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The distribution of selected critical elements in the sedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous coal-bearing series within the Polish Coal Basins is presented.Critical elements such as Be,Mg,Si,P,Sc,V,Co,Y,Nb,In,Sb,La,Ce,Hf,Ta,W,Bi were analysed using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP/MS).Concentrations of elements such as Sb,Bi,In and,to a slightly lesser extent,Nb,as well as Sc,show average concentrations higher than those from the upper continental crust.The average concentrations of elements like Hf,Mg,P,Y,La,and Ce are slightly lower than in the upper continental crust.Other elements,such as Be,Co,Si,Ta,W and V have average concentrations that are similar,but slightly enriched or slightly depleted,relative to the upper continental crust.The research showed enrichment of some critical elements in the analysed samples,but not high enough that extraction would be economically viable.Statistical methods,which include correlation coefficients between elements and cluster analysis,reveal a strong positive correlation between elements like Be,Bi,Nb,Sc,Ta,W and V.Very high,almost total,positive correlation is also noted between La and Ce.  相似文献   

谭锡畴 《地质论评》1943,8(Z1):41-66
引言易门安宁禄丰三县,为云南中部产铁区域,土炉冶炼,采挖已久,惟关於矿产之价值,矿床之种类,作科学之研究者,至近年来,始有其人,最初有法人来克里者,曾考察易门铁矿,  相似文献   

云南矿产概论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
谢家荣 《地质论评》1941,6(Z1):1-42
云南矿产向称丰富,中外报告,言之屡矣。自抗战军兴,增加後方生产,为当务之急,于是滇省之地下富源,遂益为国人所重视。经济部地质调查所,西南联大地质系,本省建设厅及经济委员会等先後派员,实地测勘,所得结果俱极重要,惜多散见於分刊物及简报中,尚无概括之论述,足资一般之参考  相似文献   

“地质论评”在中国地质学会困苦的支持下,八年来幸未间断。这是我们的领导当局之苦心,与工作同人之努力,所收的效果。对于学会出版物,黄汲清,尹建猷,谢季骅,李赓阳,王斐轩,及帮助编印诸君,都尽了不少义务。他们求学之专,生活之苦,检讨之严,服务之热,都到了可敬佩的地步。出版  相似文献   

马以思女士原籍四川成都,先祖以经营金矿,举家迁居於东北边陲,女士於民国八年十月廿五日生於黑龙江,天资聪慧,幼年习日文颇有成就,九一八事变後,父伯严公携眷内迁,  相似文献   

李四光 《地质论评》1942,7(6):253-266
长江流域和东西江流域,除了在广西的东北角兴安附近,曾用人工勾通水系而外,可以说是两个完全独立的排水区域,这两个区域的干流,大致成东西向,而在这两个区域之间,也有断断续续的山脉,形成天然的界线,这些山脉或分水岭,普  相似文献   

汤克成  姚瑞开 《地质论评》1941,6(Z2):302-303
攀枝花及倒马坎,位盐边县西南,踞金沙江北岸。攀枝花山势陡峻,距江边约三公里,倒马坎山小坡平,即濒江干。铁矿藏量颇丰,质亦良佳,且密迩永仁煤田,及盐边县属乌拉阿卡坭红果等煤区,洵可大量开采,西南钢铁事业,至有望焉。  相似文献   

关于甘肃及青海境内之第三纪红色地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路兆洽 《地质论评》1948,13(Z2):258-261
一、绪言在甘肃及青海境内,包括祁连山南北,秦岭以北,并六盘山东西地带,第三纪红色地层,颇佔重要地位,惟迄今对其命名,时代,及分层等尚末能一致,兹就著者各处观察所得,并与前人所论比较论证,期能获得进一步之认识。  相似文献   

李广源 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):127-128
刘莊先生字伊璜,山东泰安县人,生於民国八年,双亲早世,赖祖叔抚育成人;颖悟非凡,沈静寡言,乐交游,重情感。十二岁就读泰安省立第三初级中学;十五岁考入山东省立济南高级中学,课馀之暇,喜习纲球,技术甚精。旋於民国廿五  相似文献   

高平 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):123-126
二十六年冬,余奉调入江西地质调查所工作;时赣北战事紧张,所址迁移萍乡安源镇之葛仙寺,下车伊始,即与刘君辉泗相遇於葛仙寺下之山坡,君方自赣南调查归来,畅谈野外所见,滔滔不绝。及相处日久,尤慕其禀牲真挚,待人诚坦,不  相似文献   

In this paper, the sequential extraction procedure was used for the selection of fractions of lead in seven stages corresponding to lead exchangeable, lead bounded to carbonates, to manganese oxides, to organic matters, to amorphous iron, and lead associated to crystallized iron, and to residuals. The vertical distributions of lead species were carried out in the soils related to good agriculture progress (GAP) of Chinese medical materials of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort in Dujiangyan city and Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. Based on those researches, it is found that the plant of Glycine Max (L.) Merr. has the character of lead enrichment and sorption, which is not reported in the literature. Using Glycine Max (L.) Merr. alternate planting with Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort is a valuable recommended in order to produce a high quality Chinese medical materials in order to eliminate the barrier on the beyond the lead limit for the import and export of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.  相似文献   

Abstract: K–Ar ages of the following porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc are determined: Lobo-Boneng (10.50.4 Ma), Santo Niño (9.50.3 Ma), Black Mountain (2.10.1 Ma), Dizon (2.50.2 Ma) and Taysan (7.30.2 Ma). Microphenocrys-tic apatite in the late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc contains sulfur as SO3 detectable by electron probe microanalyzer. Sulfur is supposed to have been accommodated dominantly as oxidized species in oxidizing hydrous magmas that generated porphyry Cu deposits. Likewise, such high SO3 contents in microphenocrystic apatite are common characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magmatism of the western Luzon arc, from tonalitic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera of about 15 Ma to an active magmatism at Mount Pinatubo. Thus, the western Luzon arc has been generating porphyry Cu mineralization associated with oxidizing hydrous intermediate to silicic magmatism related to eastward subduction, since Miocene to the present day. Intermediate to silicic rocks since 15 Ma to present-day western Luzon arc generally show high whole-rock Sr/Y ratio ranging from 20 to 184. However, porphyry Cu deposit is not necessarily related to the rocks that show higher Sr/Y ratios compared to the other barren rocks in the western Luzon arc. The characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magma associated with porphyry Cu deposit are not attributed to the composition of the source material of the magma, but to the properties defined by the high activity of oxidized species of sulfur in the fluid phase that is encountered during the generation of intermediate to silicic magmas.  相似文献   

Due to the high number of variables involved in mine profitability studies, it is often very difficult to establish connections among them in order to provide a blend of market saleable quality products. In this sense, analytical chemistry together with chemometry are essential and indispensable disciplines to tackle these studies. The aim of this work was to demonstrate the utility of these disciplines to carry out optimization studies of iron mines. For this purpose, one of the most important iron mines of the Iberian Peninsula was chosen, sited in the mountain range of Sierra Menera, near the location of Ojos Negros (Teruel, Spain). Geological, mineralogical and chemical composition of 148 samples was analyzed, corresponding to different depths of three drill holes (named TE1, TE2 and TE3). In particular, aspects concerning to chemical composition are very important, since the mean contents of certain elements, such as phosphorus, sodium and potassium, should be restricted to the established limits to prevent that companies can drive back the raw material if they do not fulfil the necessary requirements. On the other hand, the large number of analysed samples drove us to use a statistical processing of the data. Among other aspects, it provides a way to find possible connections among a high number of variables and classify samples into compositional groups sharing similar composition, in order to limit the mineralised area and to obtain enough information about the amount of those chemical elements associated to iron ores. Data obtained from all these analytical techniques were in good agreement and provide a methodology that can be of wide interest applied to different geological studies.  相似文献   

苏芳 《冰川冻土》2014,36(6):1591-1598
通过对不同生态补偿方式的对比分析, 可知生态补偿能够在一定程度上提升农户的生活水平, 促进农户五种生计资本的合理均衡分布. 而资金支持的补偿方式对于农户生活的提升最为有效, 技术支持的补偿方式对促进农户生计资本的合理分布更为有效. 从对农户人力资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予资金支持, 从而有效促进农户人力资本的提高; 从对农户物质资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予技术支持, 从而有效促进农户物质资本的提高; 从对农户金融资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予资金和技术支持, 从而有效促进农户金融资本的提高, 弥补农户由于实施生态补偿后所损失的利益, 提高农户的生计水平.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on what observers have perceived to be a failure of development leading to a ‘crisis of youth’ as increasing numbers of young people find it more difficult to gain education, access to health, a job and meet standard of living aspirations. For some, a possible escape is offered by migration to Europe, the United States or Australia, often illegally. For those remaining behind, however, international development agencies offer a ‘globalisation of solutions’ to employment, gender inequality and poverty through the millennium development goals and the programmes to attain them. In this paper we do not take the failures of development at face value but look at local contexts to present a more complex picture of the relation between education, work and social life. Based on fieldwork conducted in urban areas of The Gambia and Ghana, we argue that rather than education as a catch-all solution we need to give more attention to the costs incurred by and for young people in pursuing education and training, to the operation of and actual opportunities in labour markets, and to patterns of gender socialisation which give women limited scope to exercise agency. This paper explores key gender dimensions of work and education among low-income urban youth noting that despite on-going efforts to increase young women’s enrolment in schools and access to employment, gender inequalities have been far from eradicated. Our field interviews reveal how social expectations that women should perform the bulk of reproductive labour in their youth as well as in adulthood and constraints placed on young women’s personal freedom in respect of their social relationships reduce time dedicated to education and establish fewer contacts relevant to securing paid employment. The result is for men to end up with more educational qualifications, more skills, and higher-paying jobs, even if unemployment among young people in general remains a major problem.  相似文献   

The concept of resilience has emerged out of a complex literature that has sought to make sense of an increasingly interconnected world that appears ever more beset by crises. Resilience’s appeal is reflected by the burgeoning mass of literature that has appeared on the subject in the past five years. However, there is ongoing debate surrounding its usage, with some commentators claiming that the term is inherently too conservative a one to be usefully applied to situations of vulnerability in which more radical social change is required. This article extends existing efforts to formulate more transformative notions of resilience by reframing it as a double-edged outcome of the pre-reflective and critical ways in which actors draw upon their internal structures following the occurrence of a negative event, thus reproducing or changing the external structural context that gave rise to the event in the first place. By employing a structuration-inspired analysis to the study of small-scale farmer responses to a flood-induced resettlement programme in central Mozambique, the article presents a systematic approach to the examination of resilience in light of this reframing. The case study findings suggest that more attention should be paid to the facilitative, as well as constraining, nature of structures if vulnerable populations are to be assisted in their efforts to exert transformative capacity over the wider conditions that give rise to their difficulties.  相似文献   

金属硫化物矿石中同沉积组构的成因鉴别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈学明 《矿床地质》1996,15(1):16-22
同沉积组构是特定地质环境的产物,在矿化地层中有一定的空间分布特点。对组构进行成因鉴别时,必须注意野外地质产状的调查。在室内,既要对组构中硫化物颗粒的形态特征、排布形式及其与胶结物的关系进行放大观察,还要对一些可能是多解性的组构形态进一步进行测试研究。电子探针可以对其中的矿物颗粒进行成分对比分析,X光岩组可以测定硫化物晶体的定向特征及其与层理的方位关系。  相似文献   

封闭体系有机质与有机碳氢氮恢复动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在封闭体系的条件下,对典型的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根在热演化过程中的损失进行生烃动力学研究,获得了Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根的总量、有机碳、氢以及氮质量损失动力学参数。用Kinetics软件计算了封闭体系干酪根有机碳丰度、氢碳原子比和氮碳原子比的恢复系数。认为在对高成熟—过成熟干酪根进行生烃评价时,Ⅰ、Ⅲ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度需要进行恢复,而Ⅱ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度不需要恢复。三种类型干酪根的氢碳原子比均需要进行恢复。  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid zones, water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change. In fact, various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation. Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change, many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns. This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers. In the Northwestern area of Morocco, the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial, tourism, and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s (159.8 mm3) by 2030. However, the Charf El Akab aquifer system, subject to artificial recharge, is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region; hence, a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability, and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints, such as increased water requirements, and climate change impacts. This work aims to respond, for the first time, to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem, and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources. This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004 (date of cessation of injections) and 2011 (date of resumption of these facilities), making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale. Finally, the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon, entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   

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