相似文献   
高分六号卫星具有覆盖广、多种分辨率、波段多的优势,能为遥感解译提供更丰富的信息。为探究高分六号卫星新增波段在森林树种识别上的应用,本文以覆盖根河市阿龙山林业局的一期高分六号宽幅影像为数据源,基于特征优化空间算法(Feature Space Optimization,FSO)和最大似然分类法,分别利用高分六号的前4个波段和所有波段(8波段)的光谱、纹理等特征进行了森林树种分类,并逐一添加新增波段特征确定了各波段的贡献率排名。结果表明:在加入了优选出的均匀性纹理、均值纹理和角二阶矩纹理3种纹理特征后,前4波段和8波段的分类精度比只基于光谱特征时的精度分别高出13.23%和24.63%;利用8波段信息比只利用前4波段在基于光谱特征上的精度高11.88%,在基于光谱+纹理特征上则高23.24%;基于8波段光谱+纹理特征的树种分类精度最高,达到68.74%,新增4波段的贡献率排名为B6>B5>B8>B7,说明新增红边波段对于本次树种分类试验的贡献率最高,能为北方树种识别提供有效帮助。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组长7油层组的黑色泥岩、油页岩等黑色生油岩薄片中的生烃母质,因黑色石油、沥青等黑色有机质的覆盖或不透明,导致其在偏光显微镜透射光系统下观察常局部或整体呈现为黑色。因此,建立一种黑色生油岩薄片中生烃母质有效观察的方法,对致密油、页岩油的生烃研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文提出了一种利用电子探针薄片和偏光显微镜的反射光系统观察黑色生油岩中生烃母质特征的方法。该方法能够克服黑色生油岩薄片中生烃母质因被黑色有机质覆盖或不透明,而在偏光显微镜的透射光系统下局部或整体呈黑色的弊端,能够对生烃母质的大小、形态、结构、分布和物质成分等特征进行整体且清晰的观察。实践表明,本文提出的利用偏光显微镜反射光系统观察黑色生油岩电子探针薄片中生烃母质特征的方法,简单有效,易在致密油、页岩油的生烃研究领域推广使用。  相似文献   
东海蛾螺属二新记录种(腹足纲,蛾螺科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在整理近年来东海采集的蛾螺科Buccinidae标本时,鉴定出属于蛾螺属Buccinum Linnaeus,1758的两个中国新记录种:(1)白肋蛾螺Buccinum leucostoma Lischke,1872,采自于东海300—400m深的泥沙质海底;(2)古式蛾螺Buccinum koshikinum Okutani,1988采自于东海400m深的泥沙质海底。文中分别对这两个新记录种的形态特征、生活习性等进行了描述,并与相似种进行了分类学讨论。此外,文中还列出了中国海已报道的其他蛾螺属种类。  相似文献   
周海光 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3617-3639
2016年6月23日14—15时,江苏省阜宁县突遭"增强藤田"4级龙卷、强风、短时强降水和冰雹等强对流天气,致使99人罹难,800多人受伤,属极其罕见的极端天气事件.本文利用加密自动站数据、探空数据、单部雷达观测数据以及双多普勒雷达三维风场反演数据,研究了此次龙卷发生的天气背景、龙卷超级单体的三维结构及其演变特征.研究表明:(1)龙卷发生期间,阜宁处于地面暖湿舌内、地面有γ中尺度气旋和辐合线;环境大气抬升凝结高度很低、中低层有很强的水平风的垂直切变;这有利于龙卷的生成.(2)此次龙卷超级单体左移风暴的低层有钩状回波和入流缺口,有界弱回波区位于垂直剖面中低层、悬垂回波位于风暴前部高层.(3)龙卷发生前,风暴质心高度、最大反射率因子高度和风暴回波顶高度均持续增加,风暴垂直累积液态含水量激增;龙卷发生在上述参数的数值首次同时减小时.(4)双多普勒雷达反演的三维风场揭示,超级单体形成之前的对流风暴内部中低层已经有中尺度气旋形成,中尺度气旋伴随着超级单体的生成、发展和强化的各个阶段.中尺度气旋位于钩状回波顶端、其南端有反气旋,此涡旋偶对于中层动量下传、龙卷生成、发展、加强和触地具有重要作用.  相似文献   
Wetlands represent one of the world's most biodiverse and threatened ecosystem types and were diminished globally by about two‐thirds in the 20th century. There is continuing decline in wetland quantity and function due to infilling and other human activities. In addition, with climate change, warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration are reducing wetland surface and groundwater supplies, further altering wetland hydrology and vegetation. There is a need to automate inventory and monitoring of wetlands, and as a study system, we investigated the Shepard Slough wetlands complex, which includes numerous wetlands in urban, suburban, and agricultural zones in the prairie pothole region of southern Alberta, Canada. Here, wetlands are generally confined to depressions in the undulating terrain, challenging wetlands inventory and monitoring. This study applied threshold and frequency analysis routines for high‐resolution, single‐polarization (HH) RADARSAT‐2, synthetic aperture radar mapping. This enabled a growing season surface water extent hyroperiod‐based wetland classification, which can support water and wetland resource monitoring. This 3‐year study demonstrated synthetic aperture radar‐derived multitemporal open‐water masks provided an effective index of wetland permanence class, with overall accuracies of 89% to 95% compared with optical validation data, and RMSE between 0.2 and 0.7 m between model and field validation data. This allowed for characterizing the distribution and dynamics of 4 marsh wetlands hydroperiod classes, temporary, seasonal, semipermanent, and permanent, and mapping of the sequential vegetation bands that included emergent, obligate wetland, facultative wetland, and upland plant communities. Hydroperiod variation and surface water extent were found to be influenced by short‐term rainfall events in both wet and dry years. Seasonal hydroperiods in wetlands were particularly variable if there was a decrease in the temporary or semipermanent hydroperiod classes. In years with extreme rain events, the temporary wetlands especially increased relative to longer lasting wetlands (84% in 2015 with significant rainfall events, compared with 42% otherwise).  相似文献   
作者在整理中国科学院海洋生物标本馆馆藏蜑螺科Neritidae标本时,鉴定出产自海南三亚的一新记录属饰纹蜑螺属Vittina Baker,1924和一新记录种:裂蜑螺Vittina pennata(von Born,1778)。文中详细描述了本种的贝壳形态特征,查明了其生活习性和地理分布特点,并与相似种进行了比较和总结。  相似文献   
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