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Fishing, selection, and phenotypic evolution   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  

Fishing has been and is still one of the most dangerous of all human activities. In the field of fishing safety policy, it is acknowledged that the development of a working legal framework of reference is a vital prior condition for the implementation of measures aimed at its improving safety. However, the research work on fishing safety does not have at disposal records of a sufficient number of accidents and in most cases is not comparable from one country to another. Moreover, there is no work that focuses on a global view of fishing safety. The aim of the present work is to outline the state-of-the-art in fishing safety. To this end, aspects of fishing safety which are a major concern of institutions, organizations and researchers alike are analysed. Thus, several questions are addressed, such as: what institutional policy is given to the activity of the fishing sector to improve safety; what aspects and/or parameters are normally used to analyse fishing accidents; what is the usual spatial domain of this analysis; and what are the topics of the research carried out in fishing safety? The results of this analysis, among other aspects, identify eight specific lines of research followed in fishing safety and five which deal with aspects of safety at sea related to the fishing sector.  相似文献   

报道中国水产总公司金枪鱼船队1997年5月至1999年5月期间在印度洋东部海域进行延绳钓作业的有关情况。结果显示船均月产量,以尾数计在49~175尾之间波动,最高出现于1998年9月,最低出现于1997年5月,平均116尾/船  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家实施乡村振兴战略的重大部署,促进新时代美丽渔村建设,文章在总结国外经验的基础上,结合文献梳理和实地调研,明确渔村振兴须妥善处理的关系,并提出渔村振兴的路径和政策。研究结果表明:通过加强顶层设计和产业融合等措施,日本、韩国和美国在渔业发展和渔村振兴方面都取得成功;我国渔村振兴应妥善处理三大关系,即渔民与土地(养殖和捕捞水域)的关系、渔民与渔民的关系以及渔民与国家的关系;渔村振兴的路径主要包括依靠主体、发展载体、富裕渔民、深化改革、要素投入、顶层设计、产业融合、繁荣文化和渔村治理9个方面,政策主要包括财政、科技、金融、人才和服务5个方面。  相似文献   

大型深冷金枪鱼延绳钓典型渔具性能的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延绳钓是中国远洋金枪鱼渔业的主要作业方式,为探讨其渔具结构与性能特征,提高生产效率,笔者于2003年12月~2004年2月期间,在西印度洋5°30′N~6°30′S,44°00′E~62°00′E一带海域,以国内大型深冷金枪鱼延绳钓典型渔具为对象,研究了不同位置钓钩所处水深、上钓率及渔获效率.结果显示,调查期间钓钩水深分布范围约100~300 m,渔具对大眼金枪鱼上钓率以4~6组钓钩较高,对黄鳍金枪鱼则以2~4组钓钩最高.通过减少相邻浮子间钓钩数量至11枚,理论上可使钓钩水深大幅减小,并提高产量22.73%左右.  相似文献   

Institutional approaches in natural resource management in general and in fisheries in particular seldom address cultural aspects or social institutions like kinship. In this study, a broad institutional approach is used to investigate the institutionalization of small-scale fisheries and seaweed farming in a seagrass dominated bay in Zanzibar. Regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive institutions and their rapid/slow moving properties are analyzed. The results show that dynamics of cooperation and conflict between different institutional elements and the balance of forces among actors are crucial to understand fisheries management dynamics. Regulations are, despite their importance, insufficient to promote sound management if they are not backed up by norms and cultural-cognitive institutions. Fisheries management would benefit by broadening the institutional perspective to increase the efficiency of management and to avoid blueprint solutions. The study shows that gaining knowledge about the wide institutional setting takes time but the investment is worth it in the long run.  相似文献   

根据塞拉利昂近海 16条生产船一年的生产日志资料 (1995年 7月~ 1996年 6月 ) ,分析了近海渔场渔区产值分布 ,指出 2区、4 4区、84区、97区为主要的经济渔区 ,主要渔汛时间为 6~ 8月。同时 ,还对渔获物的结构组成及渔轮的月平均单船产值进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

实施渔村振兴是实现渔业高质量发展、解决渔业发展不平衡不充分问题的有效途径,具有鲜明的时代意义和现实意义。文章基于渔民入户调查数据,从渔民满意度评价角度探讨实施渔村振兴面临的基础和问题。研究发现当前实施渔村振兴面临的基础是:渔村乡风文明程度较好,渔村治理成效明显,但渔村产业还不太兴旺,渔村环境离生态宜居还有一定差距,渔民生活水平有待提高。实施渔村振兴主要面临渔业基本经营制度有待完善,渔村产业高质量发展水平不高,渔村环境离生态宜居要求还有较大差距,渔村现代化治理体系尚未建立,渔业文化挖掘和传承后继乏人,渔民增收长效机制尚未建立,渔民社会保障尚未完全建立等问题,以期为进一步提出有针对性的渔村振兴政策建议提供决策参考。  相似文献   

文章针对海洋渔业由于过度捕捞造成渔业资源枯竭的问题,提出了一种基于海洋遥感(ORS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)等高新技术的海洋捕捞与海水养殖监管系统设计方案,可以远程自动对海洋渔业区域的水质多参数信息和养殖环境视频信息进行综合采集、传输及监控,也可以自动采集传输渔船RFID身份识别信息、渔船AIS自动识别信息、渔船GPS定位信息和捕捞生产视频信息等,并通过海洋精细渔业专家系统ES进行渔业养殖监控、渔业环境资源监测评估、渔船船数和功率数控制和海洋捕捞生产渔情监测等。该系统可以实现海洋渔业精细化捕捞和海洋渔业精细化养殖,促进海洋渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

陈东  陈兆林 《海岸工程》2006,25(4):60-62
为了打造帆船之都,促进青岛旅游业和旅游经济的发展,提出了利用休渔期,选择安全性能好的渔船和经过专门培训的渔民搞海上旅游观光、垂钓并发展渔村餐饮业,以解决渔民增收和生活问题,使旅游码头和渔港码头优势互补,共同发展,为青岛旅游业开辟另一条新路。  相似文献   

过洋性渔业是我国远洋渔业的重要组成部分,伊朗阿曼湾渔场是我国新开发的过洋性渔场,单船底拖网是主要的作业方式。文章从过洋性渔业生产的推力、阻力以及过洋性拖网渔具存在的问题出发,分析目前单船底拖网油耗偏高的问题,并针对阿曼湾渔场的特点,在网型、网衣尺寸、网板以及拖网的自动化和智能化等方面进行改进与探讨。同时提出4点建议:提高网口高度,增加侧身力纲;增大网目尺寸和网口周长,确定合理的身周比;采用柔性网板;采用瞄准捕捞技术以及网囊实时监测、自动脱落和提网技术。拖网性能的提高对我国远洋渔业的发展至关重要,对实现海洋强国目标具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

渔港经济区是渔业经济发展的重要载体和依托。由于历史“欠账”较多且金融支持渠道较单一,当前渔港基础设施建设仍很薄弱,难以满足渔港经济区综合发展的需求。为此,文章以“金融支持-基础设施建设-产业升级”的逻辑构想,采用体现投入与产出关系的拓展C-D生产函数,构建反映渔港经济区产业升级进程的六部门模型,实证分析影响渔港经济区产业升级的关键因素之间的效应。研究结果表明:经营性基础设施建设和公益性基础设施建设对产业升级的影响存在差异;金融支持对产业升级的回归结果不显著,金融支持力度薄弱且亟须加强;人力资本效应不显著,无法为区域产业升级提供多元化的劳动力支撑。  相似文献   

Taiwan has developed its fisheries since the 1950s and become one of the major fishing nations in the high seas. Facing overcapacity and strong criticism by related Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, Taiwan did not only formulate lots of regulations to limit fishing capacity, but also spent around US$350 million from 1991 to 2008 to scrap 30% capacity of large scale longline fishing vessels and 18% of coastal fishing vessels. This study provides the insight that efficient use of budget and communication with fisherman, and coping with comprehensive stock assessment, would be the key issues in establishing a successful fishing capacity management.  相似文献   

闽南—台湾浅滩渔场多毛类的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蔡立哲  李复雪 《台湾海峡》1995,14(2):144-149
1987年12月至1988年11月在闽南-台湾浅滩渔场获得83种多毛类,隶属于35科67属。欧努菲虫(Onuphis eremita)、锥唇吻沙蚕(Glycera o-nomichiensis)、拟特须虫(Paralacydonia paradoxa)和滑指矶沙蚕(Eunice indica)等出现频率较高。马氏独毛虫(Tharyx marioni)、奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospio pin-nata)、多齿全刺沙蚕(Nectoneanthes multignatha)和梯额虫(Scalibregma inflatum)密集地分布于局部水域。闽南-台湾浅滩渔场多毛类年平均生物量为1.13g/m^2,年平均密度为25个/m^2,均低于台湾海峡北部、东山湾湖下带和大亚湾等水域。闽南-台湾浅滩渔场多毛类表现为低多样性特征。这些分布特征取决于底质类型,该海区沉积颗粒较粗,不利于多毛类繁衍。海流和水团也有重要作用。  相似文献   

Fisheries statistics provided by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (HELSTAT) have been often criticized for unusual estimates in landings and fishing effort data and for limitations in the sampling methodology, although there is no study on the identification of these biased and misreporting estimates. In the present study the landings per species and fishing subarea, as well as the fishing effort data per fishing gear reported by HELSTAT were analysed over the period 1982–2010. The results showed abrupt changes of both the recorded species and species landings per subarea, spurious correlations of landings among different species groups and misreporting estimates in the number of fishing vessels per fishing gear. These might be likely attributed to: (a) differences of the HELSTAT administrative infrastructures at local scale, (b) changes in the sampling protocol followed by HELSTAT, (c) reporting faults made by HELSTAT, (d) fisheries restrictive measures at local basis, (e) other factors that increased the bias and the uncertainties of HELSTAT fisheries data and related to socio-economic (i.e. fuel price) and operational (i.e. spatial structure of the fisheries fleet) aspects and/or (f) to environmental changes that might possibly affected fisheries dynamics. The present study aims to the improvement of the effectiveness of the national fisheries statistics as pinpointed by Common Fisheries Policy in order to avoid imprecise and/or biased estimations about the state of the fisheries.  相似文献   

我国渔业资源正遭受IUU捕捞的破坏.在借鉴外国立法与执法经验的基础上,我国应从完善国内法和积极磋商渔业合作协定两个层面进行防范和管制.  相似文献   

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