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中国近海大多数渔业都属于数据有限渔业,用对数据要求较高的复杂模型无法对这些渔业资源做出有效评估,因此用数据有限评估模型评估渔业资源的研究具有重要意义。本文使用经典剩余产量模型(CEDA和ASPIC)和两种新型有限数据评估模型(贝叶斯Schaefer剩余产量模型(BSM)和蒙特卡洛MSY估算模型(CMSY)),评估了黄渤海鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)、东海带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)和南海金线鱼(Nemipterus virgatus)这三种重要渔业资源的生物学参考点和资源现状。研究表明:黄渤海鳀鱼MSY估计值为80×10~4~83×10~4 t,生物学参考点F/F_(MSY)估计值小于1.0而B/B_(MSY)略小于1.0,表明这种渔业捕捞强度适中但资源尚未得到完全恢复。东海带鱼MSY估计值为58×10~4~64×10~4 t,F/F_(MSY)估计值大于1.0而B/B_(MSY)估计值小于1.0,表明这种渔业存在过度捕捞且资源已经衰退。南海金线鱼MSY为30×10~4~32×10~4 t,F/F_(MSY)估计值大于1.0而B/B_(MSY)估计值小于1.0,表明这种渔业存在过度捕捞且资源已经衰退。以上4种模型均可适用于中国近海数据有限的渔业资源,但两种经典剩余产量模型对三种渔业数据的拟合不够稳定(相关系数R~2波动较大),因此取BSM和CMSY模型的评估结果作为重要参考,但这两种有限数据评估模型的拟合效果尚需进行深入研究。  相似文献   

应用Catch-MSY模型评估印度洋蓝枪鱼资源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Catch-MSY模型可仅依靠渔获量数据进行渔业资源评估,在数据缺乏状况下能暂时替代标准资源评估模型。本研究以印度洋蓝枪鱼(Makaira nigricans)为例,根据有、无信息的内禀增长率r和环境容纳量K的先验分布,设立15组情景进行模型灵敏度分析、资源评估和预测。结果表明,参数r和K呈强烈的负相关,而最大可持续产量(Maximum Sustainable Yield,MSY)与参数r呈正相关;数据时间序列长度对评估结果影响有限,而模型对起止年渔获量较为敏感。资源状况评估表明,印度洋蓝枪鱼资源生物量状况良好,即B2015/BMSY大于1;而开发状况除其中两种情景外,均为过度捕捞,即F2015/FMSY大于1。资源预测表明,为使未来10年内B/BMSY>1的概率超过50%,需将渔获量缩减至当前渔获量的90%(13.86 kt);考虑到该模型在数据缺乏状况下会更加保守,若将当前渔获量的100%~110%(15.40~16.94 kt)设为管理目标,则未来5年内B/BMSY >1的概率超过50%。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)是中国东海北部海域重要的经济蟹类,对三疣梭子蟹资源开展评估是其可持续利用的基础。本文运用基于贝叶斯方法的Schaefer剩余产量模型,对东海北部海域的三疣梭子蟹资源进行评估,确定了当前三疣梭子蟹资源的开发利用状态,估算了在不同收获率水平下未来10年三疣梭子蟹的生物量和年总可捕捞量,分析了管理策略实施后三疣梭子蟹资源崩溃的风险。研究显示,在基准方案和敏感性分析方案下模型参数预测值以及生物学参考点估计值比较相近。使用两种方案估算得到的最大可持续产量(MSY)均约为24×104 t, MSY对应的生物量BMSY均约为252×104 t。在基准方案下,MSY对应的捕捞死亡系数FMSY为0.096;在敏感性分析方案下,MSY对应的捕捞死系数FMSY为0.097。在2001—2020年间,捕捞死亡系数均低于FMSY,且生物量基本在BMSY水平之上,表明近年来三疣梭子蟹未出现过度捕捞的情...  相似文献   

剩余产量模型是最简单和应用最广泛的渔业资源评估模型之一。CEDA(catch-effort data analysis)和ASPIC(a surplus-production model incorporating covariates)是使用非平衡剩余产量模型对渔业产量和捕捞努力量数据进行分析的计算机软件。根据中国台湾延绳钓渔业的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)数据,利用CDEA和ASPIC软件对南大西洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)渔业进行研究。结果显示,CEDA中使用对数正态误差假设的Fox模型产生了最大的R2值以及最接近ASPIC分析结果的种群参数值,但是CEDA得到的R2值低于ASPIC。CEDA对不同初始B1/K值的反应比ASPIC敏感。ASPIC中Logistic产量模型对不同初始B1/K值的反应比Fox模型更加灵敏。CEDA和ASPIC得出的最大可持续产量基本一致。  相似文献   

传统的渔业资源评估方法对数据有一定的要求,而现有的许多渔业缺乏相关数据,造成了渔业评估和管理上的障碍。特别是自然死亡率,由于观测和计算的困难,研究中一般通过经验公式等方法进行假话,而不同来源的数据和估算方法的结果存在较大差异,可能导致在渔业资源评估和管理中很大的不确定性。本研究以蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)为例,利用MSE比较了22种基于有限数据的渔业管理规程(MP),筛选出DCAC、SPMSY、curE75、minlenLopt1 4种对于M不确定性较为稳健的的管理方法,并针对不同年代的自然死亡率以及通过不同计算方法得出的自然死亡率对这4种MP进行了管理策略评价。结果表明:M自1980s至今的不同年代间有显著降低趋势,该变化对MP管理效果产生了较强影响。随着M降低,种群B>0.5BMSY的概率显著上升,而过度捕捞可能性在不同MP间有方向性的差异。M变化对对curE75、minlenLopt1的长期产量的影响较小,而对DCAC、SPMSY的AAVY<15%的可能性变化较大,即降低产量的波动。不同M估算方法的估计值相差不大,对MP管理影响不明显。综合结果来看,Cur75受自然死亡率不确定性影响较小,对于渔业资源的开发和保护两个方面有着最好的权衡,最适用于我国蓝点马鲛渔业的管理。  相似文献   

剩余产量模型在不同渔业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
剩余产量模型因其简单和所需数据较少的特点为渔业资源评估广泛采用.本文应用目前常用的四种剩余产量模型对五种渔业下的渔业生物种群及北大西洋箭鱼种群xiphias gladius评估效果作了比较.四种剩余产量模型在渔业1中的评估效果较好,而在渔业2中的效果较差;Schnute模型在充分捕捞的渔业,如渔业3、4、5,尤其是在低生物量的渔业3中评估效果较好,但不适合评估未充分捕捞的渔业.Walters-Hilborn模型(W-H模型)适用于各种渔业,尤其是渔业1、4、5.在过度捕捞渔业中如渔业3、4,模型对参数q的估计较其它参数接近真值.在北大西洋箭鱼(xiphias gladius)渔业的评估中,W-H模型对MSY的估计约为14000吨,接近于Prager(1996)的结果.  相似文献   

南大西洋长鳍金枪鱼群体是全球资源状况维持较好的金枪鱼群体之一,剩余产量模型(Surplus production model, SPM)、年龄结构模型(Age-structured population model, ASPM)和贝叶斯产量模型(Bayesian surplus production model, BSPM)等都已成功运用于该群体的资源评估。连续型时滞差分模型(Continuous delay-difference model, CTD-DM)是在时滞差分模型(Delay-difference model, D-DM)基础上考虑了生物过程充分时间延迟构建起来的模型,比起ASPM需要较少的数据,并且比SPM更具有生物学意义。本文在离散型D-DM基础上构建了CTD-DM,并应用在南大西洋长鳍金枪鱼渔业数据中。结果显示,CTD-DM评估的最大可持续产量(Maximum Sustainable Yield, MSY) 80%置信区间为21510-23118 t (中值22398 t),较ASPM和SPM等MSY评估结果偏保守。相对生物量B_(2011)/B_(MSY)和相对捕捞死亡系数F_(2011)/F_(MSY)分别为1.45和1.04,当前该群体相对资源量水平较好,但是相对捕捞死亡系数较高;BSPM和CTD-DM的风险评估结果显示,当捕捞死亡率均等于0.2时在2025年取得最大持续产量,考虑到当前渔业持保守态度和预防性策略的理念,建议捕捞死亡率应控制在0.15以内。  相似文献   

黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)是全球远洋渔业的重要目标鱼种,要实现有效的管理,对其进行科学的资源评估是必不可少的。本文以大西洋黄鳍金枪鱼为研究对象,根据国际大西洋金枪鱼养护委员会的渔获量和单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据,使用贝叶斯状态空间模型进行资源评估,并探讨不同剩余产量函数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据对评估的影响。结果表明,使用美国、委内瑞拉、日本和中国台北4个船队的单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据及Fox剩余产量函数时模型拟合效果最佳。关键参数环境容纳量和内禀增长率的估计中值和95%置信区间分别为178 (140,229)×104 t和0.210(0.159,0.274);当前资源量为72.5×104 t,最大可持续产量为13.7×104 t时,种群既没有遭受资源型过度捕捞,也没有捕捞型过度捕捞发生。敏感性分析表明,当渔获量数据存在误报率(70%、80%、90%、110%、120%和130%)时,生物量的评估结果偏高,而捕捞死亡率的结果偏低,但种群均处于健康状态;预测分析显示,当总允许可捕量设为11×104 t时,资源在2024年前仍基本保持健康状态。本研究与国际大西洋金枪鱼养护委员会现有的评估结果基本一致,且模型较稳健,可以为管理决策提供建议。根据模型结果,建议总允许可捕量为11×104 t或更低,以使资源达到可持续开发水平。  相似文献   

叉长频数数据误差对东海中部鲐鱼资源评估结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2009年至2010年在东海中部采集的鲐鱼(Scomber japonicus)样本叉长数据为基础,结合历史数据,开展叉长数据误差对资源评估结果影响的研究。评估考虑2种情况:1)使用完整采样数据和历史数据建立Von Bertalanffy生长方程,并将鲐鱼的叉长转换为年龄。其生长参数为:K=0.49,L∞=404.6,t0=-0.9;2)删除部分大个体鲐鱼,使用剩余叉长数据建立有误差的Von Bertalanffy生长方程,同样将叉长转换为年龄。其生长参数为:K=0.4,L∞=372.5,t0=-0.34。根据以上2个转换结果,基于2006年至2012年鲐鱼产量和捕捞努力量等数据,分别进行资源评估。2组数据得出的剩余产量曲线基本吻合,最大可持续产量(MSY)和捕捞努力量(EMSY)分别约为18.8万t和72艘标准机轮围网渔船。而亲体补充量曲线则相去甚远,含有误差的年龄分组得出的亲体量范围在3000×106到5000×106之间,呈现出亲体量过高,需要增加捕捞努力量来提高补充量的状态,这与现实情况的400×106到500×106不相符。含误差的分组预测出的近几十年亲体量和渔获量是大幅度周期性剧烈变化的,生物量将在1年内达到高峰值约135.5万t,而随后2年内降至约40万t,之后又将在2年内升至高峰值,以此周期循环。亲体量的高峰值与低谷值与渔获量十分接近,渔获量的高峰值与低谷值维持在约60万t和15万t左右。与无误差分组得出的生物量将在6年内减少至约32.3万t,随后保持稳定,亲体量与年渔获量分别将稳定在15.8万t和10.5万t的评估结果相比存在很大差异。  相似文献   

根据1996-2006年7~11月中国大陆鱿钓船在西北太平洋38°N~46°N、150°E~165°E海域的生产统计、平均渔获个体等数据,基于Pope提出的世代分析法估算了不同自然死亡系数下(M=0.03~0.1/10 d)柔鱼冬春生西部群体7月的初始资源量,以及该群体为对象的渔业管理参考点,包括最大可持续产量(MSY)和逃逸率,并且拟合了该群体补充量与亲体量的关系,推测了2006-2020年资源量和渔获量的变化.结果表明,M为0.06/10 d为1个临界点,若实际M<0.06/10 d则该群体处于过度开发状态;若M=0.06/10 d则该群体处于充分利用状态;若M>0.06/10 d则该群体还有进一步开发利用的空间.补充量亲体关系表明,Beverton-Holt模型拟合效果略优于Ricker模型.要持续利用该资源,逃逸率应设在40%左右,其相应的MSY为10万t左右.文章模拟了M=0.06/10 d时不同捕捞强度下资源量变化状况,认为维持目前的捕捞努力量下,到2020年该群体的资源量都将处在稳定状态,且能保持每年9~10万t的渔获量.  相似文献   

It is important to find a reliable method to estimate maximum sustainable yield(MSY) or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management, especially when the data availability is limited which is a case in China. A recently developed method(CMSY) is a data-poor method, which requires only catch data, resilience and exploitation history at the first and final years of the catch data. CMSY was used in this study to estimate the biological reference points for Largehead hairtail(Trichiurus lepturus, Temminck and Schlegel) in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, based on the fishery data from China Fishery Statistical Year Books during 1986 to 2012. Additionally,Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model(BSM) and the classical surplus production models(Schaefer and Fox) performed by software CEDA and ASPIC, were also projected in this study to compare with the performance of CMSY. The estimated MSYs from all models are about 19.7×104–27.0×104 t, while CMSY and BSM yielded more reasonable population parameter estimates(the intrinsic population growth rate and the carrying capacity). The biological reference points of B/BMSY smaller than 1.0, while F/FMSY higher than 1.0 revealed an over-exploitation of the fishery, indicating that more conservative management strategies are required for Largehead hairtail fishery.  相似文献   

The majority of fishery stocks in the world are data limited, which limits formal stock assessments. Identifying the impacts of input data on stock assessment is critical for improving stock assessment and developing precautionary management strategies. We compare catch advice obtained from applications of various datalimited methods(DLMs) with forecasted catch advice from existing data-rich stock assessment models for the Indian Ocean bigeye tuna(Thunnus obesus). Our goal was to evaluate the co...  相似文献   

In recent years, the small pelagic fishery on the Pacific northwest coast of Mexico has significantly increased fishing pressure on thread herring Opisthonema spp. This fishery is regulated using a precautionary approach(acceptable biological catch(ABC) and minimum catch size). However, due to fishing dynamics, fish aggregation habits and increased fishing mortality, periodic biomass assessments are necessary to estimate ABC and assess the resource status. The Catch-MSY approach was used to analyze historical series of thread herring catches off the western Baja California Sur(BCS, 1981–2018) and the Gulf of California(GC, 1972–2018) to estimate exploitable biomass and target reference points in order to obtain catch quotas. According to the results, in GC,the maximum biomass reached in 1972(at the beginning of fishery) and minimum biomass reached in 2015; the estimated exploitable biomass for 2019 was 42.2×10~4 t; and the maximum sustainable yield(MSY) was 15.4×10~4 t.In the western BCS coast, the maximum biomass was reached in 1981(at the beginning of fishery) and minimum biomass was reached in 2017; the estimated exploitable biomass for 2019 was 3.2×10~4 t; and the MSY was 1.2×10~4 t.Both stocks showed a decrease in biomass over the past years and were currently near to point of full exploitation.The results suggest that the use of the Catch-MSY method is suitable to obtain annual biomass estimates, in order to establish an ABC, to know the current state of the resource, and to avoid overcoming the potential recovery of the stocks.  相似文献   

The catch and effort data analysis(CEDA) and ASPIC(a stock assessment production model incorporating covariates) computer software packages were used to estimate the maximum sustainable yield(MSY) from the catch and effort data of Greater lizardfish Saurida tumbil fishery of Pakistan from 1986 to 2009. In CEDA three surplus production models of Fox, Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson were used. Here initial proportion(IP) of 0.5 was used because the starting catch was roughly 50% of the maximum catch. With IP = 0.5, the estimated MSY from Fox model were 20.59 mt and 38.16 mt for normal and log-normal error assumptions, while the MSY from Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson were 60.40, 60.40 and 60.40 mt, for normal, log-normal and gamma error assumptions respectively. The MSY values from Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson models of three error assumptions were the same. The R2 values from those three models were above 0.6. When IP = 0.5, the MSY values estimated from ASPIC from Fox were 132 mt, and from logistic model were 69.4 mt, with R2 value above 0.8. Therefore we suggest the MSY of S. tumbil fishery from Pakistan to be 60–70 mt, which is higher than the latest catch, thus we would recommend that the fishing efforts for this fishery may be kept at the current level.  相似文献   

Most worldwide fish stocks are overexploited, and so exploited beyond the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and the Maximum Economic Yield (MEY). Not exploiting fisheries resources at MSY or MEY leads to the loss of production and rents from the fisheries. A large part of the EU fisheries are managed based on single species stock assessments; however, in reality, most species are caught together with other species and by different fleets. In multi-species and multi-fleet fisheries, single species assessments, and consequently MSY and MEY reference points, are often not valid, and so the catch recommendations. In this paper it is investigated the MSY and MEY estimation in multi-species and multi-fleet fisheries in comparison to single species assessments. Analyses are applied to the Bay of Biscay demersal fishery using the IAM bio-economic model. The impact of exploiting at MSY and MEY on the optimal effort allocation between fleets with different exploitation patterns and economic structures is analyzed. When accounting for the multi-species nature of the fishery, MSY landings are 0.4% to 2.7% lower than the single species simulations estimates. When accounting for the multi-fleet nature of the fishery, MSY landings are 27.2% to 30.2% higher than the single-fleet estimates. When considering the multi-fleet characteristics, MEY landings are 6.6% higher and profits are 66.5% higher than in the single-fleet simulation. Optimal effort at MEY is lower than at MSY, but when accounting for multi-fleet the optimal effort decreases for some fleets while increases for gillnetters. The results also provide an estimation of the profits at MEY (or costs of not being at MEY). Profits can be then up to 10.7 times larger than the current profits (256 million Euros compared to the current 24 million Euros).  相似文献   

Assessment of IUU fishing for Southern Bluefin Tuna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is recognized as one of the largest threats to the sustainability of the world's fisheries. This paper focuses on IUU fishing in the context of unreported catches by members or co-operating non-members of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and their implications for scientific assessments of stock status and management advice. A review of Japanese market statistics was undertaken in 2006 by an independent panel in relation to catches of southern bluefin tuna (SBT). Based on this review, the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) concluded that very substantial and continuous unreported catches of SBT had been taken by longline vessels since at least the early 1990s. While uncertainty exists about the fleets contributing to these IUU catches, the assumption used within the CCSBT Scientific Committee is that a significant proportion of these were taken by Japanese longliners. Implications of these unreported catches for the stock assessments by RFMOs are discussed in light of the central role that Japanese vessel reported data have in the assessment of the world's tuna and billfish stocks. Results indicate that it is plausible that the unreported catches of SBT stem from the misreporting of catches as other tuna species and/or the location of fishing effort. The magnitude and extended period of the unreported SBT catches highlight the wide-spread risks of relying on fishery dependent logbook data in the absence of verification. An urgent need exists for minimum standards of verification of catch, effort and landing statistics for use in scientific assessments. The fisheries science community needs to be more pro-active in the development of such standards and the implementation of independent monitoring and verification. In addition, there is a need to reform the operation of the scientific bodies of RFMOs in terms of transparency, the treatment of uncertainty and the burden of proof if they are to be effective in providing objective scientific advice consistent with the intent of international agreements.  相似文献   

Fishermen, scientists, national policy makers, and staff of environmental NGOs (ENGOs) hold different perceptions about temporal patterns in fish stocks. Perception differences are problematic in multi-stakeholder settings, because they elicit controversies and unbalanced disputes. These hinder effective participation, a prerequisite for ‘good governance’ and effective management of sustainable fisheries. This study shows that perceptions of change (‘does the stock increase or decrease?’) and of current status of a fish stock (‘is it doing well or not?’) are influenced by the capturing and processing of information, rather than by interests alone. We focused on the Dutch North Sea fishery on plaice and sole and examined (1) availability and accessibility of information on temporal patterns of these stocks and (2) perception differences between all parties. A first explanation for these differences is the use of different parameters as a measure for stock size. Fishermen focus on catch rates or catch-per-unit-effort (relative stock size), whereas scientists, policy makers, and ENGO-staff mainly use scientific assessments of spawning stock biomass (absolute stock size). Between-group perception differences are further explained by spatial aggregation levels of information, lengths of time series evaluated, and by modes of comparison to qualify the current status of fish stocks. Awareness of information differences and the development of shared information use and processing may release some of the tensions in multi-stakeholder settings debating fisheries management. However, comprehension problems amongst all parties on how spawning stock biomass is reconstructed and how it relates to catch rates in the fishery may pose an enduring barrier.  相似文献   

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