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为准确模拟及分析15×10~4m~3浮放储罐的提离现象,利用ADINA软件进行势流体、FCBI流体小罐模型地震响应分析,获得的提离高度,提离区域形状与Clough试验结果进行比较,确定出FCBI流体罐模型能较为合理的模拟提离现象,将该建模方法推广至15×10~4m~3浮顶罐与敞口罐,输入加速度峰值为0.4 g的El Centro位移时程并进行地震响应分析,结果表明:在地震作用下,浮顶储罐能够发生罐底提离现象,提离区域为"月牙形",罐底边缘会产生翘起现象,与敞口罐对比发现浮顶能有效抑制晃动波高、减小总倾覆弯矩,但会增大罐壁倾覆弯矩,导致提离高度、接触反力及罐壁轴向压应力增大。  相似文献   

为研究考虑桩土相互作用的储液罐的动力响应及长周期地震波对储液晃动、储罐提离的影响,根据量纲分析法设计了桩-土-储罐模型进行了振动台试验。试验中采用4条基岩波、4条地表波进行振动台试验。试验显示基岩波与地表波输入时,体系变化规律基本一致,其结果表明:土体地表加速度被放大,且输入加速度峰值增加,地表加速度放大倍数减小;一般地震波时,随着输入加速度峰值的增加,储液晃动波高大致呈线性增加。长周期地震波下则为非线性增加,且晃动波较大。此外,液体产生的晃动波高与储罐类型相关。细高型储罐产生的波高稍大;储罐提离高度随着输入加速度峰值的增加呈非线性增长。长周期地震波激励下,储罐提离高度小于一般地震波时的提离高度。细高型储罐在长短周期地震波激励下,提离高度较为接近,而一般储罐在两种地震波激励下,提离高度相差较大。细高型储罐提离高度大于一般储罐的提离高度。建议在储罐设计时考虑长周期地震波的影响。  相似文献   

地震作用下大型储液罐的安全问题日益引起重视。基于ANSYS软件建立储罐液体耦合有限元模型,考虑罐底非线性接触效应,以El-Centro南北向和竖直向记录地震波为输入,研究水平激励以及水平和竖向同时激励两种工况下储罐的动力响应。研究结果表明,两种工况下靠近罐底1.2m处均发生了"象足"变形,竖向激励下水平相对位移增加了14%。竖向激励使得罐壁环向应力和轴向压应力均有不同程度的增加。竖向地震激励对液面的竖向晃动影响较小。储液罐底板在地震作用下发生了竖向提离和永久滑移,竖向激励时增长幅度均在10%左右。同时罐体基底剪力在竖向地震作用下也有所增大。储罐抗震设计时应考虑竖向地震分量的影响,研究结论可为立式储罐的抗震设计提供一定的参考和依据。  相似文献   

地震作用下立式储液罐罐壁“象足”变形仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于ANSYS软件建立了考虑液体晃动和罐底提离立式储液罐有限元模型,分别进行了水平地震和竖向地震作用下罐壁“象足”变形分析。分析表明:立式储液罐罐壁“象足”变形主要是由罐壁纵向压应力超过临界应力而产生的局部屈曲破坏,并非强度破坏。因罐底提离导致的罐底与基础反复撞击加大了作用在罐壁上的应力,使罐壁底部“象足”变形不断发展,最终导致罐壁撕裂。在完全相同地震加速度作用下,水平地震作用比竖向地震作用罐壁更早更容易进入屈曲状态,产生“象足”变形。  相似文献   

地震作用下立式储液罐罐壁"象足"变形仿真分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于ANSYS软件建立了考虑液体晃动和罐底提离立式储液罐有限元模型,分别进行了水平地震和竖向地震作用下罐壁"象足"变形分析.分析表明:立式储液罐罐壁"象足"变形主要是由罐壁纵向压应力超过临界应力而产生的局部屈曲破坏,并非强度破坏.因罐底提离导致的罐底与基础反复撞击加大了作用在罐壁上的应力,使罐壁底部"象足"变形不断发展,最终导致罐壁撕裂.在完全相同地震加速度作用下,水平地震作用比竖向地震作用罐壁更早更容易进入屈曲状态,产生"象足"变形.  相似文献   

立式浮顶储罐在强震作用下会发生罐壁屈曲、卡顶、浮顶下沉等震害。为降低储罐地震响应,以1 000 m3储罐为原型,按1:5的几何相似比设计缩尺模型,并以隔震周期为0.5 s进行并联隔震装置设计,给出其力学本构关系。采用模拟地震振动台试验方法,选取四种不同频谱特性的地震动对模型罐进行地震响应分析,结果表明:隔震层顶部加速度卓越频率有所降低,周期延长;隔震后储罐加速度、层间位移及动应力地震响应明显降低,但晃动波高有所放大;三向地震激励与单向地震激励相比,加速度地震响应明显放大,对晃动波高影响较小。建议储罐抗震减震设计时应考虑三向地震作用。  相似文献   

立式储油罐地震作用下的抗提离可靠度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
储油罐在水平地震作用下会出现罐底提离而导致储油罐发生提离破坏,影响储油罐的可靠性。为了研究立式储油罐在地震作用下的抗提离可靠度情况,文中总结建立了在储油罐抗提离可靠度分析中涉及的随机变量的概率模型,运用可靠性分析的JC法对不同工况下的储油罐进行了抗提离可靠度计算,得出了储油罐在地震作用下的提离破坏规律。通过计算实例可以看出,对大型储油罐在地震作用下的抗提离可靠度分析是切实可行的。  相似文献   

位移谐波激励下拱顶锚固储罐的动力响应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地震中拱顶锚固储罐的破坏将造成严重的后果,研究其地震作用下的动力响应特性具有一定工程意义。以位移简谐波为水平激励,运用AD INA有限元软件对一座3 000m3的拱顶锚固储罐模型进行动力数值模拟,系统分析了储罐内液面晃动波高、动水压力极值、罐壁应力、拱顶应力、拱顶位移等动力响应结果,将以位移谐波激励和以加速度谐波激励的储罐动力响应结果进行比较。分析表明,位移谐波激励下拱顶锚固储罐的液面晃动波高受场地影响较大;储罐应力分布具有一定规律性;采用位移谐波激励时其应力、位移和动水压力等较采用加速度谐波激励时大,液体晃动波高较小。  相似文献   

为降低储罐隔震基础的工程造价,构建出应用于储罐的钢筋环梁隔震基础。同时针对1 000 m3储罐,根据相似比理论设计1∶5缩尺模型,以隔震周期为0.5 s设计环梁隔震基础。选取四种不同频谱特性的地震波,采用振动台试验方法,对模型罐进行加速度、位移以及晃动波高等地震响应分析,并与储罐基础隔震基本理论和有限元数值仿真分析方法进行对比。结果表明:钢筋环梁隔震基础能够有效降低储罐的地震响应,但晃动波高有所放大;三向地震激励与单向地震激励相比,加速度地震响应明显放大,但对晃动波高影响较小。试验解、理论解和有限元解三者互相验证。建议储罐隔震设计应考虑三向地震激励的影响,但晃动波高可仅按水平地震作用计算。  相似文献   

大型LNG储罐中,铝吊顶是位于其内罐顶部,挂载保温绝热材料以形成封闭低温储存环境的大跨悬挂结构。铝吊顶在强震下的响应可能影响到储罐的安全和正常运作,值得研究和分析。建立了包含对瓦楞型新型铝吊顶精细化建模的大型LNG储罐的有限元分析模型,分析了在不同类型及强度的地震激励下,铝吊顶的响应特征及规律。重点探讨了储罐基础隔震对其地震响应的影响。研究分析发现:储罐基础隔震后,吊顶主共振区后移,水平和竖向自振周期均延长0.5 s,节点水平位移减小约29.9%~40.0%,杆件应力减小约27.2%~32.5%。基于增量动力分析法(IDA)对铝吊顶进行的地震易损性分析,结果表明:在不同地震作用下,吊顶的薄弱部位为边缘吊杆区域,其材料的强度富余量较大,整体发生掉落的可能性较小;吊顶在强震中产生的水平晃动较小,与周边密封材料发生碰撞的可能性较小,建议当前设计中吊顶边缘与内罐壁的留缝距离可适当缩小以提高保冷效果。  相似文献   

林树潮     《世界地震工程》2021,(1):129-136
为了研究高阶晃动振型对LNG储罐地震响应的影响,考虑高阶晃动振型,建立LNG储罐的简化力学模型,推导LNG储罐的运动控制方程,给出了LNG储罐的基底剪力、倾覆弯矩和储罐内液体晃动波高的表达式。以某16×104 m3 LNG储罐为例,采用大型通用有限元分析软件ADINA System对其进行有限元模型分析,验证其修正模型的有效性,结果表明:高阶晃动振型对基底剪力和倾覆弯矩几乎无影响,但对晃动波高影响显著,尤其是长周期地震动作用下,并且考虑高阶晃动振型的晃动波高存在延时效应。提出的简化力学模型修正公式与有限元分析结果吻合较好,可以准确地预测LNG储罐地震响应。  相似文献   

A common effective method to reduce the seismic response of liquid storage tanks is to isolate them at base using base-isolation systems. It has been observed that in many earthquakes, the foregoing systems significantly affect on the whole system response reduction. However, in exceptional cases of excitation by long-period shaking, the base-isolation systems could have adverse effects. Such earthquakes could cause tank damage due to excessive liquid sloshing. Therefore, the numerical seismic response of liquid storage tanks isolated by bilinear hysteretic bearing elements is investigated under long-period ground motions in this research. For this purpose, finite shell elements for the tank structure and boundary elements for the liquid region are employed. Subsequently, fluid–structure equations of motion are coupled with governing equation of base-isolation system, to represent the whole system behavior. The governing equations of motion of the whole system are solved by an iterative and step-by-step algorithm to evaluate the response of the whole system to the horizontal component of three ground motions. The variations of seismic shear forces, liquid sloshing heights, and tank wall radial displacements are plotted under various system parameters such as the tank geometry aspect ratio (height to radius), and the flexibility of the isolation system, to critically examine the effects of various system parameters on the effectiveness of the base-isolation systems against long-period ground motions. From these analyses, it may be concluded that with the installation of this type of base-isolation system in liquid tanks, the dynamic response of tanks during seismic ground motions can be considerably reduced. Moreover, in the special case of long-period ground motions, the seismic response of base-isolated tanks may be controlled by the isolation system only at particular conditions of slender and broad tanks. For the case of medium tanks, remarkable attentions would be required to be devoted to the design of base-isolation systems expected to experience long-period ground motions.  相似文献   

Liquid storage tanks are essential structures that are often located in residential and industrial areas; thus an assessment of their seismic performance is an important engineering issue. In this paper, the seismic response of unanchored steel liquid storage tanks is investigated using the endurance time (ET) dynamic analysis procedure and compared to responses obtained for anchored tanks under actual ground motions and intensifying ET records. In most cases, the results from ground motions are properly obtained with negligible differences using ET records. It is observed that uplifting of the tank base, which is closely related to the tank aspect ratio, has the greatest significance in the responses of the tank and can be predicted with reasonable accuracy by using currently available ET records.  相似文献   

浮放储罐三维地震反应有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对立式储罐,考虑液固耦合效应、地基与储罐结构的相互作用,采用有限元分析方法,对储罐在三维地震荷载作用下动反应进行了数值分析。分析结果表明:储罐三维地震加速度反应较一维地震加速度反应增加、提离高度明显放大、储罐轴向应力增加、基底剪力与弯矩增大。  相似文献   

The magnitude M = 6-5 Coalinga earthquake of 2 May 1983 caused intense ground shaking throughout the epicentral region. Unanchored cylindrical ground supported tanks located at six sites within this oil producing area were damaged; damages included elephant's foot buckling at the base of three moderate sized tanks, joint rupture and top shell buckling in one large old rivetted tank, bottom plate rupture of a relatively new welded tank and damage to the floating roofs of 11 tanks. Also oil spilled over the top of many tanks and secondary damages occurred in pipe connections, ladders, etc. In this paper an estimate is made of the intensity of ground motion at each of the tank sites, based on strong motion records made during the main shock and the strongest aftershock. Then response parameters specified by current codes are correlated with the damages observed at each tank site. Based on this comparison, it is concluded that current U.S. practice under-estimates the sloshing response of tanks with floating roofs and does not adequately address the uplifting mechanism of unanchored ground supported tanks.  相似文献   

A hybrid analytical and FEM is proposed to investigate the nonlinear sloshing in a floating‐roofed oil storage tank under long‐period seismic ground motion. The tank is composed of a rigid cylindrical wall and a flat bottom, whereas the floating roof is treated as an elastic plate undergoing large deflection. The contained liquid is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible, and the flow is assumed to be irrotational. The method of analysis is based on representation of the liquid motion by superposing the analytical modes that satisfy the Laplace equation and the rigid wall and bottom boundary conditions. The FEM is then applied to solve the remaining kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions at the moving liquid surface coupled with the nonlinear equation of motion of the floating roof. This requires only the discretization of the liquid surface and the floating roof into finite elements, thus leading to a computationally efficient and accurate method compared with full numerical analysis. As numerical examples to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, two oil storage tanks with single‐deck type floating roofs damaged during the 2003 Tokachioki earthquake are studied. It is shown that the nonlinear oscillation modes with the circumferential wave numbers 0, 2 and 3 caused by the finite liquid surface elevation as well as the membrane action due to large deflection of the deck produce excessively large stresses in the pontoon, which may cause the catastrophic failure of pontoon followed by the submergence of the roof. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究不同高径比橡胶基底隔震储罐的频率特征,探讨储罐隔震体系3种不同振动频率随支座隔震频率变化规律.分析在不同频谱特性地震波激励下,隔震体系各振型组分对地震响应(基底剪力、支座位移和晃动波高)的影响,以及响应峰值随支座隔震频率和阻尼比的变化特点.研究表明,基底剪力峰值与场地地震波频谱特性密切相关.支座隔震频率不能完全反映减震机理的实质,隔震振型频率是影响基底剪力的重要参数.在软弱场地上隔震储罐的减震效率低,有效隔震频率范围窄.晃动波高峰值是储罐自振特性和地震波频谱特性等多种因素导致的结果,隔震系统设计时需特别考虑晃动波高增大的影响.  相似文献   

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