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长期以来我国沿海织纹螺科的分类一直存在着种名鉴定错误、同物异名或混淆等现象,它严重困扰和制约着织纹螺的生态学、分子生物学和毒理实验等相关研究。为了解决我国沿海织纹螺种名使用混乱和部分种名无法准确鉴定等问题,作者对中国科学院海洋生物标本馆收藏的标本,以及近年来在我国沿海补充采集的织纹螺科标本进行了系统地整理和进一步的分类学研究。结果表明,半褶织纹螺Nassarius(Zeuxis)semiplicatus(A.Adams,1852)是Nassarius(Z.)sinarus(Philippi,1851)的同物异名;拟半褶织纹螺Nassarius(Z.)semiplicatoides Zhanget You,2007是秀长织纹螺Nassarius(Z.)oveolatus(Dunker,1847)的同物异名;而光织纹螺Nassariusdorsatus(Rding,1789)和节织纹螺Nassariushepaticus(Pulteney)的学名是误定,它应是塔氏织纹螺Nassarius(Zeuxis)thachiDekker,2004和节织纹螺Nassarius(Niotha)nodiferus(Powys,1835)。作者对上述几种织纹螺的外部形态特征进行了观察确认,对齿舌的齿式排列和齿舌的形态进行认真的比较研究,依据目前较新的文献资料,把我国沿海4种重要织纹螺的种名进行了澄清和修订。  相似文献   

<正>节织纹螺(Nassarius hepaticus)贝壳差异的COⅠ基因分析挑选五种节织纹螺典型贝壳形态,每种形态各5个个体,研究了节织纹螺五种典型贝壳形态COⅠ基因序列及其分子系统发育。结果表明,节织纹螺5种贝壳类型的齿  相似文献   

张素萍 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(3):814-816
本文记述中国海织纹螺科两新记录种。研究材料来自中国科学院海洋研究所历年来在中国沿海采集的织纹螺科标本,通过外部形态和齿舌解剖比较研究,鉴定出属于织纹螺属Nassarius的2个中国新记录种:厚唇织纹螺Nassarius biendongensis Kool,2003和佳美织纹螺Nassarius euglyptus Sowerby,1914。它们分布于中国的东、南部沿海,前者栖息于潮间带中、低潮区的泥沙质海底;后者栖息于潮下带,垂直分布在水深10—200m左右的泥沙或软泥质海底。  相似文献   

疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera)性畸变现象的解剖学和组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以解剖学和组织学的方法研究了有机锡污染生物指示种——疣荔枝螺的正常雄、雌和性畸变个体的生殖系统。结果表明,性畸变个体除具有正常的雌性器官外,还有输精管或阴茎。当性畸变程度严重时,性畸变不育个体的卵囊腺组织出现破损,并具有不规则块状的不育卵囊和未排出的正常卵囊。虽然性畸变个体的雄性器官具有表现出雄性功能的潜能,但由于缺少精巢或完整的前列腺,不可能发展成为具有雄性功能的个体,这与性逆转有着本质上的区别。有机锡污染引起的性畸变已对疣荔枝螺种群生存构成了潜在的威胁,深化此类负面生态效应的研究是人类面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

2002年3月和10月分别在广东省惠州港和南澳岛采集褐棘螺(Chicoreus brunneus)和亚洲棘螺(C.asianus)。解剖观察发现这2个采样点2种棘螺的雌性个体都发生了性畸变现象。惠州港的棘螺已畸变到雌性个体不育的地步.这表明由于有机锡污染引起的性畸变现象对棘螺的生殖已造成严重的影响,并有可能导致棘螺的区域性灭绝。  相似文献   

方斑东风螺性畸变现象的解剖学和组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于秀娟  朱四喜  沈金辉  陈旭明  黄长江 《台湾海峡》2004,23(4):444-448,i003
以解剖学和组织学方法研究了方斑东风螺未成熟和成熟的正常雌、雄个体以及性畸变个体的生殖系统结构.性畸变个体除具有正常的雌性器官外,还有输精管或阴茎.在正常雄性输精管的个体发育过程中再现了系统发育的过程,而且在性畸变个体输精管的形成过程和发育过程中组织学结构特征的变化与正常雄性输精管的个体发育过程的相似.性畸变雌体的性腺发育受阻.目前,性畸变现象仅存在于成熟个体,但这并不表明未成熟个体中不会发生性畸变现象.具有较高食用价值的方斑东风螺因有机锡污染可能会对人类健康不利,应引起人们的关注.  相似文献   

节织纹螺(Nassarius hepaticus)贝壳差异的COⅠ基因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择在厦门港市场购买的节织纹螺(Nassarius hepaticus),挑选五种典型贝壳形态,每种形态各5个个体,研究其COⅠ基因序列及其分子系统发育。结果表明,节织纹螺五种贝壳类型的齿舌形态基本一致,但个体间齿列数和中央齿上缘小齿数有差异;COⅠ基因序列存在较大的变异,678—679bp的片段上有31个变异位点,其中20个为密码子第三位碱基,6个为密码子第二位碱基,5个为密码子第一位碱基;贝壳、齿舌变异与DNA变异不存在关系,同类型和不同类型的个体在DNA序列上差异较小,根据Kimura 2-parameter法计算25个个体的遗传距离在0.001—0.010之间,平均值为0.007。以COⅠ基因序列计算的遗传距离和构建的系统发育树证实五种贝壳形态的25个个体同属于节织纹螺。  相似文献   

两形态类型织纹螺(Nassarius)的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在整理广东珠海高栏岛潮下带的螺类样品时,发现两不同形态类型的织纹螺,一类型鉴定为西格织纹螺(Nassarius siquijorensis),另一类型与前者在内唇和外唇形态上存在明显差异但其他特征基本相同。比较了两类型个体的齿舌形态,并对选取的5个个体的COⅠ基因序列进行了研究。结果表明,两类型个体的齿舌形态基本一致,齿列数53—66排,中央齿上缘小齿8—12枚;COⅠ基因序列存在较大的变异,709bp的DNA片段上共有40个位点变异,其中38个变异位点为密码子第三位碱基,个体间的碱基差异在2—35bp之间;贝壳变异与DNA变异不存在关系,同类型的个体在DNA序列上差异较大,不同类型个体的差异却极小;在基于COⅠ基因序列构建的系统树中两类型的个体明显聚为一支。依据5条COⅠ基因核苷酸序列推导的氨基酸残基序列完全相同。齿舌形态和分子生物学证据都证实两种类型的个体同属于西格织纹螺。  相似文献   

该文概述三丁基锡在海洋防附着涂料中的应用及其环境效应,综述因TBT污染而导致某些螺类雌性个体中发育出雄性性征的性畸变现象发生情况,探讨性畸变在TBT污染生物监测中的应用。并以香港地区性畸变的发生为例,论证性畸变在生物监测中的应用,同时比较香港及世界其他地区性畸变的程度。  相似文献   

池养黑鲷性逆转组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)为具性逆转的珍贵海产鱼类,其个体在第3龄期雄性转为雌性,但性逆转发生的详细过程尚不清楚。为了解黑鲷性腺逆转发生的过程,作者通过对池塘养殖黑鲷3~4龄期个体进行定期跟踪取样观察,结合组织切片显微检测性腺变化过程。结果显示:黑鲷性腺在繁殖前后变化趋势不同;繁殖期雌性个体约占15%;繁殖后至7月份是性腺由雄逆转为雌主要时期;8月份全部个体性腺外观表现为卵巢形式;到9月底,个别性腺的精巢组织又开始发育;到12月底样本性腺有雄性、雌性及雌雄同体同时发育3种形式。此外,分析了黑鲷性腺成熟系数与肝质量系数的周年变化趋势。研究获得了详细的3~4龄黑鲷性逆转发生过程及性逆转结果,并针对与先前报道的有关研究结果差异展开分析,为掌握不同海区黑鲷性逆转特性及育种研究提供了更多资料,也为雌雄同体鱼类资源利用研究提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   

The muricid gastropod Bolinus brandaris exhibited imposex, a phenomenon linked to the use of organotin biocides. Several stages of imposex development (1-5) could be distinguished and were documented with SEM-photographs for the first time in this species. Additional alterations of the genital tract in females (blocked vulva preventing copulation and deposition of egg capsules) and males (excrecences on the penis and vas deferens) were shown. Imposex intensity on the Catalan coast was very high. The frequency of imposex off Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú was 100%, with all females showing stage 4. Imposex frequency off Sant Carles de la Ràpita was 99.7% and the VDS index scored 3.9. Despite regulations of TBT-containing antifouling paints in Spain since 1990, the present study revealed that frequency and intensity of imposex have increased on the Catalan coast, at least since 1997. However, at present, imposex does not apparently affect the population dynamics of B. brandaris in the studied area, since no serious consequences on female reproduction (only one case of female sterilization) were detected. Gonadal activity and oogenesis were not suppressed or supplanted by spermatogenesis. Sex ratios were not male-biased. Possible sources of organotin biocides are examined.  相似文献   

The muricid gastropod Bolinus brandaris exhibited imposex, a phenomenon linked to the use of organotin biocides. Several stages of imposex development (1–5) could be distinguished and were documented with SEM-photographs for the first time in this species. Additional alterations of the genital tract in females (blocked vulva preventing copulation and deposition of egg capsules) and males (excrecences on the penis and vas deferens) were shown. Imposex intensity on the Catalan coast was very high. The frequency of imposex off Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú was 100%, with all females showing stage 4. Imposex frequency off Sant Carles de la Ràpita was 99.7% and the VDS index scored 3.9. Despite regulations of TBT-containing antifouling paints in Spain since 1990, the present study revealed that frequency and intensity of imposex have increased on the Catalan coast, at least since 1997. However, at present, imposex does not apparently affect the population dynamics of B. brandaris in the studied area, since no serious consequences on female reproduction (only one case of female sterilization) were detected. Gonadal activity and oogenesis were not suppressed or supplanted by spermatogenesis. Sex ratios were not male-biased. Possible sources of organotin biocides are examined.  相似文献   

TBT induces imposex and sterilisation in female Nucella lapillus. Interestingly, there are populations where individuals (both males and imposexed females) may suffer from a genetic aberration [Dumpton Syndrome (DS)] which results in the development of no penis (i.e. aphally). This anomaly confers a so far unexplained protection against TBT. Six populations with contrasting DS frequency were sampled; the imposex stage in females and the mean calibre of every vas deferens (VDC) were assessed. While the sex ratio in the 600 specimens examined was close to 1, aphally was more frequent in females than in males (31 and 7%, respectively). VDC was significantly higher in normal than in aphallic (DS) specimens, independently of sex and/or site. It is concluded that the vas deferens imposed by TBT onto DS females is less prone to develop thick enough so as to interfere with normal egg laying.  相似文献   

Endocrine disruption in marine populations is a growing concern. One of the best documented examples is imposex, the development of male characteristics in female gastropods, including the development of a penis and/or vas deferens, by exposure to organotins, mainly tributyltin. This syndrome has been an effective and widely used biomarker of organic tin contamination for almost 20 years. However, established imposex evaluation protocols sacrifice all the animals and repeated assessments can result in depletion of populations. To preserve animal lives as much as possible and to have a fast screening of areas subjected to organotin impacts, a non-destructive approach was tested. This approach uses reversible narcotization and a statistical criterion to evaluate the extent of imposex in the populations, instead of imposex indexes, which are based on evaluation of sacrificed, fixed animals. The data consist of two categories: males plus masculinized females in one category and normal females in another. The probability is then calculated that this sample could have been drawn from a normal population. This new method was tested in two contrasting areas of Brazil and with two different species, and the results compared to the conventional evaluation. Narcotization was completely reversed with a survival rate of 98%. Impacted sites could be identified with this technique in the same way as with the conventional one. The only limitation was that female sterility could not be verified. This disadvantage could well be compensated by the minimal mortality in the studied populations.  相似文献   

海产腹足类性畸变现象的形态特征   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
施华宏  黄长江 《台湾海峡》2001,20(4):552-555,T007
本文选取我国东南沿海的重要港口海口、北海、湛江、汕头和厦门港等作为海产腹足类性畸变现象的现场调查区,结果发现有11种海产腹足类存在性畸变。文中对分布广泛、易采集、性畸变现象普遍的疣荔枝螺的性畸变特征的解剖观察结果进行了详细的描述,同时对其他几种海产腹足类性畸变特性作了对比。根据研究结果将疣荔枝螺性畸变雌体的阴茎和输精管的畸变程度划分为5个阶段。  相似文献   

Imposex was measured in the rock shell, Thais clavigera, from the coast of the Korean peninsula. Frequency of imposex was 0% at two reference sites, but at 47 out of 61 sites, frequency of imposex was recorded as 100%. The degree of imposex was relatively high at the sites near a harbor and a shipyard. Tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) concentrations in T. clavigera ranged from 5 to 508 ng/g and from 3 to 2460 ng/g, respectively. A significant positive relationship was found between degree of imposex and organotin concentration, whereas a significant negative relationship was obtained between female-to-male sex ratio and the degree of imposex. During a field transplantation of T. clavigera from a pristine area to a port, TBT and TPT were accumulated in T. clavigera, and imposex was induced. T. clavigera shows considerable potential as a bioindicator species of the adverse effects of TBT and TPT contamination.  相似文献   

A survey of imposex in Thais orbita (Neogastropoda) along the New South Wales (NSW) coast, Australia, found imposex was still widespread 10 years after a partial ban on tributyltin (TBT) based antifouling paints. Transplant experiments also revealed that imposex was induced in T. orbita over a period of 9 weeks in Sydney Harbour, NSW. A comparison of the imposex data with that collected shortly after the introduction of restrictions on TBT revealed a general decline in imposex frequency occurring at open coast sites, an exception being the site at South West Rocks. Sites located within harbour/bay areas did not display a decline in imposex frequency but a decline in the severity of imposex was apparent. The observed decrease in imposex values in T. orbita may reflect a general decrease of butyltin contamination within the coastal environment. However, the persistence of contamination "hotspots" within harbours and bays remains a concern.  相似文献   

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