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为探究热带西太平洋海山生物多样性,2016年利用"发现"号遥控无人潜水器(ROV)对西太平洋马里亚纳海沟附近的M2海山进行了采样调查,其中获得了3个深水金相柳珊瑚样本。通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,鉴定其为黑发金相柳珊瑚Metallogorgia melanotrichos(WrightStuder,1889)和长刺金相柳珊瑚Metallogorgia macrospina Kükenthal,1919。这两种金相柳珊瑚均为该区域的新记录种,对其作了详细的形态描述,并依据特征性状对该属所有物种作了分类检索。  相似文献   
本研究针对中国沿海银口天竺鲷属鱼类分类鉴定不清晰,同种异名多,种类误鉴等分类问题,结合形态特征比较与DNA条形码技术对其分类鉴定问题进行梳理。2014—2019年间于南海北部沿海采集101尾银口天竺鲷属鱼类标本,经形态学特征鉴定为:横带银口天竺鲷Jaydia striata(Smith&Radcliffe,1912),特征为体侧有7—11褐色宽横带,腹鳍、臀鳍浅灰色;印度洋银口天竺鲷J.striatodes(Gon,1997),特征为体侧有7—11褐色宽横带,臀鳍后缘黑色;白边银口天竺鲷J.novaeguineae(Valenciennes,1832),特征为臀鳍、尾鳍最下缘为白边;黑边银口天竺鲷J.truncata(Bleeker,1855)特征为第二背鳍、臀鳍中部有一平行基底的黑色带,尾鳍后缘黑色带略宽;史密斯银口天竺鲷J.smithi Kotthaus,1970,特征为第二背鳍中部有一平行基底的黑色纵带,尾鳍后缘黑色带略细;斑鳍银口天竺鲷J.carinatus (Cuvier,1828),特征为第二背鳍最末软条基底有一大黑斑;黑鳃银口天竺鲷J.poeciloptera (Cuvier,1828),特征为臀鳍淡黄色,鳍膜间有一暗点。研究发现Apogon arafurae并不是J.truncata同种异名,学名应更正为Jaydia poeciloptera。基于线粒体COI基因K2P遗传距离显示,J.striataJ.smithiJ.truncata种内遗传距离大于2%。构建NJ系统发育树发现红海、阿拉伯海和北部湾的J.smithi分成2个单系支。结合NJ树分析发现,J.smithiJ.poeciloptera均出现错误鉴定,认为GenBank上传的序列(MH085808、JQ681491)存在误鉴,实为J.poeciloptera。  相似文献   
Halocyprid ostracods are appreciable part of ostracods floating through virtually everywhere in marine environment.In this study,we describe a new species of genus Polyconchoecia Xiang,Chen and Du,2018,tribe Conchoeciini Chavtur and Angel,2011,family Halocyprididae Dana,1853 from the middle of the South China Sea.Polyconchoecia chenii sp.nov.is very close to P.commixtus Xiang,Chen and Du,2018.But it differs from P.commixtus by the distinctions of locations of major glands of carapace and the characteristics of appendages:more posteriorly situated left asymmetric gland of carapace,no right asymmetric gland;segmented frontal organ;the endopod 2 of the first antenna with a very small seta;a-and c-setae of the first antenna with long end joint have long end joint,the b-and d-setae have no end joint,spinose e-seta without end joint;the e-seta of the second antenna is present;teeth side is distinctive;the setal counts of the mandible,maxilla,fifth limb,and sixth limb are individual.The locations of the major glands on carapace and the characteristics of the first antenna can be the key of the new species.This work is the second discovery of the genus Polyconchoecia from the world.  相似文献   
综述了我国海域无脊椎动物的分类学和系统演化研究的历史和概况,以及我国分类系统学工作者在海洋无脊椎动物分类学、区系与动物地理学、系统发育与分子系统学领域的主要工作,重点介绍了中国科学院海洋研究所的海洋无脊椎动物分类学工作。涉及类群包括原生动物、海绵动物、刺胞动物、线虫、多毛类环节动物、星虫、螠虫、软体动物、节肢动物、苔藓动物、毛颚动物、棘皮动物、半索动物等主要的无脊椎动物门类。涉及海域以我国管辖海域,特别是中国近海为主,也涉及了西太平洋、西南印度洋等深海环境的无脊椎动物类群的分类学报道。本文总结过去,展望未来,对于在我国在海洋无脊椎动物分类与系统演化研究领域成就基础上,发现薄弱环节,研讨今后本学科的发展方向,填补研究空白,赶超本领域国际前沿,都有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
中国科学院海洋研究所建所70年来,在海洋贝类分类学研究领域取得了长足发展与进步,做出一系列开创性研究成果。本文综述了建所以来我所海洋腹足类分类学研究方面的主要进展,概述了取得的主要科研成果,分析了现代腹足类分类学研究的发展趋势以及面临的挑战,并对今后的发展提出了相应对策和建议。  相似文献   
邢亦谦  邢军武 《海洋科学》2019,43(5):97-102
以纠正碱蓬属Suaeda盐生植物研究中广泛存在的分类错误为目的,针对碱蓬属研究中因缺乏正确的种属鉴定与使用错误种名等导致无法确定研究对象是何植物,使研究结果丧失确定性和科学价值的问题,通过对相关错误文献的梳理,对包括《中国高等植物图鉴》在内的有关碱蓬属植物研究文献进行了初步分析,指出了有关碱蓬属植物研究中的同物异名、同名异物以及中文名与拉丁名错乱等问题并予以纠正。对提高碱蓬属植物研究的科学性与可靠性具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
Prophaenognatha robusta gen. et sp. nov. (Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae: Aclopinae), the best-preserved aclopine fossil so far, is described and illustrated from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of the Jehol Biota, western Liaoning Province, NE China. The key to extinct and extant genera of Aclopinae is given and the monophyly of extant and fossil Aclopinae lineages is supported by five character states. The new taxon provides evidence about the evolution of Scarabaeoidea with its phylogenetic position inferred based on 68 morphological characters.  相似文献   
Pyrenoids found in green algae Order Ulvales have taxonomical significance.Their morphology,microstructure,and the location and number in the cells have been widely used as identification criteria. As these traits can be affected by environmental conditions,it is necessary to look for other different characteristics.Here pyrenoids in several algae species collected along the Qingdao coast were studied for such purpose. The morphology and distribution of pyrenoids in the cells,as well as their change in diff...  相似文献   
Four similar sponges of different colors, all unknown to science, were collected in submarine caves of New Caledonia. We aimed at determining whether the four chromotypes represented different species or phenotypic variations of a unique new species. We used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphologic, molecular and metabolomic analyses. The main traits that define these specimens are a skeleton made of monolophose, trilophose and tetralophose calthrops only, high chemical diversity and a high abundance and diversity of prokaryotic symbionts. The symbiotic community includes two unique prokaryote morphotypes, which are described for the first time in Homoscleromorpha, and appeared to be vertically transmitted. Although several features slightly differ among chromotypes, the most parsimonious conclusion was to propose a single new species Plakina kanaky sp. nov. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated the paraphyly of the Plakina genus, with P. kanaky sp. nov. belonging to a clade that includes Plakina jani and Plakina trilopha. The present work demonstrates that integrative taxonomy should be used in order to revise the entire Plakinidae family and especially the non‐monophyletic genus Plakina.  相似文献   
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