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星载海洋盐度计依据海表面盐度在微波波段的辐射特性,通过构建海面微波辐射探测器,利用海面辐射亮温、海表面粗糙度以及海面温度等信息反演得到海表面盐度,是实现全球海洋盐度观测的有效手段。构建合理的星载L波段盐度计辐射传输正演模型是准确定量反演海表盐度的基础,卫星盐度计观测亮温不仅与卫星固有参数有关,还与海洋、大气及空间因素密切相关。为了研究外界环境因素(海表盐度、温度、海面风场、海面气压、海表气温、大气水汽含量、降雨以及法拉第旋转角等)对盐度计观测亮温的影响,文中基于L波段盐度计辐射传输正演模型以及MPM93大气毫米波传播模型,通过敏感性分析,研究星载盐度计在不同环境条件下的参数敏感性,为减小外界因素对海表盐度反演精度的不利影响提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于随机森林方法反演墨西哥湾海表盐度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐度是表征物理和生物地球化学过程的重要参数之一,光学遥感可满足较高分辨率的监测需要并避免射频干扰问题,为沿海水域的海表盐度研究提供可行的途径。本文基于MODIS-Aqua的412 nm、443 nm、488 nm、555 nm和667 nm波段的遥感反射率(Rrs412、Rrs443、Rrs488、Rrs555、Rrs667)、海表温度以及实测的海表盐度数据构建随机森林模型,基于模型结果分析墨西哥湾海表盐度时空异质性及海表盐度与影响因子(海表温度和遥感反射率)之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:(1)随机森林模型能较准确地反演墨西哥湾海表盐度,其均方根误差为0.335,决定系数为0.931;(2)湾区海表盐度空间分布呈近岸?河口低、离岸高,环状向内增值的态势,其变化受河流流量、风力以及环流的影响;(3)海表温度与海表盐度存在较强的相关性,海表温度对海表盐度的反演影响显著;(4)海表温度、遥感反射率与海表盐度的相关性呈现空间异质性。  相似文献   

海洋的盐度观测对于气候和海洋科学的研究有重要的意义,盐度的卫星遥感观测需要估计各种因素带来的误差影响。本文基于海面微波辐射理论和海水相对电容率等模型,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法研究了在盐度遥感中温度误差、仪器误差以及风速误差对于后续的盐度反演的影响。通过计算温度误差产生的盐度误差,并与敏感性方法的对比发现,在低温低盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较大,2种方法的偏差较大;而在高温高盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较小,2种方法的偏差较小。辐射计仪器噪声对盐度误差的影响普遍在0.1psu以上,在低温低盐时可达0.5psu以上。风速误差对盐度反演误差的影响在水平极化状态下随入射角增大,在温度低于20℃时普遍超过1psu;在垂直极化状态下随入射角先减小后增大,在温度低于20℃以及较小的入射角下误差也会超过1psu。对误差的综合分析发现,采用垂直极化状态在高温时这2种误差的影响较小。研究发现,当入射角是45.6°和垂直极化状态下,对于3种典型海面状态(35℃和35psu,20℃和35psu,5℃和30psu),反演的盐度反演误差可达到0.162,0.153和0.444psu,达到了卫星单次扫描对盐度反演的误差要求。  相似文献   

海表盐度(Sea Surface Salinity,SSS)是研究海洋对全球气候影响的重要参量,欧洲航天局(European Space Agency,ESA)设计研发的SMOS(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity)是专用于探测海水盐度的卫星之一。受射频干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)等因素的影响,SMOS卫星盐度产品的精度难以达到预期效果。为了提高SMOS卫星海表盐度产品精度,本文提出一种基于深度神经网络的海表盐度反演算法。以太平洋中部海域(150°E~180°,5°~30°N)为研究区域,利用Argo浮标实测盐度数据为参考真值,将SMOS卫星L1C、L2级产品与Argo盐度数据进行时空匹配。并根据海洋遥感和辐射传输理论,选取亮温(Brightness Temperature,TB)、海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)、降雨率(Rain Rate,RR)、波高(Significant Wave Height,SWH)、纬向风速(Zonal Wind Speed,ZWS)、经向风速(Meridional Wind Speed,MWS)和蒸发量(Evaporation,Eva)七个影响盐度的重要参数,利用K折交叉验证法,构建了深度神经网络(Deep Neural Network, DNN)模型,对SMOS卫星L2级数据进行反演。实验结果表明,利用本文算法计算得到的海表盐度数据平均绝对误差为0.159,均方根误差为0.195,均明显优于SMOS盐度产品精度,本文提出的算法能够提供更精准的海表盐度产品。  相似文献   

Aquarius是NASA于2011年6月发射的基于主被动遥感技术的盐度观测卫星,其主要载荷是一个工作于L波段的微波辐射计。Aquarius天线三波束扫描刈幅可达390km,在7d内完成对全球海域的盐度观测。海面风浪导致海面粗糙度的变化,进而影响海面微波辐射特性。粗糙海面辐射亮温是盐度信息提取的重要误差源,需要发展相应的海面辐射模型进行修正。本文利用Aquarius观测的海表亮温数据,与扫描微波辐射计WindSat测量数据进行时空匹配,建立了一个描述粗糙海面L波段辐射特性的参数化模型,进而利用该模型进行了海表盐度反演,并将反演结果与Argo实测盐度数据进行了比较。结果表明,本文发天展的参数化模型可以准确描述中低风速条件下的粗糙海面辐射,在12m/s以上高风速条件下对粗糙海面亮温存在高估;采用此模型反演的盐度误差优于0.5,在高风速条件下盐度反演误差可超过1。  相似文献   

海表面盐度遥感技术的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章回顾了近40 a来海水盐度遥感技术的发展,包括遥感原理、反演算法、影响因素、航空实验、卫星遥感等方面取得的进展。指出,以1.400~1.427 GH z为海水盐度遥感的首选波段,采用L波段(1.4 GH z)和S波段(2.65 GH z)组成的双波段、双极化、较大入射角的天线工作方式有助于提高盐度遥感的精度。影响盐度遥感的三个主要因素是:太空、海面和大气。目前,航空盐度遥感的反演精度已经达到了0.3 psu。  相似文献   

海表面盐度是研究海洋对全球气候影响以及大洋环流的重要参量之一,而卫星遥感技术是获取海表面盐度数据的最有效方法.目前,L波段的SMOS和Aquarius/SAC-D遥感卫星正在用于探测海表面盐度,并根据卫星观测数据和物理机制反演出海表面盐度的产品.但在某些近陆地区域,由于淡水流入及陆地射频(RFI)等因素影响,卫星反演盐度的产品精度较低.文中利用“东方红2号”科学考察船的实测数据、SMOS卫星数据,首次针对中国南海海域提出了用贝叶斯网络模型计算海表面盐度,并用验证数据集(实测Argo盐度)对模型进行适应性评估.经过计算,模型误差和验证误差分别为0.47 psu和0.45 psu,而相应的SMOS Level 2产品的精度分别为1.90 psu和1.82 psu.此模型为海表面盐度的计算提供了一个新方法.  相似文献   

中等海况下,星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)已经广泛应用于海洋动力环境要素的监测(风场、波浪、流场)。近年来,SAR高海况遥感,尤其是探测台风海面风场、巨浪、流场已经成为国内外研究热点,并突破了一些关键技术。利用SAR多极化成像模式对海观测和新发展的地球物理模式函数,可以提取高海况下的海面风速、风向、有效波高、流速和流向等海洋表面关键物理参数。这些环境要素可以用于海洋灾害监测预警;为海洋和大气数值模式提供准确的初始场和同化源,改进模式预报精度;为研究全球气候变化提供有力的观测依据。  相似文献   

微波辐射计遥感海水盐度的水池实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过水池实验研究了L波段微波辐射和盐度的关系,并进行了盐度的反演计算。实验中,先向水池内加入天然海水,然后通过向水池中添加自来水的方式调节降低池内水体的盐度,使盐度从31.67逐步降低到27.48。在此期间,利用微波辐射计观测池内水体的L波段H极化和V极化辐射值以及S波段V极化辐射值,利用CTD观测池内水体的温度和盐度。L波段微波辐射值和根据辐射理论计算出的亮温值具有很好的线性关系。利用最大和最小的2个盐度下的微波辐射值和由辐射理论计算的亮温得到定标公式,将观测的辐射值换算为亮温。最后利用半解析的反演算法反演盐度。本次实验的反演最大误差为2.1,均方差为0.3。  相似文献   

针对传统海表盐度遥感反演精度不高、影响因素较少等问题,本文基于SMAP(Soil Moisture Active Passive)卫星L2C(Level 2 C)数据、Argo(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography)数据和其他辅助数据,以太平洋部分海域(160°E~120°W,0°~30°N)为研究区域,综合考虑海面粗糙度以及白冠覆盖率等参量,利用径向基神经网络建立RBF亮温增量模型,并对平静海面亮温进行修正,然后基于Meissner-Wentz介电常数模型得到反演后的盐度值。验证结果表明:模型预测盐度和SMAP卫星盐度相对于Argo实测盐度的均方根误差分别为0.4和0.5,平均绝对误差分别为0.3和0.4。实验证明,利用RBF神经网络建立的亮温增量模型可以提高海表盐度反演的精度,对海表盐度反演具有实用意义。  相似文献   

基于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the low spatial resolution of sea surface temperature(T_S) retrieval by real aperture microwave radiometers,in this study, an iterative retrieval method that minimizes the differences between brightness temperature(T_B)measured and modeled was used to retrieve sea surface temperature with a one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, temporarily named 1 D-SAMR. Regarding the configuration of the radiometer, an angular resolution of 0.43° was reached by theoretical calculation. Experiments on sea surface temperature retrieval were carried out with ideal parameters; the results show that the main factors affecting the retrieval accuracy of sea surface temperature are the accuracy of radiometer calibration and the precision of auxiliary geophysical parameters. In the case of no auxiliary parameter errors, the greatest error in retrieved sea surface temperature is obtained at low T_S scene(i.e., 0.710 6 K for the incidence angle of 35° under the radiometer calibration accuracy of0.5 K). While errors on auxiliary parameters are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution, the greatest error on retrieved sea surface temperature was 1.330 5 K at an incidence angle of 65° in poorly known sea surface wind speed(W)(the error on W of 1.0 m/s) over high W scene, for the radiometer calibration accuracy of 0.5 K.  相似文献   

Ocean surface mixing and drift are influenced by the mixed layer depth, buoyancy fluxes and currents below the mixed layer. Drift and mixing are also functions of the surface Stokes drift Uss, volume Stokes transport TS, a wave breaking height scale Hswg, and the flux of energy from waves to ocean turbulence Φoc. Here we describe a global database of these parameters, estimated from a well-validated numerical wave model, that uses traditional forms of the wave generation and dissipation parameterizations, and covers the years 2003–2007. Compared to previous studies, the present work has the advantage of being consistent with the known physical processes that regulate the wave field and the air–sea fluxes, and also consistent with a very large number of in situ and satellite observations of wave parameters. Consequently, some of our estimates differ significantly from previous estimates. In particular, we find that the mean global integral of Φoc is 68 TW, and the yearly mean value of TS is typically 10–30% of the Ekman transport, except in well-defined regions where it can reach 60%. We also have refined our previous estimates of Uss by using a better treatment of the high frequency part of the wave spectrum. In the open ocean, Uss  0.013U10, where U10 is the wind speed at 10 m height.  相似文献   

一维综合孔径微波辐射计能够有效提高观测的空间分辨率,其观测入射角通常在0°~55°范围内变化。为了开发适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演算法,需要评估其观测亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性。利用海面发射率模型和大气辐射传输模型,构建了适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的微波海洋大气辐射传输模式,研究了C波段垂直和水平极化微波辐射亮温在不同入射角下对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性变化情况,并定量计算了相应的敏感系数。结果表明:垂直和水平极化亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性表现出不同的特性。随着入射角的增大,垂直极化亮温对海面温度的敏感性增强,对海面风场的敏感性相对减弱;水平极化亮温则相反。由大气水汽含量和云液态水含量误差引入的垂直和水平极化亮温误差随入射角增大而增大,但是,即使在55°的大入射角下垂直和水平极化亮温误差仍小于0.12 K。对于海面温度反演精度优于1 K的要求,一维综合孔径微波辐射计的测温精度需优于0.6 K。研究结果对于一维综合孔径微波辐射计海面温度反演算法的研究和载荷设计具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual variability of the air–sea CO2 flux (F) in the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea have been investigated. Data for seawater fugacity of CO2 (fCO2sw) acquired during five cruises in the region were used to identify and validate an empirical procedure to compute fCO2sw from phosphate (PO4), seawater temperature (T), and salinity (S). This procedure was then applied to time series data of T, S, and PO4 collected in the Barents Sea Opening during the period 1990–1999, and the resulting fCO2sw estimates were combined with data for the atmospheric mole fraction of CO2, sea level pressure, and wind speed to evaluate F.The results show that the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea is an annual sink of atmospheric CO2. The monthly mean uptake increases nearly monotonically from 0.101 mol C m− 2 in midwinter to 0.656 mol C m− 2 in midfall before it gradually decreases to the winter value. Interannual variability in the monthly mean flux was evaluated for the winter, summer, and fall seasons and was found to be ± 0.071 mol C m− 2 month− 1. The variability is controlled mainly through combined variation of fCO2sw and wind speed. The annual mean uptake of atmospheric CO2 in the region was estimated to 4.27 ± 0.68 mol C m− 2.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2009,26(3-4):154-171
Ocean surface mixing and drift are influenced by the mixed layer depth, buoyancy fluxes and currents below the mixed layer. Drift and mixing are also functions of the surface Stokes drift Uss, volume Stokes transport TS, a wave breaking height scale Hswg, and the flux of energy from waves to ocean turbulence Φoc. Here we describe a global database of these parameters, estimated from a well-validated numerical wave model, that uses traditional forms of the wave generation and dissipation parameterizations, and covers the years 2003–2007. Compared to previous studies, the present work has the advantage of being consistent with the known physical processes that regulate the wave field and the air–sea fluxes, and also consistent with a very large number of in situ and satellite observations of wave parameters. Consequently, some of our estimates differ significantly from previous estimates. In particular, we find that the mean global integral of Φoc is 68 TW, and the yearly mean value of TS is typically 10–30% of the Ekman transport, except in well-defined regions where it can reach 60%. We also have refined our previous estimates of Uss by using a better treatment of the high frequency part of the wave spectrum. In the open ocean, Uss  0.013U10, where U10 is the wind speed at 10 m height.  相似文献   

关于南海北部上层水团的分类及三维分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Using the fuzzy cluster analysis and the temperature-salinity(T-S) similarity number analysis of cruise conductivity-temperature-depth(CTD) data in the upper layer(0–300 m) of the northern South China Sea(NSCS), we classify the upper layer water of the NSCS into six water masses: diluted water(D), surface water(SS),the SCS subsurface water mass(U_S), the Pacific Ocean subsurface water mass(U_P), surface-subsurface mixed water(SU) and subsurface-intermediate mixed water(UI). A new stacked stereogram is used to illustrate the water mass distribution, and to examine the source and the distribution of U_P, combining with the sea surface height data and geostrophic current field. The results show that water mass U_P exists in all four seasons with the maximum range in spring and the minimum range in summer. In spring and winter, the U_P intrudes into the Luzon Strait and the southwest of Taiwan Island via the northern Luzon Strait in the form of nonlinear Rossby eddies, and forms a high temperature and high salinity zone east of the Dongsha Islands. In summer, the U_P is sporadically distributed in the study area. In autumn, the U_P is located in the upper 200 m layer east of Hainan Island.  相似文献   

姜正  张荣华  宫勋 《海洋与湖沼》2023,3(3):689-702
为研究赤道太平洋海表二氧化碳分压(pCO2sw)年际变化的机制,基于中科院海洋所宋金明研究团队于2021年发布的中国首套全球海表二氧化碳分压数据产品,使用相关性分析、经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function, EOF)分析和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition, SVD)等方法,研究了2005~2019年赤道太平洋pCO2sw气候态分布及其去趋势后的年际异常的时空演变特征;结合pCO2sw与多种参数的相关性和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)过程探讨了赤道中西太平洋pCO2sw年际异常中心形成的原因。研究结果显示,热带太平洋pCO2sw季节变化、年际异常及其EOF第一模态特征向量沿赤道均出现两个中心,其中一个在赤道中西太平洋日界线附近,另一个在赤道中东...  相似文献   

A useful radiance-converting method was developed to convert the Landsat-7 ETM+thermal-infrared (TIR) band’s radiance (Lλ,L7/ETM+) to that of Landsat-5 TM TIR (Lλ,L5/TM) as: Lλ,L5/TM=0.9699xLλ,L7/ETM++0.1074 (R2=1). In addition, based on the radiance-converting equation and the linear relation between digital number (DN) and at-satellite radiance, a DN-converting equation can be established to convert DN value of the TIR band between Landsat-5 and Landsat-7. Via this method, it is easy to integrate Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 TIR data to retrieve the sea surface temperature (SST) in coastal waters on the basis of local empirical algorithms in which the radiance or DN of Lansat-5 and 7 TIR band is usually the only input independent variable. The method was employed in a local empirical algorithm in Daya Bay, China, to detect the thermal pollution of cooling water discharge from the Daya Bay nuclear power station (DNPS). This work demonstrates that radiance conversion is an effective approach to integration of Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 data in the process of a SST retrieval which is based on local empirical algorithms.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTherehavebeenmanystudiesandcomputationsonVToftheKuroshiointheEastChinaThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49476278.Asanditsvacation.Forexample,(1)basedonhydrographicobservationsatactionG(PN)f...  相似文献   

Aquasi-three-dimensionalnumericalpredictionmodelofsalinitystructureinBohaiSeaandHuanghaiSea¥SunWeiyangandWangZongshan(Receive...  相似文献   

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