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黄海大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)种群特征的年际变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1999—2002年和2007—2009年各年冬季共7个航次的底拖网调查资料,对黄海大头鳕的种群特征及其年际变化进行了研究。结果表明,大头鳕种群相对密度升高,优势年龄由1龄组升高到3龄组,雌性性成熟比例升高;两个调查阶段大头鳕的体长-体重关系分别为W=4.564×10-3L3.333和W=1.550×10-2L2.994;主要饵料均为甲壳类,饵料多样性指数(H′)从1.0升高到1.9,表明大头鳕生境宽度增加。大头鳕种群特征的变化可能与气候变化、黄海生态系统食物网结构的变化以及渔业保护有关。与20世纪80年代相比,两个调查阶段的大头鳕年龄结构仍然较为简单,且其分布范围较窄,资源易受外界环境变化的影响。因此,需关注环境因子和捕捞压力变化对黄海大头鳕资源的影响,制定合理养护措施,促进资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

作为黄海的代表性冷温性鱼类,大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)的资源量近年逐渐上升趋势,其中幼鱼所占比重较大,种群丰度及补充都受到黄海冷水团的影响,作为2龄性成熟鱼种,探究其当年生和非当年生幼鱼分布和生长的季节变化及与黄海冷水团的关系对了解大头鳕的资源变动有重要意义。本研究基于2016年10月、2017年5和8月的调查结果,分析了黄海冷水团存在时期的海洋环境特征与大头鳕幼鱼分布及生长特征的关系。研究显示,春季,幼鱼主要分布于青海渔场、石岛渔场和连青石渔场,非当年生幼鱼和当年生幼鱼随栖息地水深分别呈东西两区块分布。夏季,幼鱼主要位于122.00°E以东、底温低于10℃的黄海中部较深海域,有少部分分布于黄海北部,这与黄海冷水团强盛时期南北低温中心的位置有关。秋季,黄海北部大头鳕幼鱼的渔获量明显减少,仅在石岛渔场和连青石渔场大头鳕的种群密度仍较高。广义相加模型(Generalized Additive Models, GAM)分析结果显示,温度和盐度对大头鳕幼鱼的资源丰度指数(单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE))有显著影响,当栖息地水域盐度在31.90和32.80附近,底温在8.5℃左右时,大头鳕幼鱼的CPUE较高。体长-体重关系显示,春季,幼鱼呈负异速生长,夏秋季呈正异速生长,黄海冷水团强盛时期较高的有机质含量及初级生产力造成的丰富饵料可能是导致大头鳕夏秋季b值较高的原因,因此黄海冷水团的季节变化对大头鳕的分布和生长均有显著影响。  相似文献   

大头鳕和半滑舌鳎是我国重要的两种经济鱼类,本论文以大头鳕和半滑舌鳎基因组DNA为模板,对RAPD分析中的DNA模板浓度进行了优化,确定最适浓度。并分别筛选出20条和18条扩增结果稳定性好、多态性强的随机引物用于大头鳕以及半滑舌鳎的RAPD遗传变异分析。  相似文献   

几种鳕鱼的生物学初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文在调查与校核资料的基础上,报告了狭鳕(Theragra chalcogramma)、蓝鳕(Micromesistius poutassou)、远东宽突鳕(Eleginus gracilis)、大西洋鳕(Gadus morhua)、太平洋鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)和黑线鳕(Melanogrammus aeglefinus)等六种经济鳕雪类分类地位、区系性质与分布。并对上述鳕雪主要形态特征进行了详细的描述,建立了狭鳕等五种鳕鱼体长与总重关系式,以期找出各鱼种的生长发育规律。  相似文献   

江鳕和大头鳕头颅骨骼特征的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对江鳕(Lota lota Linnaeus)和大头鳕(Gadus macrofephalus Tilesius)的头颅骨骼进行了描述和比较。研究结果表明:2种鱼均有发达的鼻骨、额骨、后耳骨和鳞片骨,上颌口缘由前颌骨构成,犁骨上具齿,上枕骨与额骨相接,左右顶骨分离。无眶蝶骨、基蝶骨、伪头中骨和辅上颌骨。2种鱼的区别主要在于骨块的形状、大小差异及嵴的发达程度的不同。  相似文献   

四种鳕鱼的形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对蓝鳕 (Micromesistius poutassou)、远东宽突鳕 (Eleginusgracilis)、大西洋鳕(Gadusmorhua)和太平洋鳕 (G. macrocephalus)等 4种经济鳕鱼类进行了细致的观察 ,对其分节及量度特征进行了测定分析 ,发现所测数据与国内外资料存在一些差异 ;并补充描述了各种的鼻孔、牙齿等形态特征。统计检验表明 :蓝鳕的第 1臀鳍鳍条数、鳃耙数与其他鳕鱼存在显著差异 ;远东宽突鳕的脊椎骨数与其他鳕鱼存在显著差异 ;大西洋鳕和太平洋鳕在上述性状上的差异不明显 ,但 2者的体色有明显差异。从形态特征聚类分析图得知宽突鳕属与鳕属亲缘关系近 ,而蓝鳕属与鳕属亲缘关系远。  相似文献   

黄海大头鳕胚胎发育过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
驯化野生大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius)作为亲鱼,通过自然受精和人工授精两种方法获得受精卵,自然受精卵通过虹吸法收集。受精卵孵化条件为水温6~8℃,盐度32~33,pH7.8~8.2,微充气。在奥林巴斯SZ61解剖镜下对大头鳕的胚胎发育进行了观察,并使用CCD图像传感器拍照,描述了各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。大头鳕受精卵为圆球形端黄卵,弱黏性,无油球,卵膜上具龟裂结构,卵子直径0.95~1.12mm,n=30,卵黄均匀透明。类似于大部分硬骨鱼类,其胚胎发育可分为胚盘形成期、卵裂期、桑椹期、囊胚期、原肠期、神经胚期、器官发生期、尾芽期、肌肉效应期。在水温6~8℃,盐度32~33的条件下,受精卵历时约336h完成胚胎发育过程,孵化出膜。在大头鳕胚胎发育过程中,具有4个不同于其他硬骨鱼类的地方:(1)发现早期分裂球具有不规则现象;(2)很多胚胎发育过程不出现柯氏囊,有柯氏囊的胚胎仅占10%左右,且出现晚,消失快;(3)胚胎孵化为仔鱼与发育进程关联性不大,孵化的仔鱼有3种主要形态;(4)胚胎各个时期都有较高死亡率,以原肠期最为严重。  相似文献   

通过对江鳕仔鱼幼体发育及生长的研究探索江鳕全人工养殖仔鱼幼体的发育生长规律,本实验培育水温为自然温度,随机抽取并固定一缸仔鱼作为研究对象,每隔24h取30条仔鱼解剖镜下观察其发育情况,用显微测微尺对其体长进行测量,结果表明:江鳕仔鱼的体长增长缓慢,具有阶段性,并且不是匀速的,生长期与生长停止期交替.得出了江鳕仔鱼体长和...  相似文献   

澳洲鳕鲈(Maccullochella peelii peelii)为澳大利亚国宴用鱼,已引入国内开始工厂化养殖,但人工繁殖还有若干问题未解决。为实现其全人工繁殖,本研究就澳洲鳕鲈精卵同步、精子存活时间延长、选取室内工厂化养殖培育的个体作为亲本进行繁殖等人工繁殖过程中关键步骤进行了研究。结果表明精子样本常温保存6h后精子动性降低,存活时间显著缩短,96h后未发现游动精子。添加2.5%葡萄糖或1.25%葡萄糖+2.25‰氯化钠激活精子动性升高,存活时间得以延长,提示葡萄糖可能能够充当外源性能量来源,显著增强精子活力、提高繁殖效率。实验选取6-8龄室内工厂化养殖澳洲鳕鲈作为繁殖亲本,运用该方法最终获得50万尾鱼苗,证明了用室内工厂化养殖的个体作为亲本进行人工繁殖是可以满足工厂化养殖苗种需求的。  相似文献   

狭鳕等三种鳕鱼生态和资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林景祺 《海洋科学》1994,18(2):25-29
据联合国粮农组织和日本水产厅等推算,世界的鱼贝类(除去深海鱼类和南极磷虾以外)最大的持续生产量将达1.5~1.8×10[8]t。如果我国以最大努力能从世界鱼、贝类最大持续生产量中取得或接近取得按人口分配应得的份额,那当然是解决食物和营养问题办法中的较好的一个。这个最大努力包括对已经开发利用的重要种类和蕴存量大且有开发利用前途的种类,有选择地加以深入认识,然后按其数量分布和变动规律制定正确途径进行合理捕捞生产。现在先从狭鳕、大西洋鳕和黑斑鳕开始。1狭鳕( Theragra chalcogramma)1.…  相似文献   

A review of oceanographic and climate data from the North Pacific and Bering Sea has revealed climate events that occur on two principal time scales: a) 2–7 years (i.e. El Niño Southern Oscillation, ENSO), and b) inter-decadal (i.e. Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO). The timing of ENSO events and of related oceanic changes at higher latitudes were examined. The frequency of ENSO was high in the 1980s. Evidence of ENSO forcing on ocean conditions in the North Pacific (Niño North conditions) showed ENSO events were more frequently observed along the West Coast than in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and Eastern Bering Sea (EBS). Time series of catches for 30 region/species groups of salmon, and recruitment data for 29 groundfish and 5 non-salmonid pelagic species, were examined for evidence of a statistical relationship with any of the time scales associated with Niño North conditions or the PDO. Some flatfish stocks exhibited high autocorrelation in recruitment coupled with a significant step in recruitment in 1977 suggesting a relationship between PDO forcing and recruitment success. Five of the dominant gadid stocks (EBS and GOA Pacific cod, Pacific hake and EBS and GOA walleye pollock) exhibited low autocorrelation in recruitment. Of these, Pacific hake, GOA walleye pollock and GOA Pacific cod exhibited significantly higher incidence of strong year classes in years associated with Niño North conditions. These findings suggest that the PDO and ENSO may play an important role in governing year-class strength of several Northeast Pacific marine fish stocks.  相似文献   

为研究光照对牡蛎幼虫生长成活率的影响,使用6组牡蛎幼虫家系,前三组为长牡蛎家系(GG1、GG2、GG3),后三组为长牡蛎与葡萄牙牡蛎杂交家系(GA1、GA2、GA3),其中GG1与GA1母本相同,GG2与GA2母本相同,GG3与GA3母本相同;每个家系分别在6个光照梯度下从1日龄饲养到10日龄,然后测量记录10日龄幼虫在各个光照梯度下的壳高和成活率。结果表明,在各个光照梯度下,牡蛎幼虫的壳高都没有显著差异,长牡蛎幼虫与杂交牡蛎幼虫之间的壳高也都没有显著差异,但长牡蛎幼虫和杂交牡蛎幼虫均在58 lx的光照强度下,表现出最高的成活率,这提示牡蛎育苗生产的前10天应当保持这样的光照强度,而杂交牡蛎幼虫在269 lx和58 lx两个光照梯度下的成活率均极显著的高于长牡蛎幼虫,提示了长牡蛎与葡萄牙牡蛎之间具有亲和性并且其杂交后代存在杂种优势,也在一定程度上支持长牡蛎与葡萄牙牡蛎同属一个物种的假设。而以壳高和成活率作为指标进行聚类分析和主成分分析后发现,长牡蛎3个家系幼虫的表型比较接近,而杂交牡蛎幼虫的表型虽然具有靠近各自同母本长牡蛎幼虫的趋势,但杂交家系之间差异非常大,提示了高杂合度高异质性遗传背景下基因互作的多样性。  相似文献   

The hydrography and distributions of cod larvae on Georges Bank were surveyed during two research cruises in April and May 1993 in order to relate larval drift between cruises to the vernal intensification of the frontal component of the residual circulation. We observed the transport of two patches of cod larvae. One patch, which had maximum larval cod densities of 45 larvae 100 m−3 in April, appeared to have been advected south about 75 km between surveys, while the other, which had maximum larval cod densities of 20 larvae 100 m−3 in April, appeared to have been advected north-northeast about 25 km. Maximum larval densities in each patch sampled during the second cruise in May were 15 and 18 larvae 100 m−3, respectively, and mean growth in total length for larvae in the two patches was approximately 5.5 mm and 4.5 mm, respectively, between the two cruises. During the April cruise there was a large volume of anomalous cold, fresh water, of Scotian Shelf origin, which occupied much of the eastern third of Georges Bank. During May, relatively cold, fresh water appeared in a band from the Northeast Peak along the Southern Flank, between Georges Bank water on the top of the Bank, and upper Slope Water offshore. The distribution of cold, fresh water suggests its participation in the general clockwise circulation around the Bank. The transport of cod larvae comprising the first patch appeared to become organized within, and move along, the frontal boundary established by the Scotian Shelf-like water mass, while larvae in the second patch, which we assumed to have moved to the north, may have been transported northward in an on-Bank flow of warmer and saltier upper Slope Water, which may have originated from a Gulf Stream Ring. Based upon observed transport of the first patch of larvae in relation to the frontal boundary, we present a conceptual model of frontal mixing currents on Georges Bank, where current velocities may reach 5 cm s−1 at the depth of the pycnocline. We suggest that this frontal component of the residual circulation, which is in addition to that resulting from tidal rectification, may be important in the transport of fish larvae, and that interannual variability in the degree of intrusion of extrinsic water masses may contribute to variable larval cod drift patterns, to variable larval cod retention on the Bank, and ultimately, to variable larval fish recruitment to the early juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Inter‐decadal and geographic variations in the diets of Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, were examined based on the contents of 408 stomachs collected from coastal areas around Hokkaido Island during the periods 1994–1998 and 2005–2012. The most important prey species in the 1990s were gadid fishes (walleye pollock [Gadus chalcogrammus], Pacific cod [Gadus microcephalus] and saffron cod [Eleginus gracilis]). The frequency of occurrence and gravimetric contribution of gadids decreased in the 2000s latter period at three study sites (Rausu, Shakotan and Rebun) and were replaced by Okhotsk Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus) and smooth lumpsucker (Aptocyclus ventricosus). However, analysis based on gravimetric composition indicated that the dietary diversity of prey showed only a slight inter‐decadal difference, reflecting the wide diversity of prey ingested during both study periods. These results indicate that Steller sea lions along the Hokkaido coast are opportunistic feeders that utilize a wide variety of prey, and appear to feed mainly upon prey that is easily obtained.  相似文献   

The species composition and trophic structure of the Barents Sea fish assemblage is analysed based on data from research survey trawls and diet analyses of various species. Atlantic cod was the dominant fish species encountered, accounting for more than 55% by abundance or biomass. Only five fish species (long rough dab, thorny skate, Greenland halibut, deepwater redfish and saithe) were sufficiently abundant to be considered as possible food competitors with cod in the Barents Sea. However, possible trophic competition is not high, due to low spatial and temporal overlap between cod and these other species. Analyses of fish assemblages and trophic structures of the Barents Sea and other areas (North Sea, Western Greenland, Newfoundland-Labrador shelf) suggest that Barents Sea cod is the only cod stock for which the ability to recover may not be restricted by trophic relations among fishes, due to a lack of other abundant predatory species and low potential for competition caused by spatial-temporal changes.  相似文献   

The present study investigates ecological patterns and relationships to environmental variables among a time-series of larval fish species abundance from late spring surveys (1981–2003) in the northwest Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Links between interannual variation in species abundance and the physical environment were explored using generalized additive modeling (GAM). Trends in larval abundance and connections with physical variables displayed patterns that indicate unique and complex responses among species to environmental forcing during the larval period. In particular, the observed patterns suggest that ontogenetic-specific responses, representing sub-intervals of early life, are important. In addition, a notable degree of synchrony in larval abundance trends, and similarity in links with physical variables, were observed among species with common early life history patterns. The deepwater spawners, northern lampfish, arrowtooth flounder, and Pacific halibut, were most abundant in the study area during the 1990s, in association with enhanced wind-driven onshore and alongshore transport. Years of high abundance for Pacific cod, walleye pollock, and northern rock sole were associated with cooler winters and enhanced alongshore winds during spring. High larval abundance for spring–summer spawning rockfish species and southern rock sole seemed to be favored by warmer spring temperatures later in the time-series. This apparent exposure–response coupling seems to be connected to both local-scale and basin-scale environmental signals, to varying degrees depending on specific early life history characteristics. Understanding such ecological connections contributes to the evaluation of vulnerability and resilience among GOA species’ early life history patterns to fluctuating climate and oceanographic conditions. This investigation also provides crucial information for the identification of “environmental indicators” that may have a broad-spectrum effect on multiple species early life history stages, as well as those that may be more species-specific in exerting control on early life history survival. Of particular interest was the emergence of the EP–NP (East Pacific–North Pacific) teleconnection index as the top-ranked variable in the GAM models exploring the connections between late spring larval abundance and the physical environment. The EP–NP index represents an important and often primary mode of spring–summer atmospheric variability in the northeast Pacific, with a strong expression in the GOA, and its connection with species in this study implies that it may be a climate mode of significant ecological importance.  相似文献   

An overview of the Oyashio ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Oyashio shelf region and the seasonally ice-covered areas north of Hokkaido are highly productive, supporting a wide range of species including marine mammals, seabirds and commercially important species in the western subarctic Pacific. The fishes include gadids, such as walleye pollock and Pacific cod, and subarctic migratory pelagic fishes such as chum salmon and pink salmon. It is also an important summer feeding ground for subtropical migrants such as the Japanese sardine, Japanese anchovy, Pacific saury, mackerels, Japanese common squid, whales and seabirds. In recent decades, some components of the Oyashio ecosystem (i.e., phytoplankton, mesozooplankton, gadid fish, and subtropical migrants) have shown changes in species abundance or distribution that are correlated with environmental changes such as the 1976/1977 and 1988/1989 regime shifts. The First Oyashio Intrusion moved northward from the mid-1960s until the late 1970s, when it moved southward until the 1980s, after which it returned to the north again after the mid-1990s. The sea-surface temperature in spring decreased after the late 1970s, increased after the late 1980s, and remained high during the 1990s. The extent of ice cover in the Sea of Okhostk also decreased during the latest warming in the 1980–1990s but has increased again since the late 1990s. This and other variabilities affect the Oyashio ecosystem and the surrounding region.  相似文献   

The Barents Sea ecosystem, one of the most productive and commercially important ecosystems in the world, has experienced major fluctuations in species abundance the past five decades. Likely causes are natural variability, climate change, overfishing and predator–prey interactions. In this study, we use an age-length structured multi-species model (Gadget, Globally applicable Area-Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox) to analyse the historic population dynamics of major fish and marine mammal species in the Barents Sea. The model was used to examine possible effects of a number of plausible biological and fisheries scenarios. The results suggest that changes in cod mortality from fishing or cod cannibalism levels have the largest effect on the ecosystem, while changes to the capelin fishery have had only minor effects. Alternate whale migration scenarios had only a moderate impact on the modelled ecosystem. Indirect effects are seen to be important, with cod fishing pressure, cod cannibalism and whale predation on cod having an indirect impact on capelin, emphasising the importance of multi-species modelling in understanding and managing ecosystems. Models such as the one presented here provide one step towards an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management.  相似文献   

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