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对孔隙相互孤立饱和土体的弹性力学模型的部分观点进行了讨论。按Carroll的力学响应理论重新推导了此类土体的弹性本构关系和体积模量表达式。认为在准静态(很低频率)的波动问题中孔隙流体与固体骨架的相对运动为零,土体渗透系数为零或流体粘性为无穷大的条件是等价的。在此条件下没有必要区分孔隙是否连通,它们遵循相同的规律,而且其土体弹性体积模量的结果与Biot-Geertsma理论的无排水准静态的弹性体积模量相同。  相似文献   

基于OpenSees数值分析平台,建立了群桩-土-桥墩非线性数值分析模型。模型中桩-土水平向相互作用和桩-土竖向相互作用、桩底-土竖向相互作用分别通过p-y、t-zq-z零长度弹簧单元模拟。模型中同时考虑了群桩效应与纵筋在墩底的应变渗透和粘结滑移的影响。结合群桩基础拟静力试验结果,对数值模型的准确性进行了验证,在此基础上对土体参数特性对桩基滞回性能的影响规律进行了分析。结果表明:所建立的数值分析模型可对群桩基础滞回曲线和骨架曲线进行较为准确的模拟分析,验证了模型的可靠性。反复荷载作用下,前桩处土体的反应明显大于中桩处;土体由软黏土变为硬黏土时,墩顶侧向承载力与刚度显著增加,但土体的非线性反应减弱。  相似文献   

几种孔隙比与渗透系数关系的对比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
渗透系数是描述土体渗流和固结的基本参数。大量研究实践表明渗透系数与土体的上覆有效应力和孔隙比有相关性,尤其是孔隙比;并提出了多种渗透系数与孔隙比间的经验关系。本文分析表明多种经验关系均可转换到log k-e坐标中,在该坐标中渗透系数与孔隙比呈直线关系,其斜率Ck均为初始孔隙比e0的函数。后续研究对比了各种Ck与e0的关系。  相似文献   

密度对非饱和粘土渗透系数的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小伟  王世梅  黄净萍 《地震工程学报》2011,33(Z1):214-217,222
取三峡库区某滑坡滑带土制备不同干密度的重塑土样进行饱和渗透试验和非饱和土水特征曲线试验,得到不同干密度重塑土样的土水特征曲线,通过理论公式预测出相应的非饱和渗透系数,进而得到不同干密度重塑土样渗透系数与基质吸力的关系.结果显示:渗透系数随着基质吸力的增大而呈非线性减小,当基质吸力较高时,渗透系数随基质吸力的变化比较小;...  相似文献   

考虑地基土液化影响的桩基高层建筑体系地震反应分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文建立了土体-结构体系地震反应分析的混合有限元法,并研究了地基土液化对地震反应的影响。本方法把土体-结构体系简化为一个完整的体系,该体系由梁(柱)单元、剪切杆单元、刚体单元、平面四边形等参单元与三角形单元、界面单元的任意组合来模拟。桩与上部结构材料视为线弹性体,土介质视为非线性材料。土的静应力-应变关系之间的非线性用邓肯一张模型来描述;土的动应力-应变关系之间的非线性和振动孔隙水压力对土的软化效  相似文献   

为了研究浅层膨胀土的细观结构在湿干循环过程中的演化规律,研制了可以进行CT扫描的CT-固结仪。在不同压力作用下对南阳膨胀土的原状样及其重塑土样进行多组多次湿干循环试验,并对每次烘干和增湿稳定后的试样进行CT扫描,跟踪观察湿干循环过程中试样的细观结构变化。结果表明:在湿干循环中,土样的膨胀量和收缩量都比较大,经历三次湿干循环之后,相同饱和度下土样体积基本不再变化;增湿和干燥都能使原状膨胀土及其重塑土的结构损伤,第一次烘干之后,土样即产生明显裂隙;随着湿干循环次数的增加,土样裂隙继续开展,土样结构损伤发生累积;上部荷载对裂隙开展有一定抑制作用,并影响裂隙的发育和裂隙网络的形状;原状膨胀土的裂隙围绕第一次形成的主裂隙发育,而重塑膨胀土的裂隙呈龟背状或辐射状;原状膨胀土及其重塑土在湿态(饱和度Sr=85%)时的CT数ME值均较干态(饱和度Sr=25%)时的ME值大;湿态和干态的ME值均随湿干循环次数呈近似线性变化,前者的坡度比较平缓,后者则较陡;基于CT数据定义了膨胀土的细观结构参数,提出定量描述湿干循环过程中膨胀土细观结构参数与试样饱和度、湿干循环次数及所受荷载的数学表达式,预测结果与试验资料比较接近。   相似文献   

在Biot饱和土波动理论的基础上,采用波函数展开法,研究了饱和土体中单个圆柱体对倾斜入射PI波的散射特性,计算了背向散射谱和总散射截面积。结果表明,饱和土体中PI波倾斜入射时,随着倾斜入射角的增大,总散射截面积在减小,产生的散射波主要以PI波和SV波为主;随着饱和土体渗透系数的减小,PI波、PⅡ波和SV波背向散射谱平均幅值均呈增大趋势,但PI波背向散射谱幅值变化程度较小。  相似文献   

二相介质饱和土中群桩动力阻抗分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用流体饱和多孔介质材料描述土体,由饱和土和群桩及承台系统的位移协调条件和力平衡条件建立饱和土和群桩及承台系统动力相互作用的控制方程,分析饱和土中群桩动力阻抗。结果表明:孔隙流体对饱和土中桩基础动力阻抗有一定的影响;在饱和土具有不同的流体渗透系数时,饱和土中群桩动力阻抗也有一定差别。在地基上与基础结构动力相互作用研究中应该考虑地基土中孔隙流体的影响。  相似文献   

地应力对裂隙岩体渗透特性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
提出了地应力场中岩体不连续面变形的本构关系,讨论了渗流与应力耦合条件下裂隙岩体渗透张量的计算方法,阐述了地应力对裂隙岩体渗透特性的影响.研究表明,地应力对岩体渗透特性的影响主要是通过改变不连续面的开度和不连续面网络的水力传导路径而产生的;裂隙岩体渗透性随岩体埋深的增加呈负指数减小,随侧压系数的增大呈双曲线减小.渗流场与应力场的耦合理论可望应用于水库诱发地震的研究中  相似文献   

土石坝(超)深厚覆盖层地基中的深埋细粒土抗地震残余变形能力较差,尤其是在土层厚度较大时,覆盖层地基连同坝体在强震作用下可能会产生较大的地震沉陷。针对我国西部某大型土石坝工程,对超深厚覆盖层地基中深埋粉砂层土的地震残余变形特性进行三轴试验研究。研究表明:试验土料级配曲线与相应土层各钻孔平均级配曲线很接近,试验土料的颗粒级配对实际土层的颗粒组成特性具有代表性;试验土料的地震残余变形特性主要受土体密度、固结条件和围压力条件等控制,尤其是固结比对土体地震残余变形特性影响较大;各因素对土体残余体积变形特性和轴向变形特性的影响规律有所差异。  相似文献   

Fluids saturating cracked rocks within the crust can vary widely in composition and physical properties, which depend greatly on pressure and temperature. External non-hydrostatic stress applied to a cracked medium may result in a significant change of crack volume (and hence, for the undrained regime, pore-fluid pressure) due to the processes of crack closure (opening), and thus lead to a drastic change of the overall physical parameters of a rock. The purpose of the study is to estimate theoretically, using the effective-medium theory, the macroscopic seismic and transport parameters (such as permeability) of cracked rocks (granites) saturated with hydrocarbon gases, oils, brines and water. Variations of crack geometry and fluid parameters in the closed system (at constant fluid mass) under uniaxial compression are considered as well. The results show that composition of a saturating fluid as well as fluid temperature greatly influence the effective permeability and shear velocities of a rock mass, while thermal conductivity is not so sensitive to variations of fluid parameters.  相似文献   

Periodic paddy field flooding is a major source of groundwater recharge. Many paddy fields thus are used as groundwater recharge ponds after harvesting the first crop of the summer. Following rice harvesting, paddy field surfaces may crack into fissures as a result of drainage and exposure to sunlight. Field observation indicates that applying precipitation to the paddy field can increase the rate of infiltration. To quantitatively evaluate the amount of infiltration in a cracked paddy field, this study sets up a simple soil crack model to simulate the field infiltration process. A three‐dimensional groundwater model FEMWATER is adopted to simulate water movement in the paddy field subjected to various crack conditions. Using the field and laboratory data of irrigation water requirements, soil physical properties, hydraulic conductivities and soil profiles obtained from Ten‐Chung, FEMWATER simulates the water movement in the dry cracked paddy. Simulation results show that if the cracks develop extensively and penetrate the ploughed soil, the infiltration rate may increase significantly. The infiltration fluxes of crack with depths of 80, 60 and 27·5 cm are 18·77, 14·50 and 8·06 times higher than that of 20 cm, respectively. The simulation results of cracks with 80 cm depth correlated closely with field observations. The results of the study elucidate the processes of unsaturated water movement in a dry cracked paddy field. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing the damage and crack porosity in crustal rocks can result in significant changes to various key physical properties, including mechanical strength, elastic and mechanical anisotropy, and the enhancement of transport properties. Using a Non-Interactive Crack Effective Medium (NIC) theory as a fundamental tool, we show that elastic wave dispersion can be inverted to evaluate crack density as a function of temperature and is compared with optically determined crack density. Further, we show how the existence of embedded microcrack fabrics in rocks also significantly influences the fracture toughness (KIC) of rocks as measured via a suite of tensile failure experiments (chevron cracked notch Brazilian disk). Finally, we include fluid flow in our analysis via the Guéguen and Dienes crack porosity-permeability model. Using the crack density and aspect ratio recovered from the elastic-wave velocity inversion, we successfully compare permeability evolution with pressure with the laboratory measurements of permeability.  相似文献   

梁承龙  刘芳 《地震工程学报》2022,44(5):1050-1058
裂缝常存在于边坡表面,地震作用会大幅降低裂缝边坡稳定性。针对双层土裂缝边坡稳定性问题,定义上下土层分界处高度与边坡高度之比为深度系数以描述双层土的分布,基于极限分析上限定理,构建“点到点”离散运动学机构,并在此机构中引入一条垂直张拉裂缝,结合拟静力法和强度折减法建立能量平衡方程求解裂缝边坡临界高度和安全系数上限解。计算结果与传统上限法进行对比,验证离散运动学机构的有效性及其解的优越性,同时探究土体非均质性及深度系数对裂缝边坡稳定性以及裂缝深度和位置的影响规律。结果表明,地震作用会降低边坡稳定性;随着地震力增大,边坡临界滑动面逐渐加深,裂缝深度略微增大,裂缝位置逐渐远离坡面;对于具体的双层土边坡会存在一个特定的深度系数使边坡安全系数达到最值,同时裂缝会穿越至下层土且深度发生突增。  相似文献   

The frequency dependent mechanism of local fluid flow was found to be the decisive absorption and dispersion mechanism in fluid containing sandstones. In the ultrasonic frequency range local fluid flow and grain surface effects control the behaviour of highly porous and highly permeable rock if a pore fluid is present. Both mechanisms depend less on macroscopic rock parameters like porosity and permeability than essentially on microscopic parameters like crack size, crack density and grain contact properties. To demonstrate directly the important influence of the microstructure on the rock elastic and anelastic properties the microstructure of a sandstone was artificially changed by thermal cracking. The cracked rock exhibits a clearly changed behaviour at low uniaxial as well as at high hydrostatic pressure despite small changes of porosity and permeability. Fluid effects increase due to cracking. The experimental results are explained by means of a rock, model and local fluid flow. These results emphasize that it is the microstructure which controls the elastic and anelastic rock behaviour, even at high hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

基于弯曲弹簧模型的裂纹混凝土梁动力特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用结构振动波传播理论,将含裂纹混凝土梁以裂纹为界划分为两段连续的波导体,为了表征由裂纹引起的梁中波传播的不连续特性,引入了模拟裂纹的弯曲弹簧模型。通过理论计算得到了裂纹简支梁的特征方程,并以一裂纹混凝土简支梁为例进行数值分析,讨论了裂纹的深度和位置对裂纹梁各阶固有频率的影响。  相似文献   

We study the propagation of elastic waves that are generated in a fluid‐filled borehole surrounded by a cracked transversely isotropic medium. In the model studied the anisotropy and borehole axes coincide. To obtain the effective elastic moduli of a cracked medium we have applied Hudson's theory that enables the determination of the overall properties as a function of the crack orientation in relation to the symmetry axis of the anisotropic medium. This theory takes into account the hydrodynamic mechanism of the elastic‐wave attenuation caused by fluid filtration from the cracks into a porous matrix. We have simulated the full waveforms generated by an impulse source of finite length placed on the borehole axis. The kinematic and dynamic parameters of the compressional, shear and Stoneley waves as functions of the matrix permeability, crack orientation and porosity were studied. The modelling results demonstrated the influence of the crack‐system parameters (orientation and porosity) on the velocities and amplitudes of all wave types. The horizontally orientated cracks result in maximal decrease of the elastic‐wave parameters (velocities and amplitudes). Based on the fact that the shear‐ and Stoneley‐wave velocities in a transversely isotropic medium are determined by different shear moduli, we demonstrate the feasibility of the acoustic log to identify formations with close to horizontal crack orientations.  相似文献   

冯新  刘彦辉  周晶 《地震学刊》2009,(6):652-657
建立了一种Timoshenko裂纹梁的分析模型并且获得了闭合形式的挠度解析解。首先,在一致梁的理论框架下,通过引入δ函数模拟裂纹导致的局部柔度,建立用广义函数表示的Timoshenko裂纹梁的微分控制方程,进而得到挠度的闭合形式的解答;其次,根据线弹性断裂力学理论,利用转角及挠度突变与局部柔度系数的关系,建立Timoshenko裂纹梁的模型参数与裂纹深度的显式表示;最后,通过对裂纹深度与挠度、转角和曲率间关系的分析,总结了结构响应的损伤敏感性及其特征,并且通过与引入裂纹奇异单元的有限元结果进行比较,验证了本文所建分析模型及求解方法的正确性。研究结果表明,本文所建立的Timoshenko裂纹梁的分析模型,具有较高的计算精度和效率,在结构模型修正和损伤识别中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A finite element model of incremental displacement constraint equations (IDCE), based on an existing node‐to‐surface concept, is implemented to deal with dynamic contact surfaces in the seismic behaviour analysis of cracked concrete gravity dams. After verification for sliding, rocking and impact, the IDCE model is applied to study the seismic responses of concrete gravity dams with different profiles and crack locations for a variety of parameters, such as coefficient of friction, water level and type of earthquake, as well as impact damping based on the concept of coefficient of restitution. It is revealed that cracked concrete gravity dams can experience not only sliding and rocking modes, but also the drifting mode in some cases of crack either at the base or at a height. Downstream sliding is normally accompanied by rocking, especially for the cases of crack at a height. Due to rocking and drifting, a cracked dam may still acquire a certain amount of residual sliding even if the effective coefficient of friction is relatively high. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

裂缝发育导致的地震波场各向异性,是裂缝型油气藏的一个重要特征.然而针对该类油气藏的叠前弹性阻抗技术,一直没有通过各向异性弹性阻抗公式建立与裂缝参数的直接关系.本文在回顾封闭平行硬币状裂缝模型和线性滑动模型的基础上,将裂缝填充物性质、分布密度与围岩的横纵波速度比,引入裂缝型HTI介质弹性阻抗公式,并对相应的归一化弹性阻抗响应特征进行模拟分析.分析表明,弹性阻抗受以上三参数的影响规律存在明显差异,其中含气裂隙介质随裂缝密度的变化要明显高于对应的流体裂隙介质,流体填充裂隙介质随横、纵波速度比的变化幅度要高于对应的含气裂隙介.该结论初步为裂缝型油气藏流体识别工作提供了依据.  相似文献   

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