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青藏高原横切变线(简称切变线)是引发青藏高原夏季暴雨的主要天气系统之一。本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,简称ECMWF)提供的ERA-5再分析资料,选取14个生成于6~8月、生命史为38小时且引发高原暴雨的切变线个例进行合成分析,探究动力和热力作用对夏季切变线生成和强度演变的影响。结果表明:(1)500 hPa切变线生成于伊朗高压和西太平洋副热带高压两高之间的鞍形场中,处于580 dagpm闭合低值中心和272 K高温中心内,比湿大值区的北侧;200 hPa南亚高压北部边缘、西风急流入口区南侧。(2)切变线强度表现出明显的日变化特征,在当地时间(LT=UTC+6h)23时最强,13时最弱。(3)涡度收支诊断表明,青藏高原上空高低层散度变化对切变线强度变化具有指示意义,500 hPa涡度最大值(最小值)出现时间滞后于辐合作用最大值(最小值)3小时。(4)切变线演变过程中,切变线发展时位涡随之增大。位涡收支诊断表明,青藏高原上空的水汽和非绝热加热对切变线的生成和发展演变起到重要作用。当边界层感热加热增强时,低层辐合增强,上升运动增强,在充足的水汽配合下,凝结潜热释放使非绝热加热中心抬高至大气中层,从而有利于切变线生成及发展。  相似文献   
By using the hourly data from surface meteorological stations in China, the 3-hour precipitation data from CRA-Interim (Chinese Reanalysis-Interim), ERA5 (ECMWF Reanalysis 5) and JRA-55 (Japanese Reanalysis-55) are compared, both on the spatial-temporal distributions and on bias with observation precipitation in China. The results show that: (1) The three sets of reanalysis datasets can all reflect the basic spatial distribution characteristics of annual average precipitation in China. The simulation of topographic forced precipitation in complex terrain by CRA-interim is more detailed, while CRA-interim has larger negative bias in central and East China, and larger positive bias in southwest China. (2) In terms of seasonal precipitation, the three sets of reanalysis datasets overestimate the precipitation in the heavy rainfall zone of spring and summer, especially in southwest China. CRA interim’s location of the rain belt in the First Rainy Season in South China is west by south, the summer precipitation has positive bias in southwest and South China. (3) All of the reanalysis datasets can basically reflect the distribution difference of inter-annual variation of drought and flood, but the overall the CRA-Interim generally shows negative bias, while the ERA5 and JRA-55 exhibit positive bias. (4) For the diurnal variation of precipitation in summer, all the reanalysis datasets perform better in simulating the daytime precipitation than in the night, and bias of CRA-interim is less in southeast and northeast than elsewhere. (5) ERA5 generally performs the best on the evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecast, the JRA-55 is the next, followed by the CRA-Interim. CRA-Interim has higher missing rate and lower threat score for heavy rains; however, at the level of downpour, the CRA-Interim performs slightly better.  相似文献   
高原切变线是青藏高原地区特有的重要天气系统。它具有特殊的结构特征,在移动过程中,通常会引发青藏高原附近及其下游东部地区的灾害性天气。本文回顾了以往有关高原切变线的结构、移动特征、发生、发展机理以及与其他天气系统相互作用等方面的研究进展,并在此基础上,展望了高原切变线未来的研究方向,以期提高对高原切变线的认识,为未来的科学研究和业务预报提供基础和支撑。  相似文献   
用层次分析法确定气象服务评价指标权重   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在气象服务评价体系中,以气象服务总体评价为目标层,分层次确立一级和二级评价指标,利用2010年全国公众气象服务满意度调查中评价指标数据,应用层次分析法 (AHP) 中的9分位标度法和0.618标度法来构建判断矩阵,分析了各级评价指标的权重系数确定方法。分析发现,当评价指标少于5个时,可采用9分位标度法构建判断矩阵,以确定各评价指标的权重值;而当评价指标达到5个时,需采用0.618标度法来构建判断矩阵,计算出相应的权向量即为权重系数。将上述方法应用于2011年公众气象服务满意度调查数据中,前后两年主要评价指标对比显示,气象服务信息内容的权重在增加,而气象知识宣传普及的权重有所减小,即公众对于气象服务信息内容更为重视,同时气象部门对于公众的气象知识宣传普及工作也取得了成效。  相似文献   
By employing the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets(1 000 to 10 hPa,2.5°× 2.5°),the thermal forcing impacts are analyzed of an easterly vortex(shortened as EV) over the tropical upper troposphere on the quasi-horizontal movement of the Western Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone(shortened as WPS A) during 22-25 June 2003.The relevant mechanisms are discussed as well.It is shown that the distribution and intensity of the non-adiabatic effect near the EV result in the anomalous eastward retreat of the WPSA.The WPSA prefers extending to the colder region,i.e.,it moves toward the region in which the non-adiabatic heating is weakening or the cooling is strengthening.During the WPSA retreat,the apparent changes of non-adiabatic heating illustrate the characteristics of enhanced cooling in the east side of the EV.Meanwhile,the cooling in the west side exhibits a weakened eastward trend,most prominently at 300 hPa in the troposphere.The evidence on the factors causing the change in thermal condition is found:the most important contribution to the heating-rate trend is the vertical transport term,followed in turn by the local change in the heating rate term and the horizontal advection term.As a result,the atmospheric non-adiabatic heating generated by the vertical transport and local change discussed above is mainly connected to the retreat of the WPSA.  相似文献   
55-year (1949 - 2003) data sets are used to study the statistical characteristics in intensity change of the tropical cyclones (TC) over the western North Pacific. According to the mathematical meaning of average value and standard deviation, the abruptly intensifying, gradually intensifying, stable intensity, gradually weakening and abruptly weakening of TC intensity are defined and the statistical characteristics, such as inter-decadal variation, inter-annual variation, inter-monthly variation, and regional distribution, etc. are analyzed. Main results are as follows: (1) From 1949 to 2003, there were 1886 TCs, averaging at 34.29 TCs per year. After 1995, the number of TCs dropped dramatically with less than 30 per year. 3.56% of the total were abruptly intensifying samples, and 3.31% were weakening samples. (2) For the annual mean, all but the stable group tend to decrease with the shift of decades as far as the overall change of the 6-h isallobaric process is concerned. (3) The abruptly intensifying TC seldom occurs over mid- and high-latitude area (north of 30°N) and low-latitude area and sometimes occurs around the islands and continent. Basically there is no gradually intensifying of TC over mid- and high- latitude area (north of 30°N and west of 125°E), in offshore Chinese waters. The gradually weakening and abruptly weakening TCs usually occur offshore China, west of 125 °E, but seldom over low-latitude area (0 - 5°N).  相似文献   
一次台风前部龙卷的多普勒天气雷达分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析2004年8月25日发生在浙江省宁波市的一次台风前部龙卷发生发展的环境特征, 发现该龙卷发生在台风前部风切变区里, 尽管当时涡度、散度等物理量对于深对流发展不是非常有利, 但下湿中干、强的垂直风切变及地形条件等还是有利于局地弱龙卷的产生; 在宁波新一代天气雷达产品上表现为强的钩状回波, 速度场上有相邻的正负速度中心及强的组合切变值等。通过多个反射率产品、剖面产品等综合分析了该风暴的三维结构, 初步了解此类弱龙卷的发生机理, 为以后的预报提供一些经验。  相似文献   
一次大暴雨过程中低空急流演变与强降水的关系   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
金巍  曲岩  姚秀萍  黄素文 《气象》2007,33(12):31-38
利用营口新一代天气雷达提供的每6分钟一次的风廓线资料,详细分析了2006年6月29日辽宁省西部大暴雨过程中强降雨时段的低空风场结构。得出:此次强降水天气的发生与低空急流的迅速加强和向下扩展相对应,短时大暴雨发生前低空西南急流提前2小时左右开始有动量快速下传,当20m.s-1的急流中心下传到≤1km超低空,1.2~2.1km低空出现24m.s-1东南急流,有利于产生短时大暴雨;说明低空脉动及向地面扩展程度与短时强降水之间关系密切。低空急流到达测站上空不一定立即产生强降水,有时会滞后1~2个小时,强降水或强烈天气的发生都存在着一定的动量下传,引起低空扰动加强,同时低空急流的强度和伸展高度,以及动量下传的能量大小,都直接制约着强降水的强弱。低空急流指数增大的程度和降水量的强度呈正比关系,低空急流指数不仅可以说明低空急流的脉动以及向地面扩展程度与中小尺度的强降水存在密切的关系,同时对强降水的出现以及雨强的大小有一定的预示作用。  相似文献   
干侵入的研究及其应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面综述了国外近年来干侵入(dry intrusion)研究的进展和有关结果,概括总结了干侵入的基本理论、结构特征、在天气和次天气系统发展中的作用及其数值模拟结果;干侵入研究中有待于继续进行和深入的研究方向。明确了干侵入是源于对流层高层下沉至低层的高位涡低湿空气,它在气旋的爆发性发展、暴雨的增幅、位势不稳定的增强、中气旋的产生发展等方面起着重要的促进作用,同时,它能够影响冷锋的演变及其降水特征。因此,对干侵入及其机制的进一步研究具有较大的理论价值和实际天气预报意义。  相似文献   
热带测雨卫星对淮河一次暴雨降水结构与闪电活动的研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
文中利用热带测雨卫星 (TRMM )搭载的测雨雷达 (PR)、闪电成像仪 (LIS)、GOES卫星红外通道辐射亮温(TBB)对 2 0 0 3年淮河汛期一锋面气旋系统的两个时次的探测结果 ,分析研究了降水结构及闪电活动 ,并与“98.7.2 0”武汉附近地区中尺度强降水的结构和闪电活动进行了比较。GOES的TBB、降水系统中的对流降水与层云降水比例、闪电活动频数随时间的变化均能表征锋面气旋系统的发展。TRMMPR探测结果表明 :冷锋降水狭窄细长 ,且均为强对流降水 (特别在冷锋加强时 ) ;暖锋宽广 ,且为大片层云降水 ,但其中存在面积不等的强对流降水云团 ;与“98.7.2 0”武汉附近地区中尺度强降水垂直结构的比较表明 ,锋面气旋降水的最大降水率出现在近地面 ,而中尺度强降水的最大降水率出现在低空 (3.0~ 3.5km) ,表明两者之间的降水微物理过程存在差别。TRMMLIS探测结果表明 :闪电活动均发生在冷锋的强对流降水云团中 ,暖锋中虽有强对流降水 ,但无闪电活动 ;闪电活动频数高所对应的降水廓线中、上部存在大量的冰相粒子。  相似文献   
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