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分析比对了GPS单点测速技术与其他已有测波手段的不同,讨论了基于多普勒频移的GPS测速方法,并分析了各类误差对测速精度的影响。分别利用原始多普勒值和导出多普勒值进行了静态测速试验和动态测速试验,将导出多普勒测速结果与RTK(RealTimeKinematic,实时动态测量系统)位置差分测速进行了比测。结果表明,使用静态数据采用高频导出多普勒值测速的精度可以达到亚厘米级每秒,而采用原始多普勒观测值进行测速因接收机型号的不同,结果差异较大;动态测速试验中,采用导出多普勒测速的方法与RTK位置差分测速的符合精度可达cm/s。  相似文献   

GPS测波技术分析与初步实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测波浮标是一种方便可行的波浪测量方法,首先分析了单点GPS接收机测波浮标的测量原理,然后做了单点GPS接收机测速实验和单点GPS接收机模拟测波实验,并对这两个实验的数据进行了分析处理,最后提出了单点GPS接收机测波浮标的初步设计方案,为进一步推动这项测波技术的国产化打下了基础。  相似文献   

采用声学多普勒流速仪(ADV)和多点测波仪的实验资料,对分段式造波机生成的多向随机波浪进行方向谱分析.结果表明,分段式造波机生成的多向随机波浪的时间平稳性优于空间均匀性;贝叶斯方法(BDM)适合于流速实验资料和阵列波浪资料的方向谱分析,给出的方向谱满足随机波浪的内禀性质(如光滑性、连续性等);流速资料和阵列波浪资料给出的方向谱具有相当的精度,但与测速的深度有关;三参量(如三点波浪、两个方向的速度分量和一点波浪等)可给出具有相当精度的方向谱;给出了衡量方向谱精度的初步标准.  相似文献   

近海海洋工程波浪观测中较为广泛使用的测波方法主要包括压力式测波、声学测波和重力式测波等。三种观测方法各有优势,需根据历史资料、地理环境和任务目的设计合理的观测形式,可以选择一种或多种形式组合的形式,以达到最佳的观测效果。使用GPS测波浮标、AWAC声学海流/波浪测量仪和TWR-2050压力式波潮仪的实测资料进行了对比分析,结果显示,测波浮标与AWAC所测数据相关性较一致;TWR压力波潮仪与AWAC测量的波高趋势基本一致,但周期短、波高小的海域和时间段测量准确度较差。  相似文献   

全面地比较和总结了当前包括压力式测波、声学式测波、浮标式测波和遥测式测波在内的几种主要的海洋波浪测量方法的技术特点;对相应类型的典型代表型号的仪器主要技术指标进行了对比;对不同类型测量方法及其对应的仪器的具体适用环境给出了分析和建议。实际结合了ADCP,AWAC,Wave Duo测波浮球等几种海洋波浪测量仪器于2014年12月在江苏省南通市近海相近区域的同步实测数据,对这几种仪器的海洋波浪测量的响应和过程特征进行了对比和分析,这对相关的海洋波浪测量技术和对应的测波仪器设备特点也是一个很好的验证。  相似文献   

提出了一种实验室波长估计的新方法。在实验室中,使用同步测量的多个测波仪采集波面起伏数据,并根据不同测波仪数据的相关性,计算通过两个测波仪的波浪传播速度,并由此计算波浪波长,计算结果与传统的根据频散关系计算波长对比。分析结果表明:这种新的方法比原有的根据频散关系计算波长更为合理。同时,针对该方法分辨率较低的不足,本文提出了一种新的测波仪数据的插值方法。通过分析实验数据表明:这种新的插值方法有效地提高原有方法的波长计算精度。通过测波仪数据相关性及插值方法配合,该方法可以更合理计算海浪波长。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于复相关测频原理的多普勒测速算法,针对该算法受信噪比影响较大的情况提出了一种基于遍历噪声修正的测速优化算法。仿真结果表明:该优化算法能减弱噪声对测速精度的影响,尤其在低信噪比的情况下,能有效提高多普勒测速精度。  相似文献   

为了更加合理、有效地利用海流测速数据,必须进行误差分解和校正。通过分析相控阵声学多普勒海流剖面仪(PAADCP)测试海流流速的原理,提出了海试数据粗差区别与动态校正的算法,采用小波多尺度分析方法,降低了系统误差和随机误差,建立了海流流速的误差分析与校正方法。利用海试实测的垂向流速数据,分析了一般情况下的海流流速的误差,得到垂向流速的均值±0.02 m/s,误差精确度小于0.23 m/s,验证了方法的有效性及合理性。所得算法和方法对于海流测速数据的实时处理和后处理具有实用价值。  相似文献   

单点GPS浮标测波方法与数据质量控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首先对GPS浮标测波原理进行分析,介绍了GPS接收器测量运动参数的多普勒方法;然后对于在现场测量中可能发生的采样丢失所导致的数据间断进行探讨,并提出了间断接续和冗余采样的解决方法,通过数值模拟实验证明了数据质量控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

郑大钧 《海洋科学》1984,8(4):39-39
随着海浪理论研究的深入,水气交换、海岸工程及室内精密波浪实验测量都需要有一种精度高、频响宽、稳定性好和使用方便的测量仪器。中国科学院海洋研究所研制的CB型垂线测波仪满足了上述要求。1983年12月13日—14日在天津市举办的配联CB型垂线测波仪的SCF型微处理机数据采集分析装置鉴定会上。与会代表认为,CB型垂线测波仪精度高、动态范围大、稳定性能好,适用于近海、内河、湖泊等现场测量及实验室波浪测量。  相似文献   

Near-bed horizontal (cross-shore) and vertical velocity measurements were acquired in a laboratory wave flume over a 1:8 sloping sand beach of finite depth. Data were acquired using a three-component acoustic Doppler velocimeter to measure the velocity field close to, but at a fixed distance from the bed. The near-bed velocity field is examined as close as 1.5 cm above a trough and crest of a ripple under three different types of wave forcing (Stokes waves, Stokes groups, and irregular waves). Although both horizontal and vertical velocity measurements were made, attention is focused primarily on the vertical velocity. The results clearly indicate that the measured near-bed vertical velocity (which was outside the wave-bottom boundary layer) is distinctly nonzero and not well predicted by linear theory. Spectral and bispectral analysis techniques indicate that the vertical velocity responds differently depending on the location over a ripple, and that ripple-induced effects on the velocity field are present as high as 4–8 cm above the bed (for vortex ripples with wavelengths on the order of 8 cm and amplitudes on the order of 2 cm). At greater heights above the bed, the observed wave-induced motion is adequately predicted by the linear theory.  相似文献   

本文利用TerraSAR-X(TSX)卫星于2010年4月22日在南海东沙岛附近海域获取的数据进行海洋内孤立波动力要素和海表流速信息的提取研究。基于TSX数据的后向散射强度信息,利用经验模态分解法得到内孤立波半波宽度,再利用两层模型法和参数化法计算得到内孤立波振幅和相速度。反演结果显示,利用参数化方法得到的振幅(约21~39 m)和两层模型法得到的相速度(约1.07 m/s)与历史实测资料较为一致。进而利用TSX的顺轨干涉数据获取研究海域内的多普勒速度,再分别采用M4S模型法和直接分离法处理,进而提取海表流速。结果显示,两种方法得到的海表流速的全场平均值较为一致,均为1.10 m/s左右。M4S模型法对流速最大值的改变量较大而直接分离法对流速最小值的改变量较大。M4S模型对内孤立波波峰线区域海表流速的修正大于无内孤立波的海域。最后,基于KdV方程计算得到内孤立波引起的表面流的流速约为0.28 m/s,对反演出的海表流速贡献占比23%。  相似文献   

台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降通量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已改进的Williams模型中,应用GW03海表动力学粗糙度参数化方案,考虑波浪对干沉降速率的影响,结合卫星资料和再分析资料,计算了台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率,并利用2006~2007年走航观测结果计算了台湾海峡总悬浮颗粒物的入海通量.其结果表明:台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率及总悬浮颗粒物干沉降通量具有明显的时空变化特征.台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率范围为5.83~6.17 cm/s,平均值为6.00 cm/s.其中冬季气溶胶干沉降速率最大,平均值为6.08 cm/s;夏季气溶胶干沉降速率最小,平均值为5.85 cm/s.台湾海峡气溶胶总悬浮颗粒物的干沉降通量也呈现出冬季的高[均值为7.31μg/(m2.s)],夏季的低[均值为2.23μg/(m2.s)]的特征.从空间分布上看,台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率出现1个高值中心,位于台湾海峡北部海域.总悬浮颗粒物干沉降通量出现2个高值中心和1个低值中心,分别位于台湾海峡北部海域、汕头至厦门海域和南海中北部海域.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the implication of geoacoustic behaviors in the shallow marine sediments associated with the changes in geotechnical index properties. Two piston cores (270 cm and 400 cm in core length) used in this study were recovered from stations 1 and 2, the western continental margin, the East Sea. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to illustrate the effects of microstructure on shear properties. The direct SEM observation of sediment fabrics is inevitable to understand the correlation of the changes in geoacoustic properties to the sediment structure. The consolidation of sediments by overburden stress resulting in the clay fabric alteration appears to play an important role in changing shear properties. Water contents and porosity of sediments gradually decreases with increasing depth, whereas wet bulk density shows a reverse trend. It is interesting to note that shear wave velocities increase rapidly from 8 to 20 m/s while compressional wave velocities significantly fluctuate, ranging from 1450 to 1550 m/s with depth. The fabric changes in sediment with increasing depth for example, uniform grain size and well oriented clay fabrics may cause the shear strength increase from 1 to 12 kPa. Shear wave velocity is, therefore, shown to be very sensitive to the changes in undrained strength for unconsolidated marine sediments. This correlation allows an in-situ estimation of shear stress in the subsurface from shear wave velocity data.  相似文献   

采用压电陶瓷弯曲元法和共振柱试验的方法对采自我国海域的一些典型海底浅表层沉积物样品进行了剪切波速测试,获得首批可信数据.两种方法所测得的剪切波速数据具有很好的一致性,且在数赫兹至数十千赫兹频段范围内剪切波速不具明显弥散性.剪切波速与沉积物类型关系密切,不同海区和不同类型海底沉积物的剪切波速有明显差异.近海较细颗粒沉积物粉砂的剪切波速在100m/s左右,细颗粒沉积物的剪切波速在100m/s以下;陆架较粗颗粒沉积物的剪切波速最大,超过100m/s;深海、半深海细颗粒沉积物的剪切波速最低,小于50m/s.剪切波速与含水量、密度、孔隙度、塑限和液限等沉积物物理参数之间具很好的相关性,反映了剪切波速和物理性质之间的密切关系.剪切波速与压缩波速呈正相关性,但在不同的波速范围剪切波速随压缩波速的变化有很大不同.  相似文献   

利用对苏北废黄河口25 h三船同步声学多普勒测流仪(ADP)测流和悬浮体观测资料,研究了向上分量流速对悬浮泥沙扩散和输运的影响。ADP测量不仅提供水平方向的流分量,还提供垂向的流分量,各分量帮助了解底层悬浮泥沙与海底的沉积物的交换和向上扩散。向上流分量比水平方向的流分量小,值在5 cm/s以内,但是它的变化是有规律的,随涨潮、落潮发生变化。本地区潮周期内悬浮泥沙的变化与潮流相位变化密切,沙峰出现在涨急或落急之后,3个站在潮周期内都出现4个沙峰。但是,各站悬沙的再悬浮是不同的。分析显示,10 m水深处,底层存在较强的再悬浮和再沉积,存在向上和向下的流;而在水深15~17 m处,底部、下部主要是向上的分量,只有上部存在向下分量,因此较深处可能较少发生沉积。  相似文献   

The spectral structure of oceanic incoherent Doppler sonar data is analyzed with Fourier and two finite-parameter modeling methods (Spectral Moment Estimation (SME) and AutoRegressive (AR)). Fourier spectral analysis, applied to long-range segments of echo return data, validates a theoretical point scattering model. It is demonstrated that Fourier spectral techniques, applied to data from incoherent sonar systems, cannot be used to probe oceanic spectral and velocity fields on the scales that frequently are important in oceanographic applications. The finite-parameter methods model the spectral structure on closely spaced range intervals. The SME method calculates the first moment of the Doppler spectrum at each range interval and the AR method provides spectral estimates at these same intervals. Trade-offs in estimating scatterer radial velocity using the various algorithms are considered. It is shown that a frequency-integrated AR technique has velocity estimation performance comparable to the SME method. In addition, the AR technique reveals that several regions of data possess asymmetric spectral structure. The implications of this spectral structure for oceanic velocity estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

A Doppler compensation system is presented which is suitable for high-data-rate acoustic communication between rapidly moving platforms such as autonomous underwater vehicles. The proposed approach provides a generic preprocessor to conventional adaptive receiver structures with only a marginal increase in computational load and hardware cost. The preprocessor employs a novel Doppler estimation technique and efficient sample rate conversion to remove Doppler shift induced by platform velocity and acceleration. Performance predicted by simulation is compared to that of sea trials of a prototype communication system in the North Sea. Successful communication is demonstrated at 16 kbit/s with a transmitting platform moving at up to ±2.6 m/s  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of net residual discharge in tidally affected rivers and estuaries are possible because of recently developed ultrasonic discharge measurement techniques. Ultrasonic measurement methods consist of: 1) the use of ultrasonic instruments for the measurement of a representative “index” velocity used for in situ estimation of mean water velocity and 2) the use of the acoustic Doppler current discharge measurement system to calibrate the index velocity measurement data. Methods used to calibrate (rate) the index velocity to the channel velocity measured using the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler are the most critical factors affecting the accuracy of net discharge estimation. The index velocity first must be related to mean channel velocity and then used to calculate instantaneous channel discharge. Finally, discharge is low-pass filtered to remove the effects of the tides. An ultrasonic velocity meter discharge-measurement site in a tidally affected region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers was used to study the accuracy of the index velocity calibration procedure. Calibration data consisting of ultrasonic velocity meter index velocity and concurrent acoustic Doppler discharge measurement data were collected during three time periods. Two sets of data were collected during a spring tide (monthly maximum tidal current) and one of data collected during a neap tide (monthly minimum tidal current). The relative magnitude of instrumental errors, acoustic Doppler discharge measurement errors, and calibration errors were evaluated  相似文献   

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