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我国的胃癌发病率高,每年新增胃癌患者占全世界每年新增数量的42%,胃癌成为我国恶性肿瘤防控的重点.本文针对胃癌数据的特征,给出数据预处理和集成方法;采用C5.0分类算法,构建了胃癌生存预测模型,并首次采用美国癌症研究所的SEER数据库进行预测实验.实验结果表明:C5.0预测的精确度、特异性均高于BP-神经网络算法;胃癌患者的出生地点与最终的存活状态之间存在较强的相关性.该研究是数据挖掘技术在医学领域的一个实际应用,对胃癌的临床诊断具有一定的参考价值,可为医生制定合理的治疗和预防方案提供一定参考.  相似文献   

由于经济发展的复杂性,本文旨在探索由环境变迁引发这一动态、复杂而又相互作用的过程,通过引入环境变迁与经济成长两方面因素分析其中的潜在关联性,并将区域稳定性作为环境变迁与经济成长相互作用后的衡量指标,来评估该过程.1)通过使用衡量国家经济健康程度的健康性与复杂性(Fitness and Complexity)算法,获得了新的评估国家经济成长的国家经济健康性系数,该系数能在竞争激烈的动态国际贸易环境下有更好预测GDP的表现.随后建立机器学习模型,成功预测了不同国家的稳定性类别,且预测精度都在90%左右.2)实现了基于数据的环境变迁和区域经济成长的关联性可视化分析,通过分析能够得到潜在关联性结论:一些发展中国家经济稳定性与水资源和二氧化碳排放呈强关联,而发达国家则与人均耕地面积有关联.3)设立评估国家稳定性的新指标,与世界主流指标相比,构建的新指标更注重原始数据的量化,减少了概念抽象的指标对预测性能的影响,且在评估区域经济成长时能更符合当前国际的实际经济情况.本文提出的评估区域稳定性的新排名是完全基于量化指标的,因此更容易实现,说服力更强.通过实际的预测效果分析,该新排名在衡量区域稳定性时弥补了世界主流排名由抽象指标带来的预测失真缺陷,能够满足基本的区域稳定性预测功能,并且能够对预测结果造成影响的主要因素进行解释.  相似文献   

介绍了美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)及国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的40年全球再分析资料,此资料时间长(1957~1996年),观测资料丰富,分析方法统一,是目前全球最好的再分析资料。其输出内容共分四大类:观测档案、天气档案、时间序列档案及速视光盘,还有一张特殊的光盘。根据其受观测资料及模式影响程度的不同,其输出产品又可分A,B,C,D四类。用标准二进制格式输出,包括等压面、等熵面及σ面上的资料,有每日4次、每日2次、日平均、月平均的基本要素场和二维、三维的诊断分析场。它对数值模式计算及天气和气候的诊断分析非常有用。  相似文献   

对青少年开展气候变化教育是应对气候变化挑战的重要举措之一。了解哪些因素会影响青少年的气候变化减缓意愿及行为则是开展有效气候变化教育的前提。文中基于影响青少年气候变化行为因素的理论框架,针对厦门、深圳、宁波9所中学1539名学生,开展问卷调查。结果表明,我国沿海地区12~14岁青少年整体上对气候变化关注程度和气候变化减缓行动表现一般,且其气候变化科学知识水平相对较低;回归分析显示影响他们减缓行为意愿的主要因素是过去参与过的气候变化减缓行为、自我效能和气候变化卷入度,而影响他们减缓行为的主要因素为气候变化卷入度和自我效能;气候变化主观认知较高和高责任心型人格的青少年表现出较高的减缓行为。最后提出建议:我国青少年气候变化教育应该重点关注提高青少年气候变化卷入度、增加气候科学认知水平和增进自我效能,以期提高青少年的气候变化减缓行为意愿和减缓行为。  相似文献   

南京市降水化学特征及其来源研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了解南京江北地区降水化学特征,分析了2011年3—6月共25个降水日的109个降水样品中的主要水溶性离子,并利用后向轨迹模式探讨了降水气团来源.结果表明:1)南京地区3—6月降水主要受南、北2种气团影响,北方气团降水的主要离子浓度高于南方气团降水.2)海盐示踪法和相关性分析显示,降水中NO3-和SO42-主要来自燃煤、工业排放和汽车尾气;Ca2+主要来自地壳源;Cl-主要来自海洋;海洋源和陆源对Mg2+和K+都有贡献,Mg2+的陆源贡献大于海洋源贡献,K+受海洋源的影响程度要低于Mg2+.3)南、北气团初期降水的各离子浓度高于总降水的各离子浓度,且初期降水的主要离子的富集系数高于总降水.这说明在降水初始阶段,雨水对南京大气中污染物(气态污染物和颗粒物)的云下冲刷去除作用较强,降水的离子浓度最高,局地源对降水离子的贡献较明显.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the Taiwanese government has worked actively to implement the concept of a sustainable Taiwan. As an important step in their strategy, the Ministry of Education has decided to promote the Green School Partnership Project in Taiwan (GPPT). However, academic research and critical reflection on the effects of this environmental and sustainability education initiative are lacking. Therefore, this study focuses on filling this gap by means of a nationwide generalizable effect study. The sampling allowed comparisons between the sixth, ninth, and twelfth grades in GPPT and non-GPPT schools and considered the geographic location (north, center, and south of Taiwan) as well as socio-economic area of the schools. A total of 1741 students participated, answering a questionnaire that focused on student sustainability consciousness (SC) and its components (i.e., knowingness, attitudes, and behaviors in relation to sustainability). Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling. Our findings make an important empirical contribution, indicating that GPPT schools and non-GPPT schools have a similar effect on the SC of students, i.e. schools engaged in the GPPT do not enhance student SC. In addition, the gender gap regarding SC increased consistently with each increasing grade level, yielding higher mean values for the girls than for the boys. Furthermore, an adolescent dip occurred in the student SC, especially with regard to student sustainability behavior. Given these findings, implications for developing GPPT are discussed; this research could provide valuable information about the educational transformation process to enhance environmental and sustainability behavior among students in Taiwan.  相似文献   

采用1985-2012年数据,利用时间序列分析方法,建立了刻画我国出国留学人数变动的模型ARIMA(2,2,2),得到较好的预测效果.同时研究了出国留学人数与我国城镇居民人均消费性支出之间的关系,建立了相应的模型,并进行了Granger 因果关系检验.结果表明:出国留学生数的对数每增加1%,城镇居民人均消费性支出的对数将增加近0.06%.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of accumulation is fundamental to recognising the magnitude and speed of emissions reduction required to stabilise atmospheric CO2 and, hence, global temperature. This research investigated the effectiveness of analogy for building understanding of accumulation among non-experts. Two studies tested the effects of analogy and graphical information on: (1) performance on a CO2 stabilisation task; and (2) preferred level of action on climate change. Study 1 was conducted with a sample of undergraduate students and Study 2, with a sample of the Australian public. In the student sample, analogical processing significantly improved task performance when information about emission rates was presented in text but not when it was presented in graph format. It was also associated with greater preference for strong action on climate change. When tested with the public, analogy and information format independently influenced task performance. Furthermore, there was a marginal effect of education such that the analogy especially might have helped those with at least high school attainment. Our results show that analogy can improve non-experts’ understanding of CO2 accumulation but that using graphs to convey emissions rate information is detrimental to such improvements. The results should be of interest to climate change communicators, advocates, and policy-makers.  相似文献   

We compare changes in low birth weight and child malnutrition in 13 African countries under projected climate change versus socio-economic development scenarios. Climate scenarios are created by linking surface temperature gradients with declines in seasonal rainfall sea along with warming values of 1 °C and 2 °C. Socio-economic scenarios are developed by assigning regionally specific changes in access to household electricity and mother's education. Using these scenarios, in combination with established models of children's health, we investigate and compare the changes in predicted health outcomes. We find that the negative effects of warming and drying on child stunting could be mitigated by positive development trends associated with increasing mothers’ educational status and household access to electricity. We find less potential for these trends to mitigate how warming and drying trends impact birth weights. In short, under warming and drying, the risk of more malnourished children is greater than the risk of more children with low birth weights, but increases in child malnutrition could be averted in regions that increase access to educational resources and basic infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper examined the relationship between birth weight, precipitation, and temperature in 19 African countries. We matched recorded birth weights from Demographic and Health Surveys covering 1986 through 2010 with gridded monthly precipitation and temperature data derived from satellite and ground-based weather stations. Observed weather patterns during various stages of pregnancy were also used to examine the effect of temperature and precipitation on birth weight outcomes. In our empirical model we allowed the effect of weather factors to vary by the dominant food production strategy (livelihood zone) in a given region as well as by household wealth, mother's education and birth season. This allowed us to determine if certain populations are more or less vulnerable to unexpected weather changes after adjusting for known covariates. Finally we measured effect size by observing differences in birth weight outcomes in women who have one low birth weight experience and at least one healthy birth weight baby. The results indicated that climate does indeed impact birth weight and at a level comparable, in some cases, to the impact of increasing women's education or household electricity status.  相似文献   

当今银行之间的竞争日益加剧,能有效地挖掘潜在客户并为之提供差异化服务,对提高银行竞争力尤为重要.用决策树算法对可能影响银行客户是否认购定期存款的21个影响因素进行数据挖掘分析,构建了银行客户认购定期存款业务影响因素的决策树模型.研究结果表明显著影响客户认购定期存款的3个因素为员工指标人数、持续时间和月份,这可以大大缩小银行推送认购定期存款的客户范围,有利于提高银行效率.  相似文献   

锋生作用对2011年梅汛期湖北暴雨的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用常规气象资料、湖北人工气象站和自动气象监测站雨量资料、NCEP再分析0.5°×0.5°等资料,对锋生函数在2011年6月中上旬梅雨期三次暴雨过程中的作用进行了诊断分析。结果表明:(1)2011年湖北梅雨在单阻型环流场形成和维持的过程中,先后出现了三种不同特征的暴雨过程。三次过程均在中层出现锋生。(2)中层锋生主要由垂直锋生造成,有利于对流不稳定的发生。低层锋生主要由水平锋生造成,有利于水汽输送和辐合抬升。当中层和低层均有锋生,且中层为垂直锋生、低层为水平锋生时,有利于降雨强度的加强。(3)先出现中层锋生后出现低层锋生可能为短时降雨,先出现低层锋生后出现中层锋生可能为长历时降雨。(4)低层的垂直锋消与水平锋生完全抵消说明低层水平辐合不够强,且对流稳定,不利于强降雨的发生。  相似文献   

为了提升机器人工程专业学生综合实践能力,本文设计了一款集机、电、控、图像处理于一体的教学机器人实验平台,将机器人机械结构设计、运动学分析、运动控制、图像处理等技术有机融合,不仅提供了机器人关节装配及实物图演示实验,易于学生理论联系实际深入掌握机器人机械结构及工作原理,而且基于开放的控制实验平台,能够完成机器人的运动学分析、驱动控制、轨迹规划、图像处理及基于视觉引导的物体识别与抓取等实验.该实验平台具有很强的综合性和可操作性,激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生工程实践与创新能力得到有效提升.  相似文献   

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