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内流对海底管线涡致振动与疲劳寿命的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在复杂的海洋环境条件下,管道的动力学特性受到内外部流体的作用而呈现出新的特点。本文通过对处在海底平稳流动作用下的悬跨管道的涡致振动进行分析,特别地考虑到管道内部流动的作用,给出了内流速度对管道响应幅度的影响,进而指出其对管道疲劳的意义。  相似文献   

海底双层管单层连接管道结构受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粘性高的海洋石油通常需要通过海底保温管道加温输送.温度变化会引起管道变形,并在管壁内产生较大的温度应力.同时,管道正常运营期间还受到管道内压、外压、管内流体粘滞力和土体摩擦力等环境荷载的作用.复杂的环境可能导致海底管道轴向应力过大发生破坏.为了提高铺管效率,提出了双层管单层连接管道这一特殊管道形式,并从理论上分析温度变化和环境荷载对该管道的影响,计算正常运行时管道不同位置处横截面内最大Von-Mises应力.最后得到了Von-Mises应力沿管道轴线分布情况,发现内管和单层连接管的应力一般比外管大,变径管和内管的焊缝处是Von-Mises应力最大的地方.  相似文献   

海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线作用力的CFD模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王忠涛  王寒阳  张宇 《海洋学报》2016,38(9):110-117
海底管线是海洋工程中用于传输原油和天然气等的重要通道,通常放置在海床表面或处于悬跨状态。本文采用计算流体动力学CFD法模拟了不同冲击角度下海底滑坡对置于海床表面的海底管线的作用,得到了管线所受的轴向荷载和法向荷载与滑坡冲击角度之间的关系。同时分析了沿冲击方向管线截面形状与管线所受阻力之间的关系。对已有研究进行拓展延伸,丰富了不同工况下轴向阻力系数和法向阻力系数的计算成果,得出了海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线冲击力的计算公式。  相似文献   

Corrosion is one of the main reasons to cause the operation accident of submarine oil and gas transmission pipelines. As the major corrosion pattern in submarine pipelines, the effects of corrosion clusters consisting of the adjacent corrosion defects on failure pressure are investigated through non-linear large-deformation finite element method. Typically, the failure behavior and limit strength of submarine pipeline with axial groove-groove corrosion defect pair exposed to internal pressure are analyzed. The effects of corrosion depth and axial spacing between a pair of corrosion defects on failure pressure are concluded. An interaction relationship for corrosion defects in pipelines, as well as prediction formulations for assessing the remaining strength of corroded pipelines are proposed. The expressions based on the proposed interaction relationship give more accurate results than the methods used in the existing design guidelines.  相似文献   

埕岛海上石油平台周边海底管道与电缆的探测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上石油平台周边海底管缆密集,管线状废弃物多,且有相互交叉现象,常有管道与电缆分辨不清或将管线状废弃物误判成海底管缆等情况发生。这严重影响了生产运行和作业平台就位的安全,给指挥作业平台插桩、就位、船舶抛锚带来了很多困难和安全隐患。在埕岛油田平台附近海底管道电缆探测技术研究中,利用目前世界上已有的、对海底管缆探测较为有效的各种仪器设备和方法手段,进行了试点研究,从中寻求适合埕岛油田海区海底管道、电缆位置和埋设状况探测的最佳方法和手段。通过试点研究,对探测海底管道和电缆的各种仪器的探测性能、探测方法、探测过程中应注意的事项以及存在的问题进行了较全面的介绍。  相似文献   

Submarine pipelines that transport crude oil and natural gas are often in a complex marine geological environment and may become unstable and fail upon impact by submarine landslides. Previous research has mostly focused on the impact forces exerted by submarine landslides on suspended pipelines, but the impact of submarine landslides on pipelines laid on the seafloor at various impact angles, θ, have been relatively infrequently discussed, and the effects of suspended height, H, on the impact forces exerted by submarine landslides on pipelines have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, based on the Herschel–Bulkley model, the impact forces exerted by a submarine landslide on laid-on or suspended pipelines at various impact angles θ were simulated using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Equations for calculating the axial and normal drag coefficients of a submarine pipeline were proposed. The CFD numerical simulation results were rearranged based on the soil mechanics approach. By comparing the parameters, an essentially corresponding relationship was found between the soil mechanics and CFD approaches when the equations were used to calculate the impact forces exerted by a submarine landslide on a pipeline. In addition, a semi-analytical expression for the failure envelope was provided. Furthermore, the effects of H on the forces on a pipeline were discussed, and an equation for calculating the acting forces on a pipeline along the flow direction of a submarine landslide that comprehensively accounts for the effects of θ and H was proposed. The lift force was discussed preliminarily and the results provide a basis for further investigation. The achievement of this study is applicable for selecting locations of submarine pipeline routes and for designing submarine pipelines.  相似文献   

复杂荷载作用下海底腐蚀管线破坏机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周晶  陈严飞  李昕  冯新  范颖芳 《海洋工程》2008,26(1):127-136
腐蚀是引起海底管线破坏的一种重要原因。综述在内部工作压力和外部环境荷载作用下海底腐蚀管线破坏机理的研究,论述海底腐蚀管线在单一荷载和多种荷载联合作用下的破坏状态,并说明了当前研究的热点问题。最后,对该领域进一步的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

埕岛油田海底管线在位稳定性的计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
埕岛油田主要分布粉土和淤泥质软土2类典型的海床.通过建立海床与其上裸置管线相互作用的有限元计算模型,对埕岛油田2类典型海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性进行了数值计算分析,并与现行常用的DNV(挪威船级社)管道设计方法的计算结果进行了对比.分析表明,对于埕岛油田粉土海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性分析,数值计算结果与DNV简化分析方法的结果较为一致;对于埕岛油田淤泥质软土海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性分析,DNV简化分析得到的裸置管线的在位稳定性一般高于相应的数值计算结果.  相似文献   

近壁圆柱绕流问题在海底悬跨管道的研究中具有重要的意义。在绕流阻力、升力以及海底土壤的耦合作用下,海底管道所发生的移位、悬跨等现象对于海底管道的安全运行构成了很大的威胁。正确预测各种绕流条件下管流之间的作用力是保证油气管道安全的首要任务。海底管道在极端海洋环境条件下的管、流相互作用为高雷诺数绕流问题,处于高雷诺数下的绕流模拟比处于低雷诺数下的绕流模拟要复杂很多,它需要更精细的网格以及合适的湍流模型。此文对处于悬跨状态下的海底管道进行数值研究,给出不同间隙比下海流绕流海底管道的流场结构形态,分析了间隙比对绕流阻力和绕流升力的影响,为进一步研究海底悬跨管道的受力和变形提供载荷边界数据。  相似文献   

Because of the complex geological conditions of the seabed, submarine pipelines buried beneath the ocean floor become suspended over the seabed under the long-term scour of waves eroding the surrounding sediment. Further, most oil fields were built in offshore areas while the country was developing. This gives the waves seen in shallow water obvious nonlinear features, and the abnormal characteristics of these waves must be considered when calculating their hydrodynamic forces. Particularly under such conditions, these suspended spans of submarine pipelines are prone to damage caused by the action of the external environment load. Such damages and eventual failures may result not only in great property losses but also pollution of the marine environment. The span length of these areas is a key predictive factor in pipeline damages. Therefore, determining the allowable span length for these submarine pipelines will allow future projects to avoid or prevent damage from excessive suspended span lengths. Expressions of the hydrodynamic loads placed on suspended spans of pipeline were developed in this work based on the first-order approximate cnoidal wave theory and Morison equation. The formula for the allowable free span length was derived for the common forms of free spanning submarine pipeline based on the point where maximum bending stresses remain less than the material’s allowable stress. Finally, the allowable free span length of real-world pipelines was calculated for a subsea pipeline project in Bohai Bay. This research shows that, with consideration for the complicated marine environment, existing suspended spans are within allowable length limitations. However, continuing to limit the length of these submarine pipeline spans in the Nanpu oil field will require ongoing attention.  相似文献   

孙东昌  田海庆 《海洋工程》2006,24(4):56-61,67
简要介绍了国内浅海油田的发展现状和胜利浅海油田采用“卫星平台—海底管线—中心平台—海底管线—陆上联合站”的生产运行开发模式,以及国外管道维修技术和装备的手段。重点介绍了一种能潜入海底自动探测跟踪和准确定位坐底、对管线进行维修的水下装置,它在结构型式、操作控制定位方式、管线探测跟踪、维修手段等方面有独到之处。  相似文献   

As an important part of lifeline engineering in the development and utilization of marine resources, the submarine fluid-filled pipeline is a complex coupling system which is subjected to both internal and external flow fields. By utilizing Kennard’s shell equations and combining with Helmholtz equations of flow field, the coupling equations of submarine fluid-filled pipeline for n=0 axisymmetrical wave motion are set up. Analytical expressions of wave speed are obtained for both s=1 and s=2 waves, which correspond to a fluid-dominated wave and an axial shell wave, respectively. The numerical results for wave speed and wave attenuation are obtained and discussed subsequently. It shows that the frequency depends on phase velocity, and the attenuation of this mode depends strongly on material parameters of the pipe and the internal and the external fluid fields. The characteristics of PVC pipe are studied for a comparison. The effects of shell thickness/radius ratio and density of the contained fluid on the model are also discussed. The study provides a theoretical basis and helps to accurately predict the situation of submarine pipelines, which also has practical application prospect in the field of pipeline leakage detection.  相似文献   

针对管线绕流剪切层区的水流特征,利用射流分析的类似方法,通过简化控制方程,从理论上探讨了剪切层区的时均速度分布规律。物理试验中采用ADV测速仪对回流区流场进行了测量,对各流区流速和紊动强度变化趋势进行了讨论,并将试验结果与理论推导进行对比,二者基本吻合,为进一步研究海底管线防护措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

管道施工质量直接关系到海底管道能否长久地安全运行,施工期间各种环境载荷对管道施工质量影响较大,因此,对海洋管道进行应力计算和分析是确保管道施工质量的不可缺少的重要手段。从海洋管道漂浮拖运过程中的受力极限情况入手,应用五弯矩方程,建立管道在拖运过程中的力学分析模型,并开发相应的计算程序,经实例验证,计算结果满足实际应用要求。  相似文献   

随着海底油气管道的铺设规模越来越大,为防止管道油气泄漏而导致人员伤亡和财产损失,海底管道的日常巡检尤为重要。提出一种基于多波束点云的海底管道检测与三维重建算法,利用高频多波束声纳对水下管道进行成像,对声纳图像采用经典边缘检测算法检测管道边缘,得到相应的点云数据,将点云数据拼接成一组完整的空间点云集合,对点云集合进行三维重建。通过水池试验结果证明,提出的算法流程能够有效地实现水下管道的检测与三维重建,具有较好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

考虑阻尼海底悬跨段管道的动力特性及允许悬空长度   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以海底悬跨段输液管道为研究对象,考虑管道结构阻尼、流体附加阻尼、管内流体流动及管道轴向力和压强的作用,对其进行受力分析,导出管道振动微分方程,进而得到管道动力特性方程。用Hermit插值函数对管道的动力特性方程进行离散得到有限元表达式,采用复模态分析法,求得管道的自振频率。为防止管道发生横向涡激振动,用约化速度作为控制条件,确定管道允许悬空长度。结果表明,管道允许悬空长度随着内流流速、轴向压力和管内压强的增加而减小,随着轴向拉力的增加而加大。  相似文献   

Stability design of submarine pipelines is a very important procedure in submarine pipeline engineering design. The calculation of hydrodynamic forces caused by waves and currents acting on marine pipelines is an essential step in pipeline design for stability. The hydrodynamic forces-induced instabilities of submarine pipelines should be regarded as a wave/ current-pipeline-seabed interaction problem. This paper presents a review on hydrodynamic forces and stability research of submarine pipelines under waves and currents. The representative progress including the improved design method and guideline has been made for the marine pipelines engineering design through experimental investigations, numerical simulations and analytical models. Finally, further studies on this issue are suggested.  相似文献   

海底滑坡作为常见的海洋地质灾害,对海洋油气工程安全产生巨大威胁。海床土体失稳引起滑坡体滑动,会对海底管道产生拖曳作用。基于计算流体动力学方法(CFD)建立海底滑坡体对管道作用的评估模型,采用H-B模型描述块状滑坡体并与试验比较验证,分析不同海床倾斜度滑坡对管道的作用并拟合表达式;研究了海底管道在滑坡作用下的力学响应,并采用极限状态方法开展海底滑坡作用下管道结构极限安全分析,探讨了管道埋地状态时的极限安全界限,建立滑坡作用下管道结构安全分析方法。研究表明:滑坡对管道作用力与海床倾角呈现正相关,而覆土层厚度对作用力影响较小;随着不排水抗剪强度的减小,允许的滑坡宽度和速度均增加,表明土体不排水抗剪强度与引起的拖曳力呈正相关;滑坡土体宽度对极限安全速度影响较大。  相似文献   

The stability of submarine pipelines has been extensively studied by coastal engineers in recent years. Seismic-induced pore pressure and effective stresses in the saturated porous seabed and pipeline are the main important factors in the analysis of foundation stability around submarine pipelines. The majority research of the seismic-induced dynamic response around an offshore pipeline has been limited to two-dimension cases. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element model including buried pipeline is established by extending DYNE3WAC. Based on the proposed numerical model, a parametric study is conducted to examine the effects of soil characteristics and pipeline configurations on the seismic-induced soil response around offshore pipelines.  相似文献   

With the increasing development and utilization of offshore oil and gas resources, global buckling failures of pipelines subjected to high temperature and high pressure are becoming increasingly important. For unburied or semi-buried submarine pipelines, lateral global buckling represents the main form of global buckling. The pipe–soil interaction determines the deformation and stress distribution of buckling pipelines. In this paper, the nonlinear pipe–soil interaction model is introduced into the analysis of pipeline lateral global buckling, a coupling method of PSI elements and the modified RIKS algorithm is proposed to study the lateral global buckling of a pipeline, and the buckling characteristics of submarine pipeline with a single arch symmetric initial imperfection under different pipe–soil interaction models are studied. Research shows that, compared with the ideal elastic–plastic pipe–soil interaction model, when the DNV-RP-F109 model is adopted to simulate the lateral pipe–soil interactions in the lateral global buckling of a pipeline, the buckling amplitude increases, however, the critical buckling force and the initial buckling temperature difference decreases. In the DNV-RP-F109 pipe–soil interaction model, the maximum soil resistance, the residual soil resistance, and the displacement to reach the maximum soil resistance have significant effects on the analysis results of pipeline global buckling.  相似文献   

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