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针对传统电渗法治理淤泥质土过程中排水效率低且治理后土体不均匀等问题,从改变软黏土颗粒自身持水特性角度出发,提出采用新型有机高分子材料阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(APAM)联合电渗法治理淤泥质土的思路。利用自制的一维电渗固结试验装置,探究絮凝−电渗法联合作用机制以及不同絮凝剂掺入比对电渗排水加固效果的影响规律。试验结果表明:与传统电渗法相比较,絮凝剂 APAM 的掺入减少了软黏土颗粒表面的结合水膜厚度,使得淤泥质土的前期电渗排水速率和累计排水量显著提升,从而降低了电渗法的平均能耗系数;同时,絮凝剂高分子长链的“吸附架桥”作用增强了土颗粒的黏结力和絮凝沉积效果,有效缓解了电渗过程中细小黏粒迁移集聚而造成的阴极淤堵问题;治理后淤泥质土的抗剪强度大幅增高,土体的均匀性也得到了明显改善,且当絮凝剂 APAM 掺入比为 0.30% 时,土体的电渗排水固结效果最佳。  相似文献   
超声波和改性粘土集成技术在去除蓝藻水华上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,改性粘土除藻技术广泛应用于"水华"的治理当中,其原理是藻类与改性粘土絮凝后自然沉降.通过对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、集胞藻(Synechocystis sp.)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)的絮凝比较,发现具气囊的铜绿微囊藻比其他两种藻发生再悬浮的幅度更大,次数更多.针对我国的水华藻类是以微囊藻(Microcystis sp.)等为主的情况,研究超声波和改性粘土集成技术对藻类的去除效果.结果表明,超声波和改性粘土集成技术能将藻类去除率明显提高,该法的絮体稳定性比单一絮凝法明显增强,且对群体形态的藻的去除率提升效果更好.另外,在40kHz、160W超声辐照下,铜绿微囊藻的气囊去除率在95%以上,但细胞壁保持完好,细胞活性不变,藻毒素不会因细胞破裂而释放,因此超声波和改性粘土集成方法,是治理我国蓝藻水华的有效方法.  相似文献   
有机改性粘土对铜绿微囊藻的絮凝去除   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
如何有效的去除富营养化水体中频繁出现的藻华,已成为湖泊环境治理中的一个迫切问题.通过用表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵改性的原位沉积物为介质,利用搅拌器和沉积物再悬浮发生装置来研究烷基铵盐改性物质絮凝去除铜绿微囊藻细胞的作用和效果.结果表明,烷基铵盐和粘土的添加量分别为0.3g/L和0.2g/L,搅拌停止30min后,其去除效率达83.9%:在絮凝沉降500min后,水体中藻细胞去除率可达98.9%,较能有效的絮凝沉降藻细胞;同时水体的浊度也有相应的提高.电镜扫描表明这种活性剂形成的网捕包膜作用对藻细胞的沉降起到了重要作用.但烷基铵盐的杀菌作用可能会造成藻细胞内含物向水体释放的风险.  相似文献   
伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
田枫  欧素英  杨昊  刘锋 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):55-67
泥沙絮凝对河口细颗粒泥沙运动过程起着极其重要的作用。本文通过LISST-100激光粒度仪等仪器实测伶仃洋河口2013年洪季悬浮泥沙絮凝体现场粒径及水动力、泥沙条件,结合实验室悬沙粒径分析,研究大小潮期间伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝特征,探讨紊动剪切强度、含沙量、盐度分层及波浪等因素对伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝的影响。结果表明:伶仃洋河口水体中现场粒径平均值为148.53 μm,大于实验室悬沙分散粒径36.74 μm,河口絮凝现象明显;沉速与有效密度、粒径呈正相关,絮团平均有效密度为153.49 kg/m3,平均沉速达1.13 mm/s;小潮时絮团平均粒径大于大潮,垂向上表底层絮团粒径小、中层大,中底层絮团沉速大于表层。伶仃洋河口水动力、泥沙条件是影响其泥沙絮凝的重要因素,低剪切强度(小于5 s-1)、低含沙量(小于50 mg/L)及高体积浓度有利于细颗粒泥沙之间的相互碰撞,促进絮凝作用;当剪切强度与颗粒间碰撞强度高于絮团所能承受的强度时,絮团易破碎分解成小絮团或更细的泥沙颗粒;伶仃洋河口盐度层化引起的泥沙捕获现象增大中层泥沙体积浓度,有利于中层絮凝体的发育;观测期相对较大的波浪增强水体紊动,增大了水体细颗粒泥沙的碰撞几率,表层絮团粒径随波高峰值的出现而增大。  相似文献   
多级速度梯度的建立理论上可为絮体的成长创造更理想的环境。目前对流化床混凝工艺的研究多是基于单级速度梯度开展的。以粒径为800 μm 和1 200 μm的树脂颗粒为固相,建立多级速度梯度流化床混凝装置,探讨絮体的成长与形态特征。研究结果表明:在单级速度梯度流化床混凝装置中,当以1 200 μm树脂颗粒为固相颗粒、混凝时间为50.3 s时,絮体发生破碎,混凝效率较混凝时间为41.8 s时降低3%;相同初始填充高度的多级速度梯度条件下,絮体尺寸随着混凝时间的延长而逐渐增加,由5.7 μm成长至70.0~75.0 μm,同时混凝效率也较单级速度梯度下提高了5%~10%。絮体之间的碰撞为絮体成长的主要模式。  相似文献   
水草腐烂引发的黑臭水体应急处置技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水草腐烂加速水体耗氧和水体还原性物质的溶出进程,在夏、秋季高温条件下极易引发局部水体黑臭.以太湖沉水植物优势种马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)及浮叶植物优势种莕菜(Nymphoides peltatum)为受试材料,利用太湖原位底泥培养模拟水草腐烂形成的黑臭水体,考察不同的环境材料处置方式(壳聚糖(CTS)、聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、CTS+PAC和PAC+PAM)对黑臭水体浊度、溶解氧浓度、挥发性硫化物等黑臭水体特征污染物的絮凝沉降规律及去除机理.结果表明:(1)絮凝处理24 h后,CTS+PAC组合对黑臭水体的浊度去除效果最佳,浊度去除率达70.3%,上覆水溶解氧浓度明显提高,增加率为261.5%;(2)加石英砂悬浊液加速絮体沉淀,形成絮体之后加石英砂使水体浊度稳步下降,4 h之后,浊度去除率达74.9%,显著高于与絮凝剂一起加入的处理组(29.8%);(3)植物腐烂释放的含硫特征嗅味物质主要为硫化氢(H_2S)、甲硫醚和二甲基三硫醚.不同植物体腐烂释放的含硫挥发性有机物浓度差异显著,马来眼子菜释放的4种含硫有机物总和分别为莕菜和苦草释放的319.8%和252.2%;(4)CTS+PAC处理后苦草及马来眼子菜腐烂水体中挥发性有机硫化物浓度较对照组分别降低了18.6%和44.5%.PAC+PAM组合絮凝处理组对莕菜腐烂水体中H2S有较好的去除效果,去除率达到52.4%.CTS+PAC絮凝剂组合处理的H2S浓度均低于对照组,苦草、马来眼子菜和莕菜腐烂后黑臭水体中H2S浓度分别降低了27.4%、41.0%和28.6%.CTS+PAC组合对H2S和二甲基硫醚类物质等致臭物释放的抑制效果优于PAC+PAM组合絮凝处理.  相似文献   
Understanding suspended particulate matter (SPM) dynamics in coastal waters is crucial to assess changes in coastal sediment budgets and biogeochemical fluxes. SPM dynamics are subject to various physical and biological factors and processes such as, e.g. tidal currents and aggregation which can be enhanced by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that are produced by algae and bacteria. It is still unclear how the different factors and processes interact and together determine SPM dynamics. To unravel the interacting processes and factors, we propose a new distribution-based modeling approach. Based on the derivation of explicit equations for size distribution characteristics of SPM such as the average radius, we derived a model of reduced complexity characterized by low initialization and parameterization effort as well as low computational cost. The proposed 0D model includes the processes of aggregation and fragmentation due to shear, aggregation due to differential settling, deposition, resuspension and tidal exchange, and describes the evolution of the SPM concentration in the water column linked by the settling velocity to the change of the mass average radius of the aggregate distribution. A systematic parameter variation for critical bottom shear stress of erosion, the size of resuspended aggregates, the fractal dimension, the collision efficiency, and the aggregate strength has been performed and compared to observations in the back-barrier basin of Spiekeroog Island in the German Wadden Sea. This analysis confirms the hypothesis that in winter biological influences on SPM dynamics are smaller compared to summer. This is mainly reflected by a significant shift in the various parameters. We hence conclude that biological control mechanisms have a much more quantitative relevance for SPM dynamics than currently represented by state-of-the-art SPM transport models.  相似文献   
Most of the existing data on the effective particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment derive from instantaneous sampling methods that may not be representative of the overall suspended sediment loads. This presents difficulties when there is a need to incorporate effective particle size data into numerical models of floodplain sedimentation and sediment‐associated contaminant transfer. We have used a field‐based water elutriation apparatus (WEA) to assemble a large (36 flood) database on the time‐integrated nature of the effective and absolute particle size characteristics of suspended sediment in four subcatchments of the River Exe basin of southwest England. These catchments encompass a wide range of terrains and fluvial environments that are broadly representative of much of the UK and temperate, low relief northwest Europe. The WEA provides important data on the physical characteristics of composite particles that are not attainable using other methods. This dataset has allowed, for the first time, detailed interbasin comparisons of the time‐integrated particle size characteristics of suspended sediment and reliable estimates of the contribution of five effective size classes to the mean annual suspended sediment load of the study catchments. The suspended sediment load of each river is dominated by composite rather than primary particles, with, for example, almost 60% (by mass) of the sediment load of the River Exe at Thorverton transported as composite particles > 16 µm in size. All the effective size classes contain significant clay components. A key outcome of this study is the recognition that each catchment has a distinctive time‐integrated effective particle size signature. In addition, the time‐integrated effective particle size characteristics of the suspended loads in each of the catchments display much greater spatial variability than the equivalent absolute particle size distributions. This indicates that the processes producing composite particles vary significantly between these catchments, and this has important implications for our understanding of the dynamics of suspended sediment properties. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用多种先进室内外测量仪器进行河口现场观测和室内电镜扫描获得相关资料,对长江河口北槽河道细颗粒泥沙絮凝的水沙环境、絮团的微观形态结构、絮团的粒径组成及其主要影响因素进行了综合分析和讨论。结果表明,北槽河道具有非常适宜细颗粒泥沙絮凝的潮流、盐度、含沙量和悬沙颗粒粒径等基本环境条件。北槽河道悬沙絮团形态多样,主要包括松散状絮团、蜂窝状絮团和密实状絮团。絮团主要由细粉砂和黏土类细颗粒泥沙组成,表面多粗糙不平,结构或密或疏。絮团粒径变化与潮周期动力过程密切相关,具有周期性变化特征。涨、落憩时絮团粒径较大,涨、落急时絮团粒径较小。絮团粒径涨憩大于落憩,小潮大于大潮。垂向上,絮团粒径由表层至底层逐渐增大。周期性潮流流速对北槽河道悬沙絮团粒径变化起到了控制作用。北槽细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用,是导致疏浚航道发生回淤的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
The mixing behaviour of iron, manganese, phosphate and humic acid in a Delaware salt marsh creek was studied using field data, laboratory mixing experiments, and geochemical mass balance equations. Property-salinity diagrams for field data indicated that the removal of iron is 56–70% in the 0–10‰ salinity range. A proposed mechanism of removal is the flocculation of colloidal iron, perhaps with humic acid. Phosphate, however, undergoes 195% addition in the same low salinity region, which may be due to release of phosphate from resuspended sediments. Dissolved manganese is conserved, as is humic acid throughout the salt marsh mixing zone. Within the uncertainty of the data the maximum possible removal of humic acid is 23%.Laboratory mixing experiments that simulated salt marsh mixing along the same salinity gradient as observed in the field (5–25‰) showed only small-scale additions and removals compared to the field results. Such small-scale changes occurred largely at salinities >10‰ in the laboratory experiments, whereas most removals and additions occurred at salinities <10‰ in the field. Mixing studies also showed little difference between prefiltered and unfiltered mixes. The studies suggest that simple mixing of salt marsh waters, with or without suspended material, does not strongly influence the observed behaviour of dissolved constituents in salt marshes, and that other processes (e.g. sediment or intertidal exchange) must dominate their behaviour.  相似文献   
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