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The rent gap is the difference between the actual and potential ground rent of a site. This paper estimates the rent gap into two ways: gaps estimated using actual and potential ground rents at the same scale, and those based on different scales, and unpacks the relationship between renovation and both of these rent gaps via logistic regression. Using the suburb of Point Chevalier in Auckland as a case study, we find that the rent gap at a single scale is a more appropriate proxy for Smith’s rent gap concept in this particular case. A comparison between Point Chevalier and other neighborhoods in Auckland suggests that the co-occurrence between renovation events and rent gap derives from capital flows and class struggle in gentrification and that the rent gap is both an outcome of the social relations that produce gentrification, and a symptom of it.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):116-145
The rent gap theory has been a prominent explanation of gentrification for nearly two decades. It has been subject to much critique, but few empirical analyses. This research, based in Minneapolis, attempts an empirical evaluation of the hypothesis using land price data in nine redeveloped parcels over a span of 130 years. While the rent gap appears to exist in most parcels, a simple one-to-one correspondence between the gap and gentrification cannot be made because of the nature of the theory and the limitations of the data. There is evidence, however, that rent gaps may form not just in declining areas, but in stable poorer areas when there is substantial capital investment on the urban fringe. This finding lends support to the theory's emphasis on the role of uneven development in the creation and eventual closure of the rent gap.  相似文献   

随着粤港澳大湾区上升为国家战略,湾区治理成为学术界关注的重要议题。文章构建包括权力结构、法律结构和社会资本结构3个维度的湾区治理制度环境比较研究框架,运用文本/桌面分析法,系统总结了大湾区与旧金山和东京湾区的治理框架,比较分析了3个湾区治理的制度环境;研究认为,湾区治理的模式特征及其效果与由权力结构、法律结构和社会资本结构构成的制度环境密切相关;权力结构影响着治理的灵活弹性,粤港澳大湾区权力结构呈现非对称和碎片化特征,总体较为封闭集中,导致治理模式单一,始终以政府为主导;法律结构影响着治理的交易成本,粤港澳大湾区尚未形成统一高效的法律体系结构,导致治理过程中的交易成本较高;社会资本结构影响着治理的多元参与和湾区凝聚力,粤港澳大湾区正向社会资本相对薄弱,多元参与治理不足,湾区自下而上的凝聚力不强。最后建议大湾区治理宜从权力、法律和社会资本结构入手,探索三地各自优势下的制度空间灵活重构;在制度环境建设中,引导非政府主体稳定有序参与治理,以提升大湾区凝聚力;在保证中央和省政府的权威方针基础上,适时探索大湾区地方政府的放权自治。  相似文献   

谢富胜  巩潇然 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1407-1420
尼尔·史密斯是世界知名的人文地理学者和马克思主义地理学家。他在不平衡发展理论的基础上,整合马克思主义和地理学的资本周期运动、空间一体化与尺度推移等范畴,提出了实现平衡发展的途径,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义地理学,为研究当代社会空间问题提供了更为具体的分析框架和新的理论解释。其理论的核心是把地理空间视为生产资料、社会产物以及空间关系的总和,认为地理空间生产是特定时期资本增殖的重要方式。目前中国学者虽引进其部分理论,但整体了解还比较欠缺。本文将其理论概括和梳理为空间生产、地理尺度、美式帝国主义、绅士化4个方面,分析资本积累驱动下地理空间的不平衡发展过程,深度解析社会、空间与地理的尺度交错与互动关系,阐明资本周期运动、美式帝国扩张和绅士化的逻辑关联,最后以租隙理论为主剖析了城市尺度的资本周期运动。本文旨在为国内学者研究史密斯的马克思主义空间理论以及马克思主义地理学提供纲要和逻辑线索,并为中国城市化转型和经济增长方式转变提供理论参考和方法启示。  相似文献   

许扬  保继刚 《热带地理》2022,42(6):867-877
农户生计状况是实现乡村振兴和乡村可持续发展过程中需要关注的重点。文章以阿者科村为案例地,通过笔者亲身驻村经历和入户调查获取数据,基于DFID可持续生计框架构建了农户生计资本评价指标体系,详细分析了“阿者科计划”这种结构与制度因素的转变对当地农户生计的影响,并探讨了其中的影响机制。研究发现:1)乡村旅游发展使农户参与其中,成为村集体公司员工或自主开展旅游经营,旅游与传统的生计方式共同构成了了农户多样化的生计组合;2)农户生计策略出现转型和分化,形成了旅游主导型、旅游务工型、参与旅游型、务工主导型和半工半农型5种类型农户;3)不同类型农户的生计水平和各生计资本组合形式存在差异,其中生计资本总量由高到低依次为旅游主导型、旅游务工型、参与旅游型、务工主导型、半工半农型;4)“阿者科计划”形成了在政府和高校支持下,农户内生动力充分发展的长效机制,旅游成为农户传统生计的重要补充,提升了其生计资本。  相似文献   

土地利用变化的解释   总被引:135,自引:22,他引:135  
用途转移和集约度变化构成土地利用变化的两种基本类型。土地特性自身的变化、土地使用者个体经济行为分析及社会群体土地管理行为分析 ,构成土地利用变化解释的理论框架。从土地特性考察 ,多宜性和限制性是土地利用发生变化的基本条件。人类对土地利用的结果 ,总是趋向于使土地的多宜性降低和功能类型减少。竞租曲线、转移边际点以及打破土地利用空间均衡的条件分析 ,是土地利用变化经济分析的理论基础 ;“土地利用 -环境效应 -体制响应”反馈环的作用机制 ,构成社会群体土地管理行为分析的理论框架。土地利用变化的机理模型 ,目前主要以新古典经济学和地租理论为基础。多视角的探索可能是土地利用变化机理综合分析的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国城市单位制度的变化及其影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
单位制度作为中国城市中的一种独特现象已引起相关学科的日益关注,但国内地理学界的研究仍然十分缺乏。通过对已有社会学和地理学关于单位研究成果的梳理,构建出"由制度变迁透析城市空间演变"的单位研究新框架;从地理学视角重点评述改革开放以来单位制度的变化及其在就业制度、住房分配制度、福利制度等方面的表现以及对居民日常生活和城市结构的影响。尽管单位制度已经终结,但对中国城市的影响仍以更加"隐形化"的形式存在,在以市场化、全球化为主导的中国城市转型中单位制度的"退出"与影响仍是问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

王洋  张虹鸥  吴康敏 《地理研究》2020,39(9):2081-2094
以粤港澳大湾区58个县区单元的住房平均租金为基本数据,通过“住房租金等级金字塔”构建、租金空间格局展示、空间自相关分析、跨境租金差距对比、售租比研究等方法总结粤港澳大湾区住房租金的空间差异格局与特征。从“租赁需求+城市基本面”的理论视角构建由新增人口、人均住房面积、收入水平、经济水平、产业结构、学历结构组成的租金差异影响因素模型。通过模型对比,采用空间滞后模型测度粤港澳大湾区住房租金的主要影响因素,并基于地理探测器分析其因素的影响强度差异。结果表明,粤港澳大湾区住房租金总体呈现以港澳与珠三角九市之间的境内外差异为主、以广深核心区与其他区域差异为辅的双层次差异格局。跨境租金差异程度最高,广州、深圳、珠海的“售租比”较高;收入水平、经济水平、人均住房面积和产业结构对粤港澳大湾区的住房租金差异有显著影响,其中,收入水平的影响强度最高。  相似文献   

以非表征理论为切入点,本文以广州创新创业空间为案例,探讨情感空间和身体等要素在促进城市再生进程中的作用。研究发现:各主体在孵化器/众创空间的建设发展过程中邂逅,通过身体实践作用于物质空间构成创新创意空间关系网络和城市再生体系,重构创新创业空间的文化内涵并培育创新情感和创造行为,为创意产业的发展和地方感的重构提供物质基础以及赋予其多元的地方意义。而后,创意阶层的日常生活实践重塑了社区环境促进微空间的再生产,实现资本积累以完成第一轮时空修复,并随着其社会影响范围的扩大成为新城市文化,促进第二轮时空修复的完成。上述结论回应了非表征理论看待世界的方式和填补了非表征理论在宏观尺度研究上的空缺,为城市再生提供了新的实践切入点。  相似文献   

This paper uses the exodus of Cambodian migrant workers from Thailand in June 2014 as a focal point around which to explore Cambodian migrant attitudes towards the systems of documentation and brokerage that influence their movement. From the perspective of Cambodian returnees and their families, it builds on recent work exploring narratives of brokerage by demonstrating how documentation itself — and by extension the legality of migration — is viewed through a contextual lens. Specifically, it argues that documentation is not only viewed according to the formal regulatory framework governing migration between the two countries, but forms part of a more complex structure of influences in which norms of employment and brokerage are equally prominent. From this position, the paper suggests that migrants did not only respond directly to threats of a crackdown by authorities following the 2014 coup, but were additionally influenced by the actions of employers and brokers, whose guarantees of protection — or otherwise — were seen as vitally important in their migration decisions.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1399-1421

To explain newfound investor interest in rent-regulated multifamily housing in New York City since 2001, this paper analyzes the transformation in ownership and management of the Riverton Houses, a large rent-regulated housing complex in northern Manhattan. The paper finds new dynamics of rent gap formation at work; rather than depressed capitalized rent attracting investment, increasing potential rent provides a new mechanism for opening rent gaps. The Riverton Houses case shows how three factors increase potentials rents: 1) changes in rent control law that provide new avenues to increase rents, 2) new financial actors and institutions that have higher expectations for risk and return, and 3) longer-term processes of uneven development at the urban scale. Altered rent gap dynamics under processes of privatization, financialization, and uneven urban development complicate the geography of reinvestment beyond a reinvested core and gentrifying periphery. Instead, the urban frontier is drawn recursively within urban space.  相似文献   

葛莹  陆凤  吴野 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1640-1651
从居民效用与开发商收益视角下,以Smith租差理论为基础,构建多智能体模型,并结合纳什均衡解决居民修缮决策博弈,模拟中产阶层化进程。研究表明:在效用最大时,增加居民收入将降低中产阶层化发生频率。而在利润最大时,开发商资本的投入与中产阶层化发生频率正相关。资本投入越大,中产阶层化发生频率越高。但资本并非万能,当它的投入超出限值时,中产阶层化进程渐趋稳定。提高开发商投资门槛,将强化房地产业的垄断,开发商为获取巨额垄断利润,一方面,他们可能故意提高局部地区的资本化地租,这导致了中产阶层化更快、更多地发生;另一方面,他们在任意区位开发都能获取高额利润,这间接造成中产阶层化程度下降。  相似文献   

Little is understood about displacement in urban contexts. While some of the difficulties are methodological, the more serious problem is conceptual. Outside of the rent gap hypothesis or the philosophy of property rights, there has been little theoretical inquiry into the causal dynamics of displacement. In this article, I present a study of evictions in Los Angeles that addresses these conceptual and empirical shortcomings. A spatial analysis of more than 70,000 georeferenced evictions between 1994 and 1999 documents the existence of four distinct geographies of displacement, each produced by separate types of causal circumstances. Gentrification explains only one of the four displacement geographies, while the other three are nongentrifying or pre-gentrifying contexts and more appropriately described through growth machine models, global city theory, and financial restructuring. The extent of displacement in pre- and nongentrifying areas reinforces Mark Davidson’s emphasis on Lefebvre’s production of space as a crucial framework for understanding displacement processes.  相似文献   

This paper compares pastoralists in South Australia in the nineteenth century with Australian mining companies in the twentieth century as they resist the efforts of government to extract a greater proportion of the wealth created in the exploitation of natural resources. In effect, in both cases the struggle relates to the allocation of economic rent between private and corporate capital on the one hand, and the owners of the resources, the people of Australia, on the other. It is difficult not to be impressed by the similarities in the ideologies, objectives and strategies of these two groups of resource exploiters, separated though they are by over one hundred years.  相似文献   

顾高翔  王铮 《地理学报》2014,69(6):808-822
空间结构是区域的基本组成部分,在空间交互过程和区域经济发展方面起着重要的作用。本文的主要研究目标是在不同的道路交通系统作用下,中国区域空间结构的发展演化过程。这对于解决中国当前经济发展中的不平衡问题,探索使区域平衡发展的方法具有重要意义。与传统的研究方法不同,本文从自上而下建模的角度构建了一个基于Agent 的动态区域经济模型。在模型中,中国的每个地级市都被定义为企业Agent,拥有不同技术水平的劳动者Agent 为企业提供劳动力,并在Wilson 空间吸引力模型的作用下在区域之间迁移。技术作用于劳动力之上,随劳动者的迁移而扩散。资本由企业的投资行为而转移。模型中的道路交通线具有不同的权值,这意味着道路交通网是异质的。通过情景模拟,得到以下结论:在分级道路交通网的作用下,传统的中心-腹地扩散模式已不再适用。技术服从枢纽-网络结构从中心城市向外扩散。资本的流动也具有与技术扩散相似的过程和空间结构。交通条件可以在很大程度上影响区域的发展,同时自然条件仍然起着空间锁定的作用。优惠的税率政策可以在一定程度上打破这种空间锁定,有利于吸引劳动者迁移,提高当地的生产技术水平。  相似文献   

Recent research has highlighted the value of employing the idea of networks to describe the interrelatedness of today's globalizing economy. Networks facilitate flows of knowledge, ideas, managerial techniques and capital between firms both within and across political borders. This paper argues that the reconstruction of social connections through which information is created, given value and exchanged is fundamental to an understanding of not only contemporary but also historical patterns of economic globalization. We focus on the networks of the capitalist elite running 12 major multinational enterprises, active across British imperial territories, between c .1900 and c .1930. An examination is made of the economic and spatial interlocks between firms created by board members who were multiple directors. Social underpinnings of multiple directorates are examined by exploring the common, overlapping social spheres within which individuals engaged. A clearer grasp of the ways in which corporate activity operated in the early 1900s can provide a better understanding of the social context of global economic operations.  相似文献   

This article draws on Asef Bayat’s theory of “quiet encroachment” to analyse the political agency of street hawkers and squatters in Accra, Ghana. It demonstrates how squatters and street hawkers in Ghana’s capital city are engaged in everyday practices of quiet encroachment, whereby they occupy urban space as a means to reproduce themselves. It then explores how encroachers take collective action to defend their access to urban space from state-led dispossession. In a context of competitive partisan politics where the management of urban space has become highly politicized, hawkers and squatters organizations have been empowered to seek active engagement and dialogue with the authorities. Whereas Bayat argues that the informal proletariat in authoritarian contexts desire autonomy and invisibility from the institutions of the state, therefore, the particular characteristics of Ghana’s multiparty system have created the possibility for bold acts of encroachment on urban space.  相似文献   

杨成凤  韩会然  宋金平 《地理研究》2020,39(8):1755-1768
城市转型发展背景下,通过疏解超大城市的非核心功能从而控制城市规模的过快增长已成为城市地理学研究的重要课题。北京作为首都,不仅承担着一般意义上的城市功能,同时也由于其特殊的政治地位还承担着首都的特有功能,在一定程度上北京所提的非首都功能实质上也属于非核心功能的范畴。通过对北京的研究,能够为其他超大城市的功能疏解提供借鉴。以北京市动物园服装批发市场为例,借助问卷调查、深度访谈数据和资料,利用有序Probit模型探究了批发市场内商户的搬迁意愿及影响因素,结果表明:① 从非首都功能疏解的影响来看,66.38%的商户认为疏解对商铺经营影响很大;② 批发市场商户的搬迁意愿极低,仅有12.07%的商户同意搬迁,不愿意和非常不愿意搬迁的商户分别占样本总量的37.07%和31.03%;③ 从批发市场商户搬迁意愿的影响因素来看,物流、品牌效应、搬迁消息的影响、学历、搬迁计划、员工数和租金等7个因素都显著影响商户的搬迁意愿,物流条件与集聚品牌效应是影响批发市场商户搬迁意愿最重要的因素;④ 从搬迁商户区位再选择的迁入地来看,商户选择意愿最高的迁入地为北京市其他大型批发市场,交通物流条件、租金等经营成本是商户新区位选择的主要考量因素,对迁入地优惠政策的关注度并不高。  相似文献   

This article argues for a more sustained use of courtroom ethnography by geographers as a means to research legal phenomena, especially in matters of court trials. To do this, I begin by referencing two main threads of courtroom ethnographies conducted in disciplines outside geography, specifically the spaces of the courthouse and courtrooms and the study of emotion and bodily performances by sociolegal and sociology scholars. To then underscore the ways in which a geographical perspective can enhance this existing research and point to topical and theoretical interventions that courtroom ethnography might offer geography, I draw on my experiences with courtroom ethnography on the criminal trial against former Enron chief executives Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. This experience produced a nuanced and lively understanding of how law, justice, and space comingle through the court’s physical spaces and performative embodiments. My conclusions emphasize courtroom ethnographies’ scholarly opportunities for researchers who study the intersection of law and space, while also reflecting on its challenges. Key Words: corporation, courtroom, Enron, ethnography, legal geography.  相似文献   

Summary This paper responds to recent calls for detailed evaluative criteria for qualitative research in human geography. It argues that the dualism between 'science' and 'creativity' is unfounded, and that while systematic methods of evaluation are required, standardization is inappropriate. Furthermore, it seeks to demonstrate that grounded theory provides an alternative framework that demonstrates how these ideas might be put into practice.  相似文献   

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