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国际上水资源综合管理进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
中国近年实施最严格水资源管理制度、全面推行河长制等一系列政策,不断探索完善水资源综合管理的体制和机制。为加强对水资源综合管理的认识,推动中国水资源综合管理的实施,结合国际社会对水资源综合管理认识和实践新成果,主要梳理总结水资源综合管理理念的形成过程、主要组成、实施状况、存在问题和发展趋势。结果显示:(1)随着对传统水资源管理存在分散化等问题的认识,水资源综合管理的理念逐渐形成,并已被国际社会所接受;(2)水资源综合管理实施"综合"途径管理水资源,强调通过完善实施的环境条件、机构框架、具体管理手段和稳健的水基础设施投资机制,实现用水效率、社会公平、环境可持续的均衡;(3)许多国家已把综合管理的理念和措施纳入到其水资源管理政策和体制框架设计中,并在水管理的实践过程中取得新进展;(4)国际上水资源综合管理理念和经验为进一步完善中国水资源管理提供了启示和借鉴;(5)未来水资源综合管理将进一步得到推广实施,从理念到解决具体水问题的实践过程将进一步加强,并呈现多样性和动态性特征。尽管面临由于气候变化影响和水与社会经济交互作用导致的不确定性、复杂性等问题的挑战,随着水资源综合管理的实践和水科学研究进步,水资源管理将进一步采用整体、多学科和可持续的途径,助力可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

水资源是基础性的自然资源和战略性的经济资源,是生态与环境的控制性要素.中国人均占有水资源量少,不足2200m3,不足世界人均占有量的1/3.水资源时空分布极为不均,特别是在全球气候变化和大规模经济开发双重因素的交织作用下,中国水资源情势正在发生新的变化.在水资源管理理念上,要加快从供水管理向需水管理转变.为使人们对需水管理有比较全面和深刻的认识,部分专家和学者从各种角度论述了"需水管理"的定义和内涵,认为,需水管理是面向包括人类与自然在内所有用水户的水资源供需平衡的全方位而有序的管理系统工程,对各方面的需水,采取行政、经济、法律和技术等手段和措施,对水资源供需进行平衡与协调,遏制不合理用水需求,提高用水效率和效益,减少水资源短缺对人类社会的威胁,确保水资源可持续利用.简言之,需水管理意为以供定需,供需协调,人水和谐,持续利用.  相似文献   

Faisal Elias 《GeoJournal》2017,82(6):1165-1177
South Africa’s National Water Act and National Water Resource Strategy set out an ambitious societal vision with a strong focus on the redistribution of water resources towards the marginalised and on empowering historically disadvantaged communities including women. This vision is reflected in the framework for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) that acknowledges women as pivotal in water management practices. Based on this premise, this paper examines the challenges women face in performing their roles in IWRM in rural South Africa. It draws on a study of a water user association that operates in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The design of the study was qualitative in nature with a semi-structured interview as the main data collection tool. The interview involved 14 respondents from Limpopo. The results showed marked gender difference in terms of roles performed. Based on the study, three kinds of roles were revealed: domestic, productive and decision-making roles. Men were significantly involved in productive roles, giving low priority to domestic roles. The key factors found to affect the role of women in decision-making in IWRM were cultural practices, low self-confidence, low levels of capacity, and high workloads. These factors were identified as key institutional inherent within the specific society. As such, these findings have significant implications for the efforts aimed at promoting gender equality. Particularly, the impact of culture on women in water management raises concerns regarding gender issues in rural and remote areas where people are poorer and more culturally conservative.  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology on how to consistently deal with the future change and management options in integrated water resources management (IWRM). It is based on a conceptual framework with a five step procedure for the formulation and analysis of a so-called ‘parameterised regional futures’. Developing and testing the approach for IWRM is realised for the upper part of the Western Bug River catchment (Ukraine). Special attention is paid to scenarios of change covering climate and land use. The future regional climate is downscaled with the model CCLM. Land cover is projected after retrospective change detection and the derivation of prospective algorithms. Parameters of the interrelations between land use and the water cycle are tackled through using the concept of the model PWF-LU. The methodology is currently being tested to analyse the impacts of mid-term regional change and management options on the water cycle of the catchment.  相似文献   

Water and land-use tension are growing with the growing population of the world especially in arid region. To develop an efficient, sustainable, and integrated water and land-use resource management policy, accurate and complex information about available resources and demand centers is required. Geographical information system (GIS) provides a means of representing the real world through integrated layers of constituent spatial information using overlaying and indexing operations. In Abu Dhabi, Water Resources Information System (AWRIS) was developed. AWRIS is a centralized, GIS-based, Web-enabled integrated information management system that allows storage and management of all water resource information. The system integrates a comprehensive set of tools and applications that facilitate the efficient management of the water resources of the Emirate. All historical water resource information from more than ten existing databases and 10,000 Excel workbooks have now been compiled, quality controlled, and migrated into the central database. AWRIS is built as an Integrated Information Management System and hence designed to improve productivity by linking all relevant applications for data handling to a centralized data repository and management system. This paper outlines the main features of AWRIS which are three-folds. First, it provides full support for the Arabic language. Second, it is the first of its kind in bringing unrestricted data types into a centralized information management system, and third, it provides a wide range of tools to effectively manage information on water resources.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of salinity management and water management is a factor which is sometimes easily overlooked in the water resources planning, even though it can place a limit on the degree of water resource development within a basin. Costs and control measures of salinity management are considered on a case study of the Colorado River basin where salinity damages are found to be higher than previously estimated. After review of the costs of salinity management, the possible control measures, and research on adaptions in agricultural use of more saline water, it can be concluded that, at very least, the management of water quantity and water quality, especially in arid regions, are closely intertwined.  相似文献   

徐明 《水科学进展》2004,15(5):655-659
公元前256年建立的四川都江堰水利枢纽工程是世界历史上至今仍在发挥巨大作用的最古老的水利工程之一.但是随着工程基础设施的老化,生态环境的恶化,周边地区工农业的过度开发,原有的传统水利发展模式已经不能适应都江堰灌区当前和未来的发展需求.因此,提出了一个以可持续发展思想为指导的、有明确发展目标、有总体发展构架的、又能对其进行实施评估的都江堰水利发展战略框架以及与之相适应的实施对策.用以推动都江堰灌区水利可持续发展的进程.  相似文献   

Water management in the Andarax river basin (Almeria, Spain) is a multi-objective, multi-participant, long-term decision-making problem that faces several challenges. Adequate water allocation needs informed decisions to meet increasing socio-economic demands while respecting the environmental integrity of this basin. Key players in the Andarax water sector include the municipality of Almeria, the irrigators involved in the intensive greenhouse agricultural sector, and booming second residences. A decision support system (DSS) is developed to rank different sustainable planning and management alternatives according to their socio-economic and environmental performance. The DSS is intimately linked to sustainability indicators and is designed through a public participation process. Indicators are linked to criteria reflecting stakeholders concerns in the 2005 field survey, such as fulfilling water demand, water price, technical and economical efficiency, social and environmental impacts. Indicators can be partly quantified after simulating the operation of the groundwater reservoir over a 20-year planning period and partly through a parallel expert evaluation process. To predict the impact of future water demand in the catchment, several development scenarios are designed to be evaluated in the DSS. The successive multi-criteria analysis of the performance indicators permits the ranking of the different management alternatives according to the multiple objectives formulated by the different sectors/participants. This allows more informed and transparent decision-making processes for the Andarax river basin, recognizing both the socio-economic and environmental dimensions of water resources management.  相似文献   

For ensuring both optimal sustainable water resources management and long-term planning in a changing arid environment, we propose an integrated Assessment-, Prognoses-, Planning- and Management tool (APPM). The new APPM integrates the complex interactions of the strongly nonlinear meteorological, hydrological and agricultural phenomena, considering the socio-economic aspects. It aims at achieving best possible solutions for water allocation, groundwater storage and withdrawals including saline water management together with a substantial increase of the water use efficiency employing novel optimisation strategies for irrigation control and scheduling. To obtain a robust and fast operation of the water management system, it unites process modeling with artificial intelligence tools and evolutionary optimisation techniques for managing both water quality and quantity. We demonstrate some key components of our methodology by an exemplary application to the south Al-Batinah region in the Sultanate of Oman which is affected by saltwater intrusion into a coastal aquifer due to excessive groundwater withdrawal for irrigated agriculture. We show the effectiveness and functionality of a new simulation-based water management system for the optimisation and evaluation of different irrigation practices, crop pattern and resulting abstraction scenarios. The results of several optimisation runs indicate that due to contradicting objectives, such as profit-oriented agriculture versus aquifer sustainability only a multi-objective optimisation can provide sustainable solutions for the management of the water resources in respect of the environment as well as the socio-economic development.  相似文献   

Integrated water resources management (IWRM) forms the widely accepted ecosystem approach to managing water and its related resources in a sustainable way. Nevertheless, its implementation is still lagging behind, especially in developing and transition countries which are often short of essential resources and face complex political dynamics. IWRM often requires a fundamental realignment of governance structures. This may lead to problems of fit and institutional interplay as particular challenges of multi-level governance. Against this background, a case study of Mongolia was carried out, a transition country suffering from extreme climatic conditions and increasing depletion of its resources. While an attempt to introduce IWRM exists on paper, it is less clear how it will be made politically and institutionally applicable. A document review and stakeholder interviews were carried out to understand the progress and problems of introducing IWRM in Mongolia in the face of its transition and decentralisation process. Problems of fit and interplay—which are in part results of the transformation—were identified, as well as the approaches for their solution. Attempts are underway to overcome problems of fit such as the establishment of river basin councils which are presently facing the challenges concerning their room for manoeuvre. Problems of interplay arise when it comes to the cooperation and coordination of numerous water-related organisations which often lead to inconsistent water governance.  相似文献   

Sustainable water management is one of humanity’s most important challenges—today and in the future. Germany does not face a significant water shortage problem, but it has three main challenges: protection of water quality, ensuring public water supply and public wastewater disposal, and protecting the public and infrastructure from floods. Capacity development is a key issue to overcome the challenges of water resources in any country including Germany. Engineers, technicians, and mechanics need to upgrade their knowledge on a regular basis to deal with the complex management and rapid technological developments. In order to create efficient training schemes, the Vocational Training Working Group of Global Water Partnership (GWP), part of the GWP Capacity Development Task Force, has worked on the definition of fundamental job profiles for the Water and Sanitation Sector (WASS). To cover all technical functions of the industrial water cycle, it was necessary to identify around thirty occupations. Then, a competence-based training approach was adopted. Additionally, an assessment approach was also developed based on comparing the level of competence of the workers to a standard level of competence for each job. The RWTH Aachen University with its partners have developed another game-based approach (SeCom2.0) based on serious gaming technology to enable water professionals dealing with flood risk management to be trained on different flood situations in a virtual environment. SeCom2.0 has three main components that are connected by a database layer. In addition to the serious games component, there is a collaboration component and a learning management system. For nearly 100 members from the flood competence centre (HochwasserKompetenzCentrum) in Cologne, Germany gave input to simulate the real flooding scenarios, and the learners will have to deal with a flood scenario by protecting the city in a given time and using a given resources and tools. This work concluded that both competence-based and game-based approaches could be significantly improved by blending both approaches. This will improve the process of training; for example, the competence-based approach can be enriched by using game-based simulation by introducing the trainees to a simulation of different technologies in water utilities. This can save resources and money and enrich the training. More importantly is modifying the game-based approach using the approach of competence-based to focus on specific competencies and to make use of the competence standards in its assessment component. The first section of this introduces and categorizes water challenges in Germany. In the second and third section, the two approaches are introduced in details. The competence-based approach is introduced to the WASS while the games-based to the flood risk management. Finally, a conclusion and recommendations are illustrated.  相似文献   

河西走廊疏勒河流域水资源管理问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从水资源管理体制、配置程序、市场化管理等方面探讨了河西走廊疏勒河流域水资源管理及存在的问题。目前流域已建成较健全的用水者协会体系,水价和水权在不断调整以适应水资源管理的需求。其管理存在以下问题:受地方行政、企业等多方权力博弈的影响,地表水和地下水处于双线管理状态,未能实现流域水资源的全面统一管理;用水者协会的职能未得到充分发挥,公众参与水资源管理不积极;流域内水价、水权制度不完善。建议如下:应在甘肃省水利厅和酒泉市政府之间形成协调机制,以协调各相关方的权益,完善流域管理局和地方政府统一协调的水资源管理体系,实现流域水资源的集成管理;加强流域机构立法,实现流域水资源的统一管理与调配;将协会的职责和义务融入到村委会的职务中,并完善水价制度,建立水权交易市场,以调动公众的自我管理和实现水资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

The question of water constitutes a permanent challenge for the countries of North Africa in general and Algeria in particular. For over 20 years, western Algeria region had significant rainfall deficits that resulted in severe droughts, which seriously affected the water resources in terms of quality and quantity. This research presents one of the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model applications in watersheds of western Algeria. The model is applied to evaluate and analyze the existing balance and expected future water resources management scenarios by taking into account the different operating policies and factors that may affect demand until 2030. The results showed that neither domestic demand nor agricultural demand is met for the basis year 2006. The results also showed that domestic demand can be satisfied for the considered scenarios. Demand management and development of standard of living are the necessary procedures for proper management of the available resources. However, agricultural demand cannot be satisfied for Development of Large Irrigation System scenarios. The results confirmed that WEAP software offers a solid basis to assist planners in developing recommendations for future water resource management by revealing hot spots of action.  相似文献   

需水管理是水资源管理新趋势,居民用水行为研究是需水管理的微观基础。从居民用水行为的社会学、经济学及计算机模拟研究方面,述评国内外研究进展,为相关研究提供借鉴。社会学研究从易测量的客观因素开始,通过潜变量指代等方法逐步拓展至难以度量的主观因素,依靠计划行动理论揭示要素影响机理。经济学研究通过计量经济学模型评估需求价格弹性、水价结构与收取方式的影响、用水管制与价格调控的综合影响及适用条件。计算机模拟研究注重算法改进,向多代理人模型拓展,与复杂网络、社会影响理论结合,重演历史水资源事件及管理策略效应,提出改进建议。国内总体处于跟随阶段,注重研究方法与国内实际相结合。未来研究需加强社会学、经济学和计算机模拟的综合。  相似文献   


Drought and water scarcity can significantly impair the sustainable development of groundwater resources, a scenario commonly found in aquifers in the Mediterranean region. Water management measures to address these drivers of groundwater depletion are highly relevant, especially considering the increasing severity of droughts under climate change. This study evaluates the potential of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) to offset the adverse effects of drought and water scarcity on groundwater storage. Los Arenales aquifer (central Spain), which was unsustainably exploited for irrigation in the second half of the twentieth century, is employed as a case study. Two neighbouring zones within this aquifer are contrasted, namely, Los Arenales (LA) and Medina del Campo (MC). The primary difference between them in terms of water resources management is the wide-scale implementation of MAR systems in LA since the early 2000s. Several groundwater statistical methods are used. Groundwater-level trend analysis and average piezometric levels show in LA a faster recovery of aquifer storage and less susceptibility to drought compared to MC. On the other hand, standardised precipitation indexes and standardised groundwater level indexes of detrended groundwater-level time series, which do not include the effects of MAR, show that LA can be more negatively affected by drought and groundwater abstraction. The sharper recovery of piezometric levels in LA when considering MAR, and bigger drought impacts observed when the effects of this measure are removed, demonstrate that MAR can effectively alleviate the impacts of water scarcity and drought, providing an adaptation solution to climate change worldwide.



This paper examines community-based water supply management (CBWSM) in three rural districts of Northwest Cameroon as well as a review of the literature focusing on some successful community-based natural resource management initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa. Using empirical and secondary data collected through participatory research methods, it is argued that CBWSM has failed to achieve sustainable water supplies in Northwest Cameroon. Findings revealed that centralized control, the prevalence of poverty, passive involvement of public, private and grassroots community has continued to thwart water supplies within these districts. It is important to note that in any natural resource management system, power becomes a crucial factor as it determines who has and does not have access to common-pool resources. This paper argues that argues that strong traditional leadership, resolute devolution, and active participation of rural communities will facilitate and invigorate a platform for capturing the views of diverse user groups and this can bring about a people-centered and community-driven development process. Some aspects of best practice arising from successful case studies in Cameroon can contribute significantly to promoting the development of effective CBWSM in other rural communities with similar characteristics in and out of Cameroon. This will be possible only if rural groups are involved and engaged in the management of their resources while integrating some aspects of best practice.


Gaza coastal aquifer (GCA) is the most precious natural source where it is the only source of water for different uses. Groundwater crisis in Gaza includes two major folds: shortage of water supply and contamination. The extraction of groundwater currently exceeds the aquifer recharge rate. As a result, the groundwater level is falling continuously leading severely deterioration of GCA. The main objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the current and proposed water resources management plans and their effect on the water level of GCA. In this respect, the available quantities of rainfall that could be harvested and infiltrated from different types of land-use based on existing and planned situations are studied using GIS tool and numerical models for GCA using V-MODFLOW environment for simulating four scenarios: (i) existing management practice (no action scenario), (ii) proposed Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) stormwater infiltration plan, (iii) proposed Gaza Emergency Technical Assistance Program (GETAP) interventions, and (iv) combination between second and third scenarios. The management scenarios were tested with the calibrated flow model for the target period between 2016 and 2040. The simulation results of existing management practice scenario show that there are several depression zones in Gaza Strip; in southern part from ??18 to ??24 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, in the northern part from ??7 to ??12 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, and in the middle regions experienced a small decline in groundwater level. The simulation results of proposed PWA scenario indicate similar depression zones as per first scenario but with good enhancement of water level, ??17 to ??18 m MSL in the southern part and ??3 to ??6 m MSL in the northern part in 2020 and 2040, respectively. The simulation results of GETAP intervention scenario show a positive impact on groundwater level. The results of fourth scenario show good enhancement of water level, in which the water level in the northern part ranges from +?3 to +?6 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, while in the south part ranges from ??15 to +?4 MSL in 2020 and 2040.  相似文献   

Water resources management is an important driver in social and economic development. Water shortage is one of the most critical issues threatening human welfare, public health, and ecosystems. This issue has turned into a major challenge in many river basins all around the world due to the imbalance in water supply and demand. Use of simulation models can be effective tools in providing water managers with scientifically supported decisions in dealing with complex and uncertain water resource systems. System dynamics approach serves as a management tool and may play an important role in understanding the cause–effect in water resources systems. In the present study, system dynamics approach was applied to simulate management strategies dealing with Tehran metropolitan water resources systems. In the developed model, the trend of water storage in the next 30-year period and the effectiveness of water supply strategies were simulated. The results showed that, despite the growing shortage of the water resources, optimal use of existing resources under appropriate strategies could reduce water deficit within the next 30 years.  相似文献   

Sustainability and sustainable pumping are two different concepts that are often used interchangeably. The latter term refers to a pumping rate that can be maintained indefinitely without mining an aquifer, whereas the former term is broader and concerns such issues as ecology and water quality, among others, in addition to sustainable pumping. Another important difference between the two concepts is that recharge can be very important to consider when assessing sustainability, but is not necessary to estimate sustainable pumping rates. Confusion over this distinction is made worse by the Water Budget Myth, which comprises the mistaken yet persistent ideas that (1) sustainable pumping rates cannot exceed virgin recharge rates in aquifers, and (2) that virgin recharge rates must therefore be known to estimate sustainable pumping rates. Analysis of the water balance equation shows the special circumstances that must apply for the Water Budget Myth to be true. However, due to the effects recharge is likely to have on water quality, ecology, socioeconomic factors, and, under certain circumstances, its requirement for numerical modeling, it remains important in assessments of sustainability.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

李燕  李恒鹏 《水科学进展》2010,21(5):666-673
针对西苕溪流域水质安全问题,基于WEAP建模平台,构建了西苕溪流域水资源评估与规划模型。在模型验证基础上,分析了西苕溪流域2001~2020年河道水功能目标满足度及水供需关系,识别了流域水资源利用存在的问题,并探讨了水源地和中下游区水质安全保障措施及其改善水质的效用,在此基础上提出了西苕溪流域水质安全保障方案。研究表明:TN是影响水源地供水安全的限制性因素,TN、TP是影响河道水功能的重要指标。通过综合实施废水处理厂、节水型设备、退耕还林等水资源管理措施能起到较好地削减TN产出的效果,水源地河道TN浓度降低,基本上能保证全年实现河道Ⅲ类水功能目标,中下游河道TP、TN浓度亦能达到Ⅲ类水功能要求。  相似文献   

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