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热岩石圈厚度是研究盆地的构造演化和板块动力学的重要参数,本文通过实测数据构建地壳分层模型,根据热传导的基本原理,计算了冀中坳陷中部的Moho面温度以及热岩石圈厚度,并探讨其地热学意义。结果表明:冀中坳陷中部的Moho面温度分布在500~600℃,西南侧整体温度较东北部高,热岩石圈厚度介于102~122km,其平面展布特征与华北克拉通热岩石圈厚度西厚东薄的特征相吻合,为华北克拉通受太平洋板块西向俯冲导致东部遭受破坏提供了依据,并且较薄的岩石圈使热流更易传导到地壳浅部,成为了该地区热异常的成因背景。  相似文献   
成熟盆地仍然蕴藏着可观的油气资源,目前的油气成藏理论面临越来越难、复杂、隐蔽油气藏勘探的挑战。受“链”事物属性的启发,通过调研、类比国内外油气成藏过程与分布规律,在继承和发展已有油气成藏理论基础上,结合勘探实践,学界提出了“油气聚集链”的概念和认识。油气聚集链指在成因上有密切联系、空间上多呈串珠状链式排列在一起的一系列油气藏组合,是油气成藏与分布本质规律的客观体现。油气聚集链在形式上多表现为油气藏多呈串珠状的链式空间分布特征,实质上表现为油气生成、运移、聚集的沿优势运移通道的链式反应和成藏事件;现今复杂的油气分布是地史上多条油气聚集链叠合的反映;一条完整的油气聚集链由内链、中链和外链组成,它们在成藏背景、成藏条件、成藏机理、富集规律和分布模式上既各有特征,又有连续性,更是紧密有机的油气生运聚成藏整体。“同源多链、一链多藏、多链成域、主链富集”是“油气聚集链”的四大特征。与目前油气成藏理论相比,油气聚集链认识的突出优势在于:发现和论证了油气聚集的链式成藏特点和多呈串珠状链式分布规律,提出沿“油气聚集链”寻找油气藏,比沿“油气聚集带”寻找油气藏的效率更高;将勘探目标的预测精度从油气聚集区带范围提高到某个具体圈闭或甜点。油气聚集链认识具有目前其他油气成藏理论所不具有的独特优势——链式思维,精准定位。依据油气聚集链的认识,提出了“找准链源,梳理链节,确定链环,重视主链”和“全链思维、整体研究,顺链找油、精准勘探”的思路,对指导成熟盆地继续挖掘勘探潜力、新区新领域获得勘探突破,都具有重要现实意义。以油气聚集链的认识为指导,转变勘探思维,在冀中、黄骅坳陷油气勘探中获得重大突破。  相似文献   
Drought is a natural phenomenon posing severe implications for soil, groundwater and agricultural yield. It has been recognized as one of the most pervasive global change drivers to affect the soil. Soil being a weakly renewable resource takes a long time to form, but it takes no time to degrade. However, the response of soil to drought conditions as soil loss is not manifested in the existing literature. Thus, this study makes a concerted effort to analyze the relationship between drought conditions and soil erosion in the middle sub-basin of the Godavari River in India. MODIS remote sensing data was utilized for driving drought indices during 2000–2019. Firstly, we constricted Temperature condition index (TCI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) from Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS data. TCI and VCI were then integrated to determine the Vegetation Health Index (VHI). Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was utilized for estimating soil loss. The relationship between drought condition and vegetation was ascertained using the Pearson correlation. Most of the northern and southern watersheds experienced severe drought condition in the sub-basin during 2000–2019. The mean frequency of the drought occurrence was 7.95 months. The average soil erosion in the sub-basin was estimated to be 9.88 t ha?1 year?1. A positive relationship was observed between drought indices and soil erosion values (r value being 0.35). However, wide variations were observed in the distribution of spatial correlation. Among various factors, the slope length and steepness were found to be the main drivers of soil erosion in the sub-basin. Thus, the study calls for policy measures to lessen the impact of drought and soil erosion.  相似文献   
Characteristics of ungauged catchments can be studied from the hydrological model parameters of gauged catchments. In this research, discharge prediction was carried out in ungauged catchments using HEC-HMS in the central Omo-Gibe basin. Linear regression, spatial proximity, area ratio, and sub-basin mean were amalgamated for regionalization. The regional model parameters of the gauged catchment and physical characteristics of ungauged catchments were collated together to develop the equations to predict discharge from ungauged catchments. From the sensitivity analysis, crop coefficient (CC), storage coefficient (R), constant rate (CR), and time of concentration (TC) are found to be more sensitive than others. The model efficiency was evaluated using Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) which was greater than 0.75, varying between ?10% and +10% and the coefficient of determination (R2) was approximated to be 0.8 during the calibration and validation period. The model parameters in ungauged catchments were determined using the regional model (linear regression), sub-basin mean, area ratio, and spatial proximity methods, and the discharge was simulated using the HEC-HMS model. Linear regression was used in the prediction where p-value ≤ 0.1, determination coefficient (R2) = 0.91 for crop coefficient (CC) and 0.99 for maximum deficit (MD). Constant rate (CR), maximum storage (MS), initial storage (IS), storage coefficient (R), and time of concentration (TC) were obtained. The result is that an average of 30 m3/s and 15 m3/s as the maximum monthly simulated flow for ungauged sub-catchments, i.e. Denchiya and Mansa of the main river basin .  相似文献   
雷清  叶高峰  吴晓飞  林星  马为  贾旭忠  刘桂梅  王身龙  韩杰 《地质论评》2023,69(6):2023060029-2023060029
地热资源作为一种清洁能源,在“双碳”背景下,其开发和利用越来越受到重视。为了探查渤海湾盆地的冀中坳陷深部碳酸盐岩的热储条件,笔者等利用3条大地电磁测深剖面,进行了数据处理、分析和反演,获得可靠的二维电阻率模型和电阻率等深度平面图。分析研究区深部电性结构特征及主要断裂构造特征,同时根据基底隆起形成的高阻异常对深部碳酸盐岩分布和埋深进行了推断,并对冀中坳陷深部碳酸盐岩热储进行评价,以圈定地热异常远景区。分析认为:① 研究区电性结构可以被划分为5层,其中第5电性层为高阻标志层,对应深部碳酸盐岩基底;② 据此圈定了3类深部地热远景区:基岩埋深小于4000 m,如高阳低凸起地热远景区、黑龙口低凸起地热远景区(徐水凹陷)和河间潜山地热远景区(饶阳凹陷),基岩埋深4000~5000 m,如雁翎潜山地热远景区(霸县凹陷),基岩埋深5000~5500 m,如肃宁潜山地热远景区和留路潜山地热远景区;③ 大地电磁测深方法适用于冀中坳陷深部碳酸盐岩热储远景区的探查。深部热储远景区的圈定,可为后期的地热资源评价和开发利用建立基础。  相似文献   
冀中坳陷潜山是增储上产的重要领域,奥陶系潜山由于储层非均质性强、控藏因素复杂,因此一直制约着油气勘探的新发现。基于大量岩心、薄片、测井、地震及地球化学数据和地质分析的基础上,对其成藏条件及成藏模式进行了系统分析,指导杨税务潜山、文安斜坡潜山勘探取得重要突破。研究表明:冀中坳陷发育古近系沙三段和沙四段以及上古生界石炭—二叠系3套烃源岩,为潜山油气藏的形成提供了充足的物质基础;明确了碳酸盐岩“云化-岩溶-断裂”三主因叠合控储机理,建立了岩溶孔洞型、断裂孔缝型和云岩孔隙型3种储层模式,拓展了勘探空间;受印支期、燕山期、喜山期多期构造作用叠加控制,形成了先隆后凹型和先凹后隆型两种成因潜山圈闭类型。通过奥陶系潜山成藏要素分析,总结出3种潜山油气成藏模式:低位构造-岩性复合准层状潜山成藏模式、中位古储古堵块状潜山成藏模式和高位古储新堵块状潜山成藏模式。综合评价,目前冀中坳陷北部低位构造-岩性复合准层状潜山成藏条件最为有利,泗村店潜山和新镇潜山是下一步勘探的有利方向。  相似文献   
本文从冀中坳陷束鹿凹陷潜山顶面不整合接触类型及分布规律、结构特征及输导类型出发,精细刻画了不整合面之下半风化岩石层的垂向岩溶分带特征。在此基础上对典型剖面烃源岩热演化、油气运移进行模拟,建立了研究区潜山油气的运聚模式。结果表明,束鹿凹陷潜山顶面不整合包括4种接触类型、5种结构模式,具有3种输导类型,其中斜坡区和洼槽区西部以侧向型为主,斜坡区局部构造高点与洼中隆为侧向+圈闭型,凸起区以侧向+垂向型为主。不整合面之下半风化岩石孔缝洞体系发育,垂向上可划分为表层岩溶带、垂直渗流带以及三个水平潜流带,具有多期岩溶旋回特征。潜山顶部发育的垂直渗流带是油气沿不整合面运移的主力输导层,而内幕发育的多期水平潜流带是油气向内幕运移的潜在通道。深、浅部烃源岩热演化的差异以及与薄层砾岩是否接触导致了斜坡区与洼中隆潜山油气充注的差异,形成了斜坡区晚期薄层砾岩高效中转、不整合侧向运移、水平潜流带向内幕输导、顺向断层向上输导、反向断层圈闭成藏的油气运聚模式。  相似文献   
冀中坳陷潜山油气输导体系及与油气藏类型的匹配关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过总结前人研究结果,利用测井、钻井地质和地化等资料,对冀中坳陷潜山油气藏类型和油气输导体系特征进行研究,并结合已发现的潜山油气藏,建立了不同油气输导体系与潜山油气藏类型的匹配关系。结果表明:根据不同的圈闭遮挡条件,可将冀中坳陷潜山油气藏分为潜山顶、潜山坡和潜山内幕油气藏等3种类型;潜山油气输导体系发育断裂、不整合、内幕溶蚀层和复合型输导体系等4种类型;受碳酸盐岩地层、断层活动性影响以及与油气生成时间的匹配,断裂型输导体系具有高效性和时效性的特征,有利于形成潜山顶和内幕油气藏;不整合型输导体系由不整合上部底砾岩和下部淋浴带组成,具有"双层"输导的特点,有利于形成潜山顶和潜山坡油气藏;内幕溶蚀层型输导体系由潜山内部的溶蚀孔-洞-缝系统组成,其发育程度受内部地层泥质含量控制,有利于形成潜山内幕油气藏;复合型输导体系由单一型输导体系复合形成,具有"多样式"的特点,可以形成潜山顶、潜山坡和潜山内幕油气藏。  相似文献   
Petrogeochemical data indicate that after the end of seafloor spreading,residual magmatic activity still exists in the deep basin of the South China Sea.By using different viscous structure models beneath the fossil spreading center of the Southwest sub-basin we simulated the amount of melt produced,the length of the melting period,and the thermal evolution process in terms of geothermics and the buoyant decompression melting mechanism.We compared the results of our model with observed heat flow,seismic,and petrogeochemistry data.The results show that depletion buoyancy induced by buoyant decompression melting plays an important role in the melting process,while retention buoyancy,thermal buoyancy,and viscous shear force have only a weak influence on the melting process.From the length of the melting period,we determined that for the three viscous structures models the magmatic activity lasted about 5,12,and 15 Ma.Under the effect of buoyant depression melting,local high-temperature areas will develop under the basin,which can explain the low-velocity layer detected by seismic exploration in the middle and upper lithosphere of the Southwest sub-basin.We also simulated the possible lithology distribution beneath the fossil spreading center with the physical conditions of different viscous structure,different temperature structure,and different melting fraction,which provided a greater understanding of the rock petrogeochemical data of the deep sea basin in the South China Sea.  相似文献   
利用2003年西苕溪TM数据和DEM模型计算了55个样点上游3种空间尺度下(亚流域、河岸带和局部)的土地利用类型,通过冗余分析筛选出能够在显著水平上最大程度解释西苕溪流域底栖动物分布的最小变量组合——氨氮、荫蔽度、电导率、亚流域农田百分比以及栖境复杂度.方差分解结果表明氨氮是研究区域影响底栖动物分布的最重要环境变量,亚流域尺度农田百分比也是一个重要影响变量.在50%-100%适合度范围内最终筛选得到短脉纹石蛾Cheumato-psyche sp.1和Cheumatopsyche sp.2作为关键环境变量指示种.在一定范围内短脉纹石蛾的数量随着水体氨氮浓度和亚流域尺度农田百分比的上升而增加.短脉纹石蛾分布广泛、采集容易、具备一定的耐污能力和主动漂流能力、幼虫个体较大且在水中的生活史较长以及具有一定的生态可塑性等优点决定了短脉纹石蛾可以作为西苕溪流域的受干扰水体氨氮和亚流域尺度农田百分比的指示种.  相似文献   
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