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<正>文昌鱼(amphioxas或lancelet)属于脊索动物门(Chordata)、头索动物亚门(Subphylum Cephalochordata)、文昌鱼纲(Amphioxi)、文昌鱼目(Amphioxiforms)、文昌鱼科(Amphioxidae),有2属或3属(有争议),它们是鳃口文昌鱼属(Branchiostoma),侧殖文昌鱼属(Epigonichthys),偏文昌鱼属(Asymmetron)。早在5.2亿年前就已经出现,是无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型,也是脊椎动物的祖先原型。因其具有个体小、产卵量大、体外受精和发育以及胚胎透  相似文献   

厦门文昌鱼人工繁殖和幼虫发育及其变态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用组织学和胚胎学方法对厦门国家级自然保护区文昌鱼的生殖季节、胚胎发育和幼虫培育进行详细研究,结果表明,自然保护区文昌鱼生殖季节可分为两个繁殖时期,从6月初开始至7月初为繁殖高峰期,8和9月为繁殖小产期.观察人工繁殖得出,文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)产卵时间在傍晚19:00前后,可以观察到雌、雄文昌鱼的产卵和排精行为:雄性文昌鱼先离开沙,并跃出水面快速游动和排精,接着雌鱼也跃出水面,所有的卵通过破裂的性腺壁进入到围鳃腔并通过围鳃孔到水中受精,受精率在98.5%以上,还观察了文昌鱼幼虫发育并变态为幼鱼(长度为1.05~13.5mm)的全过程.  相似文献   

从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物的纽带——头索动物文昌鱼   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
头索动物文昌鱼是现存的最接近脊椎动物的无脊椎动物,它的形体结构简单却具有脊索动物的基本特征,而且其没有经过大规模复制的基因组结构与脊椎动物的始祖很接近。文昌鱼占据着重要的进化地位,并且长期以来在进化生物学和发育生物学等研究领城中一直作为模式动物,本文从文昌鱼的发现、形态结构、物种及分布、生活习性和胚胎发育等方面作以阐述。  相似文献   

文昌鱼(Amphioxus)胚胎发育的研究是从Kowalevsky(1867—1871)开始的。经Hatschek(1881),Cerfontaine(1906)和Conklin(1905—1932)等的研究,使我们对文昌鱼正常发育的过程,有了比较全面的认识。至于用实验方法来研究青岛文昌鱼(Bran-chiostoma belcheri tsingtaoense Tchang et Koo)的发育,童第周、吴尚懃、叶毓芬等作了系统而全面的描述。文昌鱼属于脊索动物门,头索动物亚门,文昌鱼科,是无脊椎动物进化  相似文献   

文昌鱼是一种珍贵海洋动物。它的形态结构特殊,既有无脊椎动物的特征,又有脊椎动物的特征。因此,被认为是无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型与典型代表。人们将文昌鱼视为脊椎动物的祖先,主要是根据它的结构具有鳃裂、脊索和神经管为依据的。文昌鱼作为生物科学研究的重要对象和生物教学的宝贵材料,长期以来一直受到国内外生物学家和进化论者的高度重视。文昌鱼还是一种营养丰富、味道鲜美的海珍品,  相似文献   

采用慢性实验方法,研究在不同水温条件下饲养性腺发生前的文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)对其性腺分化和发育的影响。另外,在繁殖季节研究在低温16℃、中温22℃和高温28℃下饲养性成熟的文昌鱼对其产卵和排精的影响。同时,采用免疫组织化学方法对几种生殖相关激素在不同发育期文昌鱼的生殖调控轴(脑-哈氏窝-性腺)中的分布进行免疫识别,并用磁酶免定量测定方法检测睾酮和17 β-雌二醇在文昌鱼性腺中的含量,以分析和探讨水温影响文昌鱼生殖活动的内分泌机制。结果表明:低温有利于文昌鱼性腺向雌性分化,雌雄比例为4.2:1,中温和高温组则不受影响,雌雄数量大致相等。高水温则有利于文昌鱼的精巢发育和生精活动。28℃海水适于文昌鱼的产卵和排精。根据免疫组织化学和磁酶免定量测定的结果分析提示,温度影响文昌鱼性别分化和发育以及繁殖活动的内分泌机制是:首先水温经皮肤或哈氏窝化学感受器,刺激神经系统(脑泡)释放GnRH。然后GnRH促进哈氏窝分泌LH,从而可能刺激性腺产生和分泌性类固醇激素,始动文昌鱼性腺的发育至成熟及其生殖活动。此外,脑中芳香化酶可能介导文昌鱼性别分化。  相似文献   

采用慢性实验方法,研究在不同水温条件下饲养性腺发生前的文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)对其性腺分化和发育的影响。另外,在繁殖季节研究在低温16℃、中温22℃和高温28℃下饲养性成熟的文昌鱼对其产卵和排精的影响。同时,采用免疫组织化学方法对几种生殖相关激素在不同发育期文昌鱼的生殖调控轴(脑-哈氏窝-性腺)中的分布进行免疫识别,并用磁酶免定量测定方法检测睾酮和17 β-雌二醇在文昌鱼性腺中的含量,以分析和探讨水温影响文昌鱼生殖活动的内分泌机制。结果表明:低温有利于文昌鱼性腺向雌性分化,雌雄比例为4.2:1,中温和高温组则不受影响,雌雄数量大致相等。高水温则有利于文昌鱼的精巢发育和生精活动。28℃海水适于文昌鱼的产卵和排精。根据免疫组织化学和磁酶免定量测定的结果分析提示,温度影响文昌鱼性别分化和发育以及繁殖活动的内分泌机制是:首先水温经皮肤或哈氏窝化学感受器,刺激神经系统(脑泡)释放GnRH。然后GnRH促进哈氏窝分泌LH,从而可能刺激性腺产生和分泌性类固醇激素,始动文昌鱼性腺的发育至成熟及其生殖活动。此外,脑中芳香化酶可能介导文昌鱼性别分化。  相似文献   

林秋明  方永强 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):365-368
在繁殖季节,给正在成熟的文昌鱼体腔注射GnRH-A,结果表明,注射激素后36h时,有50%文昌鱼产卵,未产动物成熟卵母细胞达95.5%。而对照组无任何动物产卵,成熟卵母细胞为55%,我们由引首次直接证实文昌鱼脊椎动物一样,GnRH-A是调控其卵母细胞成熟和产卵的重要激素。  相似文献   

文昌鱼嘌呤代谢酶基因:结构与演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
嘌呤代谢是动物含氮废物排出体外的重要途径之一.嘌呤代谢终产物在不同动物各不相同.这是由于进化过程中,参与代谢1种或多种酶基因或者酶活性的丢失所致.本文从JGI网站佛罗里达文昌鱼基因组数据库中搜索文昌鱼参与嘌呤代谢主要5种酶(黄嘌呤脱氢酶、尿酸酶、尿囊素酶、尿囊酸酶、尿素酶)的基因,并且将它们与其他12种具有代表性且基因组序列已知的动物包括人、小鼠、狗、鸡、爪蟾、河豚、斑马鱼、海鞘、海胆、果蝇、线虫、海葵的基因结构进行比较.结果发现文昌鱼参与嘌呤代谢的酶基因有的和脊椎动物基因相似(黄嘌呤脱氢酶和尿酸酶),有的和脊椎动物与无脊椎动物的基因都不相似(尿囊酸酶),还有的和无脊椎动物海胆与海葵基因外显子个数与内含子相位都相似但外显子之间缺乏对应关系(尿素酶).所有这些都支持文昌鱼代表脊椎动物始祖代表类型,同时兼具特化特征的观点.尿素酶基因存在于水生无脊椎动物中,而在陆生的果蝇和线虫中均未发现尿素酶基因,因而我们推测随着动物由水生向陆生进化,参与尿素分解的尿素酶基因可能在陆生动物中完全丢失.  相似文献   

为了在头索动物文昌鱼中对zglp-1(Zinc finger, GATA-like protein 1)基因进行鉴定,并检测其在青岛文昌鱼(Branchiostomajaponicum)中的组织定位,本文对文昌鱼zglp-1基因的进化及表达进行了研究。同线性分析表明,文昌鱼zglp-1基因是斑马鱼zglp-1和人ZGLP-1基因的同源基因。文昌鱼Zglp-1蛋白的锌指结构域在进化上保守性较高,其三维结构与脊椎动物Zglp-1蛋白的三维结构也高度相似。系统进化分析显示,文昌鱼Zglp-1处于脊椎动物Zglp-1进化的基部,可能代表了脊椎动物Zglp-1进化的原始形式。利用RACE技术克隆得到青岛文昌鱼zglp-1基因完整的ORF序列,其编码389个氨基酸。实时定量PCR技术显示zglp-1基因在文昌鱼性腺中特异高表达,其中在卵巢表达最高;再利用切片原位杂交技术发现zglp-1基因在卵巢、精巢、肝盲囊和鳃等组织中有阳性信号,其中在卵巢中信号最强,与实时定量PCR检测结果基本一致。综上,本研究表明文昌鱼zglp-1为脊椎动物Zglp-1的同源基因,其在文昌鱼性腺高表达,这与该基因在脊椎动物性...  相似文献   

根据2010年春季对台湾海峡中部日本鲭的生物学测定数据及怀卵量计数结果,对其产卵群体的生物学特征进行了研究.结果表明:日本鲭产卵群体性比符合1∶1的雌雄性比关系;叉长范围212.00~271.00 mm,平均244.76 mm,优势组230.00~260.00 mm;雌鱼最小性成熟叉长225.00 mm,雄鱼最小性成熟叉长221.00 mm;体质量范围110.99~242.00 g,平均170.97 g,优势组130.00~220.00 g.雌雄个体的性腺成熟度均以Ⅳ~Ⅴ期为主,摄食强度均较高,雌鱼平均摄食强度为2.00,雄鱼平均摄食强度为2.25;雌鱼的平均摄食强度随性腺成熟度的提高呈下降趋势,而雄鱼正好相反;在达到完全性成熟前,雌雄鱼的性腺指数GSI都随着性腺的发育而增加,雌鱼的平均性腺指数GSI略高于雄鱼;绝对怀卵量5.283 5万~16.884 7万粒,平均10.405 0万±0.611 8万粒;叉长相对怀卵量227~625粒/mm,平均423±22粒/mm.随着叉长的增加,怀卵量也持续增加.叉长250.00 mm以上个体怀卵量相对于250.00 mm以下个体出现大幅增加趋势.与20世纪80年代研究结果相比,目前该海域日本鲭的大量性成熟年龄由2龄提前为1龄,最小性成熟年龄即为大量性成熟年龄;产卵群体年龄组成由1~5龄转变为1~2龄,优势组由2~3龄下降为1龄;产卵群体平均绝对怀卵量下降了33.23%.因此,为了保护该海域日本鲭资源并提高种群数量和年龄结构,应该首先制定合理的最小开捕叉长,同时在其春汛产卵期采取必要的休渔措施及在主要产卵场设立保护区.  相似文献   

A relationship between body size and time of spawning has often been described for both pelagic and non-pelagic fish species that migrate for the purpose of spawning. The present study investigates this relationship for capelin (Mallotus villosus), a pelagic smelt-like species that spawns on the beaches of Newfoundland. Simple linear regressions were carried out separately for three groups of capelin: ovid females, spent females and males in three successive years (1982–1984). Bigger fish arrived near the spawning grounds first, for all three groups in all three years and was most obvious for female capelin. Analyses of stomach contents of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), an important predator of capelin in the Newfoundland area, showed a similar decrease in mean size of capelin throughout the capelin spawning season in June, July and August. Furthermore, analyses strongly suggest that early in the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was high, cod selected for bigger capelin, whereas towards the end of the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was low, cod did not show any size preference.  相似文献   

基于2010年春、夏、秋3个季节东营近海生物资源与环境调查资料,对东营近海鲬鱼群体渔业生物学特征及资源状况进行研究,同时分析其时空变化规律。结果表明:东营近海鲬鱼群体的优势体长组随着季节变化有所波动,优势体长组从大到小排序为春季>秋季>夏季,但是最大体长个体和最大体重个体均出现在夏季。渔获物中雌性个体数量多于雄性,夏季雌、雄比为1.25∶1,秋季雌、雄比为1.78∶1,性腺成熟度多集中在I期和II期,摄食等级以少量摄食为主,多集中于1级和2级。东营近海鲬鱼资源丰度的季节变化波动较大,且平均渔获率和平均尾数渔获率均处于较低水平,所获鲬鱼个体体长多分布在300mm以下,体重多集中于100g以下,群体呈现小型化趋势。此外,由于时空变化出现了夏季集中,春、秋季分散的规律,笔者推测东营近海鲬鱼群体可能为生殖洄游群体,东营近海存在鲬鱼的产卵场。研究结果为渤海鲬鱼资源可持续利用与保护提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

体外方法研究海洋药物911和971对大鼠CYP2E1的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究海洋药物911,971对大鼠CYP2E1是否有抑制或诱导作用,以及这种作用是否具有性别差异。取大鼠,雌雄各半,随机分为6个组:Ⅰ)雄性对照组、Ⅱ)雄性911组、Ⅲ)雄性971组;Ⅳ)雌性对照组、Ⅴ)雌性911组、Ⅵ)雌性971组,均采用钙离子沉淀法制备肝微粒体。在各组肝微粒体中同时给予一定剂量的探针药物及目标药物,进行孵育。于不同时间点取样,测定该探针药物的剩余浓度并计算其体外半衰期。结果表明:药物911对CYP2E1活性无影响,971对雌性大鼠CYP2E1活性无影响,但对雄性大鼠的CYP2E1有显著诱导作用。由此可得出:药物对CYP2E1的影响存有明显的性别差异,971在同各种与CYP2E1代谢有关的药物合用时,应充分考虑其在不同性别间的差异,以避免可能出现的毒性反应或不良反应。  相似文献   

Abstract. The breeding biology of the cave-dwelling Mediterranean triplefin blenny Tripterygion melanurus (Pisces, Blennioidei) was studied in the field. Two types of reproductive male were observed, territorial males and non-territorial males. Territorial males establish territories for mating, but not necessarily for feeding, in caves and crevices at depths between 0.5 and 33  m. Territories can be settled in clusters in a single cave. Non-territorial males occur in the vicinity of territories and attempt to parasitise matings of territorial males. Gravid females wait near territories where another female is spawning, rather than spawn with currently unmated territorial males. Waiting females intrude in matings and sometimes displace a spawning female. The frequency of mating of the territorial male, of sneaking and of female intrusions are higher in territories that border others than in isolated territories. Females may minimise predation risks both on themselves and on their eggs by spawning in clustered territories and by spawning with males that have more than one clutch of eggs. Territorial males must find a compromise between the benefits of attracting a female and the costs of parasitic spawning by sneaker males. The possibility that territorial males tolerate the proximity of other territorial males and accept a risk of cuckoldry is discussed. Parasitic spawning in T. melanurus is relatively rare and the gonadosomatic index in both non-territorial and territorial males is low, indicating that sperm competition is probably not intense.  相似文献   

Widely distributed from the northern coast of Vietnam to the northern Japan, the limpet Cellana grata (Gould, 1859) occurs commonly on the south and east coasts of Korea. Despite their wide distribution range, few studies have investigated the annual gametogenesis and reproductive effort of C. grata. In an attempt to understand the reproductive physiology of the limpet, we investigated the annual gametogenesis and reproductive effort of C. grata from Ulleungdo Island off the east coast of Korea. Histology revealed that the gonial mitosis commenced in January, as the female exhibited small oogonia (10–40 μm) in the follicle. From March to June, the oocyte size increased dramatically, and fully mature eggs (110–170 μm in diameter) appeared in early summer. First spawning males and females were observed in July, as the surface seawater temperature (SST) reached 22.1°C. The spawning male and females could be observed until the end of December. Gonad somatic index (GSI), a ratio of gonad mass to the total tissue weight, of the male ranged from 0.6 (April) to 17.9 (July), while the female GSI varied from 1.0 (February) to 18.3 (July). GSI of male and female declined rapidly from July to August, suggesting that the major purse of the spawning at the study site was between July and August. Our study suggested that the commercial catch of C. grata during July and August must be suspended at Ulleungdo Island, in order to protect the spawning limpets, which enhances C. grata recruitment and the population.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris was investigated during the spawning season in the Funing Bay, Fujian, China. The fish burrows were basically Y-shaped and had two openings onto the mudflats. Part of the intersection at the center of the burrow was dilated to form a "spawning chamber". The dissolved oxygen concentrations (0.40~0.65 mg/dm3)of water 15 cm deep inside the burrows were much lower than those (5.96~6.19 mg/dm3) of intertidal pool water. Water temperatures inside the burrows were much lower than those of intertidal pools. Field investigations indicated that eggs were laid on the inner wall and ceiling of the spawning chamber by means of filamentous attachments, and a male stayed inside the burrows to guard it. Field investigations also suggested that fish of both sexes constructed mud burrows by themselves but that the spawning chamber was made only in the male burrow. The male attracted a female to his burrow for mating and spawning. There was no water in the spawning chamber, and thus the eggs were exposed to the air in the chamber. Changes in spawning readiness and gonadosomatic index indicated that synchronization of spawning was related to the semi-lunar periodicity, and this is the first report of this relationship in the mudskippers.  相似文献   

养殖条件下的性早熟、个体小型化是影响曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella japonica)的养殖效益的重要因素。为探讨养殖条件下曼氏无针乌贼性早熟的可能因素,本文探讨了3种不同光照周期(23D:1L;12D:12L;1D:23L)对其繁殖性能及个体生长的影响。结果表明:光照周期对曼氏无针乌贼的繁殖性能总体影响不大,除长光照周期(1D:23L)下,睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)等激素水平有较显著的降低外(P0.05),光照对乌贼繁殖时间、性腺重及性腺发育指数等指标均无明显影响。但光照周期对曼氏无针乌贼生长却有明显影响,在胴长、体重、瞬时生长率(IGR)及肥满度等生长指标上均呈现出短光照组中光照组长光照的趋势。短光照组雌乌贼在体重、瞬时生长率和肥满度,雄乌贼在胴长等指标上,均显著优于长光照组(P0.05)。该结果表明光照周期可作为影响曼氏无针乌贼生长性能的重要因素,在今后的养殖条件优化中应加以考虑。  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of Perna canaliculus (Gmelin) was investigated for 1 year by collecting monthly gonad samples from an intertidal population. Gonads of 50 animals were dissected and photographically recorded on video before being fixed for histological sectioning. The histological gonad sections were examined both qualitatively, using a classification and scoring system (S) and quantitatively, using image analysis technology. The quantitative measures used were the proportion of: (1) sections comprising follicles (FC); (2) sections comprising gametes (GC); and (3) the proportion of follicles comprising gametes (G/F). Significant consecutive monthly changes in the qualitative and quantitative measures indicated major spawning events. Gametogenesis occurred during winter with a spawning in August‐September. Gonad condition remained low during the spring and early summer until a development period between January and March. A second major spawning event occurred between March and April. There was a high degree of synchrony in reproductive status observed between the sexes. When comparing the four measurement methods using the f statistic as an index of power the GC measure was found to be the most reliable. A gonad visual grading system was developed for rapid assessment of gonad reproductive status and tested. Visual grades of pre‐recorded gonad samples were compared to the histological measures. Increasing visual grade correlated strongly with increases in all of the histological measurements.

The visual grading was a good predictor of the spawning activity of female P. canaliculus.  相似文献   

Spawning of snapper was observed in the public aquarium at Napier. Spawning males were characterised by a grey coloration and spawning females were the typical silvery‐pink colour. On four occasions spawning behaviour activity involved several males and one female and on one occasion it initially involved one male and one female, although other males joined in the spawning act. At each spawning event the female swam vertically towards the surface closely pursued by males. Eggs and sperms were released near the surface.  相似文献   

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