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乌鲁木齐城市活断层发震构造模型初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈军  宋和平  李军 《内陆地震》2007,21(3):193-204
根据地表活断层资料、深地震反射剖面资料、石油地震剖面资料、流动地震观测和小震精确定位资料,通过与北天山山前典型发震构造的对比及逆断裂-褶皱与推覆构造的基本结构特征,初步建立了乌鲁木齐目标区发震构造模型。乌鲁木齐目标区可分为2个主要的地震构造,它们均是逆冲推覆构造。西侧为北天山山前逆冲推覆构造,由根部逆断裂、中部滑脱面和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,根部逆断裂及前缘挤压褶皱带上发育全新世活断层,滑脱构造具有自南向北扩展的特点,未来的7级强震可能发生在根部断裂附近,而前缘挤压褶皱隆起构造,即西山隆起及其相伴生的西山断层和王家沟断层组、九家湾断层组,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。东侧为博格达弧形推覆构造的西翼,其发震构造也由根部逆断层、中部滑脱层和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,推覆构造具有自南向北扩展的特点。现今的推覆体前缘为阜康南断裂和古牧地背斜。该推覆构造带内部的雅玛里克断层、白杨南沟断层、碗窑沟断层和八钢-石化断裂,不是全新世活动断层,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。  相似文献   

江娃利 《中国地震》2006,22(2):135-141
文中讨论了近300年来发生在华北平原5次M≥7强震的构造特征及存在问题。其中包括对1966年邢台地震不存在地表地震断层的认识,对唐山地震的发震断层是西倾逆冲走滑断裂引发的问题,以及对1830年磁县地震和1937年菏泽地震发震构造环境的讨论。作者认为,当前在华北平原强震构造研究中存在诸多问题的主要原因,是对该区主要构造的晚第四纪活动状况不清楚,由此影响了华北平原强震构造标志的建立。如何在众多断裂中甄别出全新世活动的断裂,是开展华北平原未来强震危险性预测最有效的途径。  相似文献   

徐州活动断层探测项目主要断层活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对徐州市主要可能的发震断层开展了活动性探测及地震危险性评价工作,这对徐州市开展防震减灾工作具有重大意义.根据前人资料,分析了威胁徐州市区安全的主要5条隐伏断层,它们分别为幕集-刘集断裂、不老河断裂、废黄河断裂、班井断裂和邵楼断裂.同时根据徐州市活动断层探测项目的要求,针对这5条主要断层开展了浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面探测、野外地震地质调查等相关工作,评价了这5条断层的活动历史、活动性质、规模、展布和地貌特征,及其最新活动时代.结果表明,废黄河断裂最新活动时代为中更新世中期,邵楼断裂最新活动时代为早更新世,这2条断层是目标区具备一定程度发震能力和地震危险性最大的断层.  相似文献   

通过对新疆精河5.0级地震现场调查,分析了灾区局部场地效应及房屋震害特征,对震害特点进行了较为全面的分析总结。震害调查显示,灾区房屋主要以老旧的土坯房为主,地震作用使本身老旧的房屋裂缝加宽,破坏加重。同时,受局部场地差异影响,灾区房屋震害具有明显的南北分带的特点。另外,根据地震现场考察,此次地震的发震构造为库松木楔克山前断层,该断裂是发育在北天山山前逆冲推覆体前缘的一条全新世活动断层,沿断裂断错晚更新世以来的各级地貌面和沟谷阶地,并在地表形成断层陡坎和古地震地表变形遗迹。  相似文献   

1975年海城MS7.3地震是中国第1次成功预报的7级以上破坏型地震,避免了大量人员和财产损失。但在地震后的调查中并没有发现较为连续的地表破裂带,只在零星地点发现了一些地表裂缝和喷砂冒水现象。该地震的等震线表现出较为明显的共轭特征,因此研究者对于海城地震的发震断层一直存在一定争议。文中对与海城河断裂共轭相交的金州断裂盖州北—鞍山段进行了遥感影像解译、微地貌测量和古地震探槽开挖等工作,发现金州断裂自大石桥市沿NE向至鞍山市南,在盆山过渡带的晚更新世和全新世地貌面上存在较为明显的沿NE向展布的断层陡坎。由于人类活动,断层陡坎展布不连续。断层陡坎的高度多为1~2m,最大可达3m;在海城市南葫芦峪村开挖的古地震探槽揭露出盖州北—鞍山段具有宽约20m的基岩破碎带,晚更新世晚期—全新世以来(距今(37.6±2.2) ka)至少发生过2次古地震事件。较新的一次地震发生于全新世(距今(11.7±0.8) ka以后,很可能为距今400~500a)。由于全新世地层太薄所限,无法识别出更多全新世古地震,但可以判断金州断裂盖州北—鞍山段为晚更新世晚期—全新世活动断裂。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐地区发育有5条N倾的断层,这些断层晚更新世以来均有较为明显的活动迹象,并在地表形成了较为显著的构造标志。通过沿断层大比例尺地质地貌填图、探槽开挖和年代测定,较为准确地获得了断层的最新活动时代、运动性质和特征等问题,并确定出这些断层都是在距今20万年~30万年以来快速翘升形成的。结合深地震反射资料,对乌鲁木齐地区的深部结构进行了分析讨论,从而对N倾断层系的深部构造特征也有了更加清晰的认识,为准确评价这些断层的孕震模式和发震能力提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

在详细调查盐水沟以东秋里塔格背斜带地质、地貌特征的基础上,结合地震反射剖面揭示的深部构造形态,讨论了背斜区地表断层的分布特征、活动性及形成机制。盐水沟以东的秋里塔格背斜带包括库车塔吾背斜和东秋里塔格背斜。库车塔吾背斜核部断层是发育于古近系盐膏层中的滑脱断层向地表的延伸,在晚更新世仍持续活动。库车塔吾背斜北翼断层为受局部挤压应力控制而产生的褶皱调节断层,发育于北翼山前活动枢纽内,成组近平行出现,走向上展布不连续;探槽开挖结果表明,该断层全新世有过断错地表的古地震事件。发育于东秋里塔格背斜南翼靠近核部的博斯坦断层为较大规模的低倾角逆冲断层,向下可能与控制表层背斜生长的断坡相连。东秋里塔格背斜南翼断层是发育于断展褶皱陡倾前翼的剪切逆冲断层,亦平行成组出现,断续分布,在哥库洛克一带断层错断了全新世洪积扇。活动褶皱及其褶皱相关断层均为深部断层滑动经过复杂的褶皱变形传播到近地表的表现,是深部断层活动的指示构造。褶皱调节断层仅是褶皱过程中产生的局部变形,与控制褶皱生长的深部断层仅存在间接的关系。此类断层的滑动位移、速率等不代表深部控制背斜生长断层的运动学参数,但这些次级断层部分记录了活动褶皱区的古地震事件。  相似文献   

李军  沈军  向志勇  吴传勇 《内陆地震》2009,23(2):206-214
以2004~2007年开展的乌鲁木齐城市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目之地震危险性评价专题所取得的新资料为基础,重点对乌鲁木齐西山断层活动性和潜在地震最大震级进行评价.西山断层在中更新世-晚更新世中期曾有强烈的活动,最新的活动错断了距今39~16 ka的地层,晚更新世末期以来活动性减弱,没有错断全新世地层,所以为晚更新世断层.该断层晚更新世的垂直滑动速率为0.05~0.06 mm/a.西山断层具有发生直下型地震的能力,估计其潜在最大地震震级为6.5级.  相似文献   

托斯台逆断裂-褶皱带晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
托斯台逆断裂-褶皱带位于乌鲁木齐山前坳陷的西部,为近东西向展布的新生代逆断裂.背斜带。它主要由北单斜带、中部背斜带和南单斜带3个构造带组成,在各构造带均发育逆活动断裂。地震勘探资料显示,南单斜带与中部背斜带为滑脱体,逆断裂在深部沿滑脱面与清水河子深断裂相汇。研究表明,北单斜带与中部背斜带逆断裂断错了晚更新世堆积物,在晚更新世有显著的活动;南单斜带逆断裂断错了全新世堆积物,在全新世时期有最新活动。中部背斜带逆断裂晚更新世以来水平缩短速率为0.6~1.3mm/a;南单斜逆断裂全新世水平缩短速率为0.2~0.6mm/a。  相似文献   

福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大量震例研究表明,活动断层产生的直下型地震对城市的破坏非常严重,应用先进有效的地质与地球物理探测技术,准确地探明城市之下及附近活动断层分布,确定直下型地震的震源和危害性是我国城市减灾工作面临的一个非常急迫的实际问题。《福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价》项目作为中国地震局全国城市活动断层探测的试点与示范项目于2001年初开始实施,2004年8月通过中国地震局的验收。项目围绕解决城市范围内的断裂定位、定年、定性、深部背景、地震危险性和危害性及防震减灾对策等一系列科学问题,通过“初查与目标区主要活断层鉴定”、“深部地震构造环境探测”、“地震活断层鉴定与危险性评价”、“地震活断层的详细探测”、“地震活断层危害性评价”和“活断层地理信息系统建设”等阶段的探测和评价工作,同时在福州市城、郊区全面开展壤中气汞、土壤汞、气氡、地质雷达、多道直流电法、瞬变电磁法、浅层地震折射法、浅层地震反射法、勘探震源效果对比、用于建立福州盆地埋藏第四系(标准)剖面的钻探等多种手段的试验探测,总结各种试验探测的技术指标和实践经验,在活断层的综合试验探测、定位定年、地震危险性和危害性评价等方面取得了下列成果与结论:(1)福州市活断层综合试验探测成果表明,在充分收集、整理与分析相关地质、地球物理、钻孔等资料的基础上,以地球化学探测为先导“侦察机”,确定了活断层的可能位置;以浅层地震勘探为主要探测方法,辅以电磁勘探作为补充,并利用钻探建立的第四系(标准)剖面或地层层序及测井获得的各种地球物理参数进行必要的校正和验证,结合裸露地表断层或埋深较浅断层的槽探及古地震调查或隐伏断层两侧钻孔岩芯岩性、层序、绝对年龄或孢粉等相对年龄的测定与对比等,是进行城市活断层探测(定位)与地震危险性、危害性评价(定年、定性)的最佳组合方法。(2)福州盆地位于具有发生中等强度地震的区域地震构造环境中,“台湾动力触角”对其影响相对较弱。(3)福州盆地主要断裂的活动性较弱,经鉴定的6条目标断裂都不是全新世断裂。其中,八一水库-尚干断裂和闽侯-南屿断裂至少为晚更新世中期以来的不活动断裂,其它为晚更新世以来不活动断裂。(4)福州盆地深部不存在发生直下型强烈破坏性地震的构造环境,其邻近的长乐-诏安断裂带是未来可能会发生对福州市有影响的地震震源区。(5)福州盆地主要断裂存在发生中等-中强地震的危险性,但发震概率较小。(6)福州盆地地震危害性较弱,地面发生地震地表破裂带的可能性不大。(7)开发建立了全国第一个活断层地理信息系统,具备信息查询显示、数据管理、数据的分析处理和咨询服务等功能。  相似文献   

王家沟断层组断错了中更新世砾石台地及王家沟东岸的Ⅲ级阶地,地貌形迹非常清晰,地表变形现象主要表现为地震断层、断层陡坎和挤压鼓包等。根据不同地貌面上跨断层测量获得的一系列实测数据,得到王家沟Ⅲ级阶地上的地表陡坎高度为0.4~1.6m,最大变形带宽度为50m左右; 中更新世台地上的陡坎高度多为1.5~5.0m,最大变形带宽度为90m左右。利用探槽开挖揭露出的断层位置与地表强变形带测量剖面的叠加对比,初步确定王家沟断层组上、下盘之间变形宽度的比例为2:1左右,并由此讨论了王家沟断层组上、下盘的 "避让带"宽度问题。  相似文献   

五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂是镇江地区2条主要的NW向断裂,可能与镇江多次破坏性地震相关。文中通过浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测方法,对五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂的展布特征及第四纪活动性进行了系统研究。五峰山-西来桥断裂在浅层地震剖面上倾向NE,倾角约为60°,断距约为5~9m,以正断活动为主;大路镇场地上,该断裂断错的最新地层为中更新统底部,位错量为2m,判断五峰山-西来桥断裂的最新活动时代为中更新世早期。丹徒-建山断裂在浅层地震剖面上倾向SW,倾角约为50°~55°,断距约为2~7m,以正断活动为主;访仙镇场地上,中更新统之上的地层没有被断错的迹象,中更新统底部可能被断层影响,判断丹徒-建山断裂的最新活动时代为早更新世—中更新世早期。  相似文献   

Running across the urban areas of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou, the NW-trending Su-Xi-Chang Fault is an important buried fault in Yangtze River Delta. In the respect of structural geomorphology, hilly landform is developed along the southwest side of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault, and a series of lakes and relatively low-lying depressions are developed on its northeast side, which is an important landform and neotectonic boundary line. The fault controlled the Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic sedimentary and Cenozoic volcanic activities, and also has obvious control effects on the modern geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphic distribution. Su-Xi-Chang Fault is one of the target faults of the project "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Changzhou City" and "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Suzhou City". Hidden in the ground with thick cover layer, few researches have been done on this fault in the past. The study on the activity characteristics and the latest activity era of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is of great significance for the prevention and reduction of earthquake disaster losses caused by the destructive earthquakes to the cities of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou. Based on shallow seismic exploration and drilling joint profiling method, Quaternary activities and distribution characteristics of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault are analyzed systematically. Shallow seismic exploration results show that the south branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Suzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the north-east, with a dip angle of about 60° and a displacement of 3~5m on the bedrock surface. The north branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Changzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the south, with a dip angle of about 55°~70° and a displacement of 4~12m on the bedrock surface. All breakpoints of Su-Xi-Chang Fault on the seismic exploration profiles show that only the bedrock surface was dislocated, not the interior strata of the Quaternary. On the drilling joint profile in the Dongqiao site of Suzhou, the latest activity of the south branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting, with maximum displacement of 2.9m in the upper part of Lower Pleistocene, and the Middle Pleistocene has not been dislocated by the fault. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 3.7m in the Neogene stratum. On the drilling joint profile in the Chaoyang Road site of Changzhou, the latest activity of the north branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting too, with maximum displacement of 2.8m in the bottom layer of the Middle Pleistocene. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 10.2m in the bedrock surface. Combining the above results, we conclude that the latest activity era of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is early Middle Pleistocene. The Su-Xi-Chang Fault was dominated by the sinistral normal faulting in the pre-Quaternary period, and turned into sinistral reverse faulting after the early Pleistocene, with displacement of about 3m in the Quaternary strata. The maximum magnitude of potential earthquake on the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is estimated to be 6.0.  相似文献   

柔洁  沈军 《内陆地震》2004,18(3):276-280
遥感技术应用于地震研究中的一个重要方面是利用遥感图像的宏观性解译地震活动的构造背景。该项目主要利用遥感及GIS地理信息软件合成数字遥感图像并利用数字高程模型DEM生成三维地貌影像图,与城市房屋等数字图层叠加,建立与地理图层相连的属性数据库,实现断层与地面建筑关系的实时查询,并对用于构造背景的三维立体模型的显示、可视化飞行技术进行初步研究,以期在城市活断层研究中得到应用。  相似文献   

A magnitude 7(3/4) earthquake happened in Linfen, Shanxi, on May 18, 1965(the 34th year of Qing Emperor Kangxi). In the Catalogue of Chinese Historical Strong Earthquakes, the epicenter of this earthquake is located at the northwest of Zhangli Village of Xiangfen County and Dongkang Village of Yaodu District, Linfen City(36.0°N, 111.5°E), and the epicentral intensity is Ⅹ. It was inferred by previous studies that Guojiazhuang Fault is the seismogenic structure of the earthquake. In this paper, in cooperation with the Archives of Linfen City and Earthquake Administration of Linfen, the author looked up in details the first-hand materials of the earthquake damage to the ancient town of Linfen and its surrounding areas, and based on this, drew the isoseismals of the earthquake. Through discussions with relevant experts, we consider that it would be more appropriate that the location of the macroscopic epicenter of this earthquake is in Donguan area of the ancient town of Linfen, the epicentral intensity is Ⅺ, and the major axis of the isoseismals is in NWW. Later, in the implementation of "Linfen city active fault detection and seismic risk evaluation", we found two earthquake fault outcrops near the macroscopic epicentral area of the 1695 Linfen earthquake. Shallow seismic exploration lines and drill rows perpendicular to the strike of the fault outcrops were arranged to implement the exploration. The results demonstrate that the right-lateral stepover composed of Guojiazhuang Fault and Liucun Fault, together with the Luoyunshan Fault(Longci segment), were involved in the 1695 Linfen earthquake, the intersection of the faults is the microscopic epicenter of the earthquake, and the above-mentioned three faults are the seismogenic structure of the earthquake. In addition, the seismic geological remains in this region(landslides, earthquake ground cracks, sand emitting channels, etc.) are mainly distributed on the hanging wall of the Guojiazhuang Fault, this proves from another perspective that the earthquake remains is the product of activity of Guojiazhuang Fault in 1695.  相似文献   

华南滨海断裂带地震危险性的数学模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
华南滨海断裂带是南海北部规模巨大的活动断裂,其地震危险性的确定将为地震几地震工程提供地质背景依据,应用二维有限元分析和正交设计法反演南海北部及其今近地区的构造应力场,探讨可能发震的危险地段。研究结果表明,滨海断裂带的某些地段,尤其是滨海断裂带被NW向断裂切割的部位有一定的地震危险性。南海北部地区最主要的地震威胁来自巴士系断裂带和珠江口盆地南缘的NWW向断裂带,对华南滨海断理解带潜在的地震危险性不宜  相似文献   

城市活断层高分辩率地震勘探震源对比试验研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
国内外大量地震震例研究表明,巨大的城市地震灾害主要是由隐伏于城市之下的活动断裂上发生的地震造成的,因此,探测城市活断层是十分必要和紧迫的。高分辩率地震勘探是目前探测城市活断层较为有效的地球物理方法,它包括激发技术、接收技术、观测系统、地震数据处理与解释技术等。而震源是地震勘探的首要问题,城市特定的人文环境和城市活断层的特点对高分辩率地震勘探的震源提出了特殊的要求,较小的断距决定了要有较宽的震源谱,城市较严重的干扰决定了震源勘探的震源提出了特殊的要求,较小数点的断距决定了要有较宽的震源谱,城市较严重的干扰决定了震源要有较强的抗干扰能力。通过在福州市跨八一水库断裂进行的可控震源、真空加速落锤、锤击震源、枪震源以及炸药震源的试验研究,利用频谱分析技术,得到了各种震源谱的特征,并给出了可控震源、真空加速落锤和锤击震源叠加时间剖面对比,探讨了各种震源在城市活断层探测中的有效性。  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ), a well-known lithosphere fault zone in eastern China, is a boundary tectonic belt of the secondary block within the North China plate, and its seismic risk has always been a focus problem. Previous studies were primarily conducted on the eastern graben faults of the Yishu segment where there are historical earthquake records, but the faults in western graben have seldom been involved. So, there has been no agreement about the activity of the western graben fault from the previous studies. This paper focuses on the activity of the two buried faults in the western graben along the southern segment of Yishu through combination of shallow seismic reflection profile and composite drilling section exploration. Shallow seismic reflection profile reveals that the Tangwu-Gegou Fault(F4)only affects the top surface of Suqian Formation, therefore, the fault may be an early Quaternary fault. The Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)has displaced the upper Pleistocene series in the shallow seismic reflection profile, suggesting that the fault may be a late Pleistocene active fault. Drilling was implemented in Caiji Town and Lingcheng Town along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)respectively, and the result shows that the latest activity time of Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)is between(91.2±4.4)ka and(97.0±4.8)ka, therefore, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault. Combined with the latest research on the activity of other faults along TLFZ, both faults in eastern and western graben were active during the late Pleistocene in the southern segment of the Yishu fault zone, however, only the fault in eastern graben was active in the Holocene. This phenomenon is the tectonic response to the subduction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plate and collision between India and Asian Plate. The two late Quaternary active faults in the Yishu segment of TLFZ are deep faults and present different forms on the surface and in near surface according to studies of deep seismic reflection profile, seismic wave function and seismic relocation. Considering the tectonic structure of the southern segment of Yishu fault zone, the relationship between deep and shallow structures, and the impact of 1668 Tancheng earthquake(M=8(1/2)), the seismogenic ability of moderate-strong earthquake along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)can't be ignored.  相似文献   

We have studied the characteristics of the active faults and seismicity in the vicinity of Urumqi city, the capital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, and have proposed a seismogenic model for the assessment of earthquake hazard in this area. Our work is based on an integrated analysis of data from investigations of active faults at the surface, deep seismic reflection soundings,seismic profiles from petroleum exploration, observations of temporal seismic stations, and the precise location of small earthquakes. We have made a comparative study of typical seismogenic structures in the frontal area of the North Tianshan Mountains, where Urumqi city is situated,and have revealed the primary features of the thrust-foldnappe structure there. We suggest that Urumqi city is comprised two zones of seismotectonics which are interpreted as thrust-nappe structures. The first is the thrust nappe of the North Tianshan Mountains in the west, consisting of the lower(root) thrust fault, middle detachment,and upper fold-uplift at the front. Faults active in the Pleistocene are present in the lower and upper parts of this structure, and the detachment in the middle spreads toward the north. In the future, M7 earthquakes may occur at the root thrust fault, while the seismic risk of frontal fold-uplift at the front will not exceed M6.5. The second structure is the western flank of the arc-like Bogda nappe in the east,which is also comprised a root thrust fault, middle detachment, and upper fold-uplift at the front, of which the nappe stretches toward the north; several active faults are also developed in it. The fault active in the Holocene is called the South Fukang fault. It is not in the urban area of Urumqi city. The other three faults are located in the urban area and were active in the late Pleistocene. In these cases,this section of the nappe structure near the city has an earthquake risk of M6.5–7. An earthquake M_S6.6, 60 km east to Urumqi city occurred along the structure in 1965.  相似文献   

选用了浅层地震、地质雷达探测方法,同时结合微地貌测量、工程地质勘探、地基开挖验证等手段对乌鲁木齐南胡闹市区某超市工程场地及附近的活动断了探层进行测研究。研究结果确定了分布于该区的断层均属雅玛里克断裂带的次级断层,断层数目为5条.对这些断层活动性进行了评价,并对选用探测手段的适应性进行了初步分析和讨论.  相似文献   

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