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首先用资料诊断分析了全球变暖前后,热带大气低频振荡特征变化。研究发现,全球变暖前后,热带低频振荡的强度、分布、传播及周期等发生了一系列变化:ISO活跃区及强度范围均有不同程度的增大,气候变暖有缩小ISO强度季节差异趋势;气候变暖后,纬向东传波的大气季节内振荡能量增加,而西传波的能量相对减少;偏暖阶段,ISO振荡主周期相对分散,特别是较长周期的小波能量明显增大。然后利用动力学分析及数值模拟进一步探讨了热带低频振荡与海温的联系,对热带ISO的数值模拟进一步发现,大气模式与海洋模式耦合时,所模拟的热带季节内振荡较强;热带低频振荡的变化可能与全球变暖后海温场发生的变化有关。  相似文献   

全球变暖中的科学问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2013年各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组发布了第五次气候变化科学评估报告,以大量的观测分析和气候模式模拟证据,继续强调由于人类排放增加,全球正在变暖,未来将继续变暖的观点。本文综述研究全球变暖的几个深层次的科学问题,即多套全球气温观测资料的差异、不同标准气候态时段的作用、20世纪全球变暖的检测和归因及未来全球气温变化的走向,以此提出需进一步研究的科学问题。结果表明;需要进一步提高观测资料的质量;注意不同标准气候态时段对应的数值的不同;应进一步改善气候模式模拟年代际变率的能力及研究近15 a全球变暖减缓和停滞的原因,从而改善气候模式的模拟效果;造成预估未来全球气候变化的不确定性主要来自气候模式的差异、未来排放情景的差异及气候系统内部变率影响和自然外强迫的作用。  相似文献   

极端天气与气候事件受到全球变暖影响吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>极端天气与气候事件对社会与经济和公众生活与生命的影响很大,因此受到公众和政策制定者的极犬关注。近些年的热点问题是:在全球变暖的背景下,极端天气与气候事件是否会受到影响?要回答这个问题,首先需要了解近些年使用的耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)气候模式对极端天气与气候事件的模拟效果,其次是利用CMIP5气候模式评估观洲到的极端天气与气候事件的变化是否是由全球变暖造成的,最后是利用CMIP5气候模式考  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下的广东省降水量及旱、涝变化趋势   总被引:16,自引:41,他引:16  
分析粤港澳7个气象站近100年来降水量变化趋势,并对其与全球气候变暖的关系进行分析.结果表明:广东省全年及前、后汛期的降水量变化存在2~7年、10年和30年左右的周期;广东省雨量的长期变化与全球气候变暖不存在一致性,但近期气候变暖和广东的重旱、重涝事件频率增加有关;目前,广东的年降水量处于长期变化中的峰值下滑趋势,预估2020年处于少雨时期,沿海地区重旱、轻旱出现频率增加.  相似文献   

大气季节内振荡的数值模拟 Ⅱ. 全球变暖的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG)发展的耦合气候模式FGOALS1.0_g控制试验、二氧化碳 (CO2)浓度加倍试验模拟结果及实测结果 (NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料)研究了全球变暖对大气季节内振荡 (ISO)特征变化的影响.通过对比分析控制试验、二氧化碳浓度加倍试验模拟结果及观测结果发现: (1)FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式具有一定的模拟季节内振荡的能力, 主要表现为模式能够模拟出ISO活跃区的位置、中心位置的季节变动以及强度的季节变化, 其缺陷是模拟的ISO强度偏弱, 模拟的ISO周期不显著且偏高频; (2)实测资料诊断分析得到的近六十年来偏暖阶段ISO活跃区强度增强及范围扩大可能不是人类活动影响使温室气体增加所导致的, 它可能是大气ISO本身的年代际尺度变化; (3)近六十年来纬向东传波 (西传波)的能量的存在增长 (减少)趋势的主要原因可能是人类活动影响引起温室气体增加所导致的; (4)由于FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式在模拟ISO主周期及强度方面时存在不足, 因此实测结果诊断分析得到的偏暖阶段ISO小波能量强, 主周期范围大, 偏冷阶段反之的结论用FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式尚难以证实.  相似文献   

相对于工业化革命前期,全球年平均地表气温上升2℃的时间和相应的气候变化受到了广泛关注,特别是包括欧盟成员国在内的许多国家和国际组织已经将避免2℃全球变暖作为温室气体减排的首要目标.为此,本文作者基于16个气候模式在20世纪气候模拟试验和SRES B1、A1B和A2温室气体和气溶胶排放情景下的数值模拟试验结果,采用多模式集合方法预估研究了2℃全球变暖发生的时间、对应的大气中主要温室气体浓度以及中国气候变化情况.根据模式集合平均结果,三种排放情景下2℃全球变暖分别发生在2064年、2046年和2049年,大气二氧化碳当量浓度分别为625 ppm、645 ppm和669 ppm(1 ppm=10-6).对应着2℃全球变暖,中国气候变暖幅度明显更大.从空间分布形势上看,变暖从南向北加强,在青藏高原地区存在一个升温大值区;就整体而言,中国区域平均的年平均地表气温上升2.7~2.9℃,冬季升温幅度(3.1~3.2℃)要较其他季节更大.年平均降水量在华南大部分地区减少0~5%,而在其余地区增加0~20%,中国区域年平均降水增加3.4%~4.4%,各季节增加量在0.5%~6.6%之间.  相似文献   

模式对历史气候变化的模拟往往延用工业革命前控制试验(PICTL)的物理过程及设置,同时使用PICTL的模拟结果作为初值。因此,控制试验(PICTL)中是否存在气候漂移将直接影响模式对全球变暖的模拟。本文评估了27个CMIP5模式模拟的气温长期漂移趋势及其对全球变暖模拟的影响。结果表明,大部分模式模拟的全球平均气温的长期漂移趋势都很小(0.06°C/100 a),但个别模式对于全球变暖的模拟存在较大影响。在50°S~65°S纬度带内的南大洋,40°N以北的北大西洋和北太平洋区域,大部分模式模拟的气温漂移趋势对局地变暖的模拟影响较大(10%~20%)。大气层顶向上长波辐射和向上短波辐射共同影响全球气温的长期变化。另外,积分时间越长,中高纬深层海洋得到有效调整,气温的长期漂移趋势越小。本文量化了气候漂移,检验了模式的稳定性,这有助于评估模式对全球变暖的模拟能力。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖背景下索马里急流变化的预估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林美静  范可  王会军 《气象学报》2008,66(5):756-764
索马里急流的变化对亚洲季风和气候变动具有重要的影响,未来索马里急流到底会如何演变?如何受全球变暖的影响?针对这个问题,文中利用IPCC第四次评估报告(IPCC AR4)的多个海气耦合模式的模拟结果,评估了多个模式在当前气候(20C3M)条件下对夏季低空索马里急流的模拟能力;预估模式在SRESA2排放情景下对21世纪(2010-2099)的索马里急流变化.研究结果表明,18个模式在现代气候条件下对索马里急流有较好的模拟能力;18个模式的集合平均结果预测夏季索马里低空急流在21世纪的变化过程是:初期(2010-2040)增强至减弱,中期(2050-2060)增加至最强,末期(2070-2090)减至最弱.与现代气候条件模拟结果相比,夏季索马里低空急流在未来气候变暖背景条件下是趋于减弱的过程,在21世纪末期最弱.研究还表明了夏季低空索马里急流的变化幅度与全球平均气温的变化幅度是一个非线性的关系,各模式对二者关系的描述存在不确定性,鉴于索马里急流对印度季风和东亚季风及中国气候的重要性,索马里急流的变化规律和未来演变是科学界特别需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

郑峰  吴群 《气象科技》2010,38(5):533-536
超强台风"桑美"在浙江省温州市苍南县登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力达17级,中心气压920hPa,是近50年来登陆我国大陆最强的台风。为了认识超强台风"桑美"强度突然增强的机制机理,气象工作者做了许多有意义的工作,如"桑美"的观测分析、数值模拟、强度突增原因探究等。文章对以往研究成果进行了简述,指出了目前在此方面研究存在的问题,如数值模拟台风强度突增的量值偏小,强度突增的机理没有新的明显突破,以及气候变暖对台风强度突增如何影响涉及较少等。  相似文献   

近50年来黑河山区汇流区温度及降水变化趋势   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:22  
利用有关水文气象观测资料、史料和树轮资料,对黑河山区汇流区降水近50年来的变化特征及其与全球气候变暖的对应关系、变化的可能成因及变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:黑河山区汇流区降水对全球气候变暖响应比较明显,近50年来黑河山区汇流区降水随全球气温升高呈缓慢增加的趋势。由于西太平洋副热带高压与全球气温变化有着密切的关系,而西太平洋副热带高压的增强和扩大有利于东亚夏季风向北推进至更北,从而使祁连山中西部降水增加。因此,总体来说,全球气候的变暖有利于黑河山区汇流区降水的增加。目前,黑河山区汇流区正处于1980年代开始的历史上有资料记载以来的第5个温暖期和第3个暖湿期,预计在相当一段时期内,黑河山区汇流区降水将随着全球气候的进一步变暖,继续维持这种缓慢增长的状况。  相似文献   

The effect of climate change on tropical cyclone intensity has been an important scientific issue for a few decades.Although theory and modeling suggest the intensification of tropical cyclones in a warming climate,there are uncertainties in the assessed and projected responses of tropical cyclone intensity to climate change.While a few comprehensive reviews have already provided an assessment of the effect of climate change on tropical cyclone activity including tropical cyclone intensity,this review focuses mainly on the understanding of the effect of climate change on basin-wide tropical cyclone intensity,including indices for basin-wide tropical cyclone intensity,historical datasets used for intensity trend detection,environmental control of tropical cyclone intensity,detection and simulation of tropical cyclone intensity change,and some issues on the assessment of the effect of climate change on tropical cyclone intensity.In addition to the uncertainty in the historical datasets,intertwined natural variabilities,the considerable model bias in the projected large-scale environment,and poorly simulated inner-core structures of tropical cyclones,it is suggested that factors controlling the basin-wide intensity can be different from individual tropical cyclones since the assessment of the effect of climate change treats tropical cyclones in a basin as a whole.  相似文献   

In this study, regional climate changes for seventy years (1980–2049) over East Asia and the Korean Peninsula are investigated using the Special Reports on Emission Scenarios (SRES) B1 scenario via a high-resolution regional climate model, and the impact of global warming on extreme climate events over the study area is investigated. According to future climate predictions for East Asia, the annual mean surface air temperature increases by 1.8°C and precipitation decreases by 0.2 mm day?1 (2030–2049). The maximum wind intensity of tropical cyclones increases in the high wind categories, and the intra-seasonal variation of tropical cyclone occurrence changes in the western North Pacific. The predicted increase in surface air temperature results from increased longwave radiations at the surface. The predicted decrease in precipitation is caused primarily by northward shift of the monsoon rain-band due to the intensified subtropical high. In the nested higher-resolution (20 km) simulation over the Korean Peninsula, annual mean surface air temperature increases by 1.5°C and annual mean precipitation decreases by 0.2 mm day?1. Future surface air temperature over the Korean Peninsula increases in all seasons due to surface temperature warming, which leads to changes in the length of the four seasons. Future total precipitation over the Korean Peninsula is decreased, but the intensity and occurrence of heavy precipitation events increases. The regional climate changes information from this study can be used as a fruitful reference in climate change studies over East Asia and the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

The relationship between global warming and the variation in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency is analyzed using the data of the Tropical Cyclone Year Book by the China Meteorological Administration and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data from 1949 to 2007. The observational results indicate that the average sea surface temperature (SST) in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region (10°N – 20°N, 100°E – 140°E) increases by 0.6°C against the background of global warming, while the frequency of tropical cyclone geneses in this region decreases significantly. Generally, the rise of SSTs is favorable for the genesis of tropical cyclones, but it is now shown to be contrary to the normal effect. Most of the tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific (WNP) are generated in the ITCZ. This is quite different from the case in the Atlantic basin in which the tropical cyclones are mostly generated from the easterly wave. Our research results demonstrate that the ITCZ has a weakening trend in strength, and it has moved much more equatorward in the past 40 years; both are disadvantageous to the formation of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, our study also found that the ridge of the subtropical high tends to shift slightly equatorward, which is another adverse mechanism for the formation of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

北半球温带气旋的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许多学者对近半个世纪以来温带气旋的频数、强度和路径的年际、年代际变化等特征进行了研究,并探讨了温带气旋变化与大气环流的关系,试图揭示气候变暖背景下温带气旋变化的可能原因。较为一致的研究结论是:在全球变暖背景下,北半球气旋活动的变化显示出在中纬度明显减少,而在高纬度增加的趋势,意味着气旋的路径已经明显地北移。研究还表明,气旋活动的变化与对流层斜压性、急流以及北大西洋涛动、海温梯度等因素有关。  相似文献   

2018年12月3—7日在美国夏威夷召开的第九届世界气象组织热带气旋国际研讨会对国际热带气旋研究和预报预警业务的近期进展进行了充分回顾,并对未来的发展方向进行了系统研讨。过去4年(2015—2018年),在热带波动和对流对热带气旋生成的影响、复杂环境影响热带气旋路径转向的机理、对流和风垂直切变对热带气旋强度变化的作用机制、双眼墙形成和替换机理、热带气旋变性过程对环境条件的响应、热带气旋气候变化特征、热带气旋多平台观测技术等诸多方面的研究取得了显著进展。同时,在热带气旋生成概率预报、全球模式中热带气旋强度预报改进、热带气旋活动次季节业务预测技术发展以及热带气旋预报不确定性理论等方面也取得积极进展。在综述此次会议的相关议题后,简要讨论中国热带气旋研究和业务发展方向。   相似文献   

The terms “weather extremes” and “climate extremes” are widely used in meteorology, often in relation to climate change. This paper reviews the empirical investigations into parallel changes in extreme events and climate change published in recent years and looks at their relevance for the global energy system. Empirical investigation into the correlation of extremes with global warming covers five groups: changes in temperature, precipitation, wind (storm) extremes, tropical and extra-tropical circulation phenomena. For temperature extremes, extensive analyses demonstrate that extreme hot days and nights will likely become more frequent, and extreme cold days and nights less frequent. Intense precipitation events will likely become more frequent in most continental regions. Scientific confidence in the trends of the frequency, duration, and intensity of tropical cyclones, is still low. A poleward shift is observed for extratropical cyclones, whereas no convincing tendencies of many smaller-scale phenomena, for example, tornados, or hail, can yet be detected. All these extremes have serious implications for the energy sector.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first quantitative synthesis of the rapidly growing literature on future tropical and extratropical cyclone damages under climate change. We estimate a probability distribution for the predicted impact of changes in global surface air temperatures on future storm damages, using an ensemble of 478 estimates of the temperature-damage relationship from nineteen studies. Our analysis produces three main empirical results. First, we find strong but not conclusive support for the hypothesis that climate change will cause damages from tropical cyclones and wind storms to increase, with most models predicting higher future storm damages due to climate change. Second, there is substantial variation in projected changes in losses across regions. Potential changes in damages are greatest in the North Atlantic basin, where the multi-model average predicts that a 2.5 °C increase in global surface air temperature would cause hurricane damages to increase by 63 %. The ensemble predictions for Western North Pacific tropical cyclones and European wind storms (extratropical cyclones) are +28 % and +23 %, respectively. Finally, our analysis shows that existing models of storm damages under climate change generate a wide range of predictions, ranging from moderate decreases to very large increases in losses.  相似文献   

The question of whether and to what extent global warming may be changing tropical cyclone (TC) activity is of great interest to decision makers. The presence of a possible climate change signal in TC activity is difficult to detect because interannual variability necessitates analysis over longer time periods than available data allow. Projections of future TC activity are hindered by computational limitations and uncertainties about changes in regional climate, large scale patterns, and TC response. This review discusses the state of the field in terms of theory, modeling studies and data. While Atlantic TCs have recently become more intense, evidence for changes in other basins is not persuasive, and changes in the Atlantic cannot be clearly attributed to either natural variability or climate change. However, whatever the actual role of climatic change, these concerns have opened a “policy window” that, if used appropriately, could lead to improved protection against TCs.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋气候变化的若干研究进展   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2  
赵海坤  吴立广 《气象科学》2015,35(1):108-118
热带气旋气候变化研究不仅是当前国际热带气旋气候界的热点科学问题,而且也是具有现实意义的社会问题,各国气象学者和科学家们对此进行了广泛的研究。虽然热带气旋活动与气候变化之间的关系及其相应的内在物理机制至今还处在探究之中,但是近20多年来热带气旋气候学的研究还是取得了显著的进展。本文主要针对濒临中国的西北太平洋海域,回顾了热带气旋活动季节内、年际、年代际变化及其全球变暖背景下的变化趋势的气候学研究。此外,文中也对西北太平洋热带气旋气候学的研究进行了展望,并提出了该领域中一些亟待解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

Fine-resolution regional climate simulations of tropical cyclones (TCs) are performed over the eastern Australian region. The horizontal resolution (30 km) is fine enough that a good climatological simulation of observed tropical cyclone formation is obtained using the observed tropical cyclone lower wind speed threshold (17 m s–1). This simulation is performed without the insertion of artificial vortices (bogussing). The simulated occurrence of cyclones, measured in numbers of days of cyclone activity, is slightly greater than observed. While the model-simulated distribution of central pressures resembles that observed, simulated wind speeds are generally rather lower, due to weaker than observed pressure gradients close to the centres of the simulated storms. Simulations of the effect of climate change are performed. Under enhanced greenhouse conditions, simulated numbers of TCs do not change very much compared with those simulated for the current climate, nor do regions of occurrence. There is a 56% increase in the number of simulated storms with maximum winds greater than 30 m s–1 (alternatively, a 26% increase in the number of storms with central pressures less than 970 hPa). In addition, there is an increase in the number of intense storms simulated south of 30°S. This increase in simulated maximum storm intensity is consistent with previous studies of the impact of climate change on tropical cyclone wind speeds.  相似文献   

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