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网络技术为科技期刊的发展提供了动力和渠道,促进了《古地理学报》办刊模式的转变。通过建立独立网站、为读者提供多样化的文章获取渠道、多样化的沟通方式、个性化的文章精准推送、加入OSID开放科学计划等,逐步形成了适应期刊发展的立体办刊模式。  相似文献   
The network technology has provided impetus and channels for the development of sci-tech periodicals and promoted the transformation of the publication mode of Journal of Palaeogeography(Chinese Edition). Through the independent website construction,providing readers with diversified access to articles,diversified communication methods,personalized accurate article push,joining the OSID open science program,etc.,a three-dimensional publication mode adapted to the development of periodicals has been gradually formed.  相似文献   
Land subsidence severely threatens most of the coastal plains around the world where high productive industrial and agricultural activities and urban centers are concentrated. Coastal subsidence damages infrastructures and exacerbates the effect of the sea-level rise at regional scale. Although it is a well-known process, there is still much more to be improved on the monitoring, mapping and modeling of ground movements, as well as the understanding of controlling mechanisms. The International Geoscience Programme recently approved an international project (IGCP 663) aiming to bring together worldwide researchers to share expertise on subsidence processes typically occurring in coastal areas and cities, including basic research, monitoring and observation, modelling and management. In this paper, we provide the research communities and potential stakeholders with the basic information to join the participating teams in developing this project. Specifically, major advances on coastal subsidence studies and information on well-known and new case studies of land subsidence in China, Italy, The Netherlands, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand are highlighted and summarized. Meanwhile, the networking, dissemination, annual meeting and field trip are briefly introduced.  相似文献   
运用文献计量学方法,对《地球科学与环境学报》(以下简称《学报》)2004—2010年载文的第一作者学历、职称和服务单位、论文资助项目来源、研究领域、出版时滞、被引频次、下载次数、影响因子等论文信息指标进行了统计分析。结果表明《学报》呈现以下特征:高学历作者比例稳步提升;副高职称和中级职称作者是《学报》作者的骨干力量;作者来源呈多元化发展,主办单位论文呈下降趋势;大多数论文有各类基金项目资助;基础地质及矿产地质是《学报》载文的主要内容;出版时滞需要进一步优化;被引频次计量指标反映《学报》呈现良好的发展态势。  相似文献   
Given that water resources are scarce and are strained by competing demands, it has become crucial to develop and improve techniques to observe the temporal and spatial variations in the inland water volume. Due to the lack of data and the heterogeneity of water level stations, remote sensing, and especially altimetry from space, appear as complementary techniques for water level monitoring. In addition to spatial resolution and sampling rates in space or time, one of the most relevant criteria for satellite altimetry on inland water is the accuracy of the elevation data. Here, the accuracy of ICESat LIDAR altimetry product is assessed over the Great Lakes in North America. The accuracy assessment method used in this paper emphasizes on autocorrelation in high temporal frequency ICESat measurements. It also considers uncertainties resulting from both in situ lake level reference data. A probabilistic upscaling process was developed. This process is based on several successive ICESat shots averaged in a spatial transect accounting for autocorrelation between successive shots. The method also applies pre-processing of the ICESat data with saturation correction of ICESat waveforms, spatial filtering to avoid measurement disturbance from the land–water transition effects on waveform saturation and data selection to avoid trends in water elevations across space. Initially this paper analyzes 237 collected ICESat transects, consistent with the available hydrometric ground stations for four of the Great Lakes. By adapting a geostatistical framework, a high frequency autocorrelation between successive shot elevation values was observed and then modeled for 45% of the 237 transects. The modeled autocorrelation was therefore used to estimate water elevations at the transect scale and the resulting uncertainty for the 117 transects without trend. This uncertainty was 8 times greater than the usual computed uncertainty, when no temporal correlation is taken into account. This temporal correlation, corresponding to approximately 11 consecutive ICESat shots, could be linked to low transmitted ICESat GLAS energy and to poor weather conditions. Assuming Gaussian uncertainties for both reference data and ICESat data upscaled at the transect scale, we derived GLAS deviations statistics by averaging the results at station and lake scales. An overall bias of −4.6 cm (underestimation) and an overall standard deviation of 11.6 cm were computed for all lakes. Results demonstrated the relevance of taking autocorrelation into account in satellite data uncertainty assesment.  相似文献   
陈其宏 《现代测绘》2011,34(5):62-64
当然随着社会生活的节奏继续加快,需求的多样性,市场竞争的加剧,国际合作的紧迫性,网络3G技术的普及,以及传统期刊管理的意识理念的不足,这些都给我国期刊事业的发展带来了新的挑战。测绘类的期刊也同样面临以上来自市场、技术、理念层面的诸多挑战。期刊永远是时代的记录者和践行者,改革已经毫无争议地成为期刊业高速发展的根本动力。测绘期刊业市场还有很多尚未开拓的领域,亟待去识别、去利用,调整策略,实现测绘期刊品牌化,国际化,服务个性化,盈利多样化,制度透明化,这些都是当前测绘期刊发展的机会。  相似文献   
对2006年以来《气象与减灾研究》的多项期刊评价指标进行统计分析,并对期刊稿源及网站建设情况进行细致调查。结果表明:1) 自2006年更名以来,期刊发展较快,然而期刊的进一步发展已经遇到“瓶颈”,即缺乏长期稳定的优质稿源;2) 拓宽优质稿源是期刊进一步发展的首要任务;3) 编辑部须重视期刊网站的建设、维护及更新,为读者、作者提供优质服务,以利期刊更好发展。  相似文献   
贺方 《高原地震》2010,22(4):62-65
针对目前期刊审读要求制度化的现状,探讨了提高地震科技期刊审读实效性的途径。期刊刊前和刊后审读要抓薄弱环节,内部和外部审读要有的放矢;科技期刊的审读内容有别于社科类期刊,不同的审读内容就有不同的审读主体和审读方法。审读效果的好坏与审读者的专业水平、知识结构甚至心理素质等息息相关。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202

The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991.  相似文献   
赵歆 《地理学报》2015,70(9):1526-1534
依据2015年6月发布的2014年度国际期刊引证报告,将SCI收录的46种地理学期刊按学科分为5大类,对各学科期刊的影响因子、总被引频次等相关引证指标进行分析,并对各专业地理学期刊2009-2014年间的学术影响力增长情况进行总结。同时,整理国际地理学期刊的年刊文量、出版国别、出版周期和出版公司等期刊出版资料,对国际地理学期刊的学科类型分布、学术影响指标、编辑出版状况之间的相关影响特征进行探讨。  相似文献   
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