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In South Africa the tourism industry has been targeted as one of the key sectoral drivers for economic development and transformation of the country over the next two decades. A special feature of the South African tourism economy, which is a legacy of the apartheid period, is that the overwhelming majority of tourism enterprises and of the tourism economy as a whole is under the ownership of the white minority. With the post-apartheid transition, the national government recognizes that this unequal ownership structure in tourism needs to be addressed through a programme of transformation and consolidated support for the development of black owned tourism enterprises, especially of small tourism enterprises. The objective in this paper is to examine the problems and challenges that face the transformation of South Africa's contemporary tourism economy by investigating the development and constraints upon the country's emergent small black-owned accommodation sector in the form of bed and breakfast establishments.  相似文献   

韩顺才 《黄金地质》2002,8(4):72-75
在市场经济中,任何企业,任何产品都有其生命周期,企业为了生存和发展,在不同发展阶段采取相应的经营战略至关重要。其中,多元化经营战略是谈论最多的一种,实践证明,多元化经营战略既是机遇,又是陷阱。因此,对企业采用多元化经营战略要有正确的认识,这种战略只是企业发展到一定阶段自身积累得以完善,为了可持续发展而采取的形式,目前,我国黄金企业成功采用多元化经营战略很少,黄金企业同其他企业一样,只要在主导产业做强,做大的同时,在项目选择上决策正确,顺应市场,多元化发展就会取得成功。  相似文献   

袁泽沛  陈金贤 《地球科学》1999,24(6):653-657
通过对影响企业组织效能的主要因素分析,结合适应知识经济的要求把我国企业集团的组织形式分为“协调发展、独立经营”、“集中政策、分散管理”和“统一领导、集中经营”3种形式,并运用AHP方法对企业集团的组织模式进行分析,研究,提出了一个企业组织模式分析评价、决策的方法。  相似文献   

采用质量管理体系是企业的一项战略决策,它亦是企业实施管理标准化、规范化的最佳途径。如何将其融入微机化管理,构建一个集管理、专业及系统分析软件为一体的信息化模式,以提高试验模拟与实际工程相关参数的准确度,在当今信息及网络高速发达的市场经济时代,是一个值得关注和研究的课题。  相似文献   

企业文化对企业长期经营业绩有着重要的影响,它很可能成为决定企业兴衰的关键因素,但是直到今天把企业文化发扬光大并成为核心竞争力的企业仍然是极少数。究其原因,主要是理论研究的多,企业家在实践中把企业文化建设当作一种自觉行动的少,没有把企业文化的价值上升到战略高度来加以认识,企业文化缺少核心思想和系统规划,缺乏对企业愿景的描绘,对职工群众缺乏吸引力和凝聚力,以至在市场竞争中难以发挥文化制胜的作用。如何把企业文化培育成一种不可复制的重要战略资源,笔者认为首先要对企业文化进行提炼,找出企业的核心价值观,系统策划企业文化内容,并在员工队伍及客户全体中持续宣贯培育,最终达到员工拥护、客户认同的目标,以文化的软实力为企业创造出硬价值。  相似文献   

我国煤炭城市实现可持续发展的思路与对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
袁朱 《地球科学进展》2005,20(6):679-686
我国共有煤炭型城市63座,其中典型的煤炭城市31座,一半以上分布于东北三省和山西省。煤炭型城市的稳定及可持续发展面临的主要问题有:经济结构单一,煤炭企业普遍亏损,生态破坏与环境污染严重,下岗失业人员增多、社会矛盾突出,城市布局分散、功能弱化。实现煤炭型城市可持续发展应遵循以下基本思路:①加强煤炭资源的综合开发与深度加工;②积极探索和发展非煤替代产业;③建立现代企业制度,调整企业组织结构;④加强生态型城市建设。煤炭型城市实现可持续发展不仅要有内部动力,还要有外部支持系统、相应的政策措施作保证,如建立煤炭型城市经济转型储备基金,运用政府补偿的财政支持手段,实施产业援助等优惠政策,尽可能减低各种税费支出,尽快将环境补偿费纳入资源补偿费的范畴。  相似文献   

从企业管理发展趋势的需要,加入WTO后的迫切要求,增强企业竞争力重要手段等方面,阐述了在新世纪新形势下建立学习型企业的必要性。对建立学习型企业的前提、机制、学习方式、创新文化建设等基本途径进行了论述,并提出了建立学习型企业值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

为适应社会主义市场经济的要求 ,明达化工地质公司按现代企业管理制度对下属三家企业在进行了股权结构改造的同时 ,以完善企业法人制度、规范企业组织制度、建立企业管理制度着手进行了改制 ,改制后又积极在转变经营机制、开拓市场空间、加强内部管理、控制生产成本 ,加强财会管理、转变公司财务结构 ,加强企业文化建设、树立公司形象等方面做了大量工作 ,取得了较为理想的效果。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model specially designed for the safety culture assessment of petroleum enterprises. The model is established based on the authors’ years of experience in this field. The index system of the safety assessment mentioned herein is based on SMART safety culture principles, covering safety material, safety behavior, safety system, safety belief, persistence of safety, and openness of safety. The proposed system also includes the safety material culture, in which on-the-spot analysis of the key factors of safety culture is conducted together with duty consultants. All the fuzzy membership indexes and their degrees were weighed and calculated with the final evaluation results, presented in accordance with the analytic hierarchy process. All the safety culture statuses of petroleum enterprises Z, S, and C were then incorporated into detailed analysis. The results of the application confirm that the levels of safety culture follow the order of Z petroleum enterprise 相似文献   

H.D Watts 《Geoforum》1974,5(1):69-76
In an old established industrial area spatial rationalisation stratégies of multi-plant enterprises play an important role in modifying the location of industry. The special characteristics of the multiplant enterprise are set out, and the effects of organisational structure, socio-political environment, enterprise inter-action, and merger activity on industrial location is considered. Quantitative techniques available to management are reviewed, but it is shown there is little evidence to indicate they have been used. Three spatial rationalisation strategies are identified, each producing a different location pattern, although most multi-plant enterprises will adopt some form of strategy mix.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problems and prospects of developing black small-scale enterprise as part of the challenge to re-balance racial economic power in South Africa. The findings are presented of several studies identifying major blockages to black small business development. Policy issues of concern include finance, training and urban planning. Considerable importance is attached to the potential for expanding subcontracting linkages between large and small production enterprises.  相似文献   

Geographical political economy increasingly scrutinises the socio-spatial contexts for brands and branding. Less understood is the influence of subcultures – neo-tribal groups sharing passions, a leisure pursuit or practice - on enterprise formation and the pathways through which brands emerge, trading on perceived authenticity. Subcultural contexts, we argue, unleash distinctive trajectories of enterprise formation, reputation-building, value-creation, global expansion and accumulation, and ultimately destruction. Here we focus on how particular subcultural values – of authenticity, competition, risk-taking, and active participation in ‘scenes’ – interact with capitalist growth dynamics, and where over time and space such intersections bring brands unstuck. Using the case of surfing subculture and collapse of corporate surf enterprises (Quiksilver, Billabong), we theorise subcultural brand value creation and its interaction with financialized expansion, culminating in destructive contradictions. Subcultural enterprises with ‘authentic’, ‘back-of-the van’ origins convert subcultural values of credibility, localism, risk-taking, and scene participation into brand value. Trading on place-origins and subcultural authenticity, enterprises expanded in two phases. First by widening distribution using specialist ‘surf’ retailers, and second by offshoring production, public floating, and debt-financing brand acquisitions and massive retail expansion. Dictates of shareholders and investment banks spurred market saturation, and high-volume/low-quality goods. Surfing’s cherished insouciance gave way to unhinged expansionism and unmanageable debt. The subcultural authenticity that spawned brand popularity was undermined, amplifying financial risk. Disenchanted consumers who once co-created successful brands also co-destroyed them. As subcultural brands proliferate, geographical political economy must be attentive to subcultures as spawning-grounds for enterprises with accompanying limits to market growth, (dis)connections, and values.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断发展和电子商务的不断运用,全球经济日趋一体化,国际、国内的企业竞争越来越激烈,我国企业也面临着巨大的机遇与挑战,迫切需要借助信息化手段利用全球市场资源实现快速发展,由于受到跨国公司核心技术、市场策略等多种因素的制约,以及我国"振兴规划"不确定因素的影响,当前我国企业信息化建设和发展仍面临许多困难和问题,期望得到政府协调解决,使企业信息化建设进展顺利。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建立,签订和履行合同已经成为企业经营活中的重要行为。我们应当建立健全合同管理制度,加强对合同的审查管理和合同履行的监督管理,采取有效措施解决合同纠纷,进一步防范经营风险,保护企业的合法权益。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深化,加入WTO后与国际市场融入度的不断加强,企业生存与发展的环境日益呈现出市场一体化、需求多元化、竞争激烈化的特征,为了拓展企业的业务范围、扩大企业规模以及提高市场的竞争实力以应对日益激烈的市场竞争,勘察设计企业面对严峻的市场和竞争环境,结合企业自身的资源、环境和并购目的选择合适的并购模式,通过借助并购等资本运营手段,将企业做大做强,增强其综合实力,有效参与全球竞争。  相似文献   

在深化企业改革和发展社会主义市场经济的进程中,一个企业要谋求发展和壮大,必须积极营造适合自身的内外环境。在新形势下,企业思想政治工作面临新的考验和挑战,如何改进与创新,是我们共同面临的问题。  相似文献   

资本市场是社会主义市场经济重要组成部分。我国有色金属工业进入资本市场从无到有,已经形成独具特色的有色金属行业板块,其在资本市场的地位越来越重要。广西有色金属工业企业如何利用国内外资本市场,推动国有企业改革、制度创新和法人治理结构的完善,实现广西有色金属工业的飞跃发展值得我们探讨。  相似文献   

信息化建设是目前企业发展过程中必然会面临课问题,如何通过信息化建设来提高企业的竞争力,充分利用企业的资源,是信息化建设的目的,作者结合在设计院的工作体会,提出了设计院所信息化建设的基本原则和需要解决的主要问题,提出从企业实际需求出发,建立实用高效的信息化平台,为设计院所的生产设计服务。  相似文献   

谈地勘单位多种经营企业应收账款的管理与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙力梅 《吉林地质》2003,22(2):70-72
从计划经济走向市场经济的过程中,地勘单位的多种经营企业在应收账款上形成了较多的吊账、坏账。本文分析了多种经营企业对应收账款管理失控的主要原因,指出了加强应收账款的管理与控制的具体措施。  相似文献   

企业文化是现代企业竞争力的源泉,是企业经营战略的指南针,是企业核心竞争力的灵魂,是企业创新的源动力。科学发展观的第一要义是发展,落实科学发展观与构建先进文化的出发点和落脚点都是促进企业发展。加强科学发展观统领下的企业文化建设,倡导健康向上的企业文化,营造诚信、创新、敬业、精业的企业文化氛围.对建立和发展社会主义市场经济具有积极的现实意义。科学发展观指导下的企业文化建设应坚持以人为本原则、创新原则及可协调发展原则。构建企业文化应遵循文化发展规律,做到从实际出发,创建特色文化,并将企业文化融于制度建设,保证企业文化能够固化于制、执行到位。科学发展观统领企业文化建设应具备三个特征:高度的战略性、鲜明的时代性、价值的统一性。  相似文献   

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