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渤黄海海平面的变化及其与ENSO的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1992年12月至2007年5月的高度计资料,研究了渤黄海海平面的变化特征。统计分析表明,近14a间渤海及北黄海、中央黄海海平面的平均上升高度分别为45.9mm和34.7mm,各海域的海平面上升速度不完全相同。研究发现,南方涛动指数(SOI)、纬向风应力距平都与渤海及北黄海、中央黄海的SLA呈负相关性,渤黄海海平面显著受SOI、纬向风应力调制,并且,SOI与渤黄海海域的风场之间有良好相关。将坐标系进行旋转后,获得与当地海平面异常相关最大的风应力方向。对SLA与新坐标系下风应力距平u的低频分量分析发现,渤海及北黄海海区、中央黄海对海平面影响最大的风应力距平u方向分别为东偏南20°方向、东偏南8°方向,风应力距平u分量与SLA、SOI的低频分量呈现更好的相关性。ENSO通过大气环流过程对渤黄海海域的风场产生影响,当地风场通过纬向风应力对渤黄海海平面的年际变化产生调制作用。因此,ENSO可以通过风应力对渤黄海海平面产生影响。  相似文献   

1993—2006年北太平洋海平面变化特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1993—2006年间卫星高度计资料分析北太平洋海平面的变化特征,结合同期上层海洋温度、盐度数据以及风应力资料分析比容海平面和风对海平面变化的影响。结果显示:1993—2006年北太平洋上升海域主要位于洋盆西侧中低纬度海域,高纬度海域及大洋东侧的中低纬度海域海平面呈下降趋势;同期比容海平面线性速率的空间分布与海平面相似。整个北太平洋海平面高度平均线性上升速率为2.9 mm/a,比容海平面平均线性上升速率为1.4 mm/a。比容变化对海平面上升趋势的贡献为47.5%。北太平洋海平面的季节变化占绝对优势,主要为1和0.5 a周期,对海平面距平做EOF,其第一和第三模态为季节模态。海平面季节变化的影响因素中,比容变化与海平面有相同的季节变化周期,比容海平面距平EOF的第一和第三模态为季节模态,分别与海平面的第一和第三模态空间分布相似,时间系数相关性好,比容变化在海平面季节特征中起到最主要作用。另一个因素风场主要通过Ekman抽吸和Rossby波的西传影响海平面的分布,其季节特征对海平面的季节特征有影响。北太平洋海平面也具有28个月的年际变化周期,海平面距平EOF第二和第四模态表现出年际变化特征。比容变化也具有28个月的显著周期,其距平场的第二和第四模态为年际变化模态,其中第二模态与海平面第二模态空间分布相似,时间系数相关性很好,海平面年际变化中比容起到重要影响。  相似文献   

东海海平面变化的综合分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王龙  王晶  杨俊钢 《海洋学报》2014,36(1):28-37
利用1993年1月至2011年12月的卫星高度计数据,研究了东海海平面变化的季节信号、线性趋势和低频信号,并结合风应力资料、Ishii温盐数据和海表面温度数据分析了季节信号和低频信号的驱动机制。东海季节性海平面变化主要由年信号组成,其占海平面变化的大部分;年信号振幅和相位的分布具有明显的区域差异;东海季节性海平面变化主要受海面风和海水热膨胀驱动,而且在不同季节、不同区域,两种驱动机制的作用存在明显差异,主导地位也不断变化;季节信号还受到黑潮的一定影响。1993-2011年间东海海平面线性上升速率为3.28mm/a,各海域海平面上升速率不同。东海海平面变化低频信号与比容海平面变化低频信号具有显著相关性,最大相关系数为0.55;东海比容海平面变化低频信号与SOI低频信号同样具有一定的相关性,最大相关系数为0.3。ENSO通过大气环流和黑潮洋流等对东海海域的比容海平面变化产生影响,比容海平面变化进而对东海年际间海平面变化产生调制作用,因此ENSO可以通过东海年际间比容海平面变化对东海年际间海平面变化产生影响。  相似文献   

根据1973年至2016年黄海沿岸风、平均海平面气压与气温观测资料,采用旋转经验正交函数(REOF)、调和分析和延迟相关分析等方法,研究了黄海月平均风应力、风速、平均海平面气压、气温场季节与年际变化时空模态.月平均风应力、风速场主要有4种时空模态,风应力模态空间分量分布与风速模态不完全相同,风应力、风速模态季节周期分量多数为不稳定,风应力、风速场强度年际变化显著线性减弱,对黄海环流以及物理、化学要素场季节与年际变化有显著影响.月平均气压、气温场季节循环与年际变化主要有2种时空模态,气压、气温模态季节周期分量的位相均为准稳定季节变化;振幅为不稳定季节变化.气压模态为准平衡态年际变化,大尺度气压系统季节与年际变化是黄海气压场模态的主要影响因素.气温模态为显著线性升温趋势年际变化,海气、陆气热交换作用对黄海气温场模态季节与年际变化有显著影响.  相似文献   

据1962~1980年逐月平均表面似风应力资料,用调和分析及功率谱分析等方法分析了热带西太平洋表面风场的季节变化和年际变化.结果表明,该海区表面风场的季节变化,主要与热带辐合带(ITCZ)的季节位移有关,其年际变化则有明显的与埃尔尼漆南方涛动现象(ENSO)相对应的变化.且表面风场通常比ENSO有超前的异常变化.文中还初步探讨了表面风场变化对海洋次表层热结构的影响.结果表明,表面风应力涡度引起的埃克曼抽吸作用(Ekman pumping)可近似解释该海区温跃层深度的平均季节变化.该海域赤道附近表面纬向风应力的变化与西太平洋暖水区体积变化之间有较密切的关系.  相似文献   

齐庆华  蔡榕硕 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):37-48
气候变暖背景下,全球平均海洋变暖和海平面上升显著,为人类社会的可持续发展带来巨大挑战。上层海洋热力状况是海平面变化的主导因子之一。本文围绕"21世纪海上丝绸之路"途经海区(文中简称为丝路海区)上层海洋热含量异常的区域性时空特征,分析探讨了丝路海区热比容海平面异常的时空变化、演变特征及可能影响,以期为"21世纪海上丝绸之路"海洋环境安全保障提供服务支撑。结果表明,自20世纪70年代中后期,丝路海区上层(0~700 m)海洋已明显变暖,尤其20世纪90年代中后期增暖幅度显著加大。近60年来,在丝路海区热带海洋中,西太平洋的北赤道流区及以北海域、东海黑潮流域以及南海北部和南部海区、阿拉伯海西北部海域、马来西亚西北部海域及南印度洋部分海域具有长期增暖趋势。热带西太平洋暖池区整体增暖不明显,主要与印度洋中部海域呈反位相变化,且明显受到季节和年际变化的调制。长江口附近沿岸、南海北部沿岸、中南半岛南部沿岸以及阿拉伯海西北部沿岸的近岸海域长期增暖明显,自20世纪90年代中后期,中南半岛东部和西部沿海、澳大利亚西部沿海以及我国东南沿海热比容海平面上升明显。近岸热比容海平面的季节演变对沿海地区社会和经济发展会造成一定影响。此外,东亚夏季风与东海、黄海和渤海热比容海平面的上升显著相关,同时,ENSO、太平洋年代际振荡和印度洋偶极子的发生也均与我国东南沿海和印度洋西部沿海热比容海平面上升明显关联。特别是,气候变暖情形下,各种区域性致灾因子和气候变率的协同影响会对丝路海区海岸带和沿海地区的防灾减灾与社会经济发展带来较大挑战,开展海岸带和沿海地区全球变化综合风险研究成为当前首要任务。  相似文献   

利用1993年1月—2012年12月共20 a的多星融合高度计数据,对太平洋海域海平面变化的空间分布、长期趋势等特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)太平洋海域海平面总体呈西升东降的形态;(2)太平洋海域平均海平面的上升速率为0.284 28 cm/a,谱分析的结果表明其变化以1 a周期信号为主,且各部分海域平均海平面上升速率的分析结果也呈现西部大于东部的特征;(3)EOF分析表明第一模态为年代际模态,且可以解释原场的大部分,第二、第三模态为年际模态。  相似文献   

利用1993-2010年间的卫星高度计资料,用EOF方法及小波分析研究了黑潮延伸体区域的海平面异常和中尺度涡的时空变化特征.研究结果表明:海平面EOF第一模态是季节模态,与该海域风应力旋度第一模态类似,相关系数达0.65.EOF第二模态主要反映了黑潮南部次级环流的变化情况,显著性周期是8-10年.通过相关分析发现黑潮延伸体南部次级环流的年代际变化与PDO有关,同时它又与风应力旋度第二模态有关;该海域的海面高度受到北太平洋东部SSH信号西传的影响,信号的传播需要大约3-4年时间.EOF第三模态是黑潮弯曲模态.日本南部的气旋涡和反气旋涡可以表征黑潮弯曲的形成,而且弯曲强度和涡的持续时间、强度和位置有关.  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体海域海平面年际变化及其与海流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杰  杜凌  韩飞  张秋丰  叶风娟 《海洋通报》2015,34(2):158-167
利用黑潮延伸体海域海平面异常(SLA)数据和SODA海流资料,分析海平面和海流的年际变化特征,以及两者之间的关系。分析发现黑潮延伸体SLA的第二模态是黑潮大弯曲模态,存在29个月的准两年显著振荡。该海域海平面具有显著的年际变化,且与ENSO和PDO密切相关,2002-2004年的黑潮大弯曲期间,海平面与Nino3指数的相关系数为0.74。海平面年际变化和海流关系密切,黑潮延伸体主轴两侧海平面具有显著的季节和年际变化,急流呈大弯曲路径(1993-1996、2002-2004)时,流轴稳定流速大,流轴影响深,急流主轴南侧海平面较高,达到年际变化的最大值,主轴两侧海面高度梯度大。非弯曲期间,急流主轴南压,海流强度减弱,此期间海平面低,主轴两侧海面高度梯度较小。黑潮延伸体上游区海平面变化受黑潮大弯曲影响更为显著。上下游区的海平面和比容海平面的年际变化较为相似,黑潮延伸体海域海流和比容效应共同调控该区域海平面变化。  相似文献   

北极冬季季节性海冰双模态特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郝光华  苏洁  黄菲 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):11-22
近年来北极海冰快速变化,北极中央区边缘正由以多年冰为主转为季节性海冰为主。通过对北极冬季季节性海冰的EOF分解发现,2002-2012年期间北极季节性海冰变化的前两模态主要体现为2005年和2007年的季节性海冰距平。其中第二模态主要体现了北极海冰在2005年的一种极端变化,而第一模态不仅体现了北极海冰在2007年的变化,还体现了北极季节性海冰的从负位相到正位相的转变。通过比较发现,在研究时段北极季节性海冰最主要的变化发生在北极太平洋扇区,在2007年,冬季季节性海冰距平发生位相转变,2007-2010年一直维持正位相,北极太平洋扇区冬季季节性海冰保持显著正距平。太平洋扇区表面温度最大异常也发生在2007年,从大气环流来看,2007年之后波弗特海区异常高压有利于夏季太平洋扇区海冰的减少,而西风急流的减弱有利于夏季波弗特海区异常高压的维持,结合夏季海冰速度,顺时针的冰速分布有利于海冰离开太平洋扇区,因而会导致冬季太平洋扇区季节性海冰转为正距平并且从2007年一直维持到2010年。  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of interannual sea level variations in the South China Sea (SCS) are investigated by analyzing an EOF-based 2-dimensional past sea level reconstruction from 1950 to 2009 and satellite altimetry data from 1993 to 2009. Long-term tide gauge records from 14 selected stations in this region are also used to assess the quality of reconstructed sea levels and determine the rate of sea level along the coastal area. We found that the rising rate of sea levels derived from merged satellite altimetry data during 1993–2009 and past sea level reconstruction over 1950–2009 is about 3.9 ± 0.6 mm/yr and 1.7 ± 0.1 mm/yr, respectively. For the longer period, this rate is not significantly different from the global mean rate (of 1.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr). The interannual mean sea level of the SCS region appears highly correlated with Niño 4 indices (a proxy of El Niño-Southern Oscillation/ENSO), suggesting that the interannual sea level variations over the SCS region is driven by ENSO events. Interpolation of the reconstructed sea level data for 1950–2009 at sites where tide gauge records are of poor quality (either short or gapped) show that sea level along the Chinese coastal area is rising faster than the global mean rate of 1.8 mm/yr. At some sites, the rate is up to 2.5 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Sea level variations in the regional seas around Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The patterns and trends of sea level rise in the regional seas around Taiwan have been investigated through the analyses of long-term tide-gauge and satellite altimetry data. Series of tide-gauge data extending over 50 years reveal decadal and interannual variations and spatially-inhomogeneous patterns of generally rising sea level. The East Asia tide-gauge stations around Taiwan show an average trend of +2.4 mm/yr from 1961–2003, which is larger than the reported global rate of +1.8 mm/yr for the same period. These stations also show significantly larger sea level rise rates (+5.7 mm/yr) than global values (+3.1 mm/yr) during the period from 1993–2003. Consistent with the coastal tide-gauge records, satellite altimetry data show similar increasing rates (+5.3 mm/yr) around Taiwan during the same period. Comparisons with temperature anomalies in the upper ocean suggest that thermal expansion and heat advection in the upper layer contribute significantly to the long-term sea level variations in this area with correlations >0.9 for observations after 1992. Thermosteric sea level variations may also explain the interannual and decadal variations of the observed sea level rises around Taiwan. Our analysis also indicates that the altimetry data are only part of a long-term, larger-scale signal. Finally, we have found that a non-linear smoother, LOESS, is more suitable for extracting long-term trends in sea level than the traditional linear regression approach.  相似文献   

中国海和泰国湾海域海平面的经向涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立 《海洋学报》2014,36(9):7-17
卫星高度计遥感海面高度距平资料(1992-2012年)的分析结果证实中国海(渤、黄、东海及南海)和泰国湾作为一个半封闭的狭长水域,其海平面存在显著的南北经向涛动。涛动呈现明显的季节性,冬季南高北低,夏季北高南低,以渤海和泰国湾的海平面高差作为涛动的测度,其多年平均波动幅度达63cm,较差超过80cm。时间序列分析显示,在季节尺度上这一涛动几乎完全受东亚季风的支配,表明东亚季风的局地强迫是造成季节涛动的主要原因。进一步的分析发现,除季节波动之外研究海域海平面的经向涛动还存在明显的年际变化。不过,与季节尺度的波动有所不同,经向涛动的年际变化不仅是东亚季风区局地作用的结果,而且与太平洋海盆尺度的大气强迫有关,其作用与季风在同一数量级。涛动的年际变化大致滞后各气候因子两个月。采用多输入线性模型做偏相关分析筛选的结果显示,除东亚季风指数之外,研究海域的海平面涛动指数主要与太平洋的南方涛动指数(SOI)和西太平洋遥相关指数(WP)相关。这表明外部强迫既来自热带,也来自中纬度。南方涛动所导致的赤道海域海平面的东西向年际涛动,以及中纬度西风急流年际波动对西北太平洋海平面的作用,都有可能导致研究海域海平面经向涛动的年际变化,其机制有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

本文选取ECMWF ORAS4再分析数据对1959-2015年热带太平洋海平面的低频变化进行了分析。热带太平洋海平面年际变化第一模态反映了ENSO爆发阶段的海平面变化,热带东、西太平洋变化反相,其时间序列与Niño3.4指数高度相关。海平面第二模态则体现了El Niño爆发前后热带太平洋暖水的输运过程。El Niño爆发前热带西太平洋暖水聚集的位置,以及爆发后暖水向赤道外输运的位置在两类El Niño事件中均有所不同。此外,ENSO的周期在近半个世纪发生了显著的年代际变化,这一变化与热带太平洋的年代际变化有关。热带太平洋的年代际变化对海平面趋势变化也有着显著的影响。卫星高度计观测到的近20年海平面的快速上升(下降)正是由20世纪90年代后热带太平洋频繁的位相转换引起的。  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

热带印度洋降水、蒸发的时空特征及其对海表盐度的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
许金电  高璐 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):90-102
本文利用降水、蒸发等资料分析热带印度洋年降水量、蒸发量、净淡水通量的分布特征,并选取4个典型海域来分析降水量、蒸发量、净淡水通量的季节变化和年际变化。结果表明:东印度洋的苏门答腊岛西部海域年降水量最大,季节变化较小,属全年降雨型;孟加拉湾的东北部和安达曼海的北部海域年降水量较大,其年际变化以4.2 mm/a的速率增长,强降水出现在5-9月;阿拉伯海的西部海域年降水量较小;南印度洋东部(20°~30°S,80°~110°E)海域年降水量较小,年蒸发量较大,年蒸发量在2000年之前以5.1 mm/a的速率增长,之后以4.5 mm/a的速率减小。本文还采用Argo盐度等资料探讨降水、蒸发对海表盐度的影响,研究结果表明:降水量远大于蒸发量的海域,海表盐度较低;降水量远小于蒸发量的海域,海表盐度较高。表层水平环流是导致高净淡水通量中心与低盐中心并不重合的主要原因,也是导致强蒸发中心与高盐中心并不重合的主要原因。选取的4个典型海域海表盐度的季节变化与净淡水通量关系不大,而是与表层水平环流有关。孟加拉湾强降水对表层盐度的影响显著,强降水发生后表层盐度降低0.2~0.8,其影响深度为30~50 m。  相似文献   

Seasonal, interannual and interdecadal variations of monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS) directly influence the ocean circulation and the mass transport process, etc. , especially the changes of horizontal circulation pattern and upwelling area. These changes directly influence the nutrient transport and the photosynthesis of phytoplankton, which induce the change of the marine ecosystem in the SCS, including the change of marine primary production in this sea area. On the basis of climatic data for long-time series and primary production estimated by remote sensing, the multi-time scale variations of monsoon, seasonal and interannual variations of primary production, and the response of primary production to monsoon variations were analyzed. Furthermore, the spatio-temporal variations of primary production in different sea areas of the SCS and their relations to the monsoon variations were given. The results showed that the strong southwesterly prevailed over the SCS in summer whereas the vigorous northeasterly in winter. The seasonal primary production in the entire sea area of the SCS also produced a strong peak in winter and a suhpeak in summer. And the seasonal primary production distributions displayed different characteristics in every typical sea area. The variations of the annual and summer averaged primary production in the entire sea area of the SCS showed almost the same rising trend as the intensity of the summer monsoon. Especially for 1998, the summer monsoon reached almost the minimum in the past 54 a when the primary production was also found much lower than any other year ( 1999--2005 ). The responses of annual primary production to monsoon variation were displayed to different extent in different sea areas of the SCS ; especially it was better in the deep sea basin. Such research activities could be very important for revealing the response of marine ecosystem to the monsoon variations in the SCS.  相似文献   

根据东亚沿岸45个水位观测站的长序列水位资料,用不同的计算区域平均海平面升降的方法,估计了该区海平面升降趋势。结果表明,从本世纪50年代初至90年代初,整个海区平均而言海平面呈上升趋势。海平面升降的区域性变化较大:中国沿岸除山东半岛外,其他海区平均是上升的,在日本群岛南部和朝鲜半岛南部沿岸,由几种方法得出的结果多数是上升的,但上升幅度很小。本文对东亚沿岸海平面升降的估计结果与Barnett的相应估计差别较大,其主要原因是Barnett选站较少,且选的站集中在该区南北两端,中间部分无资料;估计方法虽有影响,但属次要的。  相似文献   

中国近海及临近海域海浪的季节特征及其时间变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用1992年12月-2005年3月TOPEX卫星高度计资料,对中国近海波浪季节特征及其时间变化进行了分析。分析结果表明,冬季平均波高最大,台湾海峡、南海北部、中南半岛东南海域以及吕宋海峡外侧是冬季的大浪区;夏季平均波高最小;春、秋两季为过渡期。对冬季大浪所在区域波浪时间变化的研究表明,年变化是其主要时间变化特征,而季节内变化是该海区的另一重要特征,并且以5 a为周期的年际变化与ENSO事件有着很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

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