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深渊着陆器技术研究及马里亚纳海沟科考应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海斗深渊是指海洋中深度超过6 000 m的区域,占据了海洋底部45%的深度范围,是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,海斗深渊科学代表着当前海洋研究最新的前沿领域。面向海斗深渊科学近海底长时探测与采样应用需求,介绍了我国自主研制的7 000 m级"天涯"号、"海角"号深渊着陆器系统,针对深渊着陆器的装备特点,重点研究了生物原位观测、微生物富集与固定、生物诱捕及沉积物取样等技术。描述了深渊着陆器在马里亚纳海沟开展的试验和科考应用,验证了着陆器及采样技术的可行性、有效性及其对深渊科考的适用性,并取得了多项科考成果。  相似文献   

天然气水合物样品保压取样技术已经成熟,但保压样品只能进行压降处理成为常压样品,这种方法很大程度上影响了水合物在沉积物中的存在初始状况,压力的急骤变化以及温度的变化都会引起沉积物中水合物成分析出,影响后处理的判别。样品保压转移及处理技术不仅是未来天然气水合物资源勘探技术的发展趋势,也是重要技术手段之一。天然气水合物保压样品的获取、检测、处理是天然气水合物取样技术从初级走向成熟阶段的重要标志。介绍了天然气水合物沉积物样品保压转移及处理技术的设计思路及系统各组成单元。该系统主要由天然气水合物样品保压转移系统、天然气水合物保压样品在线探测及岩心分析系统等2部分组成。该系统的设计为今后天然气水合物资源的勘探和开发提供了很好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

深海悬浮颗粒物((含浮游微生物)的研究具有重要意义,但深海大洋中多数海域悬浮物的丰度很低,其研究需要较多水样(一次过滤水样超过200L,甚至达到1000L以上),传统方法用采水器采水后甲板过滤费时费力。基于此,本文研制了一种高通量深海海水采样及分级过滤装置,装置包括总成深海泵、过滤装置、数据采集与控制装置,以及支撑架体、供电部件、连接机构和流量计等辅助部件。过滤装置分三级过滤(分别放置0.22、1和5μm孔径的滤膜,并可根据需要更换组合),控制装置采用深度触发和时间触发两种工作模式,并可配套安装CTD、荧光计等海洋环境参数测量设备。针对调查站点,将若干套(如3套)高通量深海海水采样及分级过滤系统分一定间隔悬挂于深海绞车缆线上,可以同步进行相应水层的海水原位过滤,从而形成多水层同步高通量原位多级过滤,以获取浮游微生物等悬浮颗粒物样品。该原位取样系统具有多层同步高通量过滤和分级采样的特点,现已被应用于海洋科考航次中,为深海悬浮颗粒物(含浮游微生物等)的研究提供了一种简约高效的样品获取方法。  相似文献   

从海底采集的长柱状保压天然气水合物一般不能被直接分析,需要被切割成小段再转移。保压子取样装置是在天然气水合物保压转移系统的基础上研发的,该装置能够获取任意小尺寸的带压岩心,并将其转移到测试装置中进行原位检测。介绍保压子取样的总体结构和工作原理,并分析系统压力变化的趋势,然后利用AMESim软件对压力维持部分进行仿真,最后通过水合物转移实验,验证保压子取样技术的可行性。重点讨论了蓄能器对于系统压力维持能力的影响,得出预充压力越大蓄能器保压效果越好的结论。  相似文献   

海洋开发已经步入全海深时代,迫切需要获取全海深海底沉积物力学特性。由于海洋工程地质环境的特殊性,尤其是深海,常规取样难度较大,并且会扰动原状土体,海底沉积物原位测试成为海底工程勘察的重要手段。介绍了静力触探测试、十字板剪切测试和全流动贯入测试等海底沉积物力学特性的原位测试方法;归纳总结了影响原位测试结果的因素主要包括水深、底质类型以及解析方法等;重点介绍了一种全海深海洋探索技术"深海着陆器";展望了全海深沉积物力学特性原位测试技术面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

在海洋地质调查中,如何取得好的沉积物样品是每一位海洋地质学家所向往的,而获得好的沉积物样品的关键又很大程度上取决于先进的海洋调查仪器的使用。法国“阿塔郎特”号海洋调查船上的重力取样管不管在性能上,还是安全性上都瞰称世界上比较先进的取样设备。  相似文献   

在海洋地质调查中,如何取得好的沉积物样品是每一位海洋地质学家所向往的,而获得好的沉积物样品的关键又很大程度上取决于先进的海洋调查仪器的使用。法国”阿塔郎特“号海洋调查船上的重力取样管不管在性能上,还是安全性上都瞰称世界上比较先进的取样设备。  相似文献   

海底沉积物保真采样技术研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海底沉积物保真采样对于诸多海洋科学研究非常重要,各种研究目标的实现与沉积物样品的原位信息密切相关。本文论述了海底沉积物保真采样的目的和意义,提出了保真采样的定义,介绍了保真采样器的发展现状。论文重点讨论了保真采样器在采样过程中所涉及的共性关键技术。在此基础上,介绍了我国重力活塞式天然气水合物保真采样器的研究进展。最后,提出了关于发展我国保真采样技术的如下几点设想:1)重视沉积物低扰动技术研究,为相关海洋科学研究提供样品层次清晰、物质成分完备的沉积物样品。2)与HYACINTH计划类似,为适应不同海底地质条件,开发系列保真采样器。对松软的非岩性沉积物(从软泥、沙到砂砾)采样时,可采用重力驱动或震动冲击驱动保真采样装置;对硬质岩化的沉积物采样时,可采用回转式保真采样装置。3)重点开展沉积物样品无压降转移技术。实现实验室内的保真分析、存储和小段样品获取,开展原位压力条件下沉积物样品的地球物理学测试、地球化学、微生物、和石油物理学等研究分析。4)开展长柱状沉积物保真采样技术研究,为我国天然气水合物研究提供技术保障。  相似文献   

论述全球的深海概念,包括深于1000m的各种海域,如大洋、远海、一些海湾、海峡、海沟、海槽、深渊、超深渊等。认为深海环境包括3个单元:深海海平面上的空气、海洋表层至海底间的深水体和表层沉积物/岩石及以下部分。在此环境繁衍了深海上空气微生物、深水微生物及深海地微生物,对这三者的研究构成了深海微生物学,而其中的嗜极微生物则十分重要。尤其关注深海地微生物学的研究现状并展望其研究前景。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型海底沉积物原位保真采样系统.该系统通过机械机构实现样品舱原位转移和封装.并且样品舱的保温保压性能决定着样品分析数据的真实性.依据能量守恒定律.建立了样品舱保温模型非稳态传热的导热微分方程,并用有限元法对非稳态传热进行了数模计算;根据保温模型试验和温度场变化规律仿真数据,构建了参数优化设计模型.为海底沉积物保真采样系统快速设计提供了理论依据.实验和模拟分析结果表明.所建模型与实际情况吻合较好,可以满足实际工程要求.对海底油气勘探具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为了获得连续、低扰动、超长的深海海底沉积物样品,研制了一套可应用于最大水深6 000 m,最长取样可达25 m的可视可控轻型沉积物柱状取样系统。本套设备主要包括甲板控制单元、取样系统和立式收放机构3部分。在取样过程中,本系统充分利用动能和深海液压锤夯击双动力组合,即取样过程包括前期的重力贯入和后期的夯击取样两个过程。液压锤夯击机构的配置使取样器在不显著增加自身重量的前提下,完成超长、连续、低扰动的深海沉积物柱状样采集工作。取样器的组合与拆卸采用立式吊装的方式,极大地降低了取样过程中的工作量和所需甲板作业空间。水下监测系统的配置解决了以往盲采样的弊端。除此之外,本取样器还设有多个标准通用端口,可以扩展为多种设备的集成平台,完成多种数据的采集。目前本套设备已经成功进行了海试,并作为主要沉积物取样设备成功应用于多个海上调查航次,取得了一系列连续、低扰动的柱状样品,有效地提高了我国深海可视可控柱状取样的技术水平。  相似文献   

Previous laboratory studies have shown reductions in PCB bioavailability for sediments amended with activated carbon (AC). Here we report results on a preliminary pilot-scale study to assess challenges in scaling-up for field deployment and monitoring. The goals of the preliminary pilot-scale study at Hunters Point Shipyard (San Francisco, USA) were to (1) test the capabilities of a large-scale mixing device for incorporating AC into sediment, (2) develop and evaluate our field assessment techniques, and (3) compare reductions in PCB bioavailability found in the laboratory with well-mixed systems to those observed in the field with one-time-mixed systems. In this study we successfully used a large-scale device to mix 500kg of AC into a 34.4m(2) plot to a depth of 1ft, a depth that includes the majority of the biologically active zone. Our results indicate that after 7 months of AC-sediment contact in the field, the 28-day PCB bioaccumulation for the bent-nosed clam, Macoma nasuta, field-deployed to this AC-amended sediment was approximately half of the bioaccumulation resulting from exposure to untreated sediment. Similar PCB bioaccumulation reductions were found in laboratory bioassays conducted on both the bivalve, M. nasuta and the estuarine amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus, using sediment collected from the treated and untreated field plots one year after the AC amendment occurred. To further understand the long-term effectiveness of AC as an in situ treatment strategy for PCB-contaminated sediments under field conditions, a 3-year comprehensive study is currently underway at Hunters Point that will compare the effectiveness of two large-scale mixing devices and include both unmixed and mixed-only control plots.  相似文献   

Time-series measurements of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN) fluxes, sediment community composition, and sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC) were made at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series station (Sta. ALOHA, 4730 m depth) between December 1997 and January 1999. POC and PN fluxes, estimated from sediment trap collections made at 4000 m depth (730 m above bottom), peaked in late August and early September 1998. SCOC was measured in situ using a free vehicle grab respirometer that also recovered sediments for chemical and biological analyses on six cruises during the 1-year study. Surface sediment organic carbon, total nitrogen and phaeopigments significantly increased in September, corresponding to the pulses in particulate matter fluxes. Bacterial abundance in the surface sediment was highest in September with a subsurface high in November. Sediment macrofauna were numerically dominated by agglutinating Foraminifera fragments with highest density in September. Metazoan abundance, dominated by nematodes was also highest in September. SCOC significantly increased from a low in February to a high in September. POC and PN fluxes at 730 m above bottom were significantly correlated with SCOC with a lag time of ⩽14 days, linking pelagic food supply with benthic processes in the oligotrophic North Pacific gyre. The annual supply of POC into the abyss compared to the estimated annual demand by the sediment community (POC:SCOC) indicates that only 65% of the food demand is met by the supply of organic carbon.  相似文献   

Total O2 uptake rates were measured by the benthic flux chamber lander ELINOR, and O2 microprofiles were measured by the profiling lander PROFILUR in the eastern South Atlantic. Diffusive O2 fluxes through the diffusive boundary layer and the depth distribution of O2 consumption rates within the sediment were calculated from the obtained microprofiles. The depth integrated O2 consumption rate agreed closely with the diffusive O2 uptake at all stations. Total O2 uptake was 1.2–4.2 times the diffusive O2 uptake, and the difference correlated with the abundance of macrofauna in the sediment. Diffusive O2 uptake and O2-penetration depths correlated with the organic content of the sediments and exhibited an inverse correlation with water depth. Total and diffusive rates of in situ O2 uptake were higher than previously published data for shelf and abyssal sediments in the Atlantic, but were comparable to rates from upwelling areas in the eastern Pacific. Laboratory measurements on recovered sediment cores showed lower O2 penetration depths and higher diffusive uptake rates than in situ measurements. The differences increased with increasing water depth. We primarily ascribe this compression of O2 profiles to a transiently increased temperature during recovery and enhanced microbial activity in decompressed sediment cores. Total O2 uptake rates measured in the laboratory on macrofauna-rich stations were, in contrast, lower than those measured in situ because of underrepresentation and disturbance of the macrofauna.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory studies have shown reductions in PCB bioavailability for sediments amended with activated carbon (AC). Here we report results on a preliminary pilot-scale study to assess challenges in scaling-up for field deployment and monitoring. The goals of the preliminary pilot-scale study at Hunters Point Shipyard (San Francisco, USA) were to (1) test the capabilities of a large-scale mixing device for incorporating AC into sediment, (2) develop and evaluate our field assessment techniques, and (3) compare reductions in PCB bioavailability found in the laboratory with well-mixed systems to those observed in the field with one-time-mixed systems. In this study we successfully used a large-scale device to mix 500 kg of AC into a 34.4 m2 plot to a depth of 1 ft, a depth that includes the majority of the biologically active zone. Our results indicate that after 7 months of AC-sediment contact in the field, the 28-day PCB bioaccumulation for the bent-nosed clam, Macoma nasuta, field-deployed to this AC-amended sediment was approximately half of the bioaccumulation resulting from exposure to untreated sediment. Similar PCB bioaccumulation reductions were found in laboratory bioassays conducted on both the bivalve, M. nasuta and the estuarine amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus, using sediment collected from the treated and untreated field plots one year after the AC amendment occurred. To further understand the long-term effectiveness of AC as an in situ treatment strategy for PCB-contaminated sediments under field conditions, a 3-year comprehensive study is currently underway at Hunters Point that will compare the effectiveness of two large-scale mixing devices and include both unmixed and mixed-only control plots.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera are investigated in sediment core LV28-34-2 (53°51.971′N, 146°47.499′E, sea depth 1431 m, core length 965 cm). The distribution of foraminifera is studied in coarse-grained (>0.125 mm) sediment fractions of 191 samples taken with a step of 5 cm. The core covers the interval from oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 6 up to the Holocene. The foraminiferal assemblages of the penultimate (OIS 6) and last (OIS 5d-2) glaciations are characterized by low abundances and prevalence of Uvigerina auberiana. The specific structure of the OIS 6 assemblages differs from the last glaciation ones by the mass presence of Cassidulina teretis, which characterizes low temperatures and a high influx of organic matter to the sea floor. The major factor responsible for the weak development of benthic foraminifers during the glacial time is the deficiency of food resources. The foraminiferal assemblage of the interglacial optimum (OIS 5e) is composed of both calcareous and agglutinated species (Martinottiella communis).The inflow of Pacific waters was probably more intensive, the bioproductivity was higher, and the critical carbonate compensation depth was shallower at that time than during the glaciations. During the deglaciation, the quantity and structure of the foraminiferal assemblages reflected two pulses of warming (terminations 1B and 1A) with an intervenient cooling event (Younger Dryassic). The assemblages of warm periods were characterized by exclusively high foraminiferal abundances, which sharply decreased during the Younger Dryassic cooling. The specific structure of the foraminiferal assemblage during deglaciation was relatively uniform, being composed of only calcareous taxa typical of highly productive areas of the ocean. The paleoenvironmental conditions were similar to the conditions of the interglacial optimum (OIS 5e), although the preservation of calcareous tests is better. In the Holocene sediments, the concentration of benthic foraminifera is substantially lower than during the deglaciation, which is explainable by their dilution in the sediments by diatoms; the composition of the foraminiferal assemblages is similar to that of their glacial counterparts.  相似文献   

Even though the continental slope off Cape Hatteras has sediment accumulation rates on the order of 1 cm/year, large areas of soft sediment are intensively reworked by infaunal organisms. Primary sedimentary structures have been completely replaced with biogenic structures. Surface sedimentary structures are dominated by the bioturbational activities of a deep burrowing infauna (to at least 30 cm). The layer actively mixed by the benthos, as evidenced by sediment profile and X-ray images, is estimated to range from 5 to 20 cm, with the residence time for particles within the surface mixed layer ranging from about 4.5 to 18 years. The biological mixing parameter (G) ranges from 0.4 to 5.5, which indicates moderate to strong biological mixing relative to accumulation and strata formation. Bioturbation contributes to the dynamic forces affecting the surface sediments by decreasing compaction of sediment layers and dilating sediment fabrics by sediment mixing, and introducing large water-filled burrows and voids to subsurface sediments. The sediment profile images captured numerous subsurface feeding voids, and worms in the process of making deep burrows, many of which extended below the 5 to 10 cm average depth of the apparent color redoxpotential discontinuity layer. High rates of accumulation of organic-rich sediment lead to high standing stocks of benthos and intensive feeding/burrowing activity that result in organic rich stratagraphic sequences that are thoroughly mixed. Cape Hatteras is a apparent focusing point for the transport of shallow water sediments to the deep sea. Sediments across other areas of the continental slope just 100's of kilometers south of Cape Hatteras are not as thoroughly mixed or biologically active.  相似文献   

根据1993年11~12月航次调查结果,研究南沙海域铁和锰在沉积物/间隙水/海水的界面分配和转移。结果表明,沉积物中Fe含量与其他海域差不多, Mn具有明显特色:不但含量很高,在不同站位差异悬殊,且 Fe、 Mn之间存在分离现象。沉积物中Fe、Mn含量与水深呈正相关。估计本海区有锰的微结核存在。在间隙水中Fe、Mn均产生明显富集,比海水含量高30多倍。Fe、Mn(尤其是Mn)的界面分配和转移与水深密切相关,与沉积物的氧化还原条件也存在着一定关系。  相似文献   

The present investigation was targeted at diatom composition studies in the surface sediments (0–1 cm) sampled in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northwest Pacific in the depth range from 130 to 6110 m. The taxonomic analysis, as well as the quantitative (the diatom cell abundance per sediment dry weight unit) content and ecological group definition, was applied. Ten diatom taxa are the main body (80–100%) of the diatom assemblages: Bacterosira bathyomphala, Chaetoceros spp. (spores), Actinocyclus curvatulus, Thalassiosira latimarginata (group), T. antarctica (spores), Neodenticula seminae, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, Thalassiothrix longissima, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis. The relative content of these species reflects the sedimentation conditions for different parts of the sea: the shelf, the continental slope, the open sea, and the ocean. The highest diatom content (45.6.3–60.0 106 per g of dry weight) was found for the surface sediments in the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the continental slope of western Kamchatka.  相似文献   

For the first time in situ, deep penetrating O2 profiles were measured in abyssal sediments in the western South Atlantic. Construction of deep penetrating O2 optodes and adaptation to a benthic profiling lander are described. The opto-chemical oxygen sensors allow measurements to a depth of 55 cm in marine sediments. A vertical resolution of 0.5 cm was used to determine the O2 dynamics in those oligotrophic deep sea sediments; the oxygen concentration across the sediment water interface was measured with a resolution of 100 μm. Oxygen penetration depth (OPD), diffusive oxygen uptake (DOU) and oxygen consumption rates were determined at four stations north of the Amazon fan and one at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Diffusive oxygen uptake rates ranged from 0.1 to 0.9 mmol m−2 d−1; the oxygen penetration depth ranged from 8 to 26 cm. Carbon consumption rates calculated from the diffusive oxygen uptake rates were in the range of 0.3–3.0 g C m−2 a−1. Comparison between in situ and laboratory DOU and OPD measurements confirmed previous findings that core recovery and warming have strong effects on the oxygen dynamics in deep sea sediments. Laboratory measurements yielded a decrease of 50–75% in OPD and consequently an increase in DOU by 1.5 and 18-times. Deep penetrating oxygen optodes provide a new tool to accurately determine oxygen dynamics (and thereby calculate carbon mineralization rates) in oligotrophic sediments. However, oxygen optodes as used in this study do not resolve the diffusive boundary layer (DBL). The data show that deep penetrating O2 optodes in combination with high-resolution O2 microelectrodes give a complete picture of the oxygen dynamics, including the DBL, in deep sea sediments.  相似文献   

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