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假设圣安德烈斯断层(加州)中存在高孔隙压力流体,并用其来解释断层的主动性失稳,这或许直接影响着对地震发生机理的认识.但最近在位于加州东部圣安德烈斯断层上的钻探(SAFOD,San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth)中,未发现存在高孔隙压力流体的相关证据[1].假如没有高孔隙压力普遍存在的证据,这将影响我们对圣安德烈斯断层或其他活断层上地震发生机理的认识.然而,笔者认为圣安德烈斯断层深钻现有的证据,尚不足以否定高孔隙压力流体存在的假说.要充分认识断层中孔隙压力的特征,还需要在圣安德烈斯断层的钻孔上进行长期监测.以上分析结果或许对解释其他活断层钻探项目结果有所帮助.  相似文献   

测量地震活跃断层区内的应力变化一直是地震学长期探寻的目标。在此我们指出,利用在圣安德烈斯断层深部观测台(SAFOD)钻孔点进行的井间主动源试验所得的地震波波速对应力的依赖性就可测量到这种应力变化。在两个多月的时间里,我们观测到沿着地下固定路径传播的S波走时变化(几微秒)与气压变化之间存在非常好的负相关性。我们还发现在走时数据中有两次很大的偏移,这两次偏移的时间与两个预计在圣安德烈斯断层深部观测台会产生最大同震应力变化的地震的时间吻合。有趣的是,这两次偏移分别在地震事件之前约10小时和2小时的时间开始,说明它们可能与早期实验室研究(Braceetal,1966;Scholz,1968)观测到的破裂前应力导致的裂纹性质改变有关。  相似文献   

测量活动地震断裂带内的应力变化是地震学的长期努力目标。途径之一是探测地震波速度的应力依赖性。在“圣安德烈斯断层深部探测计划”主动源钻井试验中,我们探测了波速随应力的变化。文中认为应用该技术的确可以测量应力变化。在两个多月的试验中,观测到剪切波沿固定路径上的传播时间(几个毫秒)与气压变化之间呈现出很好的负相关性。我们还观测到两处明显的走时偏离异常,与观测期间发生的两次地震事件密切相关,而这两次地震均在SAFOD产生了较大的同震应力变化。走时异常分别发生在两次地震事件的前10h和前2h,可能与早期实验室研究发现的破裂前应力导致的裂纹特性变化有关。  相似文献   

加利福尼亚帕克菲尔德附近横跨圣安德烈斯断层(SAF)带5 km长高分辨率地震成像测量和建议中的圣安德烈斯断层深孔观测(SAFOD)表明,速度在横向及垂向上均有变化。速度从地表附近的<1.0 km/s变化到750m深度的4.8 km/s。最低的速度(<1.0~3.0 km/s)对应于地表附近的未固结的沉积岩、泥岩和砂岩,而较高的速度(>4.0 km/s)可能对应于萨林断块的花岗岩,该岩出露在圣安德烈斯断层西南数千米处。沿地震剖面可能的花岗岩顶部的埋深存在横向变化,但是在建议中的SAFOD场址处约为600m深。在圣安德烈斯断层地表迹线的西南部之下,我们观测到一个优势的横向低速层(LVZ),低速层在300m深度上宽约1.5km,但是在750m深度上逐渐减少到约600m宽。在速度模型的最大深度(750m)上,低速层集中在圣安德烈斯断层地表迹线西南大约400m处。在低速层两侧差不多的深度上观测到了相似的速度及速度梯度,说明低速层相对其任何一侧的岩石都是异常的。低速层内的速度低于圣安德烈斯断层断层泥的速度,而且,相对于重力、地磁、电阻率测量值,低速层也是异常的。由于低速层接近圣安德烈斯断层的地表迹线,使人认为它代表了深部破碎的结晶岩地层。然而,低速层也可能代表了现在仍然与圣安德烈斯断层邻接或包围圣安德烈斯断层的沉积岩的构造破碎带。这种沉积岩的破碎带意味着断层横跨两侧并可能位于破碎带中,说明断层带在300m深处上至少为1.5 km宽,在750m深度上逐渐减小到约600m宽。沉积破碎带内的流体可能是造成观测到的低电阻率值的原因。  相似文献   

当断层破裂期间剪应力超过通常为流体静压力状态的地壳表层屈服强度时,沿断层深部成核的地震破裂才能传播到地表。例如圣安德烈斯断层系,对于错位断层的地震活化来说,深部需要超流体静压力。根据围岩和断层岩石的破裂准则,能造成地面破裂的滑动事件估计发生在沿与主压应力成小于65°角的断层面的孕震深度上。这些滑动事件在震源深度上需要的最小剪应力约为30 MPa。对地震间隔期长且推断粘结强度高的断层,预测的活化角≤55°,表明南加利福尼亚圣安德烈斯的一些地段,包括圣贝纳迪诺地区、埃尔西诺断层带和圣哈辛托断层的部分,为能使地表破裂的未来大地震的最可能的震源场地。为了进一步约束这些地震的位置,我们急切需要使用实验室试验、震源机制研究及对这类圣安德烈斯断层系的地震活断层进行钻孔,来探查深部断层岩石的摩擦性质和应力状态。  相似文献   

本文我们利用钻孔岩样的力学性质,详细观察应力引起的钻孔崩落和由水压致裂实验估计的最小水平主应力值S_(kmin),构成了卡洪山口(Cajon Pass)钻孔直至3.5km深的最大水平主应力。S_(Hmax)的垂直剖面。正如基本上与所有其它的钻孔一样,卡洪山口钻孔的水压致裂应力测量得到的,最小水平主应力S_(hmin)数据比最大水平主应力S_(Hmax)的数据多得多(并且更加可靠)。为利用观察的井壁崩落约束S_(Hmax)的值,使用了由有效应变能准则得出的脆性破裂准则。这个破裂准则也允许我们考虑钻孔周围的三向应力,并考虑孔隙流体压力以不同方式对岩石强度的影响。比较从崩落估计出的S_(Hmax)剖面和从水压致裂实验得出的S_(Hmax)的估计值表明:当孔隙压力对水压致裂破裂起始的影响可以忽略时,它们相当符合。在这个钻孔中,直至3.5km深的总体应力状态相当于倾滑兼走滑断层型应力状态。最大水平主应力剖面有几个应力值显著减小的地方,它们与主要的断层带有关,这个结果和由水压致裂得出的最小水平主应力S_(kmin)剖面一致。  相似文献   

断层带上的高分辨率地形数据对描绘新近地表破裂具有非常重要的辅助作用。圣安德烈斯断层(sAF)中南部的乔莱姆段南15kin长的范围内保存着许多非常好的构造地貌现象,如阶地、槽谷、陡坎和线性山脊,这些都表明了地震的多次重复发生。近期获得的整个圣安德烈斯断层南段的LiDAR(Light Detectionand Range)地形数据(“B4”计划)的拍摄密度为3~4m。通过计算LiDAR反射数据,使用反距离权重插值计算(Inverse Distance Weighting,IDW)的局部面元组合方法(LocalBinning)来获得0.25~0.5m分辨率、0.8m或者更大查找半径的数字高程模型(DEM)。通过该数字高程模型对构造地貌的解译足以对古地震场地进行评估。仅使用LiDAR数据对新近地表破裂进行填图的结果与航片解译方法和野外调查所得到的结果具有很好的一致性。整个圣安德烈斯断层的宽度从数米到近lkm不等,且由许多长度为数米到数千米的雁列、叠瓦状的近平行的断裂组成。这些断裂所围限的运动块体运动方向各不相同,但它们的延伸方向与圣安德烈斯断层近于平行。对“活动的”的定义和地表次级断裂的重要性不同认识,影响着最终填图结果中断层的宽度和复杂性。  相似文献   

在日本伊豆半岛的伊东近海1998年4月震群期间,我们在近场地区观测到了地面旋转和平移运动的6个分量。为了检验我们使用MotionPack传感器观测结果的可靠性,我们安装了8301F传感器,即灵敏度比MotionPack传感器高的惯性角位移传感器。MotionPack的噪声水平远高于8301F的噪声水平,但这些信号分量的波形却相互相当相似,说明MotionPack记录旋转速率正确,但噪声较高。我们的观测使人们知道了垂直轴周围最大旋转位移和最大平移速度之间的线性相关。围绕垂直轴旋转运动的波形与平移水平速度的波形类似,说明最大值之间线性相关。这些旋转运动远大于由圣安德烈斯断层台阵数据计算的旋转运动。这种大差异可由下列一种或一种以上作用来解释:单一回转仪测量和台阵观测所得旋转运动空间尺度的差异;记录伊东近海震群的台站受陡峭地形的影响;圣安德烈斯断层和伊东近海震群区之间成熟度的差异。  相似文献   

在1984年以前的3年里,加州已在洛杉矶都会区加速实施防震计划。考虑到沿圣安德烈斯断层南段大地震潜在的危险性,这一努力促进了大范围和长期的预测工作。在这些防震活动中包括地方管辖区对短期地震预报发布的反应。本文综述这些防震计划活动并提供加州有关地震预报的公共政策研究的总的看法,也注意到预报能力的科学估计是怎样影响加州的防震计划的。  相似文献   

地震会引起同震位移和应力场变化,造成现存各断层上的库仑应力变化量的增加或减小并影响后续地震风险,对于地震预测具有重要意义.现有的大量地震实例中,理论计算的同震位移场与GPS、InSAR等实测的同震位移吻合,间接证实了基于均匀理想弹性假定下可以使用半无限空间Okada公式计算与位移微分相关的同震应力变化.然而,由于地壳并非严格的均匀理想弹性介质,理论计算和直接测量的同震应力变化进行比较仍是一个重要的研究课题.中国对四分量钻孔应变仪的数百个地震同震阶变的研究,发现记录绝大多数阶变不能满足自检条件;美国板块边界观测(PBO)中数百个同震钻孔应变记录同样发现观测幅度与理论预期值相差甚多,可达一两个数量级,这成为国际钻孔应变观测中的一个未解难题.2016年4月7日山西原平发生ML4.7地震,该地震虽然不大,但原平钻孔应力台站距离震中仅19 km,得到了优质的同震阶变记录.本文以此展开研究,结果表明台站观测到的主应力方向和应力偏量大小,均与基于震源机制解的破裂模型的理论预计值很好吻合,这是首次实际观测到与理论计算预测基本一致的同震水平应力偏量变化,为利用库仑应力概念估计后续地震活动性提供了观测基础.然而,观测到的应力变化与理论计算值相差109 Pa的围压,本文也对其可能原因进行了探索,认为在探头、固结水泥和围岩三个可能影响观测的因素中,固结水泥影响可能性最大,并对今后工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-020-01434-9  相似文献   

Relationships describing response times for landscape saturation and subsurface flow for idealised hillslopes after a change in water balance are derived in terms of similarity parameters given by their topographic, soil and climatic attributes. The study was carried out under a set of specific assumptions.The work quantitatively describes effects of each of these attributes on travel time. For example, divergent hillslopes can exhibit travel times that are double those of convergent hillslopes, and concave slopes tend to have lower travel times than planar or convex slopes. It is shown that the hillslope travel time T is dependent on hillslope length L, hydraulic conductivity K and slope S such that T = f(L/KS, B, CR, Δq/smd) and if saturation does not occur in the lower reaches of a hillslope, this can be simplified to T = f(L/KS, B). Here, Δq is change in net external flux and smd is soil moisture deficit; CR and B are the convergence ratio and profile factor respectively. The relative importance of these attributes on response time is discussed.It is shown that subsurface flow hydrographs of simple hillslopes of different scale, derived numerically, can be collapsed into a single curve by normalising them by means of a form of response time, the time constant.Results from the analytical derivation were compared with numerical analysis with good agreement. The theory was applied to a natural catchment using observed data from a bushfire event. Comparison of analytically calculated response time with observed response time for the event showed a large discrepancy. The reason is discussed.  相似文献   

The Gorkha earthquake in Nepal led to many landslides and severe damage to the transportation infrastructure. After careful comparison of the aerial photographs and satellite images before and after the earthquake, partially verified by a field study, more than 2,064 landslides and many road failures were observed. Many bridges, especially steel-truss and suspension bridges, suffered little damage from inertia loads during the earthquake, but were severely damaged due to rockfalls. Potential geological hazards hindered the delivery of supplies in mountainous areas, and road closures impeded the overall speed of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in the thermal structure of lakes is driven by interannual differences in meteorological conditions. Dynamic or mechanistic models and empirical or statistical methods have been used to integrate the physical processes in lakes enabling the response of the thermal structure to changes in air temperature to be determined. Water temperature records for Lake Mendota, WI., are possibly the most extensive for any dimictic lake in the world and allowed both approaches to be used. Results from both techniques suggest the mixed layer temperature increases with increasing air temperature. Results from the empirical approach suggested epilimnion temperatures increase 0.5 to 1.0°C per 1.0°C increase in air temperature compared to 0.4 to 0.85°C estimated from a dynamical model (DYRESM). Increased air temperatures are related to significant warming in deep water temperatures in the absence of stratification; however, mid summer hypolimnion temperatures are expected to change very little or increase only slightly in response to climatic warming. Both approaches suggest increases in air temperatures increase the length of summer stratification; results from the dynamic model suggest an increase of approximately 5 days per 1°C increase in air temperature. Longer stratification is reflected in shallower late summer thermocline depths. With these quantitative relationships and forecast increases in air temperature for the 2 × CO2 climatic scenario (Greenhouse Effect) from three General Circulation Models, projections are made describing the changes in the future mean thermal structure of moderate to large sized lakes.  相似文献   

Warm and hot spring water as well as soil gas radon release patterns have been monitored in the Aegean Extensional Province of Western Turkey, alongside regional seismic events, providing a multi-disciplinary approach. In the study period of 20 months, seven moderate earthquakes with M L between 4.0 and 4.7 occurred in this seismically very active region; two earthquakes with magnitude 5.0 also occurred near the study area. Seismic monitoring showed no foreshock activity. By contrast, hydro-geochemical anomalies were found prior to these seismic events, each lasting for weeks. The anomalies occurred foremost in conjunction with dip-slip events and seem to support the dilatancy and water diffusion hypothesis. Increased soil gas radon release was recorded before earthquakes associated with strike-slip faults, but no soil radon anomalies were seen before earthquakes associated with dip-slip faults. Geochemical anomalies were also noticeably absent at some springs throughout the postulated deformation zones of impending earthquakes. The reason for this discrepancy might be due to stress/strain anisotropies.  相似文献   

An atlas of susceptibility to pollution of 320 Spanish marinas is provided. Susceptibility is assessed through a simple, fast and low cost empirical method estimating the flushing capacity of marinas. The Complexity Tidal Range Index (CTRI) was selected among eleven empirical methods. The CTRI method was selected by means of statistical analyses because: it contributes to explain the system's variance; it is highly correlated to numerical model results; and, it is sensitive to marinas' location and typology. The process of implementation to the Spanish coast confirmed its usefulness, versatility and adaptability as a tool for the environmental management of marinas worldwide. The atlas of susceptibility, assessed through CTRI values, is an appropriate instrument to prioritize environmental and planning strategies at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Anyone working on inverse problems is aware of their ill-posed character. In the case of inverse problems, this concept (ill-posed) proposed by J. Hadamard in 1902, admits revision since it is somehow related to their ill-conditioning and the use of local optimization methods to find their solution. A more general and interesting approach regarding risk analysis and epistemological decision making would consist in analyzing the existence of families of equivalent model parameters that are compatible with the prior information and predict the observed data within the same error bounds. Otherwise said, the ill-posed character of discrete inverse problems (ill-conditioning) originates that their solution is uncertain. Traditionally nonlinear inverse problems in discrete form have been solved via local optimization methods with regularization, but linear analysis techniques failed to account for the uncertainty in the solution that it is adopted. As a result of this fact uncertainty analysis in nonlinear inverse problems has been approached in a probabilistic framework (Bayesian approach), but these methods are hindered by the curse of dimensionality and by the high computational cost needed to solve the corresponding forward problems. Global optimization techniques are very attractive, but most of the times are heuristic and have the same limitations than Monte Carlo methods. New research is needed to provide uncertainty estimates, especially in the case of high dimensional nonlinear inverse problems with very costly forward problems. After the discredit of deterministic methods and some initial years of Bayesian fever, now the pendulum seems to return back, because practitioners are aware that the uncertainty analysis in high dimensional nonlinear inverse problems cannot (and should not be) solved via random sampling methodologies. The main reason is that the uncertainty “space” of nonlinear inverse problems has a mathematical structure that is embedded in the forward physics and also in the observed data. Thus, problems with structure should be approached via linear algebra and optimization techniques. This paper provides new insights to understand uncertainty from a deterministic point of view, which is a necessary step to design more efficient methods to sample the uncertainty region(s) of equivalent solutions.  相似文献   

Water supply companies in England face increasing difficulty and costs in meeting the 50 mg l−1 nitrate limit in drinking water from groundwater sources. Some surface water abstractions also exceed the limit, but usually only in late autumn. Nitrogen-limited eutrophication is not a significant problem of estuary or coastal waters in the UK. Local problems are under investigation but the cause is rarely clear. Agricultural land is recognized as the main source of nitrate reaching ground and surface waters in the UK. Considerable research has been carried out on nitrate and farming systems. There is a substantial, ongoing government funded research programme. A significant remaining problem is the ability to relate losses from agriculture to nitrate in abstracted water or entering tidal waters. Much work remains to be done to improve our predictive ability.

In 1989, the UK government set up a Pilot Nitrate Scheme. This involved ten Nitrate Sensitive Areas. These were groundwater catchments in which farmers were invited on a voluntary basis to enter into 5 year contracts with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF). The basis of the agreements are that the farmer will carry out a range of modifications to current farming practice, thus reducing nitrate loss. There are also options for converting current arable to extensive grass. These areas will initially run for 5 years. In addition nine Nitrate Advisory Areas were targeted for intensive advice.

In 1991, MAFF published its Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water. This provides guidance to farmers on the agreed balance between agricultural production and environmental protection of water which all farmers should follow. It includes a section on nitrate.

In 1989, the UK government set up a Pilot Nitrate Scheme. This involved ten Nitrate Sensitive Areas. These were groundwater catchments in which farmers were invited on a voluntary basis to enter into 5 year contracts with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF). The basis of the agreement is that the farmer will carry out a range of modifications to current farming practice, thus reducing nitrate loss. There are also options for converting current arable to extensive grass. These areas will initially run for 5 years. In addition nine Nitrate Advisory Areas were targeted for intensive advice.  相似文献   

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