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毛蚶受精和早期卵裂过程核行为的荧光显微镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Hoechst33258染色、荧光显微镜观察方法,对毛蚶受精和早期卵裂过程中核行为的细胞学变化进行了详细观察.结果表明,毛蚶成熟未受精卵呈卵圆形,卵径为52.909±2.092μm,核相处于第一次成熟分裂中期.在水温为26±1℃条件下进行受精,在受精后15~18、20~25 min,受精卵先后排出第一、第二极体,完成第一次和第二次成熟分裂;受精后30 min左右,雌、雄性原核形成;受精后35 min,雌、雄性原核各自形成染色体组,在卵子中央发生联合,染色体共同排列在纺锤体的赤道板上,形成第一次有丝分裂的中期分裂相;受精后40 min左右,受精卵进行第一次卵裂,形成2个大小不等的卵裂球;受精后55~60 min,受精卵完成第二次卵裂,形成1大3小4个卵裂球.另外,在研究中还发现了极少量的多精受精、多极分离等异常细胞学现象,对其成因及机制进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   
海洋酸化对马氏珠母贝受精及早期发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2010年7月1日至3日,在pH值为8.1、7.7和7.4条件下研究了海洋酸化对马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii Dunker)受精及早期发育的影响。结果显示,海洋酸化对不同pH值下马氏珠母贝的受精率无显著影响。pH8.1、pH 7.7和pH 7.4试验组幼虫的壳长、壳高的值逐渐增大,pH 8.1组幼虫的壳长、壳高的值大于同期其他两组的值,且在实验的第24、36、48小时与其他两组同期幼虫的壳长、壳高的值差异显著,这表明海洋酸化显著影响马氏珠母贝幼虫的生长。实验期间,pH 8.1试验组幼虫的存活率和畸形率没有显著变化,而pH 7.7和pH 7.4组幼虫的存活率显著低于pH 8.1组。pH 7.4组幼虫的畸形率显著高于同期pH 8.1和pH 7.7组幼虫的畸形率,表明在海洋酸化的环境中幼虫的发育受到影响。本文将为海洋酸化的相关研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   
龙须菜是中国重要的人工栽培海藻,主要用途是琼胶生产原料和鲍鱼饵料。目前龙须菜大规模栽培采用的是人工夹苗的方式,而其孢子采苗的生产方式也得到越来越多的关注。本文将人工培育的由四分孢子萌发长成的一对龙须菜雌、雄配子体进行受精,测试了雌雄配子体藻枝部位、温度、硝酸盐浓度等因素对果孢子体形成过程的影响,结果表明:龙须菜雌配子体藻枝的不同等级分枝表现出不同的生殖力,一级分枝最尖端新生细胞的成熟速度快于其它等级;温度对果孢子体形成有极显著影响(P<0.01),20℃为最适温度;硝酸盐浓度没有显著影响。  相似文献   
海水双壳类受精生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 研究概况,在海水双壳类中开展的大量受精生物学研究表明,绝大部分的海水双壳类为卵生型,雌雄配子被排放到海水中完成受精。排放的卵子处于第一次减数分裂前期(生发泡期)或中期。精子入卵后,受精卵恢复减数分裂,先后排放出两个极体,形成雌雄原核并最终启动卵裂。  相似文献   
The neutralizing activities of eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) (2D2, 2B2,1D2, 1D5, 1C2, 4A1, 6A4 and 6B4) were analyzed by in vivo experiments. Gills from WSSV-infected shrimp were homogenized and ten-fold serially diluted by PBS, and then incubated with MAbs (hybridoma culture supernatant), respectively. The mixture of WSSV and MAbs were injected into crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). After challenge, the death rates of crayfish were counted to determine the neutralizing activities of MAbs. At the same time, the mixture of myeloma culture supernatant and WSSV or PBS was served as positive or negative control, respectively. The results showed that, at each virus dilution, the mean time to death of the crayfish injected with MAb-treated virus was significantly longer than that in the positive control, though they all showed 100% mortality within 25 d, and meanwhile, few crayfish died in the negative control. Among the eight MAbs, 2D2, 2B2, 1D2 and 1D5, especially the former two, delayed the mortality significantly, and 1 C2, 4A1 and 6A4 delayed the mortality as well but not so efficiently, while MAb 6IM was efficient only when the virus concentration increased. The results indicated that the anti-WSSV MAbs can neutralize WSSV in different virus dilutions.  相似文献   
We extracted marine low-temperature lysozyme (MLTL), a novel lysozyme, from a marine microorganism through fermentation. Our previous study suggested that a low molecular weight (16 kDa) may exert anti-tumor activity through antiangiogenesis. In this study, we extracted a high weight (39 kDa) and investigated its antiangiogenic activity in vivo and in vitro. Using zebrafish embryos as an in vivo study model, we found that treatment with MLTL significantly inhibited the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIVs) in a dose-dependent manner and that 400 μg/ml MLTL was sufficient to block the growth of SIVs. An in vitro study conducted using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) revealed that MLTL suppressed the proliferation, migration and tube formation of HUVECs in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, assays by flow cytometry and DNA electrophoresis indicated that MLTL was able to induce apoptosis of HUVECs. Moreover, further study demonstrated that the disruption of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis may play an important role in MLTL induced apoptosis of HUVECs. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate for the first time that MLTL inhibits angiogenesis through its pleiotropic effects on vascular endothelial cells and induces apoptosis through regulation of cellular Ca2+ levels. The results of this study also revealed a possible mechanism underlying the antiangiogenic effect of MLTL and suggested that MLTL may be a promising new antiangiogenic agent for use in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
羊栖菜(Hizikia fusiformis)隶属褐藻门,圆子纲,墨角藻目,马尾藻科,羊栖菜属,是我国东海沿海地区重要的创汇经济海藻,2004年的产量约为6000t(干重),产品主要销往日本。除了作为海藻食品以外,羊栖菜的抽提物被发现含有抗肿瘤活性物质,具有激发免疫系统的作用,因而是一种潜在的重要海洋药物原材料。由于羊栖菜是一种多年生海藻,传统的养殖方式是从潮间带收割自然种群作为种苗,进行海上的筏式养殖,以假根形式完成渡夏,次年从假根再生的植株构成被养殖的主体。这种养殖方式决定了需要每年从自然种群或养殖种群中采集或者保留成吨的生物量作为种…  相似文献   
对虾体内氯霉素含量测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用HPLC技术建立常用药物氯霉素的虾体动力学研究方法。该方法的特点是:与微生物法、比色法、气相色谱法、荧光法及免疫法比较.测试准确、快速且灵敏度高。应用该方法可以从虾体内的血液、肌肉、肝胰脏、肠胃中分离出被虾吸收的氯霉素,并定量测定。在1—50μg/ml范围内线性关系相关系数为0.9995。  相似文献   
细菌胞外多糖的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
多糖在自然界高等植物、藻类、细菌及动物体内均有存在,分布极广。通常植物和藻类来源的多糖较为普遍,但近些年来,微生物来源的多糖越来越引起人们的广泛注意。尤其是细菌和真菌的胞外多糖,因其易于分离纯化而且产量高等优点在工业生产中颇受人们青睐。  相似文献   
梭鱼是主要海水养殖鱼类之一,其适应性强,食物链短,在我国山东、河北、江苏等地分布较广。推广梭鱼养殖的主要关键之一为育苗生产。有关梭鱼的育苗生产工作,过去国内有过零星报道。本文从养殖的角度探讨盐度对于梭鱼精子及受精率的作用,以便找出梭鱼育苗生产中所需盐度的最佳范围及受精方法。  相似文献   
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