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虾蛄(Squillidae)是重要的水产增养殖品种。目前针对虾蛄类的研究主要集中在其基础生物学和繁殖生物学方面,其中在虾蛄的纳精结构、性腺发育和幼体发育等研究方面还存在诸多分歧。作者综述了几种虾蛄类,如口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、黑斑口虾蛄(O. kempi)、猛虾蛄(Harpiosquilla harpax)和棘突猛虾蛄(H. raphidea)的资源分布、生活习性、亲本、性腺和幼体发育等研究成果,以期为虾蛄繁殖生物学和人工育苗的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

口虾蛄的生物学特征及其人工苗种生产技术   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
本文综述了口虾蛄形态与生态习性,摄食与生长,交尾繁殖等生物学特性。介绍了亲虾蛄的选择和培育技术,产卵及其护理行为,口虾蛄幼体发育特征,幼体培养等有关苗种技术。  相似文献   

口虾蛄的生物学特征及其人工苗种生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了口虾蛄形态与生态习性,摄食与生长,交尾繁殖等生物学特性。介绍了亲虾蛄的选择和培育技术,产卵及其护理行为,口虾蛄幼体发育特征,幼体培养等有关苗种技术。  相似文献   

虾蛄的繁殖生物学及人工繁殖概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾蛄 (Squilla)俗名虾爬子 ,螳螂虾等 ,隶属于节肢动物门 ,甲壳纲 ,口足目 ,虾蛄科。虾蛄分布很广 ,从俄罗斯的大彼得海湾到日本及中国沿海 ,菲律宾 ,马来半岛 ,夏威夷群岛都有分布 [1]。虾蛄因其肉味鲜美 ,营养丰富而倍受青睐。近年来因海洋开发其资源日益减少 ,因此对其开展人工育苗已势在必行。目前国内已作过育苗研究的黑斑口虾蛄 (Oratosquillakempi)和口虾蛄 (Oratosquillaoratoria)均隶属于虾蛄科 ,口虾蛄属。现将它们的繁殖生物学及人工繁殖技术要点作一概括。1繁殖生物学虾蛄雌雄…  相似文献   

口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)人工育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了口虾蛄在人工育苗过程中亲虾蛄的产卵、孵化与湿度、底质、洞穴、光线的关系,以及抱卵和卵裂形态特征.根据口虾蛄自然生态特性,通过模拟自然环境,采用让亲虾蛄自身挖掘洞穴的方法,在人工控温的条件下,首次进行了人工育苗繁殖,获得了口虾蛄幼体3.4×104尾,培育成体长3~4cm的幼口虾蛄2200尾.此项研究为今后虾蛄大规模工厂化育苗提供了技术依据.  相似文献   

黑斑口虾蛄(Oratosquilla Kempi Schmitt)配子发生的显微观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察黑斑口虾蛄Oratosquillakempi的精巢和卵巢 ,并对精、卵巢进行组织切片显微观察。结果表明 :黑斑口虾蛄的精巢由 1对很细的管状结构组成 ,精子发育可分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子等期 ,精子圆球形 ,无鞭毛。卵巢分左、右两叶 ,对称且相互粘连。卵细胞为多黄卵 ,卵母细胞发育分为未发育期、卵黄形成前期、卵黄形成期和成熟期 4期 ;在卵黄形成前期形成大的生发泡。卵巢发育分为未发育期、发育早期、发育期、成熟前期、成熟期和产卵后期 6期。  相似文献   

观察黑斑口虾蛄Oratosquilla kempi的精巢和卵巢,并对精、卵巢进行组织切片显微观察。结果表明:黑斑口虾蛄的精精巢由1对很细的管状结构组成,精子发育可分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子等期,精子圆球形,无鞭毛。卵巢分左、右两叶,对称且相互粘连。卵细胞为多黄卵,卵母细胞发育分为未发育期、卵黄形成前期、卵黄形成期和成熟期4期;在卵黄形成前期形成大的生发泡。卵巢发育期、发育早期、  相似文献   

黑斑口虾蛄血细胞的显微观察及与斑节对虾血细胞的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖永岩  周友广 《海洋科学》2000,24(10):14-17
口虾蛄 (Oratosquilla )是我国沿海常见口足类。随着海洋经济鱼虾资源的减少 ,开发利用口虾蛄资源的经济意义显得越来越大。而黑斑口虾蛄 (Oratosquillakempi)则更是其中体较肥胖、生长快、值得推荐的一种 ,很有养殖价值[1]。国内外有关黑斑口虾蛄的资料相当少 ,仅少量的有关形态、生态方面的报道[1],而有关黑斑口虾蛄血细胞 ,尚未见到详细的报道 ,一般认为它只有一种血细胞[2] ,故对其进行观察很有必要。斑节对虾 (Penaeusmonodon)是目前中国南方养殖的主要经济虾类。对虾类血细胞形…  相似文献   

西沙群岛口足类(甲壳纲)初步报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西沙群岛的口足甲壳类(Stomatopod Crustacea)过去尚无报道。本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所1956-1958年三次生物调查采集的标本写成,共记述7种,分隶2科3属。其中有5种都是首次发现于我国近海,有一种为新种一一西沙微虾蛄Parvisquilla xishaensis sp. nov. 。 口足类主要产于热带和亚热带浅海和近岸水域,有不少种(特别是指虾蛄科Gonocfactylidae的许多种)栖息于珊瑚礁间;西沙群岛珊瑚礁环境中,有丰富的热带海洋动物区系,估计口足类应该相当丰富,由于我们过去调查采集还不够充分,目前发现的种不多,象在海南岛及南海其他近岸岛屿常见的假虾蛄Pseudosquilla ciliata Fabricius,刺尾指虾蛄Gonodactylus demani以及裂尾虾蛄属Charisquilla等属的代表,在西沙都还没有采到,预计将来随着调查采集的深入,还会发现更多的属种。  相似文献   

一向在餐桌上受人喜爱、味道鲜美、营养丰富的虾蛄,已由国家海洋局第一海洋研究所研究人工繁殖、育苗获得成功,育出虾蛄苗2万尾,为今后我国人工养殖虾蛄迈出了关键的一步。 虾蛄俗称虾爬子,又称东方虾蛄,属口足类甲壳动物。随着近年来对虾、扇贝养殖品种  相似文献   

我国海洋软相底质底栖经济贝类的可持续利用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了海洋软相底质底栖贝类的资源特性和我国的资源利用现状及存在问题.并从规模化苗种生产、海区增殖、高效养殖模式开发及增养殖环境保障与产品无公害生产等方面对该资源的可持续利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文在介绍了海洋深层水的优良资源特性的基础上,系统介绍了世界各国在海藻养殖、鱼类养殖、蔬菜栽培、食品制造、酿酒、制冷、制盐、制冰及饮料生产等多方面应用海洋深层水的最新成果,并展望了今后海洋深层水研究开发的前景。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹家系的建立及生长性状比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以莱州湾和舟山野生群体为材料,以完全双列杂交法设计搭配组合,采用1×3♀交配模式,首次利用人工控制定向交尾技术成功构建三疣梭子蟹家系,经过两代选育,对生长到80,100,120日龄10个F2代家系的生长和家系内的变异进行了比较分析。120日龄时,10个家系体重大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,全甲宽大小顺序为:J9J10J1J4J8J3J2J5J7J6,甲宽大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,甲长大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,体高大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6。J9J、10的体重极显著大于其他8个家系(P≤0.01),J9体重比J6大96.10%,比J7大76.87%;J10体重比J6大72.77%,比J7大55.76%,表现出明显的生长优势,是两个生长性状良好的家系,为育种工作提供了良好的材料。  相似文献   

大型海藻的遗传育种及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着栽培要求的不断增长,大型海藻的遗传育种逐渐成为海水养殖的重要内容.本文对大型海藻遗传育种的基本概念及品种的作用和研究简史进行了整理.就大型海藻的主要育种途径及工作,如:育种目标、种质资源、选择、引种、自交、选育、突变、杂交和杂种优势,纯系育种与细胞融合、转基因和分子标记辅助育种等进行了综述,并讨论了大型海藻遗传育种中存在的问题及解决方案.  相似文献   

Sourcing seafood for the three major markets: The EU,Japan and the USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the marine fish and invertebrate consumption in three of the world’s major seafood markets (the EU, Japan and the USA) using a series of global maps indicating the likely origin of the seafood consumed by each market. These maps display a high level of dependence by these markets on foreign sources as the serial depletion of local fisheries resources forced the fleets in search for new seafood supplies well beyond their domestic waters. The acquisition of foreign (and high seas) seafood by these markets is conducted through two channels: by dispatching distant water fishing fleets that directly exploit foreign stocks; and by importing catch landed elsewhere by local fleets. The results also demonstrate that each of the three major markets occupies a zone of influence within which it is dominant.  相似文献   

鲍育苗生物学中饵料硅藻的相关研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
底栖硅藻是鲍育苗阶段不可缺少的饵料,也是诱导鲍浮游幼体附着和变态的重要物质,硅藻的种类、营养价值、生态状况等对幼体的附着变态及其后以微藻为饵料阶段的生长率和成活率都有至关重要的影响。总结近10a国内外与饵料硅藻相关的研究概况,包括硅藻对鲍附着变态、生长率和成活率的影响;鲍幼苗饵料转化与消化器官发育的关系;影响硅藻营养的生理生化因子;与鲍幼苗掉板死亡相关的藻类研究等,为鲍育苗生物学的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

为进一步提高山东省海洋水产种业的发展水平,促进海水养殖业和渔业经济的可持续发展,文章总结山东省海洋水产原、良种产业的发展特点,分析存在的问题,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明:山东省海洋水产原、良种产业具有起步较晚但发展速度较快,品种多、覆盖面广,代际连续性较强以及原、良种场建设全国领先的特点;目前仍然存在海洋水产良种的市场化程度较低、水产企业良种研发能力较弱以及国家级原、良种场的作用未有效发挥的问题;今后应重点推动育种技术进步,推进育、繁、推一体化发展模式,树立品牌意识,建立良种独立技术体系,加大对水产企业的支持力度,加强种质资源保护以及建立市场准入制度。  相似文献   

Aquaculture, like terrestrial farming, cannot achieve economic and sustainable production without high performing genetic stocks tailored to the conditions under which they are grown. It is essential, therefore, that aquaculture investment includes genetics and biotechnology to adapt marine livestock to the novel conditions of intensive aquaculture and to the demanding markets into which they are sold. The return on investment in well-structured breeding programmes can be very high, and significant performance and economic gains have been demonstrated in multiple species. Many factors must be considered in designing a genetic improvement programme, including the reproductive biology of the species and the identification of realistic and commercially relevant breeding goals based on the resources and facilities available. This paper reviews the options available to aquaculturists and provides examples of how these are being applied to six aquaculture species in New Zealand: king salmon, hāpuku, kingfish, GreenshellTM mussels, Pacific oysters and pāua (abalone).  相似文献   

Food availability, which is often seasonal, is regarded as a key factor in the breeding success of seabirds. In oceanic tropical areas, the resources are mostly patchy and ephemeral at the surface, and the seasonality is less marked than at higher latitudes. Such a situation influences greatly the breeding strategies of the oceanic seabird species. We conducted a comparative study of the breeding phenology of the sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) in relation to the local and regional oceanographic conditions around the four major colonies (Europa, Juan de Nova, Lys and Bird Islands) of the southwest Indian Ocean. Over the 1997–2003 period, around all the studied locations, the sea-surface temperature (SST) and the chlorophyll concentration in the Mozambique Channel and the Seychelles area showed clear seasonal differences related to the southern climate and the monsoon phenomena. The breeding activity is synchronized at each studied colony, but the timings are very different. Seasonal reproduction occurs in austral winter at Europa and Bird Island and in austral summer at Juan de Nova; at Lys Island the reproduction is non-seasonal. For the seasonal colonies, there is a large monthly change in SST just before the beginning of reproduction, which is a proxy indicating the annual phytoplankton bloom. This variation is accompanied by the development of oceanic features such as fronts that favour aggregation of prey, and may also play an important role in the presence of schools of surface tuna, which are very important for the foraging success of sooty terns. Conversely, around Lys Island the seasonal variations of the marine environment do not lead to pronounced development of oceanic structures, and consequently, the longer-lasting phytoplankton bloom could explain the non-seasonal breeding regime there. Further studies will help discern the advantages and disadvantages of seasonal and non-seasonal reproduction regime in response to unpredictable fluctuations of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The jackass penguin, endemic to southern Africa, is the only member of the Sphenisciformes now breeding in Africa. Its breeding distribution extends from Sylvia Hill, South West Africa (Namibia), to Bird Island, Algoa Bay, South Africa. The non-breeding range extends from Sette Cama, Gabon, to Inhaca Island, Moçambique. Jackass penguins do not usually occur far off shore. The minimum total breeding population in 1978/79 was estimated to be approximately 134 000 birds. Numbers halved between 1956 and 1978 alone as a result of collapses in the South and South West African pilchard populations. Numerical decreases at Possession and Dassen Islands were particularly severe. Prior to 1956 numbers had also decreased, primarily because of large collections of eggs. Sealing activities and guano harvests may also have influenced trends. Only colonies at the periphery of the breeding distribution have increased numerically in recent times, and such increases appear to be related to the availability of suitable prey. Although the species breeds in captivity and is unlikely to become extinct, its continued survival in the wild probably relies on the continued good state of the pelagic fish resources.  相似文献   

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