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本文论述中国对虾消化道和肝胰脏(或称肝脏)在各幼虫期和早期仔虾的发育。 中国对虾的原始中胚层细胞是自原肠的顶壁分出移入囊胚腔中。 在发育过程中,口凹是在第三期无节幼虫时内陷形成,而原肛是在第六期无节幼虫时内陷形成的,所以口凹的发生早于原肛的发生。 在溞状幼虫第一期,消化道的腔才完全贯通。 在糠虾幼虫第一期,胃分为贲门胃和幽门胃两部分。胃磨和几丁质刚毛则出现于早期仔虾。 甲壳类动物的消化道包括前肠、中肠和后肠三个部分。前肠与后肠起源于外胚层,中肠则发生自内胚层。我们对中国对虾胚胎发育的观察,发现中肠远远长于后肠,而后肠将发育为成体的直肠。 两对肝盲囊分别发生自中肠的前段肠壁。在仔虾早期,前面一对逐渐退化消失,而后面的一对将发育为成体的肝胰脏。  相似文献   

本文论述中国对虾消化道和肝胰脏(或称肝脏)在各幼虫期和早期仔虾的发育。中国对虾的原始中胚层细胞是自原肠的顶壁分出移入囊胚腔中。在发育过程中。口凹是在第三期无节幼虫时内陷形成.而原肛是在第六期无节幼虫时内陷形成的,所以口凹的发生早于原肛的发生。在溞状幼虫第一期,消化道的腔才完全贯通。在糠虾幼虫第一期,胃分为贲门胃和幽门胃两部分。胃磨和几丁质刚毛则出现于早期仔虾。甲壳类动物的消化道包括前肠、中肠和后肠三个部分。前肠与后肠起源于外胚层。中肠则发生自内胚层。我们对中国对虾胚胎发育的观察,发现中肠远远长于后肠。而后肠将发育为成体的直肠。两对肝盲囊分别发生自中肠的前段肠壁。在仔虾早期,前面一对逐渐退化消失,而后面的一对将发育为成体的肝胰脏。  相似文献   

采用对比实验与显微观察的方法,对海蜇浮浪幼虫及早期螅状体的摄食行为进行了研究。结果表明,海蜇浮浪幼虫期不摄食外界食物;浮浪幼虫附着变态发育成海蜇螅状体1d后,开始摄食其它浮浪幼虫,螅状体发育到第3天摄食能力迅速增强,能够捕食卤虫无节幼体。海蜇早期螅状体的捕食实验结果表明,早期螅状体开始捕食主要受两方面影响,一方面是口的发育,另一方面是刺细胞的发育。  相似文献   

以细角滨对虾Litopenaeus stylirostris为实验对象,按时间顺序观察了胚胎各期的形态特征。通过解剖从无节幼体到仔虾第1天各期幼体的附肢,对其发育形态及其刚毛着生方式进行了描述和统计。比较研究了细角滨对虾和凡纳滨对虾L.vannamei无节幼体期形态差异以及色素的变化、溞状幼体期眼上棘形态的差异以及大颚齿数目。结果表明,无节幼体期细角滨对虾的色素明显多于凡纳滨对虾;两者溞状幼体期眼上棘的形态存在明显差异;两者在无节幼体至仔虾第1天各期大颚活动齿的数目变化一致。  相似文献   

通过生态学及组织学方法对人工养殖条件下多齿围沙蚕(Perinereis nuntia Savigny)亲体培育条件及繁殖生物学进行了研究.结果表明,多齿围沙蚕雌雄异体,非成熟季节外观上无法辨别雌雄,性成熟时,雌(异沙蚕体)灰绿色,雄(异沙蚕体)红白色.生殖细胞起源于体腔膜上皮,不久就释放到体腔中,在体腔内卵原细胞和精原细胞http://ebook/成都,今夜请将我遗忘/index.htm分裂增殖形成卵原细胞群和精原细胞群,体腔中充满了外形不规则或近圆形的滋养细胞,细胞内可见嗜伊红颗粒,滋养细胞之间可见发达的微血管.卵原细胞群不断增殖发育,至初级卵母细胞后游离至体腔中继续发育为次级卵母细胞和成熟卵子;精原细胞群形成精子合胞体(syncytium),各级精母细胞在合胞体内发育,直至形成成熟精子时才分散游离.水温18℃以上,多齿围沙蚕的生长体经培育才可能形成异沙蚕体.特别是在经历了一定的低温期后,再提高温度可以有效的促进异沙蚕体形成.胚胎发育的适宜温度为18~25℃;适宜盐度为25~32.胚胎发育过程经历卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、担轮幼虫期、后担轮幼虫期、膜内游毛幼虫期等阶段,在水温25℃、盐度30条件下,从受精至孵出3刚节幼虫约需65 h.3刚节游毛幼虫至10刚节幼体约需28 d.  相似文献   

结合日本新糠虾雌性生殖系统的解剖特征和组织结构特点,首次对日本新糠虾卵巢发育及卵子发生进行分期,并对各期卵巢发育时间及卵巢长与体长间相互关系进行分析。结果表明,日本新糠虾雌性生殖系统由卵巢和输卵管组成。卵巢呈“H”形,分左右两叶,两叶间有呈近三角形横桥连接,横桥内侧为生殖上皮。卵巢实质不分叶,卵细胞由横桥向两侧卵巢迁出并逐渐发育变大。卵子的发生经历5个阶段,分别为卵原细胞、卵黄合成前期卵母细胞、内源性卵黄合成期卵母细胞、外源性卵黄合成期卵母细胞和成熟期。滤泡细胞随着卵细胞的迁移而迁移,卵细胞发育后期出现滤泡细胞与卵母细胞相融合现象。卵巢发育分为5个时期,分别为未分化期(以卵原细胞为主,约为孵化后的18d)、小生长期(以内源性卵黄合成期卵细胞为主,约为孵化后的22d)、大生长期(以外源性卵黄合成期卵细胞为主,约为孵化后的25d)、成熟期(以成熟卵细胞为主,约为孵化后的28d)和退化期(为排卵后卵巢,约为孵化后的32d)。退化期卵巢中未见有结缔组织增生,而实质中存在着大量早期卵细胞,滤泡细胞呈多层分布于卵细胞周围。输卵管自卵巢末端生出,开口于第6胸肢基部内侧腹甲上,随卵巢发育,管腔渐增大。日本新糠虾卵巢长与体长间有正相关。  相似文献   

母源免疫因子能够通过卵细胞、母乳等方式转移给子代,在免疫系统发育成熟之前发挥重要的免疫保护作用,但贝类中的相关报道较少。为探索贝类非特异性免疫因子在子代发育早期的表达规律,本研究以魁蚶(Scapharca broughtonii)为研究对象,通过qRT-PCR和ELISA分析了大防御素在魁蚶胚胎及幼虫早期发育过程中mRNA和蛋白质的动态变化特征。结果显示,魁蚶卵子受精后发育至壳顶幼虫期,大防御素mRNA和蛋白质的表达变化趋势基本相同,即从受精卵期开始下降,至囊胚期最低,自担轮幼虫期表达量开始上升;与对照组相比,幼虫发育至担轮幼虫期,鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)处理组的大防御素升高更为显著,mRNA和蛋白的表达水平都基本高于对照组,说明鳗弧菌刺激能够上调担轮幼虫期后魁蚶幼体体内大防御素的表达量。总的来说,研究结果表明魁蚶母源性大防御素能够通过卵子传递给后代,从卵细胞受精后开始被消耗,当幼虫发育至担轮幼虫可能开始自身合成。  相似文献   

刺参幼虫的发育可分为浮游和底栖两个阶段。浮游生活阶段包括三个幼虫期。它的特征是体表具有分布不同的纤毛。在囊胚期为周身纤毛,耳状幼虫期为纵行纤毛带,樽形幼虫为五条围绕幼虫身体的环形纤毛带,自五触手幼虫开始,原来的纤毛环逐渐退化,即进入第二阶段底栖生活阶段。 从耳状幼虫期至樽形幼虫期,幼虫的体长发生急剧的缩短,形成了幼虫发育的一种特殊生长曲线(见图表)。从樽形幼虫变态成五触手幼虫的时间很短(在水温为20-24℃下为1-2天),这是幼虫发育的最关键时期。 水体腔的变化是幼虫发育正常与否的重要标志。本文对水体腔的变化作了详细的描述,并指出了它在幼虫发育中的意义,特别是在人工育苗中可作为鉴别幼虫发育正常与否的重要依据。  相似文献   

刀额新对虾幼体的培育及特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林伟雄  洪万树 《台湾海峡》1991,10(3):199-204
在水温26~28℃,pH8.1~8.3,海水盐度27.6~29.7的条件下,刀额新对虾幼体从无节幼体第一期(N_1)培育至仔虾幼体第一期(P_1),历时10d,成活率81.9%;至仔虾幼体第8~10天(P_(8~10)),成活率为80%。刀额新对虾幼体发育具有许多不同于其他对虾类幼体的发育特点,其糠虾期身体仅稍倾斜而不呈倒悬状态,极少摄食丰年虫无节幼体,直至P_(3~4)摄食丰年虫幼体现象才较多见。  相似文献   

刺参幼虫的变态和习性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刺参幼虫的发育可分为浮游和底栖两个阶段.浮游生活阶段包括三个幼虫期。它的特征是体表具有分布不同的纤毛。在囊胚期为周身纤毛,耳状幼虫期为纵行纤毛带,樽形幼虫为五条围绕幼虫身体的环形纤毛带.自五触手幼虫开始,原来的纤毛环逐渐退化.即进入第二阶段底栖生活阶段.从耳状幼虫期至樽形幼虫期.幼虫的体长发生急剧的缩短,形成了幼虫发育的一种特殊生长曲线(见图表)。从樽形幼虫变态成五触手幼虫的时间很短(在水温为20-24℃下为卜2天),这是幼虫发育的最关键时期。水体腔的变化是幼虫发育正常与否的重要标志。本文对水体腔的变化作了详细的描述.并指出了它在幼虫发育中的意义.特别是在人工育苗中可作为鉴别幼虫发育正常与否的重要依据。  相似文献   

Scallops are usually obtained by means of a heavy metal dredge that is pulled over the sea bottom. Most studies of the impact of this gear type have shown that larger invertebrates, in particular, are severely disturbed. These studies, however, have been conducted on coarse sediments, ranging from sands to cobble, and have dealt only with faunal changes. In this paper the impact of a New England type scallop dredge on the fauna and sedimentary nutritional characteristics of a silty sand community is detailed. The site, in the Damariscotta River, Maine, USA, was sampled during the fall and winter prior to, then again immediately following, the dragging event, and twice more over the ensuing six months. Loss of surficial sediment, lowered food quality of the sediment (as measured by microbial populations, enzyme hydrolysable amino acids, and chlorophyll a), and changes in the faunal composition of the dragged site were observed. While some taxa returned to the drag track relatively quickly, others such as the cumaceans, phoxocephalid and photid amphipods, and nephtyid polychaetes, were not seen in abundances comparable to those of the adjacent undragged site until the food quality also recovered.  相似文献   

作为系列报道的第二部分记述了黄渤海区共栖于对虾体表的3属15种缘毛类纤毛虫,其中包括8种国内新记录及聚缩虫属的一新种——拟钩虾聚缩虫。文中对所涉种类的形态学特征做了概括性描述及图示,以期为对虾养殖中病原的调查鉴定及进一步的动物区系研究提供一基础资料。  相似文献   

As the global trade and market for seafood has grown, so have the twin problems of renaming and mislabeling. Resource scarcity, the potential for greater profits, and weak legislation have all encouraged incorrect labeling, the results of which include consumer losses, the subversion of eco-marketing, further degradation of fisheries resources, and even adverse effects on human health. This paper examines the extent and consequences of renaming and mislabeling seafood, the state of current legislation, and the importance of future policies, with particular attention to the US, where 80% of the seafood is imported and more than one-third of all fish are mislabeled. Policy recommendations include governments’ support for a global mandate to label species, country of origin, and catching or production method on all seafood with high penalties for infractions. Chain of custody standards, such as those recently implemented by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), should also be considered for adoption worldwide. To garner support for this legislation, consumers must become better acquainted and concerned with their seafood and its origins.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California is unique because of its geographical location and conformation. It hosts diverse ecosystems and important fisheries that support industry and provide livelihood to coastal settlements. It is also the site of interests and problems, and an intense interaction among managers, producers, and conservationists. In this report, we scrutinize the abiotic (hydrography, climate, ocean circulation, and chemistry) and biotic (phyto- and zooplankton, fish, invertebrates, marine mammals, birds, and turtles) components of the marine ecosystem, and some particular aspects of climate variability, endemisms, harmful algal blooms, oxygen minimum layer, and pollution. We also review the current conditions and conflicts around the main fisheries (shrimp, small and large pelagic fishes, squid, artisanal and sportfishing), the most important human activity in the Gulf of California. We cover some aspects of management and conservation of fisheries, especially the claimed overexploitation of fish resources and the ecosystems, and review proposals for creating networks of marine protected areas. We conclude by identifying main needs for information and research, particularly the integration of data bases, the implementation of models and paleoreconstructions, establishment of monitoring programs, and the evaluation of fishing impacts and management actions.  相似文献   

Exotic trees, such as willow (Salix spp.), have become invasive around New Zealand waterways. Lowland wetlands in particular are vulnerable, with invasions changing hydrology and causing biodiversity loss. Applying herbicide to the willow canopy is a cost-effective control method, however uncertainty remains around effects on wetland aquatic invertebrates. Within a North Island, New Zealand, wetland, we conducted a paired before-after, control-impact study to determine if aerially applied glyphosate (with adjuvants) affected invertebrate assemblages. No effect on communities was detected during the first year after glyphosate treatment, however significant differences between control and spray-exposed communities were found during the second year, coinciding with a significant drought event in March 2013. By the third year, no statistically significant differences were found between communities from control and spray-exposed sites. This study suggests that glyphosate use, in comparable environments, is unlikely to affect aquatic invertebrates. Furthermore, the study illustrates invertebrate communities’ resilience to drought events.  相似文献   

Ketzin, in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB), is the site for pilot injection of CO2 (CO2SINK project) into a saline aquifer (the Upper Triassic Stuttgart Formation) situated at a depth of about 630–700 m. This paper reports the baseline characterization of the reservoir formation based on new core material and well-logs obtained from one injection well and two observations wells, drilled at a distance from 50 m to 100 m from each other. The reservoir is lithologically heterogeneous and made up by fluvial sandstones and siltstones interbedded with mudstones showing remarkable differences in porosity. The thickest sandstone units are associated with channel sandstone, whose thickness varies over short lateral distances. In-depth petrographic, mineralogical, mineral-chemical, and whole-rock geochemical analysis were performed focusing on the sandstone intervals, which display the best reservoir properties for CO2 injection. The dominantly fine-grained and well to moderately-well sorted, immature sandstones classify as feldspathic litharenites and lithic arkoses. Quartz (22–43 wt.%), plagioclase (19–32 wt.%), and K-feldspar (5–13 wt.%) predominate mineralogically. Muscovite plus illite and mixed-layer minerals are omnipresent (4–13 wt.%). Quartz, feldspar, as well as meta-sedimentary and volcanic rock fragments comprise the most abundant detrital components, which often are rimmed by thin, early diagenetic coatings of ferric oxides, and locally of clay minerals. Feldspar grains may be unaltered and optically clear, partially to completely dissolved, partially altered to sheet silicates (mainly illite), or albitized. Analcime and anhydrite constitute the most widespread, often spatially associated pore-filling cement minerals. Authigenic dolomite, barite, and coelestine is minor. The percentage of cements ranges in total from about 5 vol.% to 32 vol.%. Except of samples intensely cemented by anhydrite and analcime, total porosities of the sandstones range from 13% to 26%. The fraction of intergranular porosity varies between 12% and 21%. About 1–5% porosity has been generated by dissolution of detrital plagioclase, K-feldspar, and volcanic rock fragments. The comparatively large modal abundance of feldspars, micas, chlorite, clay minerals, Fe–Ti-oxides, and analcime account for the richness in Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Na, and K, and the paucity in Si, of the Stuttgart sandstones relative to mature sandstones. Altogether, these sandstones are comparatively rich in minerals that may potentially react with the injected CO2.  相似文献   

A set of 27 marine planktonic bacteria isolated from the polar regions was characterized by 16S rDNA sequencing and physiological and biochemical testing. More than half of these bacteria were positive for caseinase, gelatinase and 13-glucosidase, and could utilize glucose, maltose or malic acid as carbon source for cell growth. Twelve isolates expressed nitrate reduction activities. Except for one antarctic isolate BSwlO175 belonging to Actinobacteria phylum, these isolates were classified as γ-Proteobacteria, suggesting that γ-Proteobacteria dominated in cultivable marine bacterioplankton at both poles. Genus Pseudoalteromonas was the predominant group in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea, and genus ShewaneUa dominated in cultivable bacterioplankton in the Prydz Bay. With sequence similarities above 97%, genus Psychrobacter was found at both poles. These 27 isolates were psychrotolerant, and significant 16S rDNA sequence similarities were found not only between arctic and antarctic marine bacteria ( 〉 99% ), but also between polar marine bacteria and bacteria from other aquatic environments ( ≥ 98.8% ), including temperate ocean, deep sea, pond and lake, suggesting that in the polar oceans less temperature-sensitive bacteria may be cosmopolitan and have a bipolar, even global, distribution at the species level.  相似文献   

重力测量系统中测量的重力,即重力加速度,是一种特殊的加速度,因而重力传感器是一种特殊的加速度计。在动态场合,现代重力仪一般采用基于陀螺仪构建的各种平台为重力传感器提供姿态基准。因此采用加速度计和陀螺仪这些惯性元件的动态重力测量系统可以看做是惯性技术的一种具体应用。从惯性技术的角度对动态重力测量的理论和现状进行了分析。首先介绍了在地球表面附近进行重力测量时涉及的参考坐标系。然后详细推导了动态重力测量的基本理论,即比力测量理论,指出比力方程是动态重力测量和惯性导航的共同基础。最后对不同载体对动态重力测量系统的影响与要求进行了分析。  相似文献   

Marine Mangrove Fungi   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Driftwood, prop roots and other mangrove samples were collected from the intertidal regions of Brillant and Anse Boileau mangrove stands, in the Seychelles. This material was examined for the presence of higher marine fungi. Forty seven species of marine fungi were collected (37 Ascomycotina , 1 Basidiomycotina, 9 Deuteromycotina) , with Halocypluna villosu the most common fungus, while Aniptodera mungrovii, Antennospora quudricorruita, Halosarpheia marina , Ascomyccte sp. (4), and Lulworthiu grandispora were collected frequently. The mycota of the two mangrove stands arc compared. A list of fungi recorded from mangroves is compiled.  相似文献   

Sediment properties, such as water content and density, have been used to estimate the dry and wet weights, as well as the volume of sediment recovered and discharged, during benthic impact experiments conducted in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The estimates show that the weights of dry (355-1332 t) and wet sediment (1651-4888 t) recovered during the experiments, are not only a function of the total duration and distance covered during the experiment, but also depend on water content and density of the sediment. Estimation of dry sediment and its volumetric ratio in the discharge, are key parameters for calculating the discharged volume. The estimated volume of wet sediment recovered (1427-4049 m 3 ) as well as discharged (2693-6951 m 3 ) during the experiments, provide important inputs to evaluate the sediment resettlement and migration. Using these estimates, the average depth of excavation on the seafloor, can also been calculated. However, the stages of sediment recovery and discharge are expressed differently in some of the experiments. In order to standardize these, different stages have been identified, and definitions of certain terms have been suggested, for use in the future. The methods of calculating different properties, as well as weight and volume of discharged sediment are described in the paper for use in other applications concerning deep-sea discharges.  相似文献   

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