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参对光照变化非常敏感,研究刺参对光照的分子响应非常重要。本研究应用RNA测序获取了刺参暴露于强光(“强光”)、正常光照(“对照”)和完全黑暗(“黑暗”)环境下体壁的基因表达谱情况,通过“对照”与“黑暗”,“对照”与“强光”和“黑暗”与“强光”的比较,在|log2 ratio|≥1和FDR≤0.001的标准下分别发现了1161、113和1705个差异表达基因(DEGs)。基因本体分析表明,“cellular process”和“binding”在“生物过程”和“分子功能”类别中的DEGs富集最多,而“cell”和“cell part”在“细胞组分”类别中的DEGs富集最多。将DEGs与Kyoto Encyclopedia基因和基因组数据库上的于214、41和229条通路进行比对,发现了51、2和57条通路分别显著富集。本研究发现的光特异性DEGs可作为深入研究刺参对光照变化的生化适应机制的重要目标基因。  相似文献   
一体化专题海图制图生产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为有效解决需求驱动的一体化专题海图制图生产工作,在一体化海图制图生产系统的基础上,本文通过研究IHO S-100系列标准及其产品形式,分析一体化海图生产系统的数据库构成、数据融合方法、数据流组织,提出了专题海图数据模板的设计方案,以期实现专题海图制图生产与服务从“数据驱动”向“需求驱动”的模式转变,满足用户对专题海图产品及服务的多样化需求的目的。  相似文献   
Sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus is very sensitive to light changes. It is important to study the influence of light on the molecular response of A. japonicus. In this study, RNA-seq provided a general overview of the gene expression profiles of the body walls of A. japonicus exposed to strong light("light"), normal light("control") and fully dark("dark") environment. In the comparisons of "control" vs. "dark", "control" vs. "light" and "dark" vs."light", 1 161, 113 and 1 705 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) were identified following the criteria of|log_2 ratio|≥1 and FDR≤0.001, respectively. Gene ontology analysis showed that "cellular process" and "binding"enriched the most DEGs in the category of "biological process" and "molecular function", while "cell" and "cell part" enriched the most DEGs in the category of "cellular component". And the DEGs were mapped to 214, 41 and229 pathways in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database, and 51, 2 and 57 pathways were significantly enriched, respectively. Light-specific DEGs identified in this study will be important targets for further investigation to establish the biochemical mechanisms involved in the adaption of this sea cucumber to changes in the level of environmental light.  相似文献   
总结了桂中-南盘江地区页岩气调查黔水地1井在钻进过程中出现的严重井漏、卡埋钻、起下钻或通井遇阻等技术难点及相应的处理措施。由于钻遇的地层较为复杂,因此综合采取了回填粘土、商砼封堵、顶漏钻进、岩屑打捞、空气钻进、跟管钻进、套管封隔等多种措施进行处理;此外,结合实际工程应用提出了针对该复杂地层的多种钻井液配方,均取得了一定的效果。处理技术难点的过程中所积累的钻探技术和钻井液技术的优化经验能够为日后黔西南复杂构造区页岩气勘探的实施提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
作为世界第三极的青藏高原,是对全球天气气候影响最为显著的自然地貌之一.其巨大陆表深入对流层中部,热力效应直接作用于大气,不但形成了亚洲气候格局,甚至会导致北半球乃至全球气候变异.在青藏高原北部分布着北半球中纬度面积最大的沙漠群,与包括青藏高原在内的其他下垫面相比,沙漠具有地表反照率大、土壤热容量小、含水量低等特点,是地球系统中重要的感热源,同样对全球和区域能量平衡及气候变化和变异具有重要作用.青藏高原及其北部广阔沙漠区域——两种重要的陆地系统组成了全球独有的共生地理单元,它们之间的陆—气耦合必定通过某种过程相互关联.干旱是全球常见且危害极为严重的自然灾害,中国是全球干旱发生最为频繁的国家之一,特别是在中国北方,在气候变化大背景下,干旱也呈多发、加重的趋势.干旱成因复杂,始终是国内外相关领域研究的难点和热点.那么,从高原—沙漠共生地理单元的陆—气耦合过程出发,通过何种机制作用于我国北方干旱的形成和演变?这是一个值得探究的前沿论题.梳理了近年来青藏高原大气科学研究和包括沙漠地区的干旱半干旱陆面过程研究的最新进展,从中凝练出青藏高原和北部沙漠之间的陆—气耦合过程对我国干旱影响研究的关键科学问题,以期对开展相关探索的科技工作者有所帮助.  相似文献   
文中对比分析了2015年29个雾、霾及雾霾混合天气过程中,章丘探空站L波段探空雷达和山东省气象局院内德国14通道地基微波辐射计观测的温度资料。对观测数据实施了质量控制,检验了精度和可信度,统计分析了宏观物理参量特征和日变化规律。针对雾、霾及雾霾天气过程各选取了一个个例进行分析,分析了大气中PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、O3、CO含量的变化情况,分析了相对湿度、液态水路径和综合水汽含量等的变化情况。结果表明:两种观测数据一致性较好,拟合优度高于0.97;贴地逆温层存在一定的季节变化,悬垂逆温层存在一定的差异,逆温层的变化、污染参量变化与雾霾的形成有密切关系;不同天气背景对大气物理参量有较大的影响,PM10、AQI(空气质量指数)和CO均在相同时间段出现峰值,有明显的起伏;CO峰值雾霾天气中尤为明显,由早到晚随时间峰值逐渐增大,雾天和霾天峰值较小,雾霾天气明显大于雾天或霾天。  相似文献   
卫星地面站雷电防护工程通常采用接闪杆作为天线主体的雷电直击效应防护措施,接闪杆的高度不仅影响其保护范围,而且影响其截闪概率。通过计算年预计雷击次数对截闪概率进行量化分析,结果表明,截闪概率近似与接闪杆高度平方成正比,采用过高的接闪杆将增大地面站遭受雷击电磁脉冲损坏的风险。为优化接闪杆设计,定义了保护体积的概念,并利用折线法与滚球法分别计算了三维立体空间内的保护范围。结果表明:接闪杆的保护范围与高度呈现非线性相关,当接闪杆超过一定高度(折线法超过30m,滚球法超过0.8倍滚球半径)后,对保护范围的影响十分有限;当接闪杆高度低于0.4倍滚球半径时,滚球法保护范围较大,反之则折线法保护范围较大。对接闪杆接闪瞬间周边的磁场强度分析结果表明,无屏蔽环境下地面站电子系统与接闪杆的常规距离远小于两者的理论安全距离,实际工程中难以通过增大接闪杆与卫星地面站的间距消除雷击电磁脉冲危害。为降低这一风险,卫星地面站直击雷防护应优先采用天线自带接闪杆的方式,条件不具备时也应尽量避免采用单支高大接闪杆,可选取适当的计算方法,采用多支较低接闪杆共同防护的方案。  相似文献   
The sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, undergoes aestivation to improve survival during periods of high-temperature. During aestivation, the metabolic rate is depressed to reduce the consumption of reserved energy. We evaluated the role of epigenetic modification on global gene silencing during metabolic rate depression in the sea cucumber. We compared the expression of epigenetic modifiers in active and aestivating sea cucumbers. The expression of three genes involved in DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling (DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1, Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2), and Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 5) was significantly higher during aestivation (Days 20 and 40). Similarly, we observed an increase in the expression of genes involved in histone acetylation (Histone deacetylase 3) and Histone-binding protein RBBP4) during the early (Days 5 and 10) and late phases (Days 20 and 40) of aestivation. There was no change in the expression of KAT2B, a histone acetyltransferase. However, the expression of histone methylation associated modifiers (Histone-arginine methyltransferase CARMER and Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MLL5) was significantly higher after 5 d in the aestivating group. The results suggest that the expression of epigenetic modifiers involved in DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, histone acetylation, and histone methylation is upregulated during aestivation. We hypothesize that these changes regulate global gene silencing during aestivation in A. japonicus.  相似文献   
在泰安市所辖6个县市区范围内,分布着以铁、金等为主的金属矿产和以煤、石膏等为主的非金属矿产。两类矿产分别赋存于呈近SN向相间排列的5个凸起和5个凹陷构造中,铁、金等矿赋存于凸起,煤、石膏等矿赋存于凹陷。对凸起构造特征分析认为,南北方向相邻的凸起、凹陷构造本是一体,凹陷深部与凸起有相似的地质条件,相似类比理论为地质找矿工作提供了空间,应树立综合找矿和缺位找矿的思想,整合矿业权,实行整装统筹勘查。  相似文献   
Apostichopus japonicus(Holothuroidea,Echinodermata) is an ecological and economic species in East Asia.Conventional biometric monitoring method includes diving for samples and weighing above water,with highly variable in weight measurement due to variation in the quantity of water in the respiratory tree and intestinal content of this species.Recently,video survey method has been applied widely in biometric detection on underwater benthos.However,because of the high flexibility of A.japonicus body,video survey method of monitoring is less used in sea cucumber.In this study,we designed a model to evaluate the wet weight of A.japonicus,using machine vision technology combined with a support vector machine(SVM) that can be used infield surveys on the A.japonicus population.Continuous dorsal images of free-moving A.japonicus individuals in seawater were captured,which also allows for the development of images of the core body edge as well as thorn segmentation.Parameters that include body length,body breadth,perimeter and area,were extracted from the core body edge images and used in SVM regression,to predict the weight of A.japonicus and for comparison with a power model.Results indicate that the use of SVM for predicting the weight of 33 A.japonicus individuals is accurate(R~2=0.99) and compatible with the power model(R~2=0.96).The image-based analysis and size-weight regression models in this study may be useful in body weight evaluation of A.japonicus in lab and field study.  相似文献   
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