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有桩靴的桩基在黄河三角洲海域表层硬粉土厚度<3.5 m的区域插桩时,桩靴下部会形成残留楔体进入下卧软土层内,导致实际插桩深度比理论计算插桩深度少0.5~1.0 m.表层粉土冲切破坏形成弹性楔体,其厚度与桩靴宽度和地基土的内摩擦角有关.楔形体的产生可利用太沙基(K.Terzaghi)浅基础理论结合滑移线场理论解释.残留楔体的厚度受软黏土的厚度和抗剪强度控制.  相似文献   

基于小凌河、大凌河、双台子河、大辽河附近的钻孔资料,分析了4条河流附近的沉积物组成以及工程地质特征。结果表明,辽河三角洲地区沉积物为粉土、黏土和砂土为主,在小凌河地区14 m以下地层出现了厚度达16 m的砾石层;辽河三角洲小凌河和大凌河地区浅部地层有一层超过1 m的淤泥层,工程性质较差,除淤泥层外,其他地层含水量一般不超过30%,以中低压缩性土为主;辽河三角洲地区的承载力特征随着深度的增加而增大;在桩径为1 200 mm,壁厚24.0 mm的钢管桩情况下,辽河三角洲地区30 m深度处地层单桩极限承载力的最大值均可达到9 000 k N,但在淤泥层、粉质黏土和黏土层的承载力出现急剧减少的现象,在工程建设中应根据实际情况选择合适的持力层。研究成果对该地区的陆地工程建设和防灾减灾具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

佘稳  蒋宝凡  刘剑涛 《海洋工程》2021,39(3):148-155
自升式钻井平台插桩深度分析要求高,难度大,可检验性非常强。常规计算模式主要为“穿刺破坏模式”和“排挤破坏模式”。对于某些地质条件复杂的井场,按这两种模式分析计算的结果仍存在个别预测不准的情况。因此,如何提高钻井平台插桩分析的准确性,是目前需要攻克的一个技术难点。在总结工程插桩实践经验的基础上,提出了一种新的分析模式,即“混合破坏模式”。以南海一个工程实例进行具体分析,该井场应用“混合破坏模式”分析的插桩结果与实际结果较为吻合。并对数个复杂井场的实际插桩结果进行了统计分析,总结了桩端土体破坏模式的影响因素及“混合破坏模式”的特点,为在复杂地层中进行插桩分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

渤海盆地明下段广泛发育浅水三角洲沉积,基于高分辨率层序地层学方法研究其平面发育形态和纵向演化规律,发现在长周期下降半旋回内部早、中、晚期,浅水三角洲平面展布形态依次为坨状、朵叶状和鸟足状。井间对比结果显示,在纵向上早期湖浪作用强,浅水三角洲前缘砂体间相对孤立、连通性差,但砂体内部物性好;中期分支河道间以侧向叠置为主;晚期河道则以垂向叠加为主。浅水三角洲前缘砂体垂向演化规律,主要受沉积物供给速率和可容空间的相对变化所控制。通过滚动勘探开发,有效地预测了储层砂体展布,而在单砂体水平井开发过程中,浅水三角洲的平面展布形态和纵向叠置关系也影响了水平井的砂岩钻遇率。统计结果表明坨状浅水三角洲水平井砂岩钻遇率最高,为84.0%;鸟足状次之,为81.5%;朵叶状由于河道侧向摆动,钻遇率最低,为72.6%。  相似文献   

金湖凹陷阜三段沉积相分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据岩心微相、砂体剖面层序和砂体平面展布分析,对金湖凹陷阜三段沉积微相进行了研究,研究表明整个凹陷共发育了3个三角洲垛体,其中源于张八岭隆起和建湖隆起的水系在西斜坡形成了广布型的三角洲前缘沉积,另2个位于卞闵杨地区和在宝应地区,三角洲前缘相带分异比较明显,由三角洲前缘的水下分流河道-河口砂坝变为前缘席状砂和前三角洲。水下分流河道和河口砂坝砂体相互连接,形成厚度较稳定的三角洲前缘复合体,加之临近生油层,三角洲前缘砂体具有较大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

对2007年采自越南红河水下三角洲北区24个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度分析和粒度参数计算,初步探讨了该区沉积物的主要类型及分布特征。结果表明,越南红河水下三角洲北区的表层沉积物主要由粉砂组成(体积平均含量为54.35%),平均粒径为6φ。按Link沉积物命名法,该区沉积物主要类型有砂、砂质粉砂和黏土质粉砂。水平分布上,由西部的砂向东逐渐变为黏土质粉砂,呈现出由近岸三角洲前缘相的粗粒级沉积物逐渐向前三角洲-浅海相的细粒级沉积物变化的趋势。与前人研究成果对比发现,红河水下三角洲北区沉积物黏土的比例较1996年的比例明显增大,可能与海岸线近10a来总体上呈向陆迁移、水下三角洲沉积向岸蚀退以及纵向上水动力逐渐变弱有关。  相似文献   

在分析桩靴式钻井平台插桩过程中地基土的破坏形式的基础上,将桩靴下土体破坏面假定为锥形面,根据极限平衡理论,推导出了均匀、双层地基土中基于被动土压力的插桩阻力计算公式。通过插桩实例对所推导的公式进行了验证,分析比较了极限承载力与插桩阻力的异同,讨论了插桩阻力计算公式推导过程中土体假设为锥形破坏面的合理性,认为本文推导的插桩阻力计算公式作为桩靴式钻井平台插桩深度预测方法更接近实际插桩结果。  相似文献   

徐韦  程和琴  黄知  郑树伟  陈钢 《海洋学报》2019,41(1):172-182
近海海底地形探测与沉积物精确分类对涉海工程建设、生物栖息地反演以及海底资源勘查与开发具有重要的现实意义。以澳洲Joseph Bonaparte湾为例,利用多波束测深技术获取了该海湾约880 km2水域的水深数据与背向散射强度信号,结合同步采集的54个海底表层沉积物样品,通过随机决策树模型对该海域海底表层沉积物进行了分类研究。结果表明:(1)利用随机决策树模型分析该海域沉积物类型与背向散射强度的关系时,当模型内部参数设置:树的总数为200,最小分裂节点为2,每棵树的最大分裂级数为5时,可提高预测准确率;(2)该参数设置下,利用13°和37°入射角的背向散射强度预测该海域沉积物类型时,准确率最高,其值为83.3%,且在研究海域,砂质砾和砾质砂分布在背向散射强度较强的深槽或海沟等地区,而砾质泥质砂和含砾泥质砂主要分布在背向散射强度较弱的浅水海域。分析还发现,当水深数据作为预测海底表层沉积物类型的特征变量时,有可能降低最终预测结果的准确率。  相似文献   

新近系明化镇组下段(明下段,N1ml)为黄河口凹陷BZ34油区的主力含油层段,该时期主要发育河控型浅水三角洲前缘沉积。为更好地表征前缘砂体的结构特征及展布规律,以BZ34油区明下段Ⅱ油组为例,综合应用岩芯、地震属性和测井等资料,分析总结了该地区的砂体沉积类型、砂体结构及沉积模式。研究结果表明:BZ34油区明下段Ⅱ油组砂体以浅水三角洲前缘水下分流河道为主;依据测井形态和叠置关系,将其砂体结构类型划分为4种:块状切叠型河道、层状叠置型河道、层状孤立型河道和指状孤立型河道;砂体结构展布特征及成因主要受古地形、沉积物供给速率、基准面旋回和古气候等因素影响。BZ34油区的水下分流河道沉积,具有垂向上交错叠置、平面上摆动连片的分布特征,与鄱阳湖现代河控浅水三角洲河道的沉积特征类似。该研究对BZ34油区后期部署加密调整井和剩余油挖潜工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

自升式平台插桩是地基土在桩靴荷载作用下发生连续塑性破坏的过程,当地基极限承载力等于桩靴荷载时插桩完成。经典土力学极限承载力理论对土体潜在滑动面做了假设,无法有效分析土体内部的破坏过程。因而,研究采用有限元极限分析法对单一地层中插桩时地基土渐进破坏过程进行了模拟,并与Skempton、Terzaghi公式计算的极限承载力进行了对比,取得了较为一致的结果,同时对插桩深度进行了预测。  相似文献   

The northern Portuguese coastal zone is drained by large Iberian rivers, along which there is intensive industrial, agricultural and urban activity. Offshore of the two main river basins of the Douro and Minho, two fine-grained sedimentary formations can be characterised. A geochemical study of this sediment cover has been performed focussing in particular on the fine deposits and the adjacent estuaries. The chemical composition of superficial sediments collected from the northern Portuguese shelf and from the river basins of the Minho and Douro rivers was determined for major, minor and trace elements; the rare earth elements (REE) composition was also determined in selected samples. Statistical analyses of these data for the shelf sediments allow us to identify elements with similar behaviours and the different sediment types along the shelf, and to evaluate of their origins. Downcore profiles of the chemical composition of the fine sediments reveal no evidence for changes induced by recent human activities. To assess the influence of the rivers on the fine sedimentary formations, the elemental distribution patterns of selected sediments have been compared with the estuarine sediments. Lithogenic elements composition normalised to Al and the shale normalised REE distributions showed there are similarities between the Douro River sediments and the sediment composition of the Douro and Galicia mud patches. However, the Galicia mud field showed no relationship in its chemical composition to sediments derived from the Minho River. Nor was any evidence for heavy metal contamination originating from the Douro estuary detected in anthropogenic element/Al ratios in the shelf sediments. This may be because of processes associated with resuspension, complexation and bioturbation that occur during sediment transport and deposition. Nevertheless, the Douro River seems to be the main continental source of fine sediments being deposited on the northern Portuguese shelf.  相似文献   

长江、黄河悬移载荷粒度组成的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对沉积物粒度参数对入海泥沙通量、物源和沉积动力模型研究的重要性,利用激光粒度分析仪对2000~2001年期间长江、黄河下游不同季节悬移载荷的粒度组成进行了比较研究。结果显示,长江下游悬移载荷的粒度组成以粉砂、粘土为主,几乎不含砂,分选较差,泥沙来源比较复杂。黄河下游悬移载荷的粒度组成以粉砂为主,粘土次之,并含少量砂,分选较差,泥沙绝大部分来自黄土高原。长江下游不同季节悬移载荷粒度组成差别较小,而黄河下游悬移载荷组成有明显的季节性变化。黄河与长江悬浮沉积物的粒度组成有显著的差异.沉积物物源、河道形态和纵比降以及水量变化可能是造成这一区别的主要原因。  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the performance of the amphipod Gammarus locusta (L.) in chronic sediment toxicity tests. It constitutes part of a multi-level assessment of chronic toxicity of estuarine sediments, integrating organism and population-level endpoints with biochemical markers responses. Here we account for organism and population-level effects, while biomarker responses were reported in a companion article. Five moderately contaminated sediments from Sado and Tagus estuaries were tested, comprising 3 muddy and 2 sandy sediments. These sediments either did not show acute toxicity or were diluted with control sediment as much as required to remove acute toxicity. Subsequent chronic tests consisted of 28-day exposures with survival, individual growth and reproductive traits as endpoints. Two of the muddy sediments induced higher growth rates in the amphipods, and improved reproductive traits. This was understood to be a consequence of the amount of organic matter in the sediment, which was nutritionally beneficial to the amphipods, while concurrently decreasing contaminant bioavailability. Biomarker responses did not reveal toxicant-induced stress in amphipods exposed to these sediments. One of the sandy sediments was acutely toxic at 50% dilution, but in contrast stimulated amphipod growth when diluted 75%. This was presumed to be an indication of a hormetic response. Finally the two remaining contaminated sediments showed pronounced chronic toxicity, affecting survival and reproduction. The sex ratio of survivors was highly biased towards females, and offspring production was severely impaired. The particulars of the responses of this amphipod were examined, as well as strengths versus limitations of the sediment test. This study illustrates the utility of this chronic test for toxicity assessment of contaminated estuarine sediments, with potential application all along Atlantic Europe.  相似文献   

对中国北方莱州湾南岸钻孔上部54m海陆交互相沉积物的亮度进行研究,探讨其作为海陆交互相沉积物的环境指标的可行性,同时通过对比不同样品处理方式所得的亮度值探讨影响亮度的几个因素。测量分2次进行,分别使用Minolta CM-2002分光光度计针对柱状原样及Minolta CR400/410色差计针对风干研磨后的散样进行。研究结果表明,海陆交互相沉积物的亮度,尤其是经过风干处理后样品的亮度值,与碳酸钙含量及粒度两个古气候代用指标均具有显著相关关系,可以将其作为碳酸钙含量的替代指标应用于海陆交互相沉积物的环境演化研究。而亮度值与碳酸钙含量不一致性,可归因于沉积物中非碳酸钙组分的性质及含量。粒度与亮度的相关性显示,钻孔砂质沉积中含有的大量深色的有机质使得钻孔中粒度0~31μm的部分比例越高,亮度会越大,而粒度>31μm的部分比例越高,亮度会越小。2次亮度值的对比表明,水分、氧化作用及研磨是沉积物2次测量所得亮度值存在差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the phosphorus distribution in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river, intensively affected by municipal effluent and agricultural activity for about 50 years. Surface sediment samples were taken at 35 sites in the estuarine area and phosphorus species and contents of total P, Al, Fe, and Ca in the sediments were measured. Results showed that the content of total P in the sediments ranged from 230 to 841 mg kg−1, with an average of 549 mg kg−1. Ca–bound P, residual P, Al–bound P, reductant–soluble P, Fe–bound P, and soluble and loosely bound P were averagely 44.5, 21.6, 13.6, 11.7, 8.9 and 0.2% of total P, respectively. With the gradual increase of total P content, Al–bound P, reductant–soluble P, and Fe–bound P generally increased, while the rest species of P did not. This might indicate that anthropogenic P is bound to Al and Fe oxides. Regression analysis showed that Al–bound P and sum of Fe–bound P and reductant–soluble P were correlated to the contents of total Al and Fe, respectively. On the other hand, Ca–bound P was not correlated to the content of total Ca in the sediment, probably suggesting that Ca–P was mainly from authigenic marine origin. Whereas the content of total P in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river was within the range of total P content for Chinese and worldwide river estuaries as well as coastal sediments, non-calcium apatite phosphorus content in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river was relatively higher, indicating higher release risk and bioavailability of P in the sediment. On the other hand, the molar ratio of total Fe to total P was 16–34 in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river, suggesting that iron oxides/hydroxides in the sediments might be able to sequester more phosphorus. Therefore, the accumulation or release of P in/from the estuarine sediments might be dependent on the external loading of P and the estuarine eutrophication may be sustained by the internal bioavailable P pools following the decrease of the external P loading.  相似文献   

为研究多环芳烃从河口到近海的环境归趋行为与生态风险,考察了沉积物质量浓度、溶解性有机质、温度、盐度4种典型环境因子对菲在黄河口沉积物上吸附的影响,比较了黄河口与近海两种沉积物对菲的吸附性能。研究结果表明,沉积物质量浓度越低,单位质量颗粒物的菲吸附量越高;共存的溶解性有机质对菲的吸附具有增促作用,且腐殖酸比黄腐酸的作用更显著;温度的升高不利于菲的吸附,而盐度的增加有利于菲的吸附。菲在沉积物上的吸附是分配作用与表面吸附两种行为的耦合,其中黄河口沉积物以表面吸附为主,而近海沉积物以分配作用为主。近海沉积物菲吸附量显著高于黄河口沉积物菲吸附量。基于此,菲从河口到近海的迁移过程中,更易于在沉积物表面发生吸附沉降,从而可能降低水相中的生态危害,但对近海底栖生物具有潜在的健康生态风险。  相似文献   

Z. Seisuma  I. Kulikova 《Oceanology》2012,52(6):780-784
The comparison of spatial and temporal distribution of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn and Fe concentrations in sediments from the Gulf of Riga and open Baltic Sea along the coastal zone is presented for the first time. There were considerable differences in Pb, Zn, Mn and Fe levels in sediment at various stations of the Gulf of Riga. A significant difference of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn levels was found in sediments of various stations in the open Baltic coast. The amount of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn and Fe levels also differed significantly in the sediments of the Gulf of Riga in different years. A considerable yearly difference in amount of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Mn levels was found in sediments in the open Baltic coast. The essential highest values of Pb and Zn in coastal sediments of the open Baltic Sea are stated in comparison with the Gulf of Riga. The concentrations of other metals have only a tendency to be higher in coastal sediments of the open Baltic Sea in comparison with the Gulf of Riga. Natural and anthropogenic factors were proved to play an important role in determining resultant metals concentrations in the regions.  相似文献   

以东海、黄海2006年4月、10月航次采集的沉积物样品为研究对象,结合沉积物中生物硅(BSi)含量的空间分布特征进而讨论BSi的反演潜力。研究发现,调查海域表层沉积物中BSi的含量介于0.018%~2.516%,平均值为0.726%,柱状沉积物中BSi的含量波动较小,相对稳定。整体而言BSi含量与相应年代的浮游植物现存量变化的趋势相近。经一元线性分析发现BSi含量与硅藻生物量的相关性显著。为进一步证实由BSi含量反演古生产力的有效性和可信度,采用Tun-nicliffe等的方法探讨了BSi含量在沉积物中的稳定性,调查结果表明,近150 a来BSi几乎没有降解,能够稳定地保存于沉积物中。综上可以初步判断沉积物中BSi含量可作为古生产力指标来反演古生产力的潜力。  相似文献   

To investigate the factors controlling lead (Pb) concentration and identify the sources of Pb in Yellow Sea sediments along the Korean coast, the concentration of Pb and Pb isotopes in 87 surface and 6 core sediment samples were analyzed. The 1 M HCl leached Pb concentrations had a similar geographic distribution to those of fine-grained sediments, while the distribution of residual Pb concentrations resembled that of coarse-grained sediments. Leached Pb was presumed to be associated with manganese (Mn) oxide and iron (Fe) oxy/hydroxide, while residual Pb was associated with potassium (K)-feldspar, based on good linear relationships between the leached Pb and the Fe/Mn concentrations, and the residual Pb and K concentrations. Based on a ratio–ratio plot with three isotopes (207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) and the geographic location of each sediment, sediments were categorized into two groups of samples as group1 and group2. Group 1 sediments, which were distributed in Gyeonggi Bay and offshore (north of 36.5°N), were determined to be a mixture of anthropogenic and natural Pb originating from the Han River, based on a 208Pb/206Pb against a Cs/Pbleached mixing plot of core and surface sediments. Group 2 sediments, which were distributed in the south of 36.5°N, also showed a two endmembers mixing relationship between materials from the Geum River and offshore materials, which had very different Pb concentrations and isotope ratios. Based on the isotopes and their concentrations in core and surface sediments, this mixing relationship was interpreted as materials from two geographically different origins being mixed, rather than anthropogenic or natural mixing of materials with the same origin. Therefore, the relative percentage of materials supplied from the Geum River was calculated using a two endmembers mixing model and estimated to be as much as about 50% at 35°N. The spatial distribution of materials derived from the Geum River represented that of fine-grained sediments originating from the Geum River. It was concluded that Pb isotopes in sediments could be used as a tracer in studies of the origin of fine-grained sediments along the Korean Yellow Sea coast.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from the Saronikos Gulf were analyzed for their aliphatic hydrocarbon (AHC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The concentrations of Fe, Cr, As, Sb, Co and Sc were also determined by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The survey was performed at the beginning of the operation of Athens’ sewage primary treatment unit and the results can be used to monitor the unit's long-term effects in the area. The composition of aliphatic hydrocarbons indicated a chronic oil-pollution in the Saronikos Gulf sediments. The industrially impacted Elefsis Bay sediments suffered from heavy petroleum pollution, while the sediments near the sewage outfall had a moderate degree of pollution. Mixed source patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with dominant pyrolytic inputs have been identified in the sediments. Total concentrations of Fe, As and Sb along with their Sc normalized values presented elevated values in Elefsis Bay sediments. Chromium was found enriched in the sediments near the Athens sewage outfall. Factor analysis results showed that a part of As and Sb in Elefsis Bay sediments could be associated with organic or sulphidic phases. In addition, the lithogenic fraction of the sediments and the Fe oxides/hydroxides were important trace element carriers. Chromium and PAH inputs from the sewage outfall were also detected. Comparison of PAH and trace element concentrations with internationally-used sediment quality guidelines (SQG) revealed that Elefsis Bay sediments had the greatest potential of causing adverse effects in benthic organisms.  相似文献   

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